
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.annotation

 * Denotes that the annotated method is the getter for a resources-backed property that should be
 * shown in Android Studio's inspection tools.
@Deprecated("Replaced by the {@code androidx.resourceinpsection} package.")
public annotation class InspectableProperty(
     * The name of the property.
     * If left empty (the default), the property name will be inferred from the name of the getter
     * method.
     * @return The name of the property.
    val name: String = "",
     * If the property is inflated from XML, the resource ID of its XML attribute.
     * If left as the default, and [hasAttributeId] is true, the attribute ID will be
     * inferred from [name].
     * @return The attribute ID of the property or the default null resource ID
    val attributeId: Int = 0,
     * If this property has an attribute ID.
     * Set to false if the annotated property does not have an attribute ID, that is, it is not
     * inflated from an XML attribute. This will prevent the automatic inference of the attribute.
     * @return Whether to infer an attribute ID if not supplied
    val hasAttributeId: Boolean = true,
     * Specify how to interpret a value type packed into a primitive integer.
     * @return A [ValueType]
    val valueType: ValueType = ValueType.INFERRED,
     * For enumerations packed into primitive {int} properties, map the values to string names.
     * Note that `#enumMapping()` cannot be used simultaneously with [flagMapping].
     * @return An array of [EnumEntry], empty if not applicable
    val enumMapping: Array<EnumEntry> = [],
     * For flags packed into primitive {int} properties, model the string names of the flags.
     * Note that `#flagMapping()` cannot be used simultaneously with [enumMapping].
     * @return An array of [FlagEntry], empty if not applicable
    val flagMapping: Array<FlagEntry> = []
) {
     * One entry in an enumeration packed into a primitive {int}.
    @Target(AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS)
    public annotation class EnumEntry(
         * The string name of this enumeration value.
         * @return A string name
        val name: String,
         * The integer value of this enumeration value.
         * @return An integer value
        val value: Int

     * One flag value of many that may be packed into a primitive {int}.
    @Target(AnnotationTarget.ANNOTATION_CLASS, AnnotationTarget.CLASS)
    public annotation class FlagEntry(
         * The string name of this flag.
         * @return A string name
        val name: String,
         * A target value that the property's value must equal after masking.
         * If a mask is not supplied (i.e., [mask] is 0), the target will be reused as the
         * mask. This handles the common case where no flags mutually exclude each other.
         * @return The target value to compare against
        val target: Int,
         * A mask that the property will be bitwise anded with before comparing to the target.
         * If set to 0 (the default), the value of [target] will be used as a mask. Zero
         * was chosen as the default since bitwise and with zero is always zero.
         * @return A mask, or 0 to use the target as a mask
        val mask: Int = 0

     * The type of value packed into a primitive {int}.
    public enum class ValueType {
         * No special handling, property is considered to be a numeric value.

         * The default the annotation processor infers the value type from context.

         * Value packs an enumeration.
         * This is inferred if [enumMapping] is specified.
         * @see EnumEntry

         * Value packs flags, of which many may be enabled at once.
         * This is inferred if [flagMapping] is specified.
         * @see FlagEntry

         * Value packs color information.
         * This is inferred from [ColorInt], or [ColorLong] on the getter method.

         * Value packs gravity information.
         * This type is not inferred and is non-trivial to represent using [FlagEntry].

         * Value is a resource ID
         * This type is inferred from the presence of a resource ID annotation such as
         * [AnyRes].