 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session;

import static androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.session.SessionResult.RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
import static androidx.media3.session.SessionResult.RESULT_SUCCESS;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.media3.common.AudioAttributes;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.DeviceInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaLibraryInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaMetadata;
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException;
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackParameters;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.Player.DiscontinuityReason;
import androidx.media3.common.Player.PositionInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.Player.RepeatMode;
import androidx.media3.common.Rating;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.TrackSelectionParameters;
import androidx.media3.common.Tracks;
import androidx.media3.common.VideoSize;
import androidx.media3.common.util.BitmapLoader;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSourceBitmapLoader;
import androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams;
import androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * A session that allows a media app to expose its player functionality, information of the playlist
 * and the media item currently being played to other processes including the Android framework and
 * other apps. The common use cases are as follows:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Receiving and dispatching media key events (for instance Bluetooth/wired headset and remote
 *       control devices).
 *   <li>Publish media playback information and player commands to SystemUI (media notification) and
 *       Android Auto/Wear OS.
 *   <li>Separating UI process and playback process.
 * </ul>
 * <p>A session should be created when an app wants to publish media playback information or handle
 * media key events. In general, an app only needs one session for all playback, though multiple
 * sessions can be created to provide finer grain controls of media. See <a
 * href="#MultipleSessions">Supporting Multiple Sessions</a> for details.
 * <p>If an app wants to support playback when in the background, using a {@link
 * MediaSessionService} is the preferred approach. See {@link MediaSessionService} for details.
 * <p>Topics covered here:
 * <ol>
 *   <li><a href="#SessionLifecycle">Session Lifecycle</a>
 *   <li><a href="#ThreadingModel">Threading Model</a>
 *   <li><a href="#KeyEvents">Media Key Events Mapping</a>
 *   <li><a href="#MultipleSessions">Supporting Multiple Sessions</a>
 *   <li><a href="#BackwardCompatibility">Backward Compatibility with Legacy Session APIs</a>
 *   <li><a href="#CompatibilityController">Backward Compatibility with Legacy Controller APIs</a>
 * </ol>
 * <h2 id="SessionLifecycle">Session Lifecycle</h2>
 * <p>A session can be created by {@link Builder}. The owner of the session may pass its {@link
 * #getToken() session token} to other processes to allow them to create a {@link MediaController}
 * to interact with the session.
 * <p>When a session receives playback commands, the session calls corresponding methods directly on
 * the underlying player set by {@link Builder#Builder(Context, Player)} or {@link
 * #setPlayer(Player)}.
 * <p>When an app is finished performing playback it must call {@link #release()} to clean up the
 * session and notify any controllers. The app is responsible for releasing the underlying player
 * after releasing the session.
 * <h2 id="ThreadingModel">Threading Model</h2>
 * <p>The instances are thread safe, but must be used on a thread with a looper.
 * <p>{@link Callback} methods will be called on the application thread associated with the {@link
 * Player#getApplicationLooper() application looper} of the underlying player. When a new player is
 * set by {@link #setPlayer}, the player must use the same application looper as the previous one.
 * <p>The session listens to player events via {@link Player.Listener} and expects the callback
 * methods to be called on the application thread. If the player violates the threading contract, an
 * {@link IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
 * <h2 id="KeyEvents">Media Key Events Mapping</h2>
 * <p>When the session receives media key events they are mapped to a method call on the underlying
 * player. The following table shows the mapping between the event key code and the {@link Player}
 * method which is called.
 * <table>
 * <caption>Key code and corresponding Player API</caption>
 * <tr>
 *   <th>Key code</th>
 *   <th>Player API</th>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#play()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#pause()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>
 *     <ul>
 *       <li>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}</li>
 *       <li>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK}</li>
 *     </ul>
 *   </td>
 *   <td>
 *     <ul>
 *       <li>For a single tap,
 *         <ul>
 *           <li>
 *             {@link Player#pause()} if {@link Player#getPlayWhenReady() playWhenReady} is
 *             {@code true}
 *           </li>
 *           <li>{@link Player#play()} otherwise</li>
 *         </ul>
 *       <li>In case the media key events are coming from another package ID than the package ID of
 *         the media app (events coming for instance from Bluetooth), a double tap generating two
 *         key events within a brief amount of time, is converted to {@link Player#seekToNext()}
 *         </li>
 *     </ul>
 *   </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#seekToNext()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#seekToPrevious()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#stop()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#seekForward()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 *   <td>{@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND}</td>
 *   <td>{@link Player#seekBack()}</td>
 * </tr>
 * </table>
 * <h2 id="MultipleSessions">Supporting Multiple Sessions</h2>
 * <p>Generally, multiple sessions aren't necessary for most media apps. One exception is if your
 * app can play multiple media content at the same time, but only for the playback of video-only
 * media or remote playback, since the <a
 * href="">audio focus policy</a> recommends
 * not playing multiple audio content at the same time. Also, keep in mind that multiple media
 * sessions would make Android Auto and Bluetooth devices with display to show your app multiple
 * times, because they list up media sessions, not media apps.
 * <h2 id="BackwardCompatibility">Backward Compatibility with Legacy Session APIs</h2>
 * <p>An active {@link MediaSessionCompat} is internally created with the session for backwards
 * compatibility. It's used to handle incoming connections and commands from {@link
 * MediaControllerCompat} instances, and helps to utilize existing APIs that are built with legacy
 * media session APIs.
 * <h2 id="CompatibilityController">Backward Compatibility with Legacy Controller APIs</h2>
 * <p>In addition to {@link MediaController}, the session also supports connections from the legacy
 * controller APIs - {@linkplain framework controller} and
 * {@linkplain MediaControllerCompat AndroidX controller compat}. However, {@link ControllerInfo}
 * may not be precise for legacy controllers. See {@link ControllerInfo} for the details.
 * <p>Neither an unknown package name nor an unknown UID mean that you should disallow a connection
 * or commands per se. For SDK levels where such issues happen, session tokens can only be obtained
 * by trusted controllers (e.g. Bluetooth, Auto, ...). This means only trusted controllers can
 * connect and an app can accept such controllers in the same way as with legacy sessions.
public class MediaSession {

  static {

  // It's better to have private static lock instead of using MediaSession.class because the
  // private lock object isn't exposed.
  private static final Object STATIC_LOCK = new Object();

  // Note: This checks the uniqueness of a session ID only in single process.
  // When the framework becomes able to check the uniqueness, this logic should be removed.
  private static final HashMap<String, MediaSession> SESSION_ID_TO_SESSION_MAP = new HashMap<>();

   * A builder for {@link MediaSession}.
   * <p>Any incoming requests from the {@link MediaController} will be handled on the application
   * thread of the underlying {@link Player}.
  public static final class Builder extends BuilderBase<MediaSession, Builder, Callback> {

     * Creates a builder for {@link MediaSession}.
     * @param context The context.
     * @param player The underlying player to perform playback and handle player commands.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link Player#canAdvertiseSession()} returns false.
    public Builder(Context context, Player player) {
      super(context, player, new Callback() {});

     * Sets a {@link PendingIntent} to launch an {@link} for the {@link
     * MediaSession}. This can be used as a quick link to an ongoing media screen.
     * <p>A client can use this pending intent to start an activity belonging to this session. On
     * API levels below 33 the pending intent can be used {@linkplain
     * NotificationCompat.Builder#setContentIntent(PendingIntent) as the content intent}. Tapping
     * the notification will then send that pending intent and open the activity (see <a
     * href="">'Start an Activity from
     * a Notification'</a>). For API levels starting with 33, the media notification reads the
     * pending intent directly from the session.
     * @param pendingIntent The pending intent.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setSessionActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
      return super.setSessionActivity(pendingIntent);

     * Sets an ID of the {@link MediaSession}. If not set, an empty string will be used.
     * <p>Use this if and only if your app supports multiple playback at the same time and also
     * wants to provide external apps to have finer-grained controls.
     * @param id The ID. Must be unique among all {@link MediaSession sessions} per package.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    // Note: This ID is not visible to the controllers. ID is introduced in order to prevent
    // apps from creating multiple sessions without any clear reasons. If they create two
    // sessions with the same ID in a process, then an IllegalStateException will be thrown.
    public Builder setId(String id) {
      return super.setId(id);

     * Sets a callback for the {@link MediaSession} to handle incoming requests from {link
     * MediaController}.
     * <p>Apps that want to allow controllers to {@linkplain MediaController#setMediaItems(List)
     * set} or {@linkplain MediaController#addMediaItems(List) add} media items to the playlist,
     * must use a callback and override its {@link
     * MediaSession.Callback#onSetMediaItems(MediaSession, ControllerInfo, List, int, long)} or
     * {@link MediaSession.Callback#onSetMediaItems(MediaSession, ControllerInfo, List, int, long)}
     * methods.
     * @param callback The callback.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setCallback(Callback callback) {
      return super.setCallback(callback);

     * Sets an extras {@link Bundle} for the {@linkplain MediaSession#getToken() session token}. If
     * not set, {@link Bundle#EMPTY} is used.
     * <p>A controller has access to these extras through the {@linkplain
     * MediaController#getConnectedToken() connected token}.
     * @param tokenExtras The extras {@link Bundle}.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setExtras(Bundle tokenExtras) {
      return super.setExtras(tokenExtras);

     * Sets the {@linkplain MediaSession#getSessionExtras() session extras}. If not set, {@link
     * Bundle#EMPTY} is used.
     * <p>A controller has access to session extras through {@linkplain
     * MediaController#getSessionExtras()}.
     * @param sessionExtras The session extras {@link Bundle}.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setSessionExtras(Bundle sessionExtras) {
      return super.setSessionExtras(sessionExtras);

     * Sets a {@link BitmapLoader} for the {@link MediaSession} to decode bitmaps from compressed
     * binary data or load bitmaps from {@link Uri}.
     * <p>The provided instance will likely be called repeatedly with the same request, so it would
     * be best if any provided instance does some caching. Simple caching can be added to any {@link
     * BitmapLoader} implementation by wrapping it in {@link CacheBitmapLoader} before passing it to
     * this method.
     * <p>If no instance is set, a {@link CacheBitmapLoader} with a {@link DataSourceBitmapLoader}
     * inside will be used.
     * @param bitmapLoader The bitmap loader {@link BitmapLoader}.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setBitmapLoader(BitmapLoader bitmapLoader) {
      return super.setBitmapLoader(bitmapLoader);

     * Sets the custom layout of the session.
     * <p>The button are converted to custom actions in the legacy media session playback state for
     * legacy controllers (see {@code
     * PlaybackStateCompat.Builder#addCustomAction(PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction)}). When
     * converting, the {@linkplain SessionCommand#customExtras custom extras of the session command}
     * is used for the extras of the legacy custom action.
     * <p>Controllers that connect have the custom layout of the session available with the initial
     * connection result by default. A custom layout specific to a controller can be set when the
     * controller {@linkplain MediaSession.Callback#onConnect connects} by using an {@link
     * ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder}.
     * <p>Use {@code MediaSession.setCustomLayout(..)} to update the custom layout during the life
     * time of the session.
     * <p>On the controller side, the {@linkplain CommandButton#isEnabled enabled} flag is set to
     * {@code false} if the available commands of a controller do not allow to use a button.
     * @param customLayout The ordered list of {@link CommandButton command buttons}.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setCustomLayout(List<CommandButton> customLayout) {
      return super.setCustomLayout(customLayout);

     * Sets whether periodic position updates should be sent to controllers while playing. If false,
     * no periodic position updates are sent to controllers.
     * <p>The default is {@code true}.
     * @param isEnabled Whether periodic position update is enabled.
    public Builder setPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
      return super.setPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled(isEnabled);

     * Sets whether a play button is shown if playback is {@linkplain
     * Player#getPlaybackSuppressionReason() suppressed}.
     * <p>The default is {@code true}.
     * @param showPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed Whether to show a play button if playback is
     *     {@linkplain Player#getPlaybackSuppressionReason() suppressed}.
    public Builder setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(
        boolean showPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed) {
      return super.setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(showPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed);

     * Builds a {@link MediaSession}.
     * @return A new session.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if a {@link MediaSession} with the same {@link #setId(String)
     *     ID} already exists in the package.
    public MediaSession build() {
      if (bitmapLoader == null) {
        bitmapLoader = new CacheBitmapLoader(new DataSourceBitmapLoader(context));
      return new MediaSession(

  /** Information of a {@link MediaController} or a {@link MediaBrowser}. */
  public static final class ControllerInfo {

    /** The {@linkplain #getControllerVersion() controller version} of legacy controllers. */
    public static final int LEGACY_CONTROLLER_VERSION = 0;

    /** The {@linkplain #getInterfaceVersion()} interface version} of legacy controllers. */
    @UnstableApi public static final int LEGACY_CONTROLLER_INTERFACE_VERSION = 0;

    private final RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo;
    private final int libraryVersion;
    private final int interfaceVersion;
    private final boolean isTrusted;
    @Nullable private final ControllerCb controllerCb;
    private final Bundle connectionHints;

     * Creates an instance.
     * @param remoteUserInfo The remote user info.
     * @param trusted {@code true} if trusted, {@code false} otherwise.
     * @param cb ControllerCb. Can be {@code null} only when a MediaBrowserCompat connects to
     *     MediaSessionService and ControllerInfo is needed for {@link
     *     MediaSession.Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo)}.
     * @param connectionHints A session-specific argument sent from the controller for the
     *     connection. The contents of this bundle may affect the connection result.
    /* package */ ControllerInfo(
        RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo,
        int libraryVersion,
        int interfaceVersion,
        boolean trusted,
        @Nullable ControllerCb cb,
        Bundle connectionHints) {
      this.remoteUserInfo = remoteUserInfo;
      this.libraryVersion = libraryVersion;
      this.interfaceVersion = interfaceVersion;
      isTrusted = trusted;
      controllerCb = cb;
      this.connectionHints = connectionHints;

    /* package */ RemoteUserInfo getRemoteUserInfo() {
      return remoteUserInfo;

     * Returns the library version of the controller.
     * <p>It will be the same as {@link MediaLibraryInfo#VERSION_INT} of the controller, or less
     * than {@code 1000000} if the controller is a legacy controller.
    public int getControllerVersion() {
      return libraryVersion;

    /** Returns the interface version of the controller, or 0 if it's a legacy controller. */
    public int getInterfaceVersion() {
      return interfaceVersion;

     * Returns the package name. Can be {@link RemoteUserInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER} for
     * interoperability.
     * <p>Interoperability: Package name may not be precisely obtained for legacy controller API on
     * older device. Here are details.
     * <table>
     * <caption>Summary when package name isn't precise</caption>
     * <tr><th>SDK version when package name isn't precise</th>
     *     <th>{@code ControllerInfo#getPackageName()} for legacy controller</th>
     * <tr><td>{@code SDK_INT < 21}</td>
     *     <td>Actual package name via {@link PackageManager#getNameForUid} with UID.<br>
     *         It's sufficient for most cases, but doesn't precisely distinguish caller if it
     *         uses shared user ID.</td>
     * <tr><td>{@code 21 <= SDK_INT < 24}</td>
     *     <td>{@link RemoteUserInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER}</td>
     * </table>
    public String getPackageName() {
      return remoteUserInfo.getPackageName();

     * Returns the UID of the controller. Can be a negative value for interoperability.
     * <p>Interoperability: If {@code 21 <= SDK_INT < 28}, then UID would be a negative value
     * because it cannot be obtained.
    public int getUid() {
      return remoteUserInfo.getUid();

    /** Returns the connection hints sent from controller. */
    public Bundle getConnectionHints() {
      return new Bundle(connectionHints);

     * Returns if the controller has been granted {@code android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL}
     * or has an enabled notification listener so it can be trusted to accept connection and
     * incoming command requests.
    public boolean isTrusted() {
      return isTrusted;

    public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hashCode(controllerCb, remoteUserInfo);

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
      if (!(obj instanceof ControllerInfo)) {
        return false;
      if (this == obj) {
        return true;
      ControllerInfo other = (ControllerInfo) obj;
      if (controllerCb != null || other.controllerCb != null) {
        return Util.areEqual(controllerCb, other.controllerCb);
      return remoteUserInfo.equals(other.remoteUserInfo);

    public String toString() {
      return "ControllerInfo {pkg="
          + remoteUserInfo.getPackageName()
          + ", uid="
          + remoteUserInfo.getUid()
          + "})";

    /* package */ ControllerCb getControllerCb() {
      return controllerCb;

    /* package */ static ControllerInfo createLegacyControllerInfo() {
      RemoteUserInfo legacyRemoteUserInfo =
          new RemoteUserInfo(
              /* pid= */ RemoteUserInfo.UNKNOWN_PID,
              /* uid= */ RemoteUserInfo.UNKNOWN_UID);
      return new ControllerInfo(
          /* trusted= */ false,
          /* cb= */ null,
          /* connectionHints= */ Bundle.EMPTY);

    /** Returns a {@link ControllerInfo} suitable for use when testing client code. */
    @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = PRIVATE)
    public static ControllerInfo createTestOnlyControllerInfo(
        RemoteUserInfo remoteUserInfo,
        int libraryVersion,
        int interfaceVersion,
        boolean trusted,
        Bundle connectionHints) {
      return new MediaSession.ControllerInfo(
          /* cb= */ null,

  private final MediaSessionImpl impl;

  // Suppress nullness check as `this` is under initialization.
  @SuppressWarnings({"nullness:argument", "nullness:method.invocation"})
  /* package */ MediaSession(
      Context context,
      String id,
      Player player,
      @Nullable PendingIntent sessionActivity,
      ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout,
      Callback callback,
      Bundle tokenExtras,
      Bundle sessionExtras,
      BitmapLoader bitmapLoader,
      boolean playIfSuppressed,
      boolean isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled) {
    synchronized (STATIC_LOCK) {
      if (SESSION_ID_TO_SESSION_MAP.containsKey(id)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Session ID must be unique. ID=" + id);
      SESSION_ID_TO_SESSION_MAP.put(id, this);
    impl =

  /* package */ MediaSessionImpl createImpl(
      Context context,
      String id,
      Player player,
      @Nullable PendingIntent sessionActivity,
      ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout,
      Callback callback,
      Bundle tokenExtras,
      Bundle sessionExtras,
      BitmapLoader bitmapLoader,
      boolean playIfSuppressed,
      boolean isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled) {
    return new MediaSessionImpl(

  /* package */ MediaSessionImpl getImpl() {
    return impl;

  /* package */ static MediaSession getSession(Uri sessionUri) {
    synchronized (STATIC_LOCK) {
      for (MediaSession session : SESSION_ID_TO_SESSION_MAP.values()) {
        if (Util.areEqual(session.getUri(), sessionUri)) {
          return session;
    return null;

   * Returns the {@link PendingIntent} to launch {@linkplain
   * Builder#setSessionActivity(PendingIntent) the session activity} or null if not set.
   * @return The {@link PendingIntent} to launch an activity belonging to the session.
  public final PendingIntent getSessionActivity() {
    return impl.getSessionActivity();

   * Updates the session activity that was set when {@linkplain
   * Builder#setSessionActivity(PendingIntent) building the session}.
   * @param activityPendingIntent The pending intent to start the session activity.
  public final void setSessionActivity(PendingIntent activityPendingIntent) {
    if (Util.SDK_INT >= 31) {

   * Sets the underlying {@link Player} for this session to dispatch incoming events to.
   * @param player A player that handles actual media playback in your app.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the new player's application looper differs from the
   *     current player's looper, or {@link Player#canAdvertiseSession()} returns false.
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the new player's application looper differs from the current
   *     looper.
  public final void setPlayer(Player player) {
    checkArgument(player.getApplicationLooper() == getPlayer().getApplicationLooper());
    checkState(player.getApplicationLooper() == Looper.myLooper());

   * Releases the session and disconnects all connected controllers.
   * <p>The session must not be used after calling this method.
   * <p>Releasing the session removes the session's listeners from the player but does not
   * {@linkplain Player#stop() stop} or {@linkplain Player#release() release} the player. An app can
   * further use the player after the session is released and needs to make sure to eventually
   * release the player.
  public final void release() {
    try {
      synchronized (STATIC_LOCK) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Should not be here.

  /* package */ final boolean isReleased() {
    return impl.isReleased();

  /** Returns the underlying {@link Player}. */
  public final Player getPlayer() {
    return impl.getPlayerWrapper().getWrappedPlayer();

  /** Returns the session ID. */
  public final String getId() {
    return impl.getId();

  /** Returns the {@link SessionToken} for creating {@link MediaController}. */
  public final SessionToken getToken() {
    return impl.getToken();

  /** Returns the list of connected controllers. */
  public final List<ControllerInfo> getConnectedControllers() {
    return impl.getConnectedControllers();

   * Returns the {@link ControllerInfo} for the controller that sent the current request for a
   * {@link Player} method.
   * <p>This method will return a non-null value while {@link Player} methods triggered by a
   * controller are executed.
   * <p>Note: If you want to prevent a controller from calling a method, specify the {@link
   * ConnectionResult#availablePlayerCommands available commands} in {@link Callback#onConnect} or
   * set them via {@link #setAvailableCommands}.
   * <p>This method must be called on the {@linkplain Player#getApplicationLooper() application
   * thread} of the underlying player.
   * @return The {@link ControllerInfo} of the controller that sent the current request, or {@code
   *     null} if not applicable.
  public final ControllerInfo getControllerForCurrentRequest() {
    return impl.getControllerForCurrentRequest();

   * Returns whether the given media controller info belongs to the media notification controller.
   * <p>See {@link #getMediaNotificationControllerInfo()}.
   * @param controllerInfo The controller info.
   * @return Whether the controller info belongs to the media notification controller.
  public boolean isMediaNotificationController(ControllerInfo controllerInfo) {
    return impl.isMediaNotificationController(controllerInfo);

   * Returns the {@link ControllerInfo} of the media notification controller.
   * <p>Use this controller info to set {@linkplain #setAvailableCommands(ControllerInfo,
   * SessionCommands, Player.Commands) available commands} and {@linkplain
   * #setCustomLayout(ControllerInfo, List) custom layout} that are consistently applied to the
   * media notification on all API levels.
   * <p>Available {@linkplain SessionCommands session commands} of the media notification controller
   * are used to enable or disable buttons of the custom layout before it is passed to the
   * {@linkplain MediaNotification.Provider#createNotification(MediaSession, ImmutableList,
   * MediaNotification.ActionFactory, MediaNotification.Provider.Callback) notification provider}.
   * Disabled command buttons are not converted to notification actions when using {@link
   * DefaultMediaNotificationProvider}. This affects the media notification displayed by System UI
   * below API 33.
   * <p>The available session commands of the media notification controller are used to maintain
   * custom actions of the platform session (see {@code PlaybackStateCompat.getCustomActions()}).
   * Command buttons of the custom layout are disabled or enabled according to the available session
   * commands. Disabled command buttons are not converted to custom actions of the platform session.
   * This affects the media notification displayed by System UI <a
   * href="">starting
   * with API 33</a>.
   * <p>The available {@linkplain Player.Commands player commands} are intersected with the actual
   * available commands of the underlying player to determine the playback actions of the platform
   * session (see {@code PlaybackStateCompat.getActions()}).
  public ControllerInfo getMediaNotificationControllerInfo() {
    return impl.getMediaNotificationControllerInfo();

   * Returns whether the given {@link ControllerInfo} belongs to an Automotive OS controller.
   * <p>Note: This is not a security validation.
   * @param controllerInfo The controller info of the connected controller.
   * @return True if the controller into belongs to a connected Automotive OS controller.
  public final boolean isAutomotiveController(ControllerInfo controllerInfo) {
    return impl.isAutomotiveController(controllerInfo);

   * Returns whether the given {@link ControllerInfo} belongs to an Android Auto companion app
   * controller.
   * <p>Note: This is not a security validation.
   * @param controllerInfo The controller info of the connected controller.
   * @return True if the controller into belongs to a connected Auto companion client app.
  public final boolean isAutoCompanionController(ControllerInfo controllerInfo) {
    return impl.isAutoCompanionController(controllerInfo);

   * Sets the custom layout for the given Media3 controller.
   * <p>Make sure to have the session commands of all command buttons of the custom layout
   * {@linkplain MediaController#getAvailableSessionCommands() available for controllers}. Include
   * the custom session commands a controller should be able to send in the available commands of
   * the connection result {@linkplain MediaSession.Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo)
   * that your app returns when the controller connects}. The {@link CommandButton#isEnabled} flag
   * is set according to the available commands of the controller and overrides a value that may
   * have been set by the app.
   * <p>On the controller side, {@link
   * MediaController.Listener#onCustomLayoutChanged(MediaController, List)} is only called if the
   * new custom layout is different to the custom layout the {@link
   * MediaController#getCustomLayout() controller already has available}. Note that this comparison
   * uses {@link CommandButton#equals} and therefore ignores {@link CommandButton#extras}.
   * <p>On the controller side, the {@linkplain CommandButton#isEnabled enabled} flag is set to
   * {@code false} if the available commands of the controller do not allow to use a button.
   * <p>Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a {@linkplain
   * ControllerInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER_VERSION legacy controller}.
   * @param controller The controller for which to set the custom layout.
   * @param layout The ordered list of {@linkplain CommandButton command buttons}.
  public final ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setCustomLayout(
      ControllerInfo controller, List<CommandButton> layout) {
    checkNotNull(controller, "controller must not be null");
    checkNotNull(layout, "layout must not be null");
    return impl.setCustomLayout(controller, ImmutableList.copyOf(layout));

   * Sets the custom layout that can initially be set when building the session.
   * <p>Calling this method broadcasts the custom layout to all connected Media3 controllers,
   * including the {@linkplain #getMediaNotificationControllerInfo() media notification controller}.
   * <p>On the controller side, the {@linkplain CommandButton#isEnabled enabled} flag is set to
   * {@code false} if the available commands of a controller do not allow to use a button.
   * <p>{@link MediaController.Listener#onCustomLayoutChanged(MediaController, List)} is only called
   * if the new custom layout is different to the custom layout the {@linkplain
   * MediaController#getCustomLayout() controller already has available}. Note that {@link Bundle
   * extras} are ignored when comparing {@linkplain CommandButton command buttons}.
   * <p>Controllers that connect after calling this method will have the new custom layout available
   * with the initial connection result. A custom layout specific to a controller can be set when
   * the controller {@linkplain MediaSession.Callback#onConnect connects} by using an {@link
   * ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder}.
   * @param layout The ordered list of {@link CommandButton}.
  public final void setCustomLayout(List<CommandButton> layout) {
    checkNotNull(layout, "layout must not be null");

   * Sets the new available commands for the controller.
   * <p>This is a synchronous call. Changes in the available commands take effect immediately
   * regardless of the controller notified about the change through {@link
   * Player.Listener#onAvailableCommandsChanged(Player.Commands)} and {@link
   * MediaController.Listener#onAvailableSessionCommandsChanged(MediaController, SessionCommands)}.
   * <p>Note that {@code playerCommands} will be intersected with the {@link
   * Player#getAvailableCommands() available commands} of the underlying {@link Player} and the
   * controller will only be able to call the commonly available commands.
   * @param controller The controller to change allowed commands.
   * @param sessionCommands The new available session commands.
   * @param playerCommands The new available player commands.
  public final void setAvailableCommands(
      ControllerInfo controller, SessionCommands sessionCommands, Player.Commands playerCommands) {
    checkNotNull(controller, "controller must not be null");
    checkNotNull(sessionCommands, "sessionCommands must not be null");
    checkNotNull(playerCommands, "playerCommands must not be null");
    impl.setAvailableCommands(controller, sessionCommands, playerCommands);

   * Returns the custom layout of the session.
   * <p>For informational purpose only. Mutations on the {@link Bundle} of either a {@link
   * CommandButton} or a {@link SessionCommand} do not have effect. To change the custom layout use
   * {@link #setCustomLayout(List)} or {@link #setCustomLayout(ControllerInfo, List)}.
  public ImmutableList<CommandButton> getCustomLayout() {
    return impl.getCustomLayout();

   * Broadcasts a custom command to all connected controllers.
   * <p>This is a synchronous call and doesn't wait for results from the controllers.
   * <p>A command is not accepted if it is not a custom command.
   * @param command A custom command.
   * @param args A {@link Bundle} for additional arguments. May be empty.
   * @see #sendCustomCommand(ControllerInfo, SessionCommand, Bundle)
  public final void broadcastCustomCommand(SessionCommand command, Bundle args) {
        command.commandCode == SessionCommand.COMMAND_CODE_CUSTOM,
        "command must be a custom command");
    impl.broadcastCustomCommand(command, args);

   * Returns the session extras.
   * <p>For informational purpose only. Mutations on the {@link Bundle} do not have immediate
   * effect. To change the session extras use {@link #setSessionExtras(Bundle)} or {@link
   * #setSessionExtras(ControllerInfo, Bundle)}.
  public Bundle getSessionExtras() {
    return impl.getSessionExtras();

   * Sets the {@linkplain #getSessionExtras() session extras} and sends them to connected
   * controllers.
   * <p>The initial extras can be set {@linkplain Builder#setSessionExtras(Bundle) when building the
   * session}.
   * <p>This is a synchronous call and doesn't wait for results from the controllers.
   * @param sessionExtras The session extras.
  public final void setSessionExtras(Bundle sessionExtras) {

   * Sends the session extras to the connected controller.
   * <p>The initial extras for a specific controller can be set in {@link
   * Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo)} when {@link
   * ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder#setSessionExtras(Bundle) building the connection
   * result}.
   * <p>This is a synchronous call and doesn't wait for results from the controller.
   * <p>Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a {@linkplain
   * ControllerInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER_VERSION legacy controller}.
   * @param controller The controller to send the extras to.
   * @param sessionExtras The session extras.
  public final void setSessionExtras(ControllerInfo controller, Bundle sessionExtras) {
    checkNotNull(controller, "controller must not be null");
    impl.setSessionExtras(controller, sessionExtras);

  /** Returns the {@link BitmapLoader}. */
  public final BitmapLoader getBitmapLoader() {
    return impl.getBitmapLoader();

   * Returns whether a play button is shown if playback is {@linkplain
   * Player#getPlaybackSuppressionReason() suppressed}.
  public final boolean getShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed() {
    return impl.shouldPlayIfSuppressed();

   * Sends a custom command to a specific controller.
   * <p>The result from {@link MediaController.Listener#onCustomCommand(MediaController,
   * SessionCommand, Bundle)} will be returned.
   * <p>A command is not accepted if it is not a custom command.
   * <p>Interoperability: This call has no effect when called for a {@linkplain
   * ControllerInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER_VERSION legacy controller}.
   * @param controller The controller to send the custom command to.
   * @param command A custom command.
   * @param args A {@link Bundle} for additional arguments. May be empty.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link SessionResult} from the controller.
   * @see #broadcastCustomCommand(SessionCommand, Bundle)
  public final ListenableFuture<SessionResult> sendCustomCommand(
      ControllerInfo controller, SessionCommand command, Bundle args) {
        command.commandCode == SessionCommand.COMMAND_CODE_CUSTOM,
        "command must be a custom command");
    return impl.sendCustomCommand(controller, command, args);

  /* package */ final MediaSessionCompat getSessionCompat() {
    return impl.getSessionCompat();

   * Returns the {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} of the {@link MediaSessionCompat} created
   * internally by this session.
  public final MediaSessionCompat.Token getSessionCompatToken() {
    return impl.getSessionCompat().getSessionToken();

   * Sets the timeout for disconnecting legacy controllers.
   * @param timeoutMs The timeout in milliseconds.
  /* package */ final void setLegacyControllerConnectionTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {

  /** Handles the controller's connection request from {@link MediaSessionService}. */
  /* package */ final void handleControllerConnectionFromService(
      IMediaController controller, ControllerInfo controllerInfo) {
    impl.connectFromService(controller, controllerInfo);

  /* package */ final IBinder getLegacyBrowserServiceBinder() {
    return impl.getLegacyBrowserServiceBinder();

   * Sets delay for periodic {@link SessionPositionInfo} updates. This resets previously pended
   * update. Should be only called on the application looper.
   * <p>A {@code updateDelayMs delay} less than or equal to {@code 0} will disable further updates
   * after an immediate one-time update.
  /* package */ final void setSessionPositionUpdateDelayMs(long updateDelayMs) {

   * Sets the {@linkplain Listener listener}.
   * <p>This method must be called on the main thread.
  /* package */ final void setListener(Listener listener) {

   * Clears the {@linkplain Listener listener}.
   * <p>This method must be called on the main thread.
  /* package */ final void clearListener() {

  /* package */ final Uri getUri() {
    return impl.getUri();

   * A callback to handle incoming commands from {@link MediaController}.
   * <p>The callback methods will be called from the application thread associated with the {@link
   * Player#getApplicationLooper() application looper} of the underlying {@link Player}.
   * <p>If it's not set by {@link MediaSession.Builder#setCallback(Callback)}, the session will
   * accept all controllers and all incoming commands by default.
  public interface Callback {

     * Called when a controller is about to connect to this session. Return a {@link
     * ConnectionResult result} for the controller by using {@link
     * ConnectionResult#accept(SessionCommands, Player.Commands)} or the {@link
     * ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder}.
     * <p>If this callback is not overridden, it allows all controllers to connect that can access
     * the session. All session and player commands are made available and the {@linkplain
     * MediaSession#getCustomLayout() custom layout of the session} is included.
     * <p>Note that the player commands in {@link ConnectionResult#availablePlayerCommands} will be
     * intersected with the {@link Player#getAvailableCommands() available commands} of the
     * underlying {@link Player} and the controller will only be able to call the commonly available
     * commands.
     * <p>Returning {@link ConnectionResult#reject()} rejects the connection. In that case, the
     * controller will get {@link SecurityException} when resolving the {@link ListenableFuture}
     * returned by {@link MediaController.Builder#buildAsync()}.
     * <p>The controller isn't connected yet, so calls to the controller (e.g. {@link
     * #sendCustomCommand}, {@link #setCustomLayout}) will be ignored. Use {@link #onPostConnect}
     * for custom initialization of the controller instead.
     * <p>Interoperability: If a legacy controller is connecting to the session then this callback
     * may block the main thread, even if it's called on a different application thread. If it's
     * possible that legacy controllers will connect to the session, you should ensure that the
     * callback returns quickly to avoid blocking the main thread for a long period of time.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @return The {@link ConnectionResult}.
    default ConnectionResult onConnect(MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller) {
      return new ConnectionResult.AcceptedResultBuilder(session).build();

     * Called immediately after a controller is connected. This is for custom initialization of the
     * controller.
     * <p>Note that calls to the controller (e.g. {@link #sendCustomCommand}, {@link
     * #setCustomLayout}) work here but don't work in {@link #onConnect} because the controller
     * isn't connected yet in {@link #onConnect}.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
    default void onPostConnect(MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller) {}

     * Called when a controller is disconnected.
     * <p>Interoperability: For legacy controllers, this is called when the controller doesn't send
     * any command for a while. It's because there were no explicit disconnection in legacy
     * controller APIs.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
    default void onDisconnected(MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller) {}

     * @deprecated Modify the {@link Player#getAvailableCommands() available commands} of the player
     *     or use {@link MediaSession#setAvailableCommands} instead. The controller triggering a
     *     {@link Player} method can be obtained via {@link #getControllerForCurrentRequest()}.
    default @SessionResult.Code int onPlayerCommandRequest(
        MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller, @Player.Command int playerCommand) {
      return RESULT_SUCCESS;

     * Called when a controller requested to set a rating to a media for the current user by {@link
     * MediaController#setRating(String, Rating)}.
     * <p>To allow setting the user rating for a {@link MediaItem}, the item's {@link
     * MediaItem#mediaMetadata metadata} should have the {@link Rating} field in order to provide
     * possible rating style for controllers. Controllers will follow the rating style.
     * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link SessionResult} back to the controller
     * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link SessionResult} directly by using Guava's {@link
     * Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @param mediaId The media id.
     * @param rating The new rating from the controller.
     * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_SESSION_SET_RATING
    default ListenableFuture<SessionResult> onSetRating(
        MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller, String mediaId, Rating rating) {
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new SessionResult(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     * Called when a controller requested to set a rating for the current media item for the current
     * user by {@link MediaController#setRating(Rating)}.
     * <p>To allow setting the user rating for the current {@link MediaItem}, the item's {@link
     * MediaItem#mediaMetadata metadata} should have the {@link Rating} field in order to provide
     * possible rating style for controllers. Controllers will follow the rating style.
     * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link SessionResult} back to the controller
     * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link SessionResult} directly by using Guava's {@link
     * Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @param rating The new rating from the controller.
     * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_SESSION_SET_RATING
    default ListenableFuture<SessionResult> onSetRating(
        MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller, Rating rating) {
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new SessionResult(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     * Called when a controller sent a custom command through {@link
     * MediaController#sendCustomCommand(SessionCommand, Bundle)}.
     * <p>{@link MediaController} instances are only allowed to send a command if the command has
     * been added to the {@link MediaSession.ConnectionResult#availableSessionCommands list of
     * available session commands} in {@link #onConnect} or set via {@link #setAvailableCommands}.
     * <p>Interoperability: This will be also called by {@link
     *}. If so, {@code extras} from
     * {@link} will be considered as
     * {@code args} and the custom command will have {@code null} {@link
     * SessionCommand#customExtras}.
     * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link SessionResult} back to the controller
     * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link SessionResult} directly by using Guava's {@link
     * Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
     * @param session The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @param customCommand The custom command.
     * @param args A {@link Bundle} for additional arguments. May be empty.
     * @return The result of handling the custom command.
     * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_CUSTOM
    default ListenableFuture<SessionResult> onCustomCommand(
        MediaSession session,
        ControllerInfo controller,
        SessionCommand customCommand,
        Bundle args) {
      return Futures.immediateFuture(new SessionResult(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     * Called when a controller requested to add new {@linkplain MediaItem media items} to the
     * playlist via one of the {@code Player.addMediaItem(s)} methods. Unless overridden, {@link
     * Callback#onSetMediaItems} will direct {@code Player.setMediaItem(s)} to this method as well.
     * <p>In addition, unless {@link Callback#onSetMediaItems} is overridden, this callback is also
     * called when an app is using a legacy {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls} to
     * prepare or play media (for instance when browsing the catalogue and then selecting an item
     * for preparation from Android Auto that is using the legacy Media1 library).
     * <p>By default, if and only if each of the provided {@linkplain MediaItem media items} has a
     * set {@link MediaItem.LocalConfiguration} (for example, a URI), then the callback returns the
     * list unaltered. Otherwise, the default implementation returns an {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * <p>If the requested {@linkplain MediaItem media items} don't have a {@link
     * MediaItem.LocalConfiguration}, they need to be updated to make them playable by the
     * underlying {@link Player}. Typically, this callback would be overridden with implementation
     * that identifies the correct item by its {@link MediaItem#mediaId} and/or the {@link
     * MediaItem#requestMetadata}.
     * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} with the resolved {@link MediaItem media items}. You can
     * also return the items directly by using Guava's {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}. Once
     * the {@link MediaItem media items} have been resolved, the session will call {@link
     * Player#setMediaItems} or {@link Player#addMediaItems} as requested.
     * <p>Interoperability: This method will be called, unless {@link Callback#onSetMediaItems} is
     * overridden, in response to the following {@link MediaControllerCompat} methods:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromUri prepareFromUri}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromUri playFromUri}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromMediaId prepareFromMediaId}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromMediaId playFromMediaId}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromSearch prepareFromSearch}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromSearch playFromSearch}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat#addQueueItem addQueueItem}
     * </ul>
     * The values of {@link MediaItem#mediaId}, {@link MediaItem.RequestMetadata#mediaUri}, {@link
     * MediaItem.RequestMetadata#searchQuery} and {@link MediaItem.RequestMetadata#extras} will be
     * set to match the legacy method call. The session will call {@link Player#setMediaItems} or
     * {@link Player#addMediaItems}, followed by {@link Player#prepare()} and {@link Player#play()}
     * as appropriate once the {@link MediaItem} has been resolved.
     * @param mediaSession The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @param mediaItems The list of requested {@link MediaItem media items}.
     * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} for the list of resolved {@link MediaItem media items}
     *     that are playable by the underlying {@link Player}.
    default ListenableFuture<List<MediaItem>> onAddMediaItems(
        MediaSession mediaSession, ControllerInfo controller, List<MediaItem> mediaItems) {
      for (MediaItem mediaItem : mediaItems) {
        if (mediaItem.localConfiguration == null) {
          return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new UnsupportedOperationException());
      return Futures.immediateFuture(mediaItems);

     * Called when a controller requested to set {@linkplain MediaItem media items} to the playlist
     * via one of the {@code Player.setMediaItem(s)} methods. The default implementation calls
     * {@link Callback#onAddMediaItems}. Override this method if you want to modify/set the starting
     * index/position for the {@code Player.setMediaItem(s)} methods.
     * <p>This callback is also called when an app is using a legacy {@link
     * MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls} to prepare or play media (for instance when browsing
     * the catalogue and then selecting an item for preparation from Android Auto that is using the
     * legacy Media1 library).
     * <p>By default, if and only if each of the provided {@linkplain MediaItem media items} has a
     * set {@link MediaItem.LocalConfiguration} (for example, a URI), then the callback returns the
     * list unaltered. Otherwise, the default implementation returns an {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * <p>If the requested {@linkplain MediaItem media items} don't have a {@link
     * MediaItem.LocalConfiguration}, they need to be updated to make them playable by the
     * underlying {@link Player}. Typically, this callback would be overridden with implementation
     * that identifies the correct item by its {@link MediaItem#mediaId} and/or the {@link
     * MediaItem#requestMetadata}.
     * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} with the resolved {@linkplain
     * MediaItemsWithStartPosition media items and starting index and position}. You can also return
     * the items directly by using Guava's {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}. Once the {@link
     * MediaItemsWithStartPosition} has been resolved, the session will call {@link
     * Player#setMediaItems} as requested. If the resolved {@link
     * MediaItemsWithStartPosition#startIndex startIndex} is {@link C#INDEX_UNSET C.INDEX_UNSET}
     * then the session will call {@link Player#setMediaItem(MediaItem, boolean)} with {@code
     * resetPosition} set to {@code true}.
     * <p>Interoperability: This method will be called in response to the following {@link
     * MediaControllerCompat} methods:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromUri prepareFromUri}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromUri playFromUri}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromMediaId prepareFromMediaId}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromMediaId playFromMediaId}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#prepareFromSearch prepareFromSearch}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#playFromSearch playFromSearch}
     *   <li>{@link MediaControllerCompat#addQueueItem addQueueItem}
     * </ul>
     * The values of {@link MediaItem#mediaId}, {@link MediaItem.RequestMetadata#mediaUri}, {@link
     * MediaItem.RequestMetadata#searchQuery} and {@link MediaItem.RequestMetadata#extras} will be
     * set to match the legacy method call. The session will call {@link Player#setMediaItems} or
     * {@link Player#addMediaItems}, followed by {@link Player#prepare()} and {@link Player#play()}
     * as appropriate once the {@link MediaItem} has been resolved.
     * @param mediaSession The session for this event.
     * @param controller The controller information.
     * @param mediaItems The list of requested {@linkplain MediaItem media items}.
     * @param startIndex The start index in the {@link MediaItem} list from which to start playing,
     *     or {@link C#INDEX_UNSET C.INDEX_UNSET} to start playing from the default index in the
     *     playlist.
     * @param startPositionMs The starting position in the media item from where to start playing,
     *     or {@link C#TIME_UNSET C.TIME_UNSET} to start playing from the default position in the
     *     media item. This value is ignored if startIndex is C.INDEX_UNSET
     * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} with a {@link MediaItemsWithStartPosition} containing a
     *     list of resolved {@linkplain MediaItem media items}, and a starting index and position
     *     that are playable by the underlying {@link Player}. If returned {@link
     *     MediaItemsWithStartPosition#startIndex} is {@link C#INDEX_UNSET C.INDEX_UNSET} and {@link
     *     MediaItemsWithStartPosition#startPositionMs} is {@link C#TIME_UNSET C.TIME_UNSET}, then
     *     {@linkplain Player#setMediaItems(List, boolean) Player#setMediaItems(List, true)} will be
     *     called to set media items with default index and position.
    default ListenableFuture<MediaItemsWithStartPosition> onSetMediaItems(
        MediaSession mediaSession,
        ControllerInfo controller,
        List<MediaItem> mediaItems,
        int startIndex,
        long startPositionMs) {
      return Util.transformFutureAsync(
          onAddMediaItems(mediaSession, controller, mediaItems),
          (mediaItemList) ->
                  new MediaItemsWithStartPosition(mediaItemList, startIndex, startPositionMs)));

     * Returns the playlist with which the player should be prepared when a controller requests to
     * play without a current {@link MediaItem}.
     * <p>This happens, for example, if <a
     * href="">playback
     * resumption</a> is requested from a media button receiver or the System UI notification.
     * <p>The method will only be called if the {@link Player} has {@link
     * Player#COMMAND_GET_CURRENT_MEDIA_ITEM} and either {@link Player#COMMAND_SET_MEDIA_ITEM} or
     * {@link Player#COMMAND_CHANGE_MEDIA_ITEMS} available.
     * @param mediaSession The media session for which playback resumption is requested.
     * @param controller The controller that requests the playback resumption. This may be a short
     *     living controller created only for issuing a play command for resuming playback.
     * @return The {@linkplain MediaItemsWithStartPosition playlist} to resume playback with.
    default ListenableFuture<MediaItemsWithStartPosition> onPlaybackResumption(
        MediaSession mediaSession, ControllerInfo controller) {
      return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(new UnsupportedOperationException());

     * Called when a media button event has been received by the session.
     * <p>Media3 handles media button events internally. An app can override the default behaviour
     * by overriding this method.
     * <p>Return true to stop propagating the event any further. When false is returned, Media3
     * handles the event and calls {@linkplain MediaSession#getPlayer() the session player}
     * accordingly.
     * <p>Apps normally don't need to override this method. When overriding this method, an app
     * can/needs to handle all API-level specifics on its own. The intent passed to this method can
     * come directly from the system that routed a media key event (for instance sent by Bluetooth)
     * to your session.
     * @param session The session that received the media button event.
     * @param controllerInfo The controller to which the media button event is attributed to.
     * @param intent The media button intent.
     * @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
    default boolean onMediaButtonEvent(
        MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controllerInfo, Intent intent) {
      return false;

  /** Representation of a list of {@linkplain MediaItem media items} and where to start playing. */
  public static final class MediaItemsWithStartPosition {
    /** List of {@linkplain MediaItem media items}. */
    public final ImmutableList<MediaItem> mediaItems;

     * Index to start playing at in {@link #mediaItems}.
     * <p>The start index in {@link #mediaItems} from which to start playing, or {@link
     * C#INDEX_UNSET} to start playing from the default index in the playlist.
    public final int startIndex;

     * Position in milliseconds to start playing from in the starting media item.
     * <p>The starting position in the media item from where to start playing, or {@link
     * C#TIME_UNSET} to start playing from the default position in the media item. This value is
     * ignored if {@code startIndex} is {@link C#INDEX_UNSET}.
    public final long startPositionMs;

     * Creates an instance.
     * @param mediaItems List of {@linkplain MediaItem media items}.
     * @param startIndex Index to start playing at in {@code mediaItems}, or {@link C#INDEX_UNSET}
     *     to start from the default index.
     * @param startPositionMs Position in milliseconds to start playing from in the starting media
     *     item, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to start from the default position.
    public MediaItemsWithStartPosition(
        List<MediaItem> mediaItems, int startIndex, long startPositionMs) {
      this.mediaItems = ImmutableList.copyOf(mediaItems);
      this.startIndex = startIndex;
      this.startPositionMs = startPositionMs;

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
      if (this == obj) {
        return true;
      if (!(obj instanceof MediaItemsWithStartPosition)) {
        return false;

      MediaItemsWithStartPosition other = (MediaItemsWithStartPosition) obj;

      return mediaItems.equals(other.mediaItems)
          && Util.areEqual(startIndex, other.startIndex)
          && Util.areEqual(startPositionMs, other.startPositionMs);

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = mediaItems.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + startIndex;
      result = 31 * result + Longs.hashCode(startPositionMs);
      return result;

   * A result for {@link Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo)} to denote the set of
   * available commands and the custom layout for a {@link ControllerInfo controller}.
  public static final class ConnectionResult {

    /** A builder for {@link ConnectionResult} instances to accept a connection. */
    public static class AcceptedResultBuilder {
      private SessionCommands availableSessionCommands;
      private Player.Commands availablePlayerCommands = DEFAULT_PLAYER_COMMANDS;
      @Nullable private ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout;
      @Nullable private Bundle sessionExtras;

       * Creates an instance.
       * @param mediaSession The session for which to create a {@link ConnectionResult}.
      public AcceptedResultBuilder(MediaSession mediaSession) {
        availableSessionCommands =
            mediaSession instanceof MediaLibrarySession

       * Sets the session commands that are available to the controller that gets this result
       * returned when {@linkplain Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo) connecting}.
       * <p>The default is {@link ConnectionResult#DEFAULT_SESSION_AND_LIBRARY_COMMANDS} for a
       * {@link MediaLibrarySession} and {@link ConnectionResult#DEFAULT_SESSION_COMMANDS} for a
       * {@link MediaSession}.
      public AcceptedResultBuilder setAvailableSessionCommands(
          SessionCommands availableSessionCommands) {
        this.availableSessionCommands = checkNotNull(availableSessionCommands);
        return this;

       * Sets the player commands that are available to the controller that gets this result
       * returned when {@linkplain Callback#onConnect(MediaSession, ControllerInfo) connecting}.
       * <p>This set of available player commands is intersected with the actual player commands
       * supported by a player. The resulting intersection is the set of commands actually being
       * available to a controller.
       * <p>The default is {@link ConnectionResult#DEFAULT_PLAYER_COMMANDS}.
      public AcceptedResultBuilder setAvailablePlayerCommands(
          Player.Commands availablePlayerCommands) {
        this.availablePlayerCommands = checkNotNull(availablePlayerCommands);
        return this;

       * Sets the custom layout, overriding the {@linkplain MediaSession#getCustomLayout() custom
       * layout of the session}.
       * <p>The default is null to indicate that the custom layout of the session should be used.
       * <p>Make sure to have the session commands of all command buttons of the custom layout
       * included in the {@linkplain #setAvailableSessionCommands(SessionCommands)} available
       * session commands} On the controller side, the {@linkplain CommandButton#isEnabled enabled}
       * flag is set to {@code false} if the available commands of the controller do not allow to
       * use a button.
      public AcceptedResultBuilder setCustomLayout(@Nullable List<CommandButton> customLayout) {
        this.customLayout = customLayout == null ? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(customLayout);
        return this;

       * Sets the session extras, overriding the {@linkplain MediaSession#getSessionExtras() extras
       * of the session}.
       * <p>The default is null to indicate that the extras of the session should be used.
      public AcceptedResultBuilder setSessionExtras(Bundle sessionExtras) {
        this.sessionExtras = sessionExtras;
        return this;

      /** Returns a new {@link ConnectionResult} instance for accepting a connection. */
      public ConnectionResult build() {
        return new ConnectionResult(
            /* accepted= */ true,

    public static final SessionCommands DEFAULT_SESSION_COMMANDS =
        new SessionCommands.Builder().addAllSessionCommands().build();

    public static final SessionCommands DEFAULT_SESSION_AND_LIBRARY_COMMANDS =
        new SessionCommands.Builder().addAllLibraryCommands().addAllSessionCommands().build();

    public static final Player.Commands DEFAULT_PLAYER_COMMANDS =
        new Player.Commands.Builder().addAllCommands().build();

    /** Whether the connection request is accepted or not. */
    public final boolean isAccepted;

    /** Available session commands. */
    public final SessionCommands availableSessionCommands;

    /** Available player commands. */
    public final Player.Commands availablePlayerCommands;

    /** The custom layout or null if the custom layout of the session should be used. */
    @UnstableApi @Nullable public final ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout;

    /** The session extras. */
    @UnstableApi @Nullable public final Bundle sessionExtras;

    /** Creates a new instance with the given available session and player commands. */
    private ConnectionResult(
        boolean accepted,
        SessionCommands availableSessionCommands,
        Player.Commands availablePlayerCommands,
        @Nullable ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout,
        @Nullable Bundle sessionExtras) {
      isAccepted = accepted;
      this.availableSessionCommands = availableSessionCommands;
      this.availablePlayerCommands = availablePlayerCommands;
      this.customLayout = customLayout;
      this.sessionExtras = sessionExtras;

     * Creates a connection result with the given session and player commands.
     * <p>Commands are specific to the controller receiving this connection result.
     * <p>The controller receives {@linkplain MediaSession#getCustomLayout() the custom layout of
     * the session}.
     * <p>See {@link AcceptedResultBuilder} for a more flexible way to accept a connection.
    public static ConnectionResult accept(
        SessionCommands availableSessionCommands, Player.Commands availablePlayerCommands) {
      return new ConnectionResult(
          /* accepted= */ true,
          /* customLayout= */ null,
          /* sessionExtras= */ null);

    /** Creates a {@link ConnectionResult} to reject a connection. */
    public static ConnectionResult reject() {
      return new ConnectionResult(
          /* accepted= */ false,
          /* customLayout= */ ImmutableList.of(),
          /* sessionExtras= */ Bundle.EMPTY);

  /* package */ interface ControllerCb {

    default void onSessionResult(int seq, SessionResult result) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onLibraryResult(int seq, LibraryResult<?> result) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlayerChanged(
        int seq, @Nullable PlayerWrapper oldPlayerWrapper, PlayerWrapper newPlayerWrapper)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlayerInfoChanged(
        int seq,
        PlayerInfo playerInfo,
        Player.Commands availableCommands,
        boolean excludeTimeline,
        boolean excludeTracks,
        int controllerInterfaceVersion)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPeriodicSessionPositionInfoChanged(
        int seq,
        SessionPositionInfo sessionPositionInfo,
        boolean canAccessCurrentMediaItem,
        boolean canAccessTimeline,
        int controllerInterfaceVersion)
        throws RemoteException {}

    // Mostly matched with MediaController.ControllerCallback

    default void onDisconnected(int seq) throws RemoteException {}

    default void setCustomLayout(int seq, List<CommandButton> layout) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onSessionActivityChanged(int seq, PendingIntent sessionActivity)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onSessionExtrasChanged(int seq, Bundle sessionExtras) throws RemoteException {}

    default void sendCustomCommand(int seq, SessionCommand command, Bundle args)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onAvailableCommandsChangedFromSession(
        int seq, SessionCommands sessionCommands, Player.Commands playerCommands)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onAvailableCommandsChangedFromPlayer(int seq, Player.Commands availableCommands)
        throws RemoteException {}

    // Mostly matched with MediaBrowser.BrowserCallback

    default void onChildrenChanged(
        int seq, String parentId, int itemCount, @Nullable LibraryParams params)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onSearchResultChanged(
        int seq, String query, int itemCount, @Nullable LibraryParams params)
        throws RemoteException {}

    // Mostly matched with Player.Listener

    default void onPlayerError(int seq, @Nullable PlaybackException playerError)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlayWhenReadyChanged(
        int seq, boolean playWhenReady, @Player.PlayWhenReadyChangeReason int reason)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlaybackSuppressionReasonChanged(
        int seq, @Player.PlaybackSuppressionReason int reason) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlaybackStateChanged(
        int seq, @Player.State int state, @Nullable PlaybackException playerError)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onIsPlayingChanged(int seq, boolean isPlaying) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onIsLoadingChanged(int seq, boolean isLoading) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onTracksChanged(int seq, Tracks tracks) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onTrackSelectionParametersChanged(int seq, TrackSelectionParameters parameters)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlaybackParametersChanged(int seq, PlaybackParameters playbackParameters)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPositionDiscontinuity(
        int seq,
        PositionInfo oldPosition,
        PositionInfo newPosition,
        @DiscontinuityReason int reason)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onMediaItemTransition(
        int seq, @Nullable MediaItem mediaItem, @Player.MediaItemTransitionReason int reason)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onTimelineChanged(
        int seq, Timeline timeline, @Player.TimelineChangeReason int reason)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onPlaylistMetadataChanged(int seq, MediaMetadata metadata)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onShuffleModeEnabledChanged(int seq, boolean shuffleModeEnabled)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onRepeatModeChanged(int seq, @RepeatMode int repeatMode) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onSeekBackIncrementChanged(int seq, long seekBackIncrementMs)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onSeekForwardIncrementChanged(int seq, long seekForwardIncrementMs)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onVideoSizeChanged(int seq, VideoSize videoSize) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onVolumeChanged(int seq, float volume) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onAudioAttributesChanged(int seq, AudioAttributes audioAttributes)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onDeviceInfoChanged(int seq, DeviceInfo deviceInfo) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onDeviceVolumeChanged(int seq, int volume, boolean muted) throws RemoteException {}

    default void onMediaMetadataChanged(int seq, MediaMetadata mediaMetadata)
        throws RemoteException {}

    default void onRenderedFirstFrame(int seq) throws RemoteException {}

   * Listener for media session events.
   * <p>All methods must be called on the main thread.
  /* package */ interface Listener {

     * Called when the notification requires to be refreshed.
     * @param session The media session for which the notification requires to be refreshed.
    void onNotificationRefreshRequired(MediaSession session);

     * Called when the {@linkplain MediaSession session} receives the play command and requests from
     * the listener on whether the media can be played.
     * @param session The media session which requests if the media can be played.
     * @return True if the media can be played, false otherwise.
    boolean onPlayRequested(MediaSession session);

   * A base class for {@link MediaSession.Builder} and {@link MediaLibrarySession.Builder}. Any
   * changes to this class should be also applied to the subclasses.
  /* package */ abstract static class BuilderBase<
      SessionT extends MediaSession,
      BuilderT extends BuilderBase<SessionT, BuilderT, CallbackT>,
      CallbackT extends Callback> {

    /* package */ final Context context;
    /* package */ final Player player;
    /* package */ String id;
    /* package */ CallbackT callback;
    /* package */ @Nullable PendingIntent sessionActivity;
    /* package */ Bundle tokenExtras;
    /* package */ Bundle sessionExtras;
    /* package */ @MonotonicNonNull BitmapLoader bitmapLoader;
    /* package */ boolean playIfSuppressed;
    /* package */ ImmutableList<CommandButton> customLayout;
    /* package */ boolean isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled;

    public BuilderBase(Context context, Player player, CallbackT callback) {
      this.context = checkNotNull(context);
      this.player = checkNotNull(player);
      id = "";
      this.callback = callback;
      tokenExtras = Bundle.EMPTY;
      sessionExtras = Bundle.EMPTY;
      customLayout = ImmutableList.of();
      playIfSuppressed = true;
      isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled = true;

    public BuilderT setSessionActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
      if (Util.SDK_INT >= 31) {
      sessionActivity = checkNotNull(pendingIntent);
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setId(String id) { = checkNotNull(id);
      return (BuilderT) this;

    /* package */ BuilderT setCallback(CallbackT callback) {
      this.callback = checkNotNull(callback);
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setExtras(Bundle tokenExtras) {
      this.tokenExtras = new Bundle(checkNotNull(tokenExtras));
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setSessionExtras(Bundle sessionExtras) {
      this.sessionExtras = new Bundle(checkNotNull(sessionExtras));
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setBitmapLoader(BitmapLoader bitmapLoader) {
      this.bitmapLoader = checkNotNull(bitmapLoader);
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setCustomLayout(List<CommandButton> customLayout) {
      this.customLayout = ImmutableList.copyOf(customLayout);
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setShowPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed(
        boolean showPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed) {
      this.playIfSuppressed = showPlayButtonIfPlaybackIsSuppressed;
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public BuilderT setPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled(boolean isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled) {
      this.isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled = isPeriodicPositionUpdateEnabled;
      return (BuilderT) this;

    public abstract SessionT build();

  private static final class Api31 {
    public static boolean isActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
      return pendingIntent.isActivity();