 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.renderer.dynamicdata;

import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.MeasureSpec;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;
import android.view.animation.AnimationSet;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.annotation.UiThread;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.collection.ArrayMap;
import androidx.collection.ArraySet;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.PlatformDataKey;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.BoundDynamicType;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.DynamicTypeBindingRequest;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.DynamicTypeEvaluator;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.DynamicTypeEvaluator.EvaluationException;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.DynamicTypeValueReceiver;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.FixedQuotaManagerImpl;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.PlatformDataProvider;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.PlatformTimeUpdateNotifierImpl;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.QuotaManager;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline.StateStore;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto.DynamicBool;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto.DynamicColor;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto.DynamicFloat;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto.DynamicInt32;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto.DynamicString;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProto.ColorProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DimensionProto.DegreesProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DimensionProto.DpProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ModifiersProto.AnimatedVisibility;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ModifiersProto.EnterTransition;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ModifiersProto.ExitTransition;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TriggerProto.Trigger;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TypesProto.BoolProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.renderer.common.SeekableAnimatedVectorDrawable;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.renderer.dynamicdata.NodeInfo.ResolvedAvd;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

 * Pipeline for dynamic data.
 * <p>Given a dynamic ProtoLayout data source, this builds up a {@link BoundDynamicType}, which can
 * source the required data, and transform it into its final form.
public class ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline {
    @NonNull private static final String TAG = "DynamicDataPipeline";

    private static final QuotaManager DISABLED_ANIMATIONS_QUOTA_MANAGER =
            new FixedQuotaManagerImpl(/* quotaCap= */ 0, "disabled animations");

    @NonNull final PositionIdTree<NodeInfo> mPositionIdTree = new PositionIdTree<>();
    @NonNull final List<QuotaAwareAnimationSet> mEnterAnimations = new ArrayList<>();
    @NonNull final List<QuotaAwareAnimationSet> mExitAnimations = new ArrayList<>();
    final boolean mEnableAnimations;
    boolean mFullyVisible;
    @NonNull final QuotaManager mAnimationQuotaManager;
    @NonNull private final DynamicTypeEvaluator mEvaluator;
    @NonNull private final PlatformTimeUpdateNotifierImpl mTimeNotifier;

    /** Creates a {@link ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline} without animation support. */
    public ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline(
            @NonNull Map<PlatformDataProvider, Set<PlatformDataKey<?>>> platformDataProviders,
            @NonNull StateStore stateStore) {
        // Build pipeline with quota that doesn't allow any animations.
                /* enableAnimations= */ false,
                new FixedQuotaManagerImpl(Integer.MAX_VALUE));

     * Creates a {@link ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline} with animation support. Maximum number of
     * concurrently running animations is defined in the given {@link QuotaManager}.
    public ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline(
            @NonNull Map<PlatformDataProvider, Set<PlatformDataKey<?>>> platformDataProviders,
            @NonNull StateStore stateStore,
            @NonNull QuotaManager animationQuotaManager,
            @NonNull QuotaManager dynamicNodesQuotaManager) {
                /* enableAnimations= */ true,

    /** Creates a {@link ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline}. */
    private ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline(
            @NonNull Map<PlatformDataProvider, Set<PlatformDataKey<?>>> platformDataProviders,
            @NonNull StateStore stateStore,
            boolean enableAnimations,
            @NonNull QuotaManager animationQuotaManager,
            @NonNull QuotaManager dynamicNodeQuotaManager) {
        this.mEnableAnimations = enableAnimations;
        this.mAnimationQuotaManager = animationQuotaManager;
        DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config.Builder evaluatorConfigBuilder =
                new DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config.Builder().setStateStore(stateStore);
        for (Map.Entry<PlatformDataProvider, Set<PlatformDataKey<?>>> providerEntry :
                platformDataProviders.entrySet()) {
                    providerEntry.getKey(), providerEntry.getValue());
        this.mTimeNotifier = new PlatformTimeUpdateNotifierImpl();


        if (enableAnimations) {
        this.mEvaluator = new DynamicTypeEvaluator(;

    /** Returns the number of active dynamic types in this pipeline. */
    public int size() {
        return mPositionIdTree.getAllNodes().stream().mapToInt(NodeInfo::size).sum();

    void clear() {

    /** Removes all nodes that are descendants of {@code posId}. */
    void removeChildNodesFor(@NonNull String posId) {

    /** Build {@link PipelineMaker}. */
    public PipelineMaker newPipelineMaker(
            @NonNull BiFunction<EnterTransition, View, AnimationSet> enterAnimationInflator,
            @NonNull BiFunction<ExitTransition, View, AnimationSet> exitAnimationInflator) {
        return new PipelineMaker(this, enterAnimationInflator, exitAnimationInflator, mEvaluator);

     * Test version of the {@link #newPipelineMaker(BiFunction, BiFunction)} without animation
     * inflators.
    public PipelineMaker newPipelineMaker() {
        return newPipelineMaker(
                (enterTransition, view) -> new AnimationSet(/* shareInterpolator= */ false),
                (exitTransition, view) -> new AnimationSet(/* shareInterpolator= */ false));

     * Sets whether this proto layout can perform updates. If the proto layout cannot update, then
     * updates through the data pipeline (e.g. health updates) will be suppressed.
    public void setUpdatesEnabled(boolean canUpdate) {

    /** Closes existing gateways. */
    public void close() {

     * PipelineMaker for a dynamic data pipeline.
     * <p>Given a dynamic ProtoLayout data source, this creates a sequence of {@link
     * BoundDynamicType} instances, which can source the required data, and transform it into its
     * final form.
     * <p>The nodes are accumulated and can be committed to the pipeline.
     * <p>Note that this class is not thread-safe.
    public static final class PipelineMaker {
        @NonNull private final ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline mPipeline;

        private final BiFunction<EnterTransition, View, AnimationSet> mEnterAnimationInflator;

        private final BiFunction<ExitTransition, View, AnimationSet> mExitAnimationInflator;

        // Stores pending nodes that are committed to the pipeline after a successful layout update.
        @NonNull private final Map<String, NodeInfo> mPosIdToNodeInfo = new ArrayMap<>();
        @NonNull private final List<String> mNodesPendingChildrenRemoval = new ArrayList<>();
        @NonNull private final Set<String> mChangedNodes = new ArraySet<>();
        @NonNull private final Set<String> mParentsOfChangedNodes = new ArraySet<>();
        @NonNull private final DynamicTypeEvaluator mEvaluator;
        private int mExitAnimationsCounter = 0;

                @NonNull ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline pipeline,
                @NonNull BiFunction<EnterTransition, View, AnimationSet> enterAnimationInflator,
                @NonNull BiFunction<ExitTransition, View, AnimationSet> exitAnimationInflator,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeEvaluator evaluator) {
            this.mPipeline = pipeline;
            this.mEnterAnimationInflator = enterAnimationInflator;
            this.mExitAnimationInflator = exitAnimationInflator;
            this.mEvaluator = evaluator;

         * Clears the current data in the {@link ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline} instance that was
         * used to create this and then commits any stored changes.
         * @param inflatedParent The renderer-owned parent view for all of the layout elements
         *     associated with the nodes in this pipeline. This will be used for content transition
         *     animations.
         * @param isReattaching if True, this layout is being reattached and will skip content
         *     transition animations.
        public void clearDataPipelineAndCommit(
                @NonNull ViewGroup inflatedParent, boolean isReattaching) {
            this.commit(inflatedParent, isReattaching);

         * Plays Exit animations. This method should be called while {@code parentView} still
         * corresponds to the previous layout. Any subsequent change to the layout should be
         * schedule through the {@code onEnd} callback.
         * @param parentView The parent view these nodes are being inflated into. Note that it
         *     should be attached to a window (and has gone through its layout passes).
         * @param isReattaching if True, this layout is being reattached and will skip content
         *     transition animations.
         * @param onEnd the callback to execute after all Exit animations have finished.
        public void playExitAnimations(
                @NonNull ViewGroup parentView, boolean isReattaching, @Nullable Runnable onEnd) {

            // This is needed because onEnd should be called only once. In case that there are exit
            // animations that can't be played due to no quota, QuotaAwaraAnimationSet will try to
            // play it, fail and call onEnd. However, the counter of number of played animation will
            // stay 0, so the outer condition will also be true and onEnd will be called again.
            AtomicBoolean onEndWasCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
            Runnable wrappedOnEnd =
                    onEnd != null
                            ? () -> {
                                if (!onEndWasCalled.getAndSet(true)) {
                            : null;

            if (!isReattaching && mPipeline.mFullyVisible && mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                Map<String, ExitTransition> animatingNodes = new ArrayMap<>();
                for (String parentOfChangedNodes : mParentsOfChangedNodes) {
                                    node ->
                                                    node.getPosId(), animatingNodes));
                for (String changedNode : mChangedNodes) {
                    addAffectedExitAnimations(changedNode, animatingNodes);
                mExitAnimationsCounter = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, ExitTransition> animatingNode : animatingNodes.entrySet()) {
                    View associatedView = parentView.findViewWithTag(animatingNode.getKey());
                    if (associatedView != null) {
                        AnimationSet animationSet =
                                        checkNotNull(animatingNode.getValue()), associatedView);
                        if (animationSet != null && !animationSet.getAnimations().isEmpty()) {
                            QuotaAwareAnimationSet quotaAwareAnimationSet =
                                    new QuotaAwareAnimationSet(
                                            () -> {
                                                if (wrappedOnEnd != null) {
                                                    if (mExitAnimationsCounter == 0) {
                                    () -> {
            if (mPipeline.mExitAnimations.isEmpty() && wrappedOnEnd != null) {
                // No exit animations.

        private void addAffectedExitAnimations(
                @NonNull String changedNode, @NonNull Map<String, ExitTransition> animatingNodes) {
            List<NodeInfo> nodesAffectedBy =
                            node -> {
                                AnimatedVisibility animatedVisibility =
                                return animatedVisibility != null
                                        && animatedVisibility.hasExitTransition();
            for (NodeInfo affectedNode : nodesAffectedBy) {

         * Commits any stored changes into the {@link ProtoLayoutDynamicDataPipeline} instance that
         * was used to create this. This replaces any already available node and should be called
         * only once per layout update.
         * @param inflatedParent The parent view these nodes are being inflated into. This will be
         *     used for Enter animations. If this view is not attached to a window, the animations
         *     (and the rest of pipeline init) will be scheduled to run when the view attaches to a
         *     window later
         * @param isReattaching if True, this layout is being reattached and will skip content
         *     transition animations.
        public void commit(@NonNull ViewGroup inflatedParent, boolean isReattaching) {
            for (String nodePosId : mNodesPendingChildrenRemoval) {
            for (Entry<String, NodeInfo> entry : mPosIdToNodeInfo.entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                if (key.isEmpty()) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Ignoring empty posId.");
                mPipeline.mPositionIdTree.addOrReplace(key, entry.getValue());

            // in the modified levels.
            if (isReattaching || !mPipeline.mFullyVisible) {
                // Skip content transition animations.

            // Capture nodes with EnterTransition animation.
            Map<String, EnterTransition> enterTransitionNodes = new ArrayMap<>();
            boolean hasSlideInAnimation = false;
            if (mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                for (String changedNode : mChangedNodes) {
                    List<NodeInfo> nodesAffectedBy =
                                    node -> {
                                        AnimatedVisibility animatedVisibility =
                                        return animatedVisibility != null
                                                && animatedVisibility.hasEnterTransition();
                    for (NodeInfo affectedNode : nodesAffectedBy) {
                        EnterTransition enterTransition =
                        enterTransitionNodes.putIfAbsent(affectedNode.getPosId(), enterTransition);
                        hasSlideInAnimation |= enterTransition.hasSlideIn();

            Runnable initLayoutRunnable =
                    () -> {
                        playEnterAnimations(inflatedParent, isReattaching, enterTransitionNodes);

            // Slide animations need to know the new measurements of the view in order to calculate
            // start and end positions, so we force a measure pass.
            if (hasSlideInAnimation) {
                // The GlobalLayoutListener ensures that initLayoutRunnable will run after the
                // measure pass has finished.
                ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver = inflatedParent.getViewTreeObserver();
                        new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
                            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                                if (viewTreeObserver.isAlive()) {
                                inflatedParent.getMeasuredWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
                                inflatedParent.getMeasuredHeight(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
            } else {

        private void playEnterAnimations(
                @NonNull ViewGroup parentView,
                boolean isReattaching,
                Map<String, EnterTransition> animatingNodes) {
            // Cancel any already running Enter animation.

            if (isReattaching || !mPipeline.mFullyVisible || !mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, EnterTransition> animatingNode : animatingNodes.entrySet()) {
                View associatedView = parentView.findViewWithTag(animatingNode.getKey());
                if (associatedView != null) {
                    AnimationSet animationSet =
                                    checkNotNull(animatingNode.getValue()), associatedView);

                    if (animationSet != null && !animationSet.getAnimations().isEmpty()) {
                        QuotaAwareAnimationSet quotaAwareAnimationSet =
                                new QuotaAwareAnimationSet(
                                () -> mPipeline.mEnterAnimations.add(quotaAwareAnimationSet));

        private NodeInfo getNodeInfo(@NonNull String posId) {
            return mPosIdToNodeInfo.computeIfAbsent(
                    posId, k -> new NodeInfo(posId, mPipeline.mAnimationQuotaManager));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicString stringSource,
                @NonNull Locale locale,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<String> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                            stringSource, ULocale.forLocale(locale), consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicInt32 int32Source,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Integer> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                    DynamicTypeBindingRequest.forDynamicInt32Internal(int32Source, consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicString stringSource,
                @NonNull String invalidData,
                @NonNull Locale locale,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<String> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(
                    stringSource, locale, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicFloat floatSource,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Float> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                    DynamicTypeBindingRequest.forDynamicFloatInternal(floatSource, consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicFloat floatSource,
                float invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Float> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(
                    floatSource, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicColor colorSource,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Integer> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                    DynamicTypeBindingRequest.forDynamicColorInternal(colorSource, consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicBool boolSource,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Runnable triggerAnimationRunnable) {
            DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Boolean> consumer =
                            triggerAnimationRunnable, mPipeline.mAnimationQuotaManager);
            return addPipelineFor(boolSource, posId, consumer);

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicBool boolSource,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Boolean> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                    DynamicTypeBindingRequest.forDynamicBoolInternal(boolSource, consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DynamicBool boolSource,
                boolean invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Boolean> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(
                    boolSource, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DpProp dpProp,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Float> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                            dpProp.getDynamicValue(), consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DegreesProp degreesProp,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Float> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                            degreesProp.getDynamicValue(), consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull ColorProp colorProp,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Integer> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                            colorProp.getDynamicValue(), consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull BoolProp boolProp,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Boolean> consumer) {
            DynamicTypeBindingRequest bindingRequest =
                            boolProp.getDynamicValue(), consumer);
            tryBindRequest(posId, bindingRequest, consumer::onInvalidated);
            return this;

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DpProp dpProp,
                float invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Float> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(dpProp, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull DegreesProp degreesProp,
                float invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Float> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(
                    degreesProp, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull ColorProp colorProp,
                int invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Integer> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(
                    colorProp, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker addPipelineFor(
                @NonNull BoolProp boolProp,
                boolean invalidData,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull Consumer<Boolean> consumer) {
            return addPipelineFor(boolProp, posId, buildStateUpdateCallback(invalidData, consumer));

        private void tryBindRequest(
                String posId, DynamicTypeBindingRequest request, Runnable onFailure) {
            BoundDynamicType dynamicType = null;
            NodeInfo nodeInfo = getNodeInfo(posId);
            try {
                dynamicType = mEvaluator.bind(request);
            } catch (EvaluationException exception) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Fails to bind dynamicType.", exception);

        /** This store method shall be called during the layout inflation in a background thread. */
        @SuppressLint("CheckReturnValue") // (b/247804720)
        public PipelineMaker addResolvedAnimatedImage(
                @NonNull AnimatedVectorDrawable drawable,
                @NonNull Trigger trigger,
                @NonNull String posId) {
            if (!this.mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Cannot use ResolvedAnimationImage; animations are disabled.");
                return this;

            getNodeInfo(posId).addResolvedAvd(drawable, trigger);
            return this;

         * This store method shall be called during the layout inflation in a background thread. It
         * adds given {@link DynamicBool} to the pipeline too.
        public PipelineMaker addResolvedAnimatedImageWithBoolTrigger(
                @NonNull AnimatedVectorDrawable drawable,
                @NonNull Trigger trigger,
                @NonNull String posId,
                @NonNull DynamicBool boolTrigger) {
            if (!this.mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Cannot use ResolvedAnimationImage; animations are disabled.");
                return this;

            if (trigger.getInnerCase() != Trigger.InnerCase.ON_CONDITION_MET_TRIGGER) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Wrong trigger type.");
                return this;

            ResolvedAvd avd = getNodeInfo(posId).addResolvedAvd(drawable, trigger);
            addPipelineFor(boolTrigger, posId, avd::startAnimation);
            return this;

        /** This store method shall be called during the layout inflation in a background thread. */
        public PipelineMaker addResolvedSeekableAnimatedImage(
                @NonNull SeekableAnimatedVectorDrawable seekableDrawable,
                @NonNull DynamicFloat boundProgress,
                @NonNull String posId) {
            if (!this.mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Cannot use ResolveSeekableAvd; animations are disabled.");
                return this;

            // Register the bound progress to the seekable animated drawable.
                    aFloat -> {
                        float progress = max(0.0f, min(aFloat, 1.0f));
                                (long) (progress * seekableDrawable.getTotalDuration()));
                            new NodeInfo.ResolvedSeekableAvd(seekableDrawable, boundProgress));
            return this;

        /** Stores the {@link AnimatedVisibility} associated with the {@code posId}. */
        public PipelineMaker storeAnimatedVisibilityFor(
                @NonNull String posId, @NonNull AnimatedVisibility animatedVisibility) {
            if (!mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Can't use AnimatedVisibility; animations are disabled.");
                return this;
            return this;

         * Mark the node {@code posId} as changed. Content transition animations affected by this
         * node will be triggered when the pipeline is committed.
         * @param posId positionId of the node
         * @param includePreviousChildren if True, the previous children of this node will be marked
         *     as changed too. This is used for triggering Exit animations.
        public PipelineMaker markNodeAsChanged(
                @NonNull String posId, boolean includePreviousChildren) {
            if (mPipeline.mEnableAnimations) {
            return this;

        private static DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Boolean> buildBooleanConditionTriggerCallback(
                @NonNull Runnable triggerAnimationRunnable, @NonNull QuotaManager quotaManager) {
            return new DynamicTypeValueReceiver<Boolean>() {
                private boolean mCurrent;

                public void onData(@NonNull Boolean newData) {

                    if (newData && !mCurrent && quotaManager.tryAcquireQuota(1)) {
                    mCurrent = newData;

                public void onInvalidated() {}

        private <T> DynamicTypeValueReceiver<T> buildStateUpdateCallback(
                @NonNull T invalidData, @NonNull Consumer<T> consumer) {
            return new DynamicTypeValueReceiver<T>() {
                public void onData(@NonNull T newData) {

                public void onInvalidated() {

         * Add the given source to the pipeline for future evaluation. Evaluation will start when
         * {@link PipelineMaker} is committed with {@link PipelineMaker#commit}.
        public PipelineMaker markForChildRemoval(@NonNull String nodePosId) {
            return this;

        /** Stores a node if doesn't exist. Otherwise does nothing. */
        public PipelineMaker rememberNode(@NonNull String nodePosId) {
            NodeInfo ignored = getNodeInfo(nodePosId);
            return this;

     * Initialize the data pipeline without playing content transition animations. Normally this is
     * called automatically when the parent {@link ViewGroup} associated with this pipeline is
     * attached to a {@link View} hierarchy. This is so that the content transition animations can
     * be executed before this (if needed).
     * <p>This method can be called directly in screenshot tests and when the renderer output is
     * never supposed to be attached to a window.
    public void initWithoutContentTransition() {

    /** Initialize the data pipeline after a new layout is pushed. */
    void initNewLayout() {
        if (mFullyVisible) {

        // Retry failing binding requests
                nodeInfo ->
                                .removeIf(request -> retryBindingRequest(nodeInfo, request)));


    private boolean retryBindingRequest(NodeInfo nodeInfo, DynamicTypeBindingRequest request) {
        BoundDynamicType dynamicType = null;
        try {
            dynamicType = mEvaluator.bind(request);
            return true;
        } catch (EvaluationException exception) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Retry to bind dynamicType failed.", exception);
        return false;

    /** Play the animation with the given trigger type. */
    public void playAvdAnimations(@NonNull Trigger.InnerCase triggerCase) {
        mPositionIdTree.forEach(info -> info.playAvdAnimations(triggerCase));

    /** Sets visibility of animations. Also pauses or resumes any animators. */
    private void setAnimationVisibility(boolean visible) {
        mPositionIdTree.forEach(info -> info.setVisibility(visible));

    /** Reset the avd animations with the given trigger type. */
    public void resetAvdAnimations(@NonNull Trigger.InnerCase triggerCase) {
        mPositionIdTree.forEach(info -> info.resetAvdAnimations(triggerCase));

    /** Stops running avd animations and releases their quota. */
    public void stopAvdAnimations(@NonNull Trigger.InnerCase triggerCase) {
        mPositionIdTree.forEach(info -> info.stopAvdAnimations(triggerCase));

    /** Cancel any already running content transition animations. */
    void cancelContentTransitionAnimations() {

     * Sets visibility for resources tracked by the pipeline and plays / stops any affected
     * animations.
    public void setFullyVisible(boolean fullyVisible) {
        if (this.mFullyVisible == fullyVisible) {

        this.mFullyVisible = fullyVisible;
        // Set visibility to already started INFINITE AVD will pause the animation when the drawable
        // is invisible and resume the animation when becomes visible again.
        if (fullyVisible) {
        } else {
            // Stop the AVD animation with ON_VISIBLE_TRIGGER, but not stop AVD animations with
            // ON_VISIBLE_ONCE_TRIGGER and ON_LOAD_TRIGGER. AVD does not provide API to check
            // whether it is infinite, thus it is hard to stop finite animations only. For the AVDs
            // that would not get restarted, animations are not stopped when the layout becomes
            // invisible. Finite animations continue until they reach the end, while infinite
            // animations are paused by setting their visibility to false.

     * Returns the total duration in milliseconds of the animated drawable associated with a
     * StateSource with the given key name; or null if no such SourceKey exists.
    public Long getSeekableAnimationTotalDurationMillis(@NonNull String sourceKey) {
        NodeInfo node =
                        nodeInfo ->
                                        != null);
        if (node != null) {
            return node.getSeekableAnimationTotalDurationMillis(sourceKey);
        return null;

     * Returns the list of nodes with matching {@code predicate} affected by a change to the node
     * {@code posId}
    List<NodeInfo> getNodesAffectedBy(
            @NonNull String posId, @NonNull Predicate<NodeInfo> predicate) {
        List<NodeInfo> affectedNodes = mPositionIdTree.findAncestorsFor(posId, predicate);
        NodeInfo currentNode = mPositionIdTree.get(posId);
        if (currentNode != null && predicate.test(currentNode)) {

        return affectedNodes;

    /** Returns how many animations are running. */
    public int getRunningAnimationsCount() {
        return mPositionIdTree.getAllNodes().stream()

    /** Returns the cost of nodes existing in the pipeline. */
    public int getDynamicExpressionsNodesCost() {
        return mPositionIdTree.getAllNodes().stream()

    /** Returns whether all quota has been released. */
    public boolean isAllQuotaReleased() {
        return mAnimationQuotaManager instanceof FixedQuotaManagerImpl
                && ((FixedQuotaManagerImpl) mAnimationQuotaManager).isAllQuotaReleased();