
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.node

import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.MutableVector
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.mutableVectorOf
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.DrawModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusRequesterModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusEventModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusOrderModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.gesture.nestedscroll.NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper
import androidx.compose.ui.gesture.nestedscroll.NestedScrollModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.input.key.KeyInputModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputFilter
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.HorizontalAlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureResult
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ModifierInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.OnGloballyPositionedModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.OnRemeasuredModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ParentDataModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Remeasurement
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.RemeasurementModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.merge
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.LayingOut
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.Measuring
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.NeedsRelayout
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.NeedsRemeasure
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.Ready
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.nativeClass
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.simpleIdentityToString
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsWrapper
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.outerSemantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.util.deleteAt
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

 * Enable to log changes to the LayoutNode tree.  This logging is quite chatty.
private const val DebugChanges = false

// Top level DrawScope instance shared across the LayoutNode hierarchy to re-use internal
// drawing objects
internal val sharedDrawScope = LayoutNodeDrawScope()

 * An element in the layout hierarchy, built with compose UI.
class LayoutNode : Measurable, Remeasurement, OwnerScope, LayoutInfo {

    internal constructor() : this(false)

    internal constructor(isVirtual: Boolean) {
        this.isVirtual = isVirtual

    // Virtual LayoutNode is the temporary concept allows us to a node which is not a real node,
    // but just a holder for its children - allows us to combine some children into something we
    // can subcompose in(LayoutNode) without being required to define it as a real layout - we
    // don't want to define the layout strategy for such nodes, instead the children of the
    // virtual nodes will be threated as the direct children of the virtual node parent.
    // This whole concept will be replaced with a proper subcomposition logic which allows to
    // subcompose multiple times into the same LayoutNode and define offsets.

    private val isVirtual: Boolean

    private var virtualChildrenCount = 0

    // the list of nodes containing the virtual children as is
    private val _foldedChildren = mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>()
    internal val foldedChildren: List<LayoutNode> get() = _foldedChildren.asMutableList()

    // the list of nodes where the virtual children are unfolded (their children are represented
    // as our direct children)
    private val _unfoldedChildren = mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>()

    private fun recreateUnfoldedChildrenIfDirty() {
        if (unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty) {
            unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = false
            _foldedChildren.forEach {
                if (it.isVirtual) {
                } else {

    // when the list of our children is modified it will be set to true if we are a virtual node
    // or it will be set to true on a parent if the parent is a virtual node
    private var unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = false
    private fun invalidateUnfoldedVirtualChildren() {
        if (virtualChildrenCount > 0) {
            unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = true
        if (isVirtual) {
            this.parent?.unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = true

    internal val _children: MutableVector<LayoutNode>
        get() = if (virtualChildrenCount == 0) {
        } else {

     * The children of this LayoutNode, controlled by [insertAt], [move], and [removeAt].
    internal val children: List<LayoutNode> get() = _children.asMutableList()

     * The parent node in the LayoutNode hierarchy. This is `null` when the [LayoutNode]
     * is not attached attached to a hierarchy or is the root of the hierarchy.
    internal var parent: LayoutNode? = null
        get() {
            val parent = field
            return if (parent != null && parent.isVirtual) parent.parent else parent
        private set

     * The view system [Owner]. This `null` until [attach] is called
    internal var owner: Owner? = null
        private set

     * Returns true if this [LayoutNode] currently has an [LayoutNode.owner].  Semantically,
     * this means that the LayoutNode is currently a part of a component tree.
    override val isAttached: Boolean get() = owner != null

     * The tree depth of the [LayoutNode]. This is valid only when it is attached to a hierarchy.
    internal var depth: Int = 0

     * The layout state the node is currently in.
    internal var layoutState = Ready

    internal val wasMeasuredDuringThisIteration: Boolean
        get() = requireOwner().measureIteration == outerMeasurablePlaceable.measureIteration

     * A cache of modifiers to be used when setting and reusing previous modifiers.
    private var wrapperCache = mutableVectorOf<DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>>()

     * Inserts a child [LayoutNode] at a particular index. If this LayoutNode [owner] is not `null`
     * then [instance] will become [attach]ed also. [instance] must have a `null` [parent].
    internal fun insertAt(index: Int, instance: LayoutNode) {
        check(instance.parent == null) {
            "Cannot insert $instance because it already has a parent"
        check(instance.owner == null) {
            "Cannot insert $instance because it already has an owner"

        if (DebugChanges) {
            println("$instance added to $this at index $index")

        instance.parent = this
        _foldedChildren.add(index, instance)
        zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true

        if (instance.isVirtual) {
            require(!isVirtual) { "Virtual LayoutNode can't be added into a virtual parent" }

        instance.outerLayoutNodeWrapper.wrappedBy = innerLayoutNodeWrapper

        val owner = this.owner
        if (owner != null) {

     * Removes one or more children, starting at [index].
    internal fun removeAt(index: Int, count: Int) {
        require(count >= 0) {
            "count ($count) must be greater than 0"
        val attached = owner != null
        for (i in index + count - 1 downTo index) {
            val child = _foldedChildren.removeAt(i)
            zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true
            if (DebugChanges) {
                println("$child removed from $this at index $i")

            if (attached) {
            child.parent = null

            if (child.isVirtual) {

     * Removes all children.
    internal fun removeAll() {
        val attached = owner != null
        for (i in _foldedChildren.size - 1 downTo 0) {
            val child = _foldedChildren[i]
            if (attached) {
            child.parent = null
        zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true

        virtualChildrenCount = 0

     * Moves [count] elements starting at index [from] to index [to]. The [to] index is related to
     * the position before the change, so, for example, to move an element at position 1 to after
     * the element at position 2, [from] should be `1` and [to] should be `3`. If the elements
     * were LayoutNodes A B C D E, calling `move(1, 3, 1)` would result in the LayoutNodes
     * being reordered to A C B D E.
    internal fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int) {
        if (from == to) {
            return // nothing to do

        for (i in 0 until count) {
            // if "from" is after "to," the from index moves because we're inserting before it
            val fromIndex = if (from > to) from + i else from
            val toIndex = if (from > to) to + i else to + count - 2
            val child = _foldedChildren.removeAt(fromIndex)

            if (DebugChanges) {
                println("$child moved in $this from index $fromIndex to $toIndex")

            _foldedChildren.add(toIndex, child)
        zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true


     * Set the [Owner] of this LayoutNode. This LayoutNode must not already be attached.
     * [owner] must match its [parent].[owner].
    internal fun attach(owner: Owner) {
        check(this.owner == null) {
            "Cannot attach $this as it already is attached"
        val parent = this.parent
        check(parent == null || parent.owner == owner) {
            "Attaching to a different owner($owner) than the parent's owner(${parent?.owner})"
        if (parent == null) {
            // it is a root node and attached root nodes are always placed (as there is no parent
            // to place them explicitly)
            isPlaced = true

        this.owner = owner
        this.depth = (parent?.depth ?: -1) + 1
        if (outerSemantics != null) {
        _foldedChildren.forEach { child ->

        forEachDelegate { it.attach() }

     * Remove the LayoutNode from the [Owner]. The [owner] must not be `null` before this call
     * and its [parent]'s [owner] must be `null` before calling this. This will also [detach] all
     * children. After executing, the [owner] will be `null`.
    internal fun detach() {
        val owner = owner
        checkNotNull(owner) {
            "Cannot detach node that is already detached!"
        val parent = this.parent
        if (parent != null) {
        alignmentLinesQueryOwner = null
        alignmentUsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
        forEachDelegate { it.detach() }

        if (outerSemantics != null) {
        this.owner = null
        depth = 0
        _foldedChildren.forEach { child ->
        placeOrder = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
        isPlaced = false

    private val _zSortedChildren = mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>()
    private var zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true

     * Returns the children list sorted by their [LayoutNode.zIndex] first (smaller first) and the
     * order they were placed via [Placeable.placeAt] by parent (smaller first).
     * Please note that this list contains not placed items as well, so you have to manually
     * filter them.
     * Note that the object is reused so you shouldn't save it for later.
    internal val zSortedChildren: MutableVector<LayoutNode>
        get() {
            if (zSortedChildrenInvalidated) {
            return _zSortedChildren

    override val isValid: Boolean
        get() = isAttached

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "${simpleIdentityToString(this, null)} children: ${children.size} " +
            "measureBlocks: $measureBlocks"

     * Call this method from the debugger to see a dump of the LayoutNode tree structure
    private fun debugTreeToString(depth: Int = 0): String {
        val tree = StringBuilder()
        for (i in 0 until depth) {
            tree.append("  ")

        _children.forEach { child ->
            tree.append(child.debugTreeToString(depth + 1))

        if (depth == 0) {
            // Delete trailing newline
            tree.deleteAt(tree.length - 1)
        return tree.toString()

    internal abstract class NoIntrinsicsMeasureBlocks(private val error: String) : MeasureBlocks {
        override fun minIntrinsicWidth(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            h: Int
        ) = error(error)

        override fun minIntrinsicHeight(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            w: Int
        ) = error(error)

        override fun maxIntrinsicWidth(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            h: Int
        ) = error(error)

        override fun maxIntrinsicHeight(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            w: Int
        ) = error(error)

     * Blocks that define the measurement and intrinsic measurement of the layout.
    internal var measureBlocks: MeasureBlocks = ErrorMeasureBlocks
        set(value) {
            if (field != value) {
                field = value

     * The screen density to be used by this layout.
    internal var density: Density = Density(1f)

     * The scope used to run the [MeasureBlocks.measure]
     * [MeasureBlock][androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureBlock].
    internal val measureScope: MeasureScope = object : MeasureScope, Density {
        override val density: Float get() = this@LayoutNode.density.density
        override val fontScale: Float get() = this@LayoutNode.density.fontScale
        override val layoutDirection: LayoutDirection get() = this@LayoutNode.layoutDirection

     * The layout direction of the layout node.
    internal var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Ltr
        set(value) {
            if (field != value) {
                field = value

     * The measured width of this layout and all of its [modifier]s. Shortcut for `size.width`.
    override val width: Int get() = outerMeasurablePlaceable.width

     * The measured height of this layout and all of its [modifier]s. Shortcut for `size.height`.
    override val height: Int get() = outerMeasurablePlaceable.height

     * The alignment lines of this layout, inherited + intrinsic
    internal val alignmentLines: MutableMap<AlignmentLine, Int> = hashMapOf()

     * The alignment lines provided by this layout at the last measurement
    internal val providedAlignmentLines: MutableMap<AlignmentLine, Int> = hashMapOf()

    internal val mDrawScope: LayoutNodeDrawScope = sharedDrawScope

     * Whether or not this [LayoutNode] and all of its parents have been placed in the hierarchy.
    override var isPlaced: Boolean = false
        private set

     * The order in which this node was placed by its parent during the previous [layoutChildren].
     * Before the placement the order is set to [NotPlacedPlaceOrder] to all the children. Then
     * every placed node assigns this variable to [parent]s [nextChildPlaceOrder] and increments
     * this counter. Not placed items will still have [NotPlacedPlaceOrder] set.
    private var placeOrder: Int = NotPlacedPlaceOrder

     * The counter on a parent node which is used by its children to understand the order in which
     * they were placed.
     * @see placeOrder
    private var nextChildPlaceOrder: Int = 0

     * Remembers how the node was measured by the parent.
    internal var measuredByParent: UsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed

     * `true` while doing [calculateAlignmentLines]
    private var isCalculatingAlignmentLines = false

     * `true` when the parent reads our alignment lines
    private var alignmentLinesRead = false

    private var alignmentLinesCalculatedDuringLastLayout = false

     * `true` when an ancestor relies on our alignment lines
    internal val alignmentLinesRequired
        get() = alignmentLinesQueryOwner != null && alignmentLinesQueryOwner!!.alignmentLinesRead

     * Used by the parent to identify if the child has been queried for alignment lines since
     * last measurement.
    private var alignmentLinesQueriedSinceLastLayout = false

     * The closest layout node above in the hierarchy which asked for alignment lines.
    internal var alignmentLinesQueryOwner: LayoutNode? = null
        private set

    internal var alignmentUsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed

    private val previousAlignmentLines = mutableMapOf<AlignmentLine, Int>()

    @Deprecated("Temporary API to support ConstraintLayout prototyping.")
    internal var canMultiMeasure: Boolean = false

    internal val innerLayoutNodeWrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper = InnerPlaceable(this)
    private val outerMeasurablePlaceable = OuterMeasurablePlaceable(this, innerLayoutNodeWrapper)
    internal val outerLayoutNodeWrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper
        get() = outerMeasurablePlaceable.outerWrapper

     * zIndex defines the drawing order of the LayoutNode. Children with larger zIndex are drawn
     * on top of others (the original order is used for the nodes with the same zIndex).
     * Default zIndex is 0. We use sum of the values passed as zIndex to place() by the
     * parent layout and all the applied modifiers.
    private var zIndex: Float = 0f

     * The inner-most layer wrapper. Used for performance for LayoutNodeWrapper.findLayer().
    private var _innerLayerWrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper? = null
    internal var innerLayerWrapperIsDirty = true
    internal val innerLayerWrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper? get() {
        if (innerLayerWrapperIsDirty) {
            var delegate: LayoutNodeWrapper? = innerLayoutNodeWrapper
            val final = outerLayoutNodeWrapper.wrappedBy
            _innerLayerWrapper = null
            while (delegate != final) {
                if (delegate?.layer != null) {
                    _innerLayerWrapper = delegate
                delegate = delegate?.wrappedBy
        val layerWrapper = _innerLayerWrapper
        if (layerWrapper != null) {
        return layerWrapper

     * Invalidates the inner-most layer as part of this LayoutNode or from the containing
     * LayoutNode. This is added for performance so that LayoutNodeWrapper.invalidateLayer() can be
     * faster.
    internal fun invalidateLayer() {
        val innerLayerWrapper = innerLayerWrapper
        if (innerLayerWrapper != null) {
        } else {
            val parent = this.parent

     * The [Modifier] currently applied to this node.
    internal var modifier: Modifier = Modifier
        set(value) {
            if (value == field) return
            if (modifier != Modifier) {
                require(!isVirtual) { "Modifiers are not supported on virtual LayoutNodes" }
            field = value

            val invalidateParentLayer = shouldInvalidateParentLayer()


            // Rebuild LayoutNodeWrapper
            val oldOuterWrapper = outerMeasurablePlaceable.outerWrapper
            if (outerSemantics != null && isAttached) {
            val addedCallback = hasNewPositioningCallback()

            // Create a new chain of LayoutNodeWrappers, reusing existing ones from wrappers
            // when possible.
            val outerWrapper = modifier.foldOut(innerLayoutNodeWrapper) { mod, toWrap ->
                var wrapper = toWrap
                if (mod is OnGloballyPositionedModifier) {
                    onPositionedCallbacks += mod
                if (mod is OnRemeasuredModifier) {
                    onRemeasuredCallbacks += mod
                if (mod is RemeasurementModifier) {

                val delegate = reuseLayoutNodeWrapper(mod, toWrap)
                if (delegate != null) {
                    wrapper = delegate
                } else {
                    // The order in which the following blocks occur matters. For example, the
                    // DrawModifier block should be before the LayoutModifier block so that a
                    // Modifier that implements both DrawModifier and LayoutModifier will have
                    // it's draw bounds reflect the dimensions defined by the LayoutModifier.
                    if (mod is DrawModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedDrawNode(wrapper, mod)
                    if (mod is FocusModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedFocusNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is FocusEventModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedFocusEventNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is FocusRequesterModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedFocusRequesterNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is FocusOrderModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedFocusOrderNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is KeyInputModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedKeyInputNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is PointerInputModifier) {
                        wrapper = PointerInputDelegatingWrapper(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is NestedScrollModifier) {
                        wrapper = NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is LayoutModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedLayoutNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is ParentDataModifier) {
                        wrapper = ModifiedParentDataNode(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)
                    if (mod is SemanticsModifier) {
                        wrapper = SemanticsWrapper(wrapper, mod).assignChained(toWrap)

            outerWrapper.wrappedBy = parent?.innerLayoutNodeWrapper
            outerMeasurablePlaceable.outerWrapper = outerWrapper

            if (isAttached) {
                // call detach() on all removed LayoutNodeWrappers
                wrapperCache.forEach {

                // attach() all new LayoutNodeWrappers
                forEachDelegate {
                    if (!it.isAttached) {

            // call onModifierChanged() on all LayoutNodeWrappers
            forEachDelegate { it.onModifierChanged() }

            // Optimize the case where the layout itself is not modified. A common reason for
            // this is if no wrapping actually occurs above because no LayoutModifiers are
            // present in the modifier chain.
            if (oldOuterWrapper != innerLayoutNodeWrapper ||
                outerWrapper != innerLayoutNodeWrapper
            ) {
            } else if (layoutState == Ready && addedCallback) {
                // We need to notify the callbacks of a change in position since there's
                // a new one.
            // If the parent data has changed, the parent needs remeasurement.
            val oldParentData = parentData
            if (oldParentData != parentData) {
            if (invalidateParentLayer || shouldInvalidateParentLayer()) {

     * Coordinates of just the contents of the [LayoutNode], after being affected by all modifiers.
    override val coordinates: LayoutCoordinates
        get() = innerLayoutNodeWrapper

     * Callback to be executed whenever the [LayoutNode] is attached to a new [Owner].
    internal var onAttach: ((Owner) -> Unit)? = null

     * Callback to be executed whenever the [LayoutNode] is detached from an [Owner].
    internal var onDetach: ((Owner) -> Unit)? = null

     * List of all OnPositioned callbacks in the modifier chain.
    private val onPositionedCallbacks = mutableVectorOf<OnGloballyPositionedModifier>()

     * List of all OnSizeChangedModifiers in the modifier chain.
    private val onRemeasuredCallbacks = mutableVectorOf<OnRemeasuredModifier>()

     * Flag used by [OnPositionedDispatcher] to identify LayoutNodes that have already
     * had their [OnGloballyPositionedModifier]'s dispatch called so that they aren't called
     * multiple times.
    internal var needsOnPositionedDispatch = false

    internal fun place(x: Int, y: Int) {
        ) {
            outerMeasurablePlaceable.placeRelative(x, y)

     * Place this layout node again on the same position it was placed last time
    internal fun replace() {

    internal fun draw(canvas: Canvas) = outerLayoutNodeWrapper.draw(canvas)

     * Carries out a hit test on the [PointerInputModifier]s associated with this [LayoutNode] and
     * all [PointerInputModifier]s on all descendant [LayoutNode]s.
     * If [pointerPositionRelativeToScreen] is within the bounds of any tested
     * [PointerInputModifier]s, the [PointerInputModifier] is added to [hitPointerInputFilters]
     * and true is returned.
     * @param pointerPositionRelativeToScreen The tested pointer position, which is relative to
     * the device screen.
     * @param hitPointerInputFilters The collection that the hit [PointerInputFilter]s will be
     * added to if hit.
    internal fun hitTest(
        pointerPositionRelativeToScreen: Offset,
        hitPointerInputFilters: MutableList<PointerInputFilter>
    ) {
        outerLayoutNodeWrapper.hitTest(pointerPositionRelativeToScreen, hitPointerInputFilters)

     * Returns the alignment line value for a given alignment line without affecting whether
     * the flag for whether the alignment line was read.
    internal fun getAlignmentLine(line: AlignmentLine): Int? {
        val linePos = alignmentLines[line] ?: return null
        var pos = Offset(linePos.toFloat(), linePos.toFloat())
        var wrapper = innerLayoutNodeWrapper
        while (wrapper != outerLayoutNodeWrapper) {
            pos = wrapper.toParentPosition(pos)
            wrapper = wrapper.wrappedBy!!
        pos = wrapper.toParentPosition(pos)
        return if (line is HorizontalAlignmentLine) {
        } else {

     * Return true if there is a new [OnGloballyPositionedModifier] assigned to this Layout.
    private fun hasNewPositioningCallback(): Boolean {
        return modifier.foldOut(false) { mod, hasNewCallback ->
            hasNewCallback ||
                (mod is OnGloballyPositionedModifier && mod !in onPositionedCallbacks)

     * Invoked when the parent placed the node. It will trigger the layout.
    internal fun onNodePlaced() {
        val parent = parent

        var newZIndex = innerLayoutNodeWrapper.zIndex
        forEachDelegate {
            newZIndex += it.zIndex
        if (newZIndex != zIndex) {
            zIndex = newZIndex
            zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true

        if (!isPlaced) {
            isPlaced = true
            // when the visibility of a child has been changed we need to invalidate
            // parents inner layer - the layer in which this child will be drawn
            // plus all the inner layers that were invalidated while the node was not placed
            forEachDelegate {
                if (it.lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped) {

        if (parent != null) {
            if (parent.layoutState == LayingOut) {
                // the parent is currently placing its children
                check(placeOrder == NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
                    "Place was called on a node which was placed already"
                placeOrder = parent.nextChildPlaceOrder
            // if parent is not laying out we were asked to be relaid out without affecting the
            // parent. this means our placeOrder didn't change since the last time parent placed us
        } else {
            // parent is null for the root node
            placeOrder = 0


    private fun layoutChildren() {
        if (layoutState == NeedsRelayout) {
        // as a result of the previous operation we can figure out a child has been resized
        // and we need to be remeasured, not relaid out
        if (layoutState == NeedsRelayout) {
            layoutState = LayingOut
            val owner = requireOwner()
            owner.snapshotObserver.observeLayoutSnapshotReads(this) {
                // reset the place order counter which will be used by the children
                nextChildPlaceOrder = 0
                _children.forEach { child ->
                    // and reset the place order for all the children before placing them
                    child.placeOrder = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
                    if (alignmentLinesRequired && child.layoutState == Ready &&
                    ) {
                        child.layoutState = NeedsRelayout
                    if (!child.alignmentLinesRequired) {
                        child.alignmentLinesQueryOwner = alignmentLinesQueryOwner
                    child.alignmentLinesQueriedSinceLastLayout = false
                _children.forEach { child ->
                    // we set `placeOrder` to NotPlacedPlaceOrder for all the children, then
                    // during the placeChildren() invocation the real order will be assigned for
                    // all the placed children.
                    if (child.placeOrder == NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
                    child.alignmentLinesRead = child.alignmentLinesQueriedSinceLastLayout

            alignmentLinesCalculatedDuringLastLayout = false
            if (alignmentLinesRequired) {
                alignmentLinesCalculatedDuringLastLayout = true
                _children.forEach { child ->
                    if (!child.isPlaced) return@forEach
                    child.alignmentLines.keys.forEach { childLine ->
                        val linePositionInContainer = child.getAlignmentLine(childLine)!!
                        // If the line was already provided by a previous child, merge the values.
                        alignmentLines[childLine] = if (childLine in alignmentLines) {
                        } else {
                alignmentLines += providedAlignmentLines
                if (previousAlignmentLines != alignmentLines) {
            layoutState = Ready

    private fun markSubtreeAsPlaced() {
        _children.forEach {
            // if the layout state is not Ready then isPlaced will be set during the layout
            if (it.layoutState == Ready && it.placeOrder != NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
                it.isPlaced = true

    private fun markSubtreeAsNotPlaced() {
        if (isPlaced) {
            isPlaced = false
            _children.forEach {

     * The callback to be executed before running layoutChildren.
     * There are possible cases when we run layoutChildren() on the parent node, but some of its
     * children are not yet measured even if they are supposed to be measured in the measure
     * block of our parent.
     * Example:
     * val child = Layout(...)
     * Layout(child) { measuruables, constraints ->
     *    val placeable = measurables.first().measure(constraints)
     *    layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {
     *, 0)
     *    }
     * }
     * And now some set of changes scheduled remeasure for child and relayout for parent.
     * During the [MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.measureAndLayout] we will start with the parent as it
     * has lower depth. Inside the layout block we will call placeable.width which is currently
     * dirty as the child was scheduled to remeasure. This callback will ensure it never happens
     * and pre-remeasure everything required for this layoutChildren().
    private fun onBeforeLayoutChildren() {
        _children.forEach {
            if (it.layoutState == NeedsRemeasure &&
                it.measuredByParent == UsageByParent.InMeasureBlock
            ) {
                if (it.remeasure()) {

    internal fun onAlignmentsChanged() {
        val parent = parent
        if (parent != null) {
            if (alignmentUsageByParent == UsageByParent.InMeasureBlock &&
                parent.layoutState != LayingOut
            ) {
            } else if (alignmentUsageByParent == UsageByParent.InLayoutBlock) {

    internal fun calculateAlignmentLines(): Map<AlignmentLine, Int> {
        isCalculatingAlignmentLines = true
        alignmentLinesRead = true
        alignmentLinesQueryOwner = this
        alignmentLinesQueriedSinceLastLayout = true
        val newUsageByParent = when (parent?.layoutState) {
            Measuring -> UsageByParent.InMeasureBlock
            LayingOut -> UsageByParent.InLayoutBlock
            else -> UsageByParent.NotUsed
        val newUsageHasLowerPriority = newUsageByParent == UsageByParent.InLayoutBlock &&
            alignmentUsageByParent == UsageByParent.InMeasureBlock
        if (!newUsageHasLowerPriority) {
            alignmentUsageByParent = newUsageByParent
        if (layoutState == NeedsRelayout || !alignmentLinesCalculatedDuringLastLayout) {
            // layoutChildren() is a state transformation from NeedsRelayout to Ready.
            // when we are already in NeedsRelayout we need to end up with Ready, but if we are
            // currently measuring or need remeasure this extra layoutChildren is just a side effect
            // and we will need to restore the current state.
            val endState = if (layoutState == Measuring || layoutState == NeedsRemeasure) {
            } else {
            if (!alignmentLinesCalculatedDuringLastLayout) {
                layoutState = NeedsRelayout
            layoutState = endState
        isCalculatingAlignmentLines = false
        return alignmentLines

    internal fun handleMeasureResult(measureResult: MeasureResult) {
        innerLayoutNodeWrapper.measureResult = measureResult
        this.providedAlignmentLines += measureResult.alignmentLines

        if (onRemeasuredCallbacks.isNotEmpty()) {
            val invokeRemeasureCallbacks = {
                val content = innerLayoutNodeWrapper
                val size = IntSize(content.measuredWidth, content.measuredHeight)
                onRemeasuredCallbacks.forEach { it.onRemeasured(size) }
                ?: invokeRemeasureCallbacks.invoke()

     * Used to request a new measurement + layout pass from the owner.
    internal fun requestRemeasure() {

     * Used to request a new layout pass from the owner.
    internal fun requestRelayout() {

     * Execute your code within the [block] if you want some code to not be observed for the
     * model reads even if you are currently inside some observed scope like measuring.
    internal fun ignoreModelReads(block: () -> Unit) {

    internal fun dispatchOnPositionedCallbacks() {
        if (layoutState != Ready) {
            return // it hasn't yet been properly positioned, so don't make a call
        if (!isPlaced) {
            return // it hasn't been placed, so don't make a call
        onPositionedCallbacks.forEach { it.onGloballyPositioned(coordinates) }

     * This returns a new List of Modifiers and the coordinates and any extra information
     * that may be useful. This is used for tooling to retrieve layout modifier and layer
     * information.
    override fun getModifierInfo(): List<ModifierInfo> {
        val infoList = mutableVectorOf<ModifierInfo>()
        forEachDelegate { wrapper ->
            wrapper as DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>
            val info = ModifierInfo(wrapper.modifier, wrapper, wrapper.layer)
            infoList += info
        return infoList.asMutableList()

     * Invalidates layers defined on this LayoutNode.
    internal fun invalidateLayers() {
        forEachDelegate { wrapper ->

     * Reuses a [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper] from [wrapperCache] if one matches the class
     * type of [modifier]. This walks backward through the [wrapperCache] and
     * extracts all [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper]s that are
     * [chained][DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.isChained] together.
     * If none can be reused, `null` is returned.
    private fun reuseLayoutNodeWrapper(
        modifier: Modifier.Element,
        wrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper
    ): DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>? {
        if (wrapperCache.isEmpty()) {
            return null
        // Look for exact match
        var index = wrapperCache.indexOfLast {
            it.toBeReusedForSameModifier && it.modifier === modifier

        if (index < 0) {
            // Look for class match
            index = wrapperCache.indexOfLast {
                !it.toBeReusedForSameModifier && it.modifier.nativeClass() == modifier.nativeClass()

        if (index < 0) {
            return null

        val endWrapper = wrapperCache[index]
        var startWrapper = endWrapper
        var chainedIndex = index

        while (startWrapper.isChained) {
            startWrapper = wrapperCache[chainedIndex]

        wrapperCache.removeRange(chainedIndex, index + 1)

        endWrapper.wrapped = wrapper
        wrapper.wrappedBy = endWrapper
        return startWrapper

     * Copies all [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper]s currently in use and returns them in a new
     * Array.
    private fun copyWrappersToCache() {
        forEachDelegate {
            wrapperCache += it as DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>

    private fun markReusedModifiers(modifier: Modifier) {
        wrapperCache.forEach {
            it.toBeReusedForSameModifier = false

        modifier.foldIn(Unit) { _, mod ->
            val wrapper = wrapperCache.firstOrNull { it.modifier === mod }
            wrapper?.toBeReusedForSameModifier = true

    // Delegation from Measurable to measurableAndPlaceable
    override fun measure(constraints: Constraints) =

     * Return true if the measured size has been changed
    internal fun remeasure(
        constraints: Constraints = outerMeasurablePlaceable.lastConstraints!!
    ) = outerMeasurablePlaceable.remeasure(constraints)

    override val parentData: Any? get() = outerMeasurablePlaceable.parentData

    override fun minIntrinsicWidth(height: Int): Int =

    override fun maxIntrinsicWidth(height: Int): Int =

    override fun minIntrinsicHeight(width: Int): Int =

    override fun maxIntrinsicHeight(width: Int): Int =

    override fun forceRemeasure() {

     * Calls [block] on all [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper]s in the LayoutNodeWrapper chain.
    private inline fun forEachDelegate(block: (LayoutNodeWrapper) -> Unit) {
        var delegate = outerLayoutNodeWrapper
        val inner = innerLayoutNodeWrapper
        while (delegate != inner) {
            delegate = delegate.wrapped!!

     * Calls [block] on all [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper]s in the LayoutNodeWrapper chain.
    private inline fun forEachDelegateIncludingInner(block: (LayoutNodeWrapper) -> Unit) {
        var delegate: LayoutNodeWrapper? = outerLayoutNodeWrapper
        val final = innerLayoutNodeWrapper.wrapped
        while (delegate != final && delegate != null) {
            delegate = delegate.wrapped

    private fun shouldInvalidateParentLayer(): Boolean {
        forEachDelegateIncludingInner {
            if (it.layer != null) {
                return false
            } else if (it is ModifiedDrawNode) {
                return true
        return true

     * Comparator allowing to sort nodes by zIndex and placement order.
    private val ZComparator = Comparator<LayoutNode> { node1, node2 ->
        if (node1.zIndex == node2.zIndex) {
            // if zIndex is the same we use the placement order
        } else {

    override val parentInfo: LayoutInfo?
        get() = parent

    internal companion object {
        private val ErrorMeasureBlocks: NoIntrinsicsMeasureBlocks =
            object : NoIntrinsicsMeasureBlocks(
                error = "Undefined intrinsics block and it is required"
            ) {
                override fun measure(
                    measureScope: MeasureScope,
                    measurables: List<Measurable>,
                    constraints: Constraints
                ) = error("Undefined measure and it is required")

         * Constant used by [placeOrder].
        private const val NotPlacedPlaceOrder = Int.MAX_VALUE

     * Describes the current state the [LayoutNode] is in.
    internal enum class LayoutState {
         * Request remeasure was called on the node.
         * Node is currently being measured.
         * Request relayout was called on the node or the node was just measured and is going to
         * layout soon (measure stage is always being followed by the layout stage).
         * Node is currently being laid out.
         * Node is measured and laid out or not yet attached to the [Owner] (see [LayoutNode.owner]).

    internal enum class UsageByParent {

 * Object of pre-allocated lambdas used to make emits to LayoutNodes allocation-less.
internal object LayoutEmitHelper {
    val constructor: () -> LayoutNode = { LayoutNode() }
    val setModifier: LayoutNode.(Modifier) -> Unit = { this.modifier = it }
    val setDensity: LayoutNode.(Density) -> Unit = { this.density = it }
    val setMeasureBlocks: LayoutNode.(MeasureBlocks) -> Unit =
        { this.measureBlocks = it }
    val setRef: LayoutNode.(Ref<LayoutNode>) -> Unit = { it.value = this }
    val setLayoutDirection: LayoutNode.(LayoutDirection) -> Unit = { this.layoutDirection = it }

 * Returns [LayoutNode.owner] or throws if it is null.
internal fun LayoutNode.requireOwner(): Owner {
    val owner = owner
    checkNotNull(owner) {
        "LayoutNode should be attached to an owner"
    return owner

 * Inserts a child [LayoutNode] at a last index. If this LayoutNode [LayoutNode.isAttached]
 * then [child] will become [LayoutNode.isAttached] also. [child] must have a `null`
 * [LayoutNode.parent].
internal fun LayoutNode.add(child: LayoutNode) {
    insertAt(children.size, child)

 * Sets [DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper#isChained] to `true` of the [wrapped][this.wrapped] when it
 * is part of a chain of LayoutNodes for the same modifier.
 * @param originalWrapper The LayoutNodeWrapper that the modifier chain should be wrapping.
private inline fun <T : DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>> T.assignChained(
    originalWrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper
): T {
    if (originalWrapper !== wrapped) {
        val wrapper = wrapped as DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper<*>
        wrapper.isChained = true
    return this