
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.util.lerp
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.asin
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.math.sqrt

 * Component that allows normal composables to be part of a [CurvedLayout].
 * @param modifier The [CurvedModifier] to apply to this curved composable.
 * @param radialAlignment How to align this component if it's thinner than the container.
 * @param content The composable(s) that will be wrapped and laid out as part of the parent
 * container. This has a [BoxScope], since it's wrapped inside a Box.
public fun CurvedScope.curvedComposable(
    modifier: CurvedModifier = CurvedModifier,
    radialAlignment: CurvedAlignment.Radial = CurvedAlignment.Radial.Center,
    content: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit
) = add(CurvedComposableChild(
), modifier)

internal class CurvedComposableChild(
    val clockwise: Boolean,
    val radialAlignment: CurvedAlignment.Radial,
    val content: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit
) : CurvedChild() {
    lateinit var placeable: Placeable

    override fun SubComposition() {
        // Ensure we have a 1-1 match between CurvedComposable and composable child
        Box(content = content)

    override fun CurvedMeasureScope.initializeMeasure(
        measurables: Iterator<Measurable>
    ) {
        // TODO: check that we actually match adding a parent data modifier to the Box in
        // composeIfNeeded and verifying this measurable has it?
        placeable =

    override fun doEstimateThickness(maxRadius: Float): Float {
        // Compute the annulus we need as if the child was top aligned, this gives as an upper
        // bound on the thickness, but we need to recompute later, when we know the actual position.
        val (innerRadius, outerRadius) = computeAnnulusRadii(maxRadius, 0f)
        return outerRadius - innerRadius

    override fun doRadialPosition(
        parentOuterRadius: Float,
        parentThickness: Float
    ): PartialLayoutInfo {
        val parentInnerRadius = parentOuterRadius - parentThickness

        // We know where we want it and the radial alignment, so we can compute it's positioning now
        val (myInnerRadius, myOuterRadius) = computeAnnulusRadii(
            lerp(parentOuterRadius, parentInnerRadius, radialAlignment.ratio),

        val sweepRadians = 2f * asin(placeable.width / 2f / myInnerRadius)
        return PartialLayoutInfo(
            thickness = myOuterRadius - myInnerRadius,
            measureRadius = (myInnerRadius + myOuterRadius) / 2 // !?

    private var parentSweepRadians: Float = 0f

    override fun doAngularPosition(
        parentStartAngleRadians: Float,
        parentSweepRadians: Float,
        centerOffset: Offset
    ): Float = parentStartAngleRadians.also {
        this.parentSweepRadians = parentSweepRadians

    override fun (Placeable.PlacementScope).placeIfNeeded() =
        place(placeable, layoutInfo!!, parentSweepRadians, clockwise)

     * Compute the inner and outer radii of the annulus sector required to fit the given box.
     * @param targetRadius The distance we want, from the center of the circle the annulus is part
     * of, to a point on the side of the box (which point is determined with the radiusAlpha
     * parameter.)
     * @param radiusAlpha Which point on the side of the box we are measuring the radius to. 0 means
     * radius is to the outer point in the box, 1 means that it's to the inner point.
     * (And interpolation in-between)
    private fun computeAnnulusRadii(targetRadius: Float, radiusAlpha: Float): Pair<Float, Float> {
        // The top side of the triangles we use, squared.
        val topSquared = pow2(placeable.width / 2f)

        // Project the radius we know to the line going from the center to the circle to the center
        // of the box
        val radiusInBox = sqrt(pow2(targetRadius) - topSquared)

        // Move to the top/bottom of the child box, then project back
        val outerRadius = sqrt(topSquared + pow2(radiusInBox + radiusAlpha * placeable.height))
        val innerRadius = sqrt(topSquared +
            pow2(radiusInBox - (1 - radiusAlpha) * placeable.height))

        return innerRadius to outerRadius

internal fun (Placeable.PlacementScope).place(
    placeable: Placeable,
    layoutInfo: CurvedLayoutInfo,
    parentSweepRadians: Float,
    clockwise: Boolean
) {
    with(layoutInfo) {
        // Distance from the center of the CurvedRow to the top left of the component.
        val radiusToTopLeft = outerRadius

        // Distance from the center of the CurvedRow to the top center of the component.
        val radiusToTopCenter = sqrt(
            (pow2(radiusToTopLeft) - pow2(placeable.width / 2f)).coerceAtLeast(0f)

        // To position this child, we move its center rotating it around the CurvedRow's center.
        val radiusToCenter = radiusToTopCenter - placeable.height / 2f
        val centerAngle = startAngleRadians + parentSweepRadians / 2f
        val childCenterX = centerOffset.x + radiusToCenter * cos(centerAngle)
        val childCenterY = centerOffset.y + radiusToCenter * sin(centerAngle)

        // Then compute the position of the top left corner given that center.
        val positionX = (childCenterX - placeable.width / 2f).roundToInt()
        val positionY = (childCenterY - placeable.height / 2f).roundToInt()

        val rotationAngle = centerAngle + if (clockwise) 0f else PI.toFloat()

            x = positionX,
            y = positionY,
            layerBlock = {
                rotationZ = rotationAngle.toDegrees() - 270f
                // Rotate around the center of the placeable.
                transformOrigin = TransformOrigin.Center

private fun pow2(x: Float): Float = x * x