
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.credentials.provider

import android.content.Intent
import android.service.credentials.BeginCreateCredentialResponse
import android.service.credentials.CreateCredentialRequest
import android.service.credentials.CredentialEntry
import android.service.credentials.CredentialProviderService
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.credentials.CreateCredentialResponse
import androidx.credentials.CredentialOption
import androidx.credentials.GetCredentialResponse
import androidx.credentials.exceptions.CreateCredentialException
import androidx.credentials.exceptions.GetCredentialException
import androidx.credentials.provider.utils.BeginGetCredentialUtil

 * PendingIntentHandler to be used by credential providers to extract requests from a given intent,
 * or to set back a response or an exception to a given intent while dealing with activities
 * invoked by pending intents set on a [CreateEntry] for the create flow, or on a
 * [CredentialEntry], [AuthenticationAction], [Action], or a [RemoteEntry] set for a get flow.
 * When user selects one of the entries mentioned above, the credential provider's corresponding
 * activity is invoked. The intent associated with this activity must be extracted and passed
 * into the utils in this class to extract the required requests.
 * When user interaction is complete, credential providers must set the activity result by calling
 * [] by setting an appropriate result code and data of type
 * [Intent]. This data should also be prepared by using the utils in this class to populate
 * the required response/exception.
 * See extension functions for [Intent] in IntentHandlerConverters.kt to help test intents that are
 * set on pending intents in different entry classes.
class PendingIntentHandler {
    companion object {
        private const val TAG = "PendingIntentHandler"

         * Extracts the [ProviderCreateCredentialRequest] from the provider's
         * [PendingIntent] invoked by the Android system.
         * @param intent the intent associated with the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent] is null
        fun retrieveProviderCreateCredentialRequest(intent: Intent):
            ProviderCreateCredentialRequest? {
            val frameworkReq: CreateCredentialRequest? =
            if (frameworkReq == null) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Request not found in pendingIntent")
                return frameworkReq
            return try {
                            requireSystemProvider = false,
            } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
                return null

         * Extracts the [BeginGetCredentialRequest] from the provider's
         * [PendingIntent] invoked by the Android system when the user
         * selects an [AuthenticationAction].
         * @param intent the intent associated with the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent] is null
        fun retrieveBeginGetCredentialRequest(intent: Intent): BeginGetCredentialRequest? {
            val request = intent.getParcelableExtra(
            return request?.let { BeginGetCredentialUtil.convertToJetpackRequest(it) }

         * Sets the [CreateCredentialResponse] on the intent passed in. This intent is then
         * set as the data associated with the result of the activity invoked by the
         * [PendingIntent] set on a [CreateEntry]. The intent is set using the
         * [Activity.setResult] method that takes in the intent, as well as a result code.
         * A credential provider must set the result code to [Activity.RESULT_OK] if a valid
         * response, or a valid exception is being set as the data to the result. However,
         * if the credential provider is unable to resolve to a valid response or exception,
         * the result code must be set to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED]. Note that setting the
         * result code to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED] will re-surface the account selection
         * bottom sheet that displayed the original [CredentialEntry], hence allowing the user
         * to re-select.
         * @param intent the intent to be set on the result of the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @param response the response to be set as an extra on the [intent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent], or [response] is null
        fun setCreateCredentialResponse(
            intent: Intent,
            response: CreateCredentialResponse
        ) {

         * Extracts the [ProviderGetCredentialRequest] from the provider's
         * [PendingIntent] invoked by the Android system, when the user selects a
         * [CredentialEntry].
         * @param intent the intent associated with the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent] is null
        fun retrieveProviderGetCredentialRequest(intent: Intent):
            ProviderGetCredentialRequest? {
            val frameworkReq = intent.getParcelableExtra(
            if (frameworkReq == null) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Get request from framework is null")
                return null

            return ProviderGetCredentialRequest.createFrom(
                    .map { option ->

         * Sets the [android.credentials.GetCredentialResponse] on the intent passed in. This
         * intent is then set as the data associated with the result of the activity invoked by
         * the [PendingIntent], set on a [CredentialEntry]. The intent is set using the
         * [Activity.setResult] method that takes in the intent, as well as a result code.
         * A credential provider must set the result code to [Activity.RESULT_OK] if a valid
         * credential, or a valid exception is being set as the data to the result. However,
         * if the credential provider is unable to resolve to a valid response or exception,
         * the result code must be set to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED]. Note that setting the
         * result code to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED] will re-surface the account selection
         * bottom sheet that displayed the original [CredentialEntry], hence allowing the user
         * to re-select.
         * @param intent the intent to be set on the result of the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @param response the response to be set as an extra on the [intent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent], or [response] is null
        fun setGetCredentialResponse(
            intent: Intent,
            response: GetCredentialResponse
        ) {

         * Sets the [android.service.credentials.BeginGetCredentialResponse] on the intent passed
         * in. This intent is then set as the data associated with the result of the activity
         * invoked by the [PendingIntent], set on an [AuthenticationAction]. The intent is set
         * using the [Activity.setResult] method that takes in the intent, as well as a result code.
         * A credential provider must set the result code to [Activity.RESULT_OK] if a valid
         * response, or a valid exception is being set as part of the data to the result. However,
         * if the credential provider is unable to resolve to a valid response or exception,
         * the result code must be set to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED]. Note that setting the
         * result code to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED] will re-surface the account selection
         * bottom sheet that displayed the original [CredentialEntry], hence allowing the user to
         * re-select.
         * @param intent the intent to be set on the result of the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @param response the response to be set as an extra on the [intent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent], or [response] is null
        fun setBeginGetCredentialResponse(
            intent: Intent,
            response: BeginGetCredentialResponse
        ) {

         * Sets the [androidx.credentials.exceptions.GetCredentialException] if an error is
         * encountered during the final phase of the get credential flow.
         * A credential provider service returns a list of [CredentialEntry] as part of
         * the [BeginGetCredentialResponse] to the query phase of the get-credential flow.
         * If the user selects one of these entries, the corresponding [PendingIntent]
         * is fired and the provider's activity is invoked.
         * If there is an error encountered during the lifetime of that activity, the provider
         * must use this API to set an exception on the given intent before finishing the
         * activity in question.
         * The intent is set using the [Activity.setResult] method that takes in the intent,
         * as well as a result code. A credential provider must set the result code to
         * [Activity.RESULT_OK] if a valid credential, or a valid exception is being set as
         * the data to the result. However, if the credential provider is unable to resolve to a
         * valid response or exception, the result code must be set to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED].
         * Note that setting the result code to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED] will re-surface the
         * account selection bottom sheet that displayed the original [CredentialEntry], hence
         * allowing the user to re-select.
         * @param intent the intent to be set on the result of the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @param exception the exception to be set as an extra to the [intent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent], or [exception] is null
        fun setGetCredentialException(
            intent: Intent,
            exception: GetCredentialException
        ) {
                android.credentials.GetCredentialException(exception.type, exception.message)

         * Sets the [androidx.credentials.exceptions.CreateCredentialException] if an error is
         * encountered during the final phase of the create credential flow.
         * A credential provider service returns a list of [CreateEntry] as part of
         * the [BeginCreateCredentialResponse] to the query phase of the get-credential flow.
         * If the user selects one of these entries, the corresponding [PendingIntent]
         * is fired and the provider's activity is invoked. If there is an error encountered
         * during the lifetime of that activity, the provider must use this API to set
         * an exception before finishing the activity.
         * The intent is set using the [Activity.setResult] method that takes in the intent,
         * as well as a result code. A credential provider must set the result code to
         * [Activity.RESULT_OK] if a valid credential, or a valid exception is being set as
         * the data to the result. However, if the credential provider is unable to resolve to a
         * valid response or exception, the result code must be set to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED].
         * Note that setting the result code to [Activity.RESULT_CANCELED] will re-surface the
         * account selection bottom sheet that displayed the original [CreateEntry], hence allowing
         * the user to re-select.
         * @param intent the intent to be set on the result of the [Activity] invoked through the
         * [PendingIntent]
         * @param exception the exception to be set as an extra to the [intent]
         * @throws NullPointerException If [intent], or [exception] is null
        fun setCreateCredentialException(
            intent: Intent,
            exception: CreateCredentialException
        ) {
                android.credentials.CreateCredentialException(exception.type, exception.message)