
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.autofill.inline.common;

import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;

import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

 * Specifies the style for a {@link TextView}.
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.R)
public final class TextViewStyle extends ViewStyle {

    private static final String KEY_TEXT_VIEW_STYLE = "text_view_style";
    private static final String KEY_TEXT_SIZE = "text_size";
    private static final String KEY_TEXT_SIZE_UNIT = "text_size_unit";
    private static final String KEY_TEXT_COLOR = "text_color";
    private static final String KEY_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY = "text_font_family";
    private static final String KEY_TEXT_FONT_STYLE = "text_font_style";

     * This is made public so it can be used by the renderer to converted the received bundle to
     * a style. It does not validate the provided bundle. {@link #isValid()} or
     * {@link #assertIsValid()} can be used for validation.
     * @hide
    public TextViewStyle(@NonNull Bundle bundle) {

     * Applies the specified style on the {@code textView}.
     * @hide
    public void applyStyleOnTextViewIfValid(@NonNull TextView textView) {
        if (!isValid()) {
        if (mBundle.containsKey(KEY_TEXT_COLOR)) {
        if (mBundle.containsKey(KEY_TEXT_SIZE)) {
            int unit = TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP;
            if (mBundle.containsKey(KEY_TEXT_SIZE_UNIT)) {
                unit = mBundle.getInt(KEY_TEXT_SIZE_UNIT);
            textView.setTextSize(unit, mBundle.getFloat(KEY_TEXT_SIZE));
        if (mBundle.containsKey(KEY_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY)) {
            final String fontFamily = mBundle.getString(KEY_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fontFamily)) {
                        Typeface.create(fontFamily, mBundle.getInt(KEY_TEXT_FONT_STYLE)));

     * @hide
    protected String getStyleKey() {
        return KEY_TEXT_VIEW_STYLE;

     * Builder for the {@link TextViewStyle}.
    public static final class Builder extends BaseBuilder<TextViewStyle, Builder> {
        public Builder() {

         * @hide
        protected Builder getThis() {
            return this;

         * Specifies the text size, in sp.
         * @param textSize The scaled pixel size.
         * @see TextView#setTextSize(float)
        public Builder setTextSize(float textSize) {
            mBundle.putFloat(KEY_TEXT_SIZE, textSize);
            return this;

         * Specifies the text size in the provided unit.
         * @param unit The desired dimension unit.
         * @param size The device independent pixel size.
         * @see TextView#setTextSize(int, float)
        public Builder setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
            mBundle.putInt(KEY_TEXT_SIZE_UNIT, unit);
            mBundle.putFloat(KEY_TEXT_SIZE, size);
            return this;

         * Specifies the text color.
         * @param textColor A color value in the form 0xAARRGGBB.
         * @see TextView#setTextColor(int)
        public Builder setTextColor(@ColorInt int textColor) {
            mBundle.putInt(KEY_TEXT_COLOR, textColor);
            return this;

         * Specifies the text font family and style. If the font family can not be found/loaded from
         * the renderer process, it may fallback to the default system font.
         * @param fontFamily the font family for the type face
         * @param fontStyle  the style for the type face.
         * @see Typeface#create(String, int)
         * @see TextView#setTypeface(Typeface, int)
        public Builder setTypeface(@NonNull String fontFamily, int fontStyle) {
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(fontFamily, "fontFamily should not be null");
            mBundle.putString(KEY_TEXT_FONT_FAMILY, fontFamily);
            mBundle.putInt(KEY_TEXT_FONT_STYLE, fontStyle);
            return this;

        public TextViewStyle build() {
            return new TextViewStyle(mBundle);