
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.glance.appwidget

import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo
import android.content.ComponentName
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpSize
import androidx.datastore.core.DataStore
import androidx.datastore.preferences.core.Preferences
import androidx.datastore.preferences.core.edit
import androidx.datastore.preferences.core.stringPreferencesKey
import androidx.datastore.preferences.core.stringSetPreferencesKey
import androidx.datastore.preferences.preferencesDataStore
import androidx.glance.GlanceId
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.firstOrNull

 * Manager for Glance App Widgets.
 * This is used to query the app widgets currently installed on the system, and some of their
 * properties.
class GlanceAppWidgetManager(private val context: Context) {

    private data class State(
        val receiverToProviderName: Map<ComponentName, String> = emptyMap(),
        val providerNameToReceivers: Map<String, List<ComponentName>> = emptyMap(),
    ) {
        constructor(receiverToProviderName: Map<ComponentName, String>) : this(

    private val appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context)
    private val dataStore by lazy { getOrCreateDataStore() }

    private fun getOrCreateDataStore(): DataStore<Preferences> {
        synchronized(GlanceAppWidgetManager) {
            return dataStoreSingleton ?: run {
                val newValue = context.appManagerDataStore
                dataStoreSingleton = newValue

    internal suspend fun <R : GlanceAppWidgetReceiver, P : GlanceAppWidget> updateReceiver(
        receiver: R,
        provider: P,
    ) {
        val receiverName = receiver.canonicalName()
        val providerName = provider.canonicalName()
        dataStore.updateData { pref ->
            pref.toMutablePreferences().also { builder ->
                builder[providersKey] = (pref[providersKey] ?: emptySet()) + receiverName
                builder[providerKey(receiverName)] = providerName

    private fun createState(prefs: Preferences): State {
        val packageName = context.packageName
        val receivers = prefs[providersKey] ?: return State()
        return State(
            receivers.mapNotNull { receiverName ->
                val comp = ComponentName(packageName, receiverName)
                val providerName = prefs[providerKey(receiverName)] ?: return@mapNotNull null
                comp to providerName

    private suspend fun getState(): State {
        // Preferences won't contain value for providersKey when either -
        // 1. App doesn't have any widget placed, but app requested for glanceIds for a widget class
        // 2. User cleared app data, so, the provider to receivers mapping is lost (even if widgets
        // are still pinned).
        // In case of #2, we want to return an appropriate list of glance ids, so, we back-fill the
        // datastore with all known glance receivers and providers.
        // #1 isn't something that an app would commonly do, and even if it does, it would get empty
        // IDs as expected.
        return createState(
            prefs = { it[providersKey] != null }
                ?: addAllReceiversAndProvidersToPreferences()

     * Returns the [GlanceId] of the App Widgets installed for a particular provider.
    suspend fun <T : GlanceAppWidget> getGlanceIds(provider: Class<T>): List<GlanceId> {
        val state = getState()
        val providerName = requireNotNull(provider.canonicalName) { "no canonical provider name" }
        val receivers = state.providerNameToReceivers[providerName] ?: return emptyList()
        return receivers.flatMap { receiver ->
            appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetIds(receiver).map { AppWidgetId(it) }

     * Retrieve the sizes for a given App Widget, if provided by the host.
     * The list of sizes will be extracted from the App Widget options bundle, using the content of
     * [AppWidgetManager.OPTION_APPWIDGET_SIZES] if provided. If not, and if
     * [AppWidgetManager.OPTION_APPWIDGET_MIN_HEIGHT] and similar are provided, the landscape and
     * portrait sizes will be estimated from those and returned. Otherwise, the list will contain
     * [DpSize.Zero] only.
    suspend fun getAppWidgetSizes(glanceId: GlanceId): List<DpSize> {
        require(glanceId is AppWidgetId) { "This method only accepts App Widget Glance Id" }
        val bundle = appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetOptions(glanceId.appWidgetId)
        return bundle.extractAllSizes { DpSize.Zero }

     * Retrieve the platform AppWidget ID from the provided GlanceId
     * Important: Do NOT use appwidget ID as identifier, instead create your own and store them in
     * the GlanceStateDefinition. This method should only be used for compatibility or IPC
     * communication reasons in conjunction with [getGlanceIdBy]
    fun getAppWidgetId(glanceId: GlanceId): Int {
        require(glanceId is AppWidgetId) { "This method only accepts App Widget Glance Id" }
        return glanceId.appWidgetId

     * Retrieve the GlanceId of the provided AppWidget ID.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided id is not associated with an existing
     * GlanceId
    fun getGlanceIdBy(appWidgetId: Int): GlanceId {
        requireNotNull(appWidgetManager.getAppWidgetInfo(appWidgetId)) {
            "Invalid AppWidget ID."
        return AppWidgetId(appWidgetId)

     * Retrieve the GlanceId from the configuration activity intent or null if not valid
    fun getGlanceIdBy(configurationIntent: Intent): GlanceId? {
        val appWidgetId = configurationIntent.extras?.getInt(
        ) ?: AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID

        if (appWidgetId == AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID) {
            return null

        return AppWidgetId(appWidgetId)

     * Request to pin the [GlanceAppWidget] of the given receiver on the current launcher
     * (if supported).
     * Note: the request is only supported for SDK 26 and beyond, for lower versions this method
     * will be no-op and return false.
     * @param receiver the target [GlanceAppWidgetReceiver] class
     * @param preview the instance of the GlanceAppWidget to compose the preview that will be shown
     * in the request dialog. When not provided the app widget previewImage (as defined in the
     * meta-data) will be used instead, or the app's icon if not available either.
     * @param previewState the state (as defined by the [GlanceAppWidget.stateDefinition] to use for
     * the preview
     * @param successCallback a [PendingIntent] to be invoked if the app widget pinning is accepted
     * by the user
     * @return true if the request was successfully sent to the system, false otherwise
     * @see AppWidgetManager.requestPinAppWidget for more information and limitations
    suspend fun <T : GlanceAppWidgetReceiver> requestPinGlanceAppWidget(
        receiver: Class<T>,
        preview: GlanceAppWidget? = null,
        previewState: Any? = null,
        successCallback: PendingIntent? = null,
    ): Boolean {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            return false
        if (AppWidgetManagerApi26Impl.isRequestPinAppWidgetSupported(appWidgetManager)) {
            val target = ComponentName(context.packageName,
            val previewBundle = Bundle().apply {
                if (preview != null) {
                    val info = appWidgetManager.installedProviders.first {
                        it.provider == target
                    val snapshot = preview.compose(
                        context = context,
                        id = AppWidgetId(AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID),
                        state = previewState,
                        options = Bundle.EMPTY,
                        size = info.getMinSize(context.resources.displayMetrics),
                    putParcelable(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_PREVIEW, snapshot)
            return AppWidgetManagerApi26Impl.requestPinAppWidget(
        return false

    /** Check which receivers still exist, and clean the data store to only keep those. */
    internal suspend fun cleanReceivers() {
        val packageName = context.packageName
        val receivers = appWidgetManager.installedProviders
            .filter { it.provider.packageName == packageName }
            .map { it.provider.className }
        dataStore.updateData { prefs ->
            val knownReceivers = prefs[providersKey] ?: return@updateData prefs
            val toRemove = knownReceivers.filter { it !in receivers }
            if (toRemove.isEmpty()) return@updateData prefs
            prefs.toMutablePreferences().apply {
                this[providersKey] = knownReceivers - toRemove
                toRemove.forEach { receiver -> remove(providerKey(receiver)) }

     * Identifies [GlanceAppWidget] (provider) for each [GlanceAppWidgetReceiver] in the app and
     * saves the mapping in the preferences datastore. Also stores the set of glance-based
     * receiver class names.
     * [getGlanceIds] looks up the set of associated receivers for the given [GlanceAppWidget]
     * (provider) from the datastore to be able to get the appwidget ids from [AppWidgetManager].
     * Typically, the information is stored / overwritten by [updateReceiver] during widget
     * lifecycle, however, when app data is cleared by the user, it is lost. So, we reconstruct it
     * (for all known glance-based receivers).
     * Follow b/305232907 to know the recommendation from appWidgets on handling cleared app data
     * scenarios for widgets.
    private suspend fun addAllReceiversAndProvidersToPreferences(): Preferences {
        val installedGlanceAppWidgetReceivers = appWidgetManager.installedProviders
            .filter { it.provider.packageName == context.packageName }
            .mapNotNull { it.maybeGlanceAppWidgetReceiver() }

        return dataStore.updateData { prefs ->
            prefs.toMutablePreferences().apply {
                this[providersKey] =
           { }.toSet()
                installedGlanceAppWidgetReceivers.forEach {
                    this[providerKey(it.canonicalName())] = it.glanceAppWidget.canonicalName()

    internal suspend fun listKnownReceivers(): Collection<String>? = { it[providersKey] }

     * Clears the datastore that holds information about glance app widgets (providers) and
     * receivers.
     * Useful for tests that wish to mimic clearing app data.
    internal suspend fun clearDataStore() {
        dataStore.edit { it.clear() }

    private companion object {
        private val Context.appManagerDataStore
            by preferencesDataStore(name = "GlanceAppWidgetManager")
        private var dataStoreSingleton: DataStore<Preferences>? = null
        private val providersKey = stringSetPreferencesKey("list::Providers")

        private fun providerKey(provider: String) = stringPreferencesKey("provider:$provider")

        private fun GlanceAppWidgetReceiver.canonicalName() =
            requireNotNull(this.javaClass.canonicalName) { "no receiver name" }

        private fun GlanceAppWidget.canonicalName() =
            requireNotNull(this.javaClass.canonicalName) { "no provider name" }

        private fun AppWidgetProviderInfo.maybeGlanceAppWidgetReceiver(): GlanceAppWidgetReceiver? {
            val receiver = Class.forName(provider.className).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()
            if (receiver is GlanceAppWidgetReceiver) {
                return receiver
            return null

    private object AppWidgetManagerApi26Impl {

        fun isRequestPinAppWidgetSupported(manager: AppWidgetManager) =

        fun requestPinAppWidget(
            manager: AppWidgetManager,
            target: ComponentName,
            extras: Bundle?,
            successCallback: PendingIntent?,
        ) = manager.requestPinAppWidget(target, extras, successCallback)

private fun Map<ComponentName, String>.reverseMapping(): Map<String, List<ComponentName>> =
    entries.groupBy({ it.value }, { it.key })