
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.test

import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsNode
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

 * The receiver scope of the multi-modal input injection lambda from [performMultiModalInput].
 * The input uses the [SemanticsNode] identified by the corresponding [SemanticsNodeInteraction]
 * as the frame of reference for the event's positions. How the event is injected exactly is
 * platform dependent.
 * The functions in [MultiModalInjectionScope] are divided by modality: currently, we only have a
 * [Touch] scope. See its docs for more information.
 * Note that all events generated by the gesture methods are batched together and sent as a whole
 * after [performMultiModalInput] has executed its code block.
 * Example usage:
 * ```
 * onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
 *    .performMultiModalInput {
 *    }
 * ```
 * @see InjectionScope
 * @see TouchInjectionScope
class MultiModalInjectionScope(node: SemanticsNode, testContext: TestContext) : InjectionScope {
    // TODO(b/133217292): Better error: explain which gesture couldn't be performed
    private var _semanticsNode: SemanticsNode? = node
    internal val semanticsNode
        get() = checkNotNull(_semanticsNode) {
            "Can't query SemanticsNode, InjectionScope has already been disposed"

    // TODO(b/133217292): Better error: explain which gesture couldn't be performed
    private var _inputDispatcher: InputDispatcher? =
        createInputDispatcher(testContext, checkNotNull(semanticsNode.root))
    internal val inputDispatcher
        get() = checkNotNull(_inputDispatcher) {
            "Can't send gesture, InjectionScope has already been disposed"

     * Returns and stores the visible bounds of the [semanticsNode] we're interacting with. This
     * applies clipping, which is almost always the correct thing to do when injecting gestures,
     * as gestures operate on visible UI.
    internal val boundsInRoot: Rect by lazy { semanticsNode.boundsInRoot }

     * Returns the size of the visible part of the node we're interacting with. This is contrary
     * to [SemanticsNode.size], which returns the unclipped size of the node.
    override val visibleSize: IntSize by lazy {
        IntSize(boundsInRoot.width.roundToInt(), boundsInRoot.height.roundToInt())

     * Transforms the [position] to root coordinates.
     * @param position A position in local coordinates
     * @return [position] transformed to coordinates relative to the containing root.
    private fun localToRoot(position: Offset): Offset {
        return position + boundsInRoot.topLeft

    private fun rootToLocal(position: Offset): Offset {
        return position - boundsInRoot.topLeft

     * Adds the given [durationMillis] to the current event time, delaying the next event by that
     * time. Only valid when a gesture has already been started, or when a finished gesture is resumed.
    override fun advanceEventTime(durationMillis: Long) {

    internal fun dispose() {
        _semanticsNode = null
        _inputDispatcher = null

    val Touch: TouchInjectionScope = object : TouchInjectionScope, InjectionScope by this {
        override fun currentPosition(pointerId: Int): Offset? {
            val globalPosition = inputDispatcher.getCurrentTouchPosition(pointerId) ?: return null
            return rootToLocal(globalPosition)

        override fun down(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
            val globalPosition = localToRoot(position)
            inputDispatcher.enqueueTouchDown(pointerId, globalPosition)

        override fun updatePointerTo(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
            val globalPosition = localToRoot(position)
            inputDispatcher.updateTouchPointer(pointerId, globalPosition)

        override fun move(delayMillis: Long) {

        override fun up(pointerId: Int) {

        override fun cancel(delayMillis: Long) {