Early February Artifact Wave

We have new stable releases for Browser, ExifInterface, and Work:

We have a new pair of patch releases for Compose Compiler, along with a beta for the rest of Compose:

AppCompat and Wear Compose have a mix of stable patches and new alphas:

Arch Core has a new RC:

Annotation has a bizarre mix of a new RC and a new dev01 releaseā€¦ for the same version:

Note that a bunch of those are new artifacts:

Betas are out for DrawerLayout, Emoji2, Games, Lifecycle, and ProfileInstaller:

Activity has a mix of betas and alphas:

Finally, ConstraintLayout, Credentials, Fragment, Media, Navigation, Paging, Tracing, TV, Wear ProtoLayout, and WebKit have new alphas:

Note that androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-expression-pipeline is a new artifact.