
// Generated from /mnt/disks/build-disk/src/android/androidx-main/frameworks/support/room/room-compiler/SQLiteParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.13.1
package androidx.room.parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;

 * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
 * by {@link SQLiteParser}.
 * @param <T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
 * operations with no return type.
public interface SQLiteParserVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#parse}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitParse(SQLiteParser.ParseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#sql_stmt_list}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSql_stmt_list(SQLiteParser.Sql_stmt_listContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#sql_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSql_stmt(SQLiteParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#alter_table_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAlter_table_stmt(SQLiteParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#analyze_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAnalyze_stmt(SQLiteParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#attach_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAttach_stmt(SQLiteParser.Attach_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#begin_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitBegin_stmt(SQLiteParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#commit_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCommit_stmt(SQLiteParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#rollback_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitRollback_stmt(SQLiteParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#savepoint_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSavepoint_stmt(SQLiteParser.Savepoint_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#release_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitRelease_stmt(SQLiteParser.Release_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#create_index_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCreate_index_stmt(SQLiteParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#indexed_column}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitIndexed_column(SQLiteParser.Indexed_columnContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#create_table_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCreate_table_stmt(SQLiteParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#column_def}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitColumn_def(SQLiteParser.Column_defContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#type_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitType_name(SQLiteParser.Type_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#column_constraint}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitColumn_constraint(SQLiteParser.Column_constraintContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#signed_number}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSigned_number(SQLiteParser.Signed_numberContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_constraint}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_constraint(SQLiteParser.Table_constraintContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#foreign_key_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitForeign_key_clause(SQLiteParser.Foreign_key_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#conflict_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitConflict_clause(SQLiteParser.Conflict_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#create_trigger_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCreate_trigger_stmt(SQLiteParser.Create_trigger_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#create_view_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCreate_view_stmt(SQLiteParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#create_virtual_table_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCreate_virtual_table_stmt(SQLiteParser.Create_virtual_table_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#with_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitWith_clause(SQLiteParser.With_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#cte_table_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCte_table_name(SQLiteParser.Cte_table_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#recursive_cte}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitRecursive_cte(SQLiteParser.Recursive_cteContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#common_table_expression}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCommon_table_expression(SQLiteParser.Common_table_expressionContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#delete_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitDelete_stmt(SQLiteParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#delete_stmt_limited}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitDelete_stmt_limited(SQLiteParser.Delete_stmt_limitedContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#detach_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitDetach_stmt(SQLiteParser.Detach_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#drop_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitDrop_stmt(SQLiteParser.Drop_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#expr}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitExpr(SQLiteParser.ExprContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#comma_separated_expr}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitComma_separated_expr(SQLiteParser.Comma_separated_exprContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#raise_function}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitRaise_function(SQLiteParser.Raise_functionContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#literal_value}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitLiteral_value(SQLiteParser.Literal_valueContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#value_row}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitValue_row(SQLiteParser.Value_rowContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#values_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitValues_clause(SQLiteParser.Values_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#insert_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitInsert_stmt(SQLiteParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#returning_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitReturning_clause(SQLiteParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#upsert_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitUpsert_clause(SQLiteParser.Upsert_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#pragma_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitPragma_stmt(SQLiteParser.Pragma_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#pragma_value}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitPragma_value(SQLiteParser.Pragma_valueContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#reindex_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitReindex_stmt(SQLiteParser.Reindex_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#select_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSelect_stmt(SQLiteParser.Select_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#join_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitJoin_clause(SQLiteParser.Join_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#select_core}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSelect_core(SQLiteParser.Select_coreContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#factored_select_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFactored_select_stmt(SQLiteParser.Factored_select_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#simple_select_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSimple_select_stmt(SQLiteParser.Simple_select_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#compound_select_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCompound_select_stmt(SQLiteParser.Compound_select_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_or_subquery}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_or_subquery(SQLiteParser.Table_or_subqueryContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#result_column}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitResult_column(SQLiteParser.Result_columnContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#join_operator}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitJoin_operator(SQLiteParser.Join_operatorContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#join_constraint}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitJoin_constraint(SQLiteParser.Join_constraintContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#compound_operator}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCompound_operator(SQLiteParser.Compound_operatorContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#update_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitUpdate_stmt(SQLiteParser.Update_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#column_name_list}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitColumn_name_list(SQLiteParser.Column_name_listContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#update_stmt_limited}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitUpdate_stmt_limited(SQLiteParser.Update_stmt_limitedContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#qualified_table_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitQualified_table_name(SQLiteParser.Qualified_table_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#vacuum_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitVacuum_stmt(SQLiteParser.Vacuum_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#filter_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFilter_clause(SQLiteParser.Filter_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#window_defn}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitWindow_defn(SQLiteParser.Window_defnContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#over_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOver_clause(SQLiteParser.Over_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#frame_spec}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFrame_spec(SQLiteParser.Frame_specContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#frame_clause}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFrame_clause(SQLiteParser.Frame_clauseContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#simple_function_invocation}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSimple_function_invocation(SQLiteParser.Simple_function_invocationContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#aggregate_function_invocation}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAggregate_function_invocation(SQLiteParser.Aggregate_function_invocationContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#window_function_invocation}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitWindow_function_invocation(SQLiteParser.Window_function_invocationContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#common_table_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCommon_table_stmt(SQLiteParser.Common_table_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#order_by_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOrder_by_stmt(SQLiteParser.Order_by_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#limit_stmt}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitLimit_stmt(SQLiteParser.Limit_stmtContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#ordering_term}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOrdering_term(SQLiteParser.Ordering_termContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#asc_desc}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAsc_desc(SQLiteParser.Asc_descContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#frame_left}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFrame_left(SQLiteParser.Frame_leftContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#frame_right}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFrame_right(SQLiteParser.Frame_rightContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#frame_single}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFrame_single(SQLiteParser.Frame_singleContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#window_function}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitWindow_function(SQLiteParser.Window_functionContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#offset}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOffset(SQLiteParser.OffsetContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#default_value}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitDefault_value(SQLiteParser.Default_valueContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#partition_by}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitPartition_by(SQLiteParser.Partition_byContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#order_by_expr}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOrder_by_expr(SQLiteParser.Order_by_exprContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#order_by_expr_asc_desc}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitOrder_by_expr_asc_desc(SQLiteParser.Order_by_expr_asc_descContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#expr_asc_desc}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitExpr_asc_desc(SQLiteParser.Expr_asc_descContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#initial_select}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitInitial_select(SQLiteParser.Initial_selectContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#recursive_select}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitRecursive_select(SQLiteParser.Recursive_selectContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#unary_operator}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitUnary_operator(SQLiteParser.Unary_operatorContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#error_message}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitError_message(SQLiteParser.Error_messageContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#module_argument}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitModule_argument(SQLiteParser.Module_argumentContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#column_alias}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitColumn_alias(SQLiteParser.Column_aliasContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#keyword}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitKeyword(SQLiteParser.KeywordContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitName(SQLiteParser.NameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#function_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFunction_name(SQLiteParser.Function_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#schema_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSchema_name(SQLiteParser.Schema_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_name(SQLiteParser.Table_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_or_index_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_or_index_name(SQLiteParser.Table_or_index_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#column_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitColumn_name(SQLiteParser.Column_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#collation_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitCollation_name(SQLiteParser.Collation_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#foreign_table}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitForeign_table(SQLiteParser.Foreign_tableContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#index_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitIndex_name(SQLiteParser.Index_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#trigger_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTrigger_name(SQLiteParser.Trigger_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#view_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitView_name(SQLiteParser.View_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#module_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitModule_name(SQLiteParser.Module_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#pragma_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitPragma_name(SQLiteParser.Pragma_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#savepoint_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSavepoint_name(SQLiteParser.Savepoint_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_alias}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_alias(SQLiteParser.Table_aliasContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#transaction_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTransaction_name(SQLiteParser.Transaction_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#window_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitWindow_name(SQLiteParser.Window_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#alias}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAlias(SQLiteParser.AliasContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#filename}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitFilename(SQLiteParser.FilenameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#base_window_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitBase_window_name(SQLiteParser.Base_window_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#simple_func}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitSimple_func(SQLiteParser.Simple_funcContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#aggregate_func}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAggregate_func(SQLiteParser.Aggregate_funcContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#table_function_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitTable_function_name(SQLiteParser.Table_function_nameContext ctx);
	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SQLiteParser#any_name}.
	 * @param ctx the parse tree
	 * @return the visitor result
	T visitAny_name(SQLiteParser.Any_nameContext ctx);