
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.credentials.provider

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.credentials.CredentialOption
import androidx.credentials.PublicKeyCredential
import androidx.credentials.R
import androidx.credentials.provider.PublicKeyCredentialEntry.Companion.toSlice
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.Collections

 * A public key credential entry that is displayed on the account selector UI. This
 * entry denotes that a credential of type [PublicKeyCredential.TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY_CREDENTIAL]
 * is available for the user to select.
 * Once this entry is selected, the corresponding [pendingIntent] will be invoked. The provider
 * can then show any activity they wish to. Before finishing the activity, provider must
 * set the final [androidx.credentials.GetCredentialResponse] through the
 * [PendingIntentHandler.setGetCredentialResponse] helper API.
 * @property username the username of the account holding the public key credential
 * @property displayName the displayName of the account holding the public key credential
 * @property lastUsedTime the last used time of this entry. Note that this value will only be
 * distinguishable up to the milli second mark. If two entries have the same millisecond precision,
 * they will be considered to have been used at the same time
 * @property icon the icon to be displayed with this entry on the UI, must be created using
 * [Icon.createWithResource] when possible, and especially not with [Icon.createWithBitmap] as
 * the latter consumes more memory and may cause undefined behavior due to memory implications
 * on internal transactions; defaulted to a fallback public key credential icon if not provided
 * @property pendingIntent the [PendingIntent] that will get invoked when the user selects this
 * entry, must be created with a unique request code per entry,
 * with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE] to allow the Android system to attach the
 * final request, and NOT with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT] as it can be invoked multiple
 * times
 * @property affiliatedDomain the user visible affiliated domain, a CharSequence
 * representation of a web domain or an app package name that the given credential in this
 * entry is associated with when it is different from the requesting entity, default null
 * @property entryGroupId an ID used for deduplication or grouping entries during display, always
 * set to [username]; for more info on this id, see [CredentialEntry]
 * @property isAutoSelectAllowedFromOption whether the [beginGetCredentialOption] request
 * for which this entry was created allows this entry to be auto-selected
 * @property hasDefaultIcon whether this entry was created without a custom icon and hence
 * contains a default icon set by the library, only to be used in Android API levels >= 28
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If [username] is empty
 * @see CredentialEntry
class PublicKeyCredentialEntry internal constructor(
    val username: CharSequence,
    val displayName: CharSequence?,
    val typeDisplayName: CharSequence,
    val pendingIntent: PendingIntent,
    val icon: Icon,
    val lastUsedTime: Instant?,
    val isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean,
    beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption: BeginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption,
    isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider: Boolean,
    entryGroupId: CharSequence? = username,
    affiliatedDomain: CharSequence? = null,
    autoSelectAllowedFromOption: Boolean = CredentialOption.extractAutoSelectValue(
    private val isCreatedFromSlice: Boolean = false,
    private val isDefaultIconFromSlice: Boolean = false,
) : CredentialEntry(
    entryGroupId ?: username,
    isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider,
    affiliatedDomain = affiliatedDomain,
) {
    val isAutoSelectAllowedFromOption = autoSelectAllowedFromOption

    val hasDefaultIcon: Boolean
        get() {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
                return Api28Impl.isDefaultIcon(this)
            return false

    init {
        require(username.isNotEmpty()) { "username must not be empty" }
        require(typeDisplayName.isNotEmpty()) { "typeDisplayName must not be empty" }

     * @constructor constructs an instance of [PublicKeyCredentialEntry]
     * @param context the context of the calling app, required to retrieve fallback resources
     * @param username the username of the account holding the public key credential
     * @param pendingIntent the [PendingIntent] that will get invoked when the user selects this
     * entry, must be created with a unique request code per entry,
     * with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE] to allow the Android system to attach the
     * final request, and NOT with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT] as it can be invoked multiple
     * times
     * @param beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption the option from the original
     * [BeginGetCredentialRequest], for which this credential entry is being added
     * @param displayName the displayName of the account holding the public key credential
     * @param lastUsedTime the last used time the credential underlying this entry was
     * used by the user, distinguishable up to the milli second mark only such that if two
     * entries have the same millisecond precision, they will be considered to have been used at
     * the same time
     * @param icon the icon to be displayed with this entry on the selector, if not set, a
     * default icon representing a public key credential type is set by the library
     * @param isAutoSelectAllowed whether this entry is allowed to be auto
     * selected if it is the only one on the UI, only takes effect if the app requesting for
     * credentials also opts for auto select
     * @param isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider when set to true, the UI prefers to render the
     * default credential type icon (see the default value of [icon]) when you are the
     * only available provider; false by default
     * @throws NullPointerException If [context], [username], [pendingIntent], or
     * [beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption] is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [username] is empty
        context: Context,
        username: CharSequence,
        pendingIntent: PendingIntent,
        beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption: BeginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption,
        displayName: CharSequence? = null,
        lastUsedTime: Instant? = null,
        icon: Icon = Icon.createWithResource(context, R.drawable.ic_passkey),
        isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean = false,
        isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider: Boolean = false,
    ) : this(
        isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider

     * @constructor constructs an instance of [PublicKeyCredentialEntry]
     * @param context the context of the calling app, required to retrieve fallback resources
     * @param username the username of the account holding the public key credential
     * @param pendingIntent the [PendingIntent] that will get invoked when the user selects this
     * entry, must be created with a unique request code per entry,
     * with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE] to allow the Android system to attach the
     * final request, and NOT with flag [PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT] as it can be invoked multiple
     * times
     * @param beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption the option from the original
     * [BeginGetCredentialResponse], for which this credential entry is being added
     * @param displayName the displayName of the account holding the public key credential
     * @param lastUsedTime the last used time the credential underlying this entry was
     * used by the user, distinguishable up to the milli second mark only such that if two
     * entries have the same millisecond precision, they will be considered to have been used at
     * the same time
     * @param icon the icon to be displayed with this entry on the selector, if not set, a
     * default icon representing a public key credential type is set by the library
     * @param isAutoSelectAllowed whether this entry is allowed to be auto
     * selected if it is the only one on the UI, only takes effect if the app requesting for
     * credentials also opts for auto select
     * @throws NullPointerException If [context], [username], [pendingIntent], or
     * [beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption] is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [username] is empty
    @Deprecated("Use the constructor that allows setting all parameters.",
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("PublicKeyCredentialEntry(context, username, pendingIntent," +
            "beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption, displayName, lastUsedTime, icon, " +
            "isAutoSelectAllowed, isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider)"),
        level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
        context: Context,
        username: CharSequence,
        pendingIntent: PendingIntent,
        beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption: BeginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption,
        displayName: CharSequence? = null,
        lastUsedTime: Instant? = null,
        icon: Icon = Icon.createWithResource(context, R.drawable.ic_passkey),
        isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean = false,
    ) : this(
        isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = false

    private object Api34Impl {

        fun fromCredentialEntry(credentialEntry: android.service.credentials.CredentialEntry):
            PublicKeyCredentialEntry? {
            val slice = credentialEntry.slice
            return fromSlice(slice)

    private object Api28Impl {
        fun isDefaultIcon(entry: PublicKeyCredentialEntry): Boolean {
            if (entry.isCreatedFromSlice) {
                return entry.isDefaultIconFromSlice
            return entry.icon.type == Icon.TYPE_RESOURCE &&
                entry.icon.resId == R.drawable.ic_passkey

        fun toSlice(
            entry: PublicKeyCredentialEntry
        ): Slice {
            val type = entry.type
            val title = entry.username
            val subTitle = entry.displayName
            val pendingIntent = entry.pendingIntent
            val typeDisplayName = entry.typeDisplayName
            val lastUsedTime = entry.lastUsedTime
            val icon = entry.icon
            val isAutoSelectAllowed = entry.isAutoSelectAllowed
            val beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption = entry.beginGetCredentialOption
            val entryGroupId = entry.entryGroupId
            val affiliatedDomain = entry.affiliatedDomain
            val isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider =

            val autoSelectAllowed = if (isAutoSelectAllowed) {
            } else {
            val isUsingDefaultIcon = if (isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider) {
            } else {
            val sliceBuilder = Slice.Builder(
                Uri.EMPTY, SliceSpec(
                    type, REVISION_ID
                    typeDisplayName, /*subType=*/null,
                    title, /*subType=*/null,
                    subTitle, /*subType=*/null,
                    autoSelectAllowed, /*subType=*/null,
                    icon, /*subType=*/null,
                    entryGroupId, /*subTypes=*/null,
                    affiliatedDomain, /*subTypes=*/null,
                    isUsingDefaultIcon, /*subType=*/null,
            try {
                if (entry.hasDefaultIcon) {
            } catch (_: IllegalStateException) {

            if (entry.isAutoSelectAllowedFromOption) {
            if (lastUsedTime != null) {

         * Returns an instance of [CustomCredentialEntry] derived from a [Slice] object.
         * @param slice the [Slice] object constructed through [toSlice]
        @SuppressLint("WrongConstant") // custom conversion between jetpack and framework
        fun fromSlice(slice: Slice): PublicKeyCredentialEntry? {
            var typeDisplayName: CharSequence? = null
            var title: CharSequence? = null
            var subtitle: CharSequence? = null
            var icon: Icon? = null
            var pendingIntent: PendingIntent? = null
            var lastUsedTime: Instant? = null
            var autoSelectAllowed = false
            var beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOptionId: CharSequence? = null
            var autoSelectAllowedFromOption = false
            var isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = false
            var isDefaultIcon = false
            var entryGroupId: CharSequence? = null
            var affiliatedDomain: CharSequence? = null

            slice.items.forEach {
                if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME)) {
                    typeDisplayName = it.text
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_TITLE)) {
                    title = it.text
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_SUBTITLE)) {
                    subtitle = it.text
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_ICON)) {
                    icon = it.icon
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_PENDING_INTENT)) {
                    pendingIntent = it.action
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_OPTION_ID)) {
                    beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOptionId = it.text
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_LAST_USED_TIME_MILLIS)) {
                    lastUsedTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(it.long)
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_AUTO_ALLOWED)) {
                    val autoSelectValue = it.text
                    if (autoSelectValue == TRUE_STRING) {
                        autoSelectAllowed = true
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_AUTO_SELECT_FROM_OPTION)) {
                    autoSelectAllowedFromOption = true
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_IS_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFERRED)) {
                    val defaultIconValue = it.text
                    if (defaultIconValue == TRUE_STRING) {
                        isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = true
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_DEFAULT_ICON_RES_ID)) {
                    isDefaultIcon = true
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_DEDUPLICATION_ID)) {
                    entryGroupId = it.text
                } else if (it.hasHint(SLICE_HINT_AFFILIATED_DOMAIN)) {
                    affiliatedDomain = it.text

            return try {
                    username = title!!,
                    displayName = subtitle,
                    typeDisplayName = typeDisplayName!!,
                    pendingIntent = pendingIntent!!,
                    icon = icon!!,
                    lastUsedTime = lastUsedTime,
                    isAutoSelectAllowed = autoSelectAllowed,
                    beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption = BeginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption
                    entryGroupId = entryGroupId,
                    isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider,
                    affiliatedDomain = affiliatedDomain,
                    autoSelectAllowedFromOption = autoSelectAllowedFromOption,
                    isCreatedFromSlice = true,
                    isDefaultIconFromSlice = isDefaultIcon,
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.i(TAG, "fromSlice failed with: " + e.message)

    companion object {
        private const val TAG = "PublicKeyCredEntry"

        private const val SLICE_HINT_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_TITLE =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_SUBTITLE =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_LAST_USED_TIME_MILLIS =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_ICON =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_PENDING_INTENT =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_AUTO_ALLOWED =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_IS_DEFAULT_ICON_PREFERRED =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_OPTION_ID =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_AUTO_SELECT_FROM_OPTION =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_DEFAULT_ICON_RES_ID =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_AFFILIATED_DOMAIN =

        private const val SLICE_HINT_DEDUPLICATION_ID =

        private const val TRUE_STRING = "true"

        private const val FALSE_STRING = "false"

        private const val REVISION_ID = 1

         * Converts an instance of [PublicKeyCredentialEntry] to a [Slice].
         * This method is only expected to be called on an API > 28
         * impl, hence returning null for other levels as the
         * visibility is only restricted to the library.
        fun toSlice(
            entry: PublicKeyCredentialEntry
        ): Slice? {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
                return Api28Impl.toSlice(entry)
            return null

         * Returns an instance of [CustomCredentialEntry] derived from a [Slice] object.
         * @param slice the [Slice] object constructed through [toSlice]
        @SuppressLint("WrongConstant") // custom conversion between jetpack and framework
        fun fromSlice(slice: Slice): PublicKeyCredentialEntry? {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
                return Api28Impl.fromSlice(slice)
            return null

         * Converts a framework [android.service.credentials.CredentialEntry] class to a Jetpack
         * [PublicKeyCredentialEntry] class
         * Note that this API is not needed in a general credential retrieval flow that is
         * implemented using this jetpack library, where you are only required to construct
         * an instance of [CredentialEntry] to populate the [BeginGetCredentialResponse].
         * @param credentialEntry the instance of framework class to be converted
        fun fromCredentialEntry(credentialEntry: android.service.credentials.CredentialEntry):
            PublicKeyCredentialEntry? {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 34) {
                return Api34Impl.fromCredentialEntry(credentialEntry)
            return null

     * Builder for [PublicKeyCredentialEntry]
    class Builder(
        private val context: Context,
        private val username: CharSequence,
        private val pendingIntent: PendingIntent,
        private val beginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption: BeginGetPublicKeyCredentialOption
    ) {
        private var displayName: CharSequence? = null
        private var lastUsedTime: Instant? = null
        private var icon: Icon? = null
        private var autoSelectAllowed: Boolean = false
        private var isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider: Boolean = false

        /** Sets a displayName to be shown on the UI with this entry */
        fun setDisplayName(displayName: CharSequence?): Builder {
            this.displayName = displayName
            return this

        /** Sets the icon to be shown on the UI with this entry */
        fun setIcon(icon: Icon): Builder {
            this.icon = icon
            return this

         * Sets whether the entry should be auto-selected.
         * The value is false by default
        fun setAutoSelectAllowed(autoSelectAllowed: Boolean): Builder {
            this.autoSelectAllowed = autoSelectAllowed
            return this

         * Sets the last used time of this account
         * This information will be used to sort the entries on the selector.
        fun setLastUsedTime(lastUsedTime: Instant?): Builder {
            this.lastUsedTime = lastUsedTime
            return this

         * When set to true, the UI prefers to render the default credential type icon when you are
         * the single available provider; false by default.
        fun setDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider(
            isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider: Boolean
        ): Builder {
            this.isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider
            return this

        /** Builds an instance of [PublicKeyCredentialEntry] */
        fun build(): PublicKeyCredentialEntry {
            if (icon == null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
                icon = Icon.createWithResource(context, R.drawable.ic_passkey)
            val typeDisplayName = context.getString(
            return PublicKeyCredentialEntry(
                isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider = isDefaultIconPreferredAsSingleProvider