 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.util.Log;

import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;

 * A registry that tracks the state of cameras.
 * <p>The registry tracks internally how many cameras are open and how many are available to open.
 * Cameras that are in a PENDING_OPEN can be be notified when there is a slot available to
 * open a camera.
public final class CameraStateRegistry {
    private static final String TAG = "CameraStateRegistry";
    private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
    private StringBuilder mDebugString = DEBUG ? new StringBuilder() : null;

    private final Object mLock = new Object();

    private final int mMaxAllowedOpenedCameras;
    private final Map<Camera, CameraRegistration> mCameraStates = new HashMap<>();
    private int mAvailableCameras;

     * Creates a new registry with a limit of {@code maxAllowedOpenCameras} allowed to be opened.
     * @param maxAllowedOpenedCameras The limit of number of simultaneous open cameras.
    public CameraStateRegistry(int maxAllowedOpenedCameras) {
        mMaxAllowedOpenedCameras = maxAllowedOpenedCameras;
        synchronized ("mLock") {
            mAvailableCameras = mMaxAllowedOpenedCameras;

     * Registers a camera with the registry.
     * <p>Once registered, the camera's state must be updated through
     * {@link #markCameraState(Camera, CameraInternal.State)}.
     * <p>Before attempting to open a camera, {@link #tryOpenCamera(Camera)} must be called and
     * callers should only continue to open the camera if it returns {@code true}.
     * <p>Cameras will be automatically unregistered when the are marked as being in a
     * {@link CameraInternal.State#RELEASED} state.
     * @param camera The camera to register.
     * @param cameraAvailableListener
    public void registerCamera(@NonNull Camera camera, @NonNull Executor notifyExecutor,
            @NonNull OnOpenAvailableListener cameraAvailableListener) {
        synchronized (mLock) {
            Preconditions.checkState(!mCameraStates.containsKey(camera), "Camera is "
                    + "already registered: " + camera);
                    new CameraRegistration(null, notifyExecutor, cameraAvailableListener));

     * Should be called before attempting to actually open a camera.
     * <p>This must be called before attempting to open a camera. If too many cameras are already
     * open, then this will return {@code false}, and the caller should not attempt to open the
     * camera. Instead, the caller should mark its state as
     * {@link CameraInternal.State#PENDING_OPEN} with
     * {@link #markCameraState(Camera, CameraInternal.State)}, and the listener registered with
     * {@link #registerCamera(Camera, Executor, OnOpenAvailableListener)} will be notified when a
     * camera becomes available. At that time, the caller should attempt to call this method again.
     * @return {@code true} if it is safe to open the camera. If this returns {@code true}, it is
     * assumed the camera is now in an {@link CameraInternal.State#OPENING} state, and the
     * available camera count will be reduced by 1.
    public boolean tryOpenCamera(@NonNull Camera camera) {
        synchronized (mLock) {
            CameraRegistration registration = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mCameraStates.get(camera),
                    "Camera must first be registered with registerCamera()");
            boolean success = false;
            if (DEBUG) {
                mDebugString.append(String.format(Locale.US, "tryOpenCamera(%s) [Available "
                                + "Cameras: %d, Already Open: %b (Previous state: %s)]",
                        camera, mAvailableCameras, isOpen(registration.getState()),
            if (mAvailableCameras > 0 || isOpen(registration.getState())) {
                // Set state directly to OPENING.
                success = true;

            if (DEBUG) {
                        String.format(Locale.US, " --> %s", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL"));
                Log.d(TAG, mDebugString.toString());

            if (success) {
                // Successfully opening a camera should only make the total available count go
                // down, so no need to notify cameras in a PENDING_OPEN state.

            return success;

     * Mark the state of a registered camera.
     * <p>This is used to track the states of all cameras in order to determine how many cameras
     * are available to be opened.
    public void markCameraState(@NonNull Camera camera, @NonNull CameraInternal.State state) {
        List<CameraRegistration> camerasToNotify = null;
        synchronized (mLock) {
            CameraInternal.State previousState = null;
            int previousAvailableCameras = mAvailableCameras;
            if (state == CameraInternal.State.RELEASED) {
                previousState = unregisterCamera(camera);
            } else {
                previousState = updateAndVerifyState(camera, state);

            if (previousState == state) {
                // Nothing has changed. No need to notify.

            if (previousAvailableCameras < 1 && mAvailableCameras > 0) {
                // Cameras are now available, notify ALL cameras in a PENDING_OPEN state.
                camerasToNotify = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Map.Entry<Camera, CameraRegistration> entry : mCameraStates.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getValue().getState() == CameraInternal.State.PENDING_OPEN) {
            } else if (state == CameraInternal.State.PENDING_OPEN && mAvailableCameras > 0) {
                // This camera entered a PENDING_OPEN state while there are available cameras,
                // only notify the single camera.
                camerasToNotify = Collections.singletonList(mCameraStates.get(camera));

        // Notify pending cameras unlocked.
        if (camerasToNotify != null) {
            for (CameraRegistration registration : camerasToNotify) {

    // Unregisters the given camera and returns the state before being unregistered
    private CameraInternal.State unregisterCamera(Camera camera) {
        CameraRegistration registration = mCameraStates.remove(camera);
        if (registration != null) {
            return registration.getState();

        return null;

    // Updates the state of the given camera and returns the previous state.
    private CameraInternal.State updateAndVerifyState(@NonNull Camera camera,
            @NonNull CameraInternal.State state) {
        CameraInternal.State previousState = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mCameraStates.get(camera),
                "Cannot update state of camera which has not yet been registered. Register with "
                        + "CameraAvailabilityRegistry.registerCamera()").setState(state);

        if (state == CameraInternal.State.OPENING) {
            // A camera should only enter an OPENING state if it is already in an open state or
            // it has been allowed to by tryOpen().
            Preconditions.checkState(isOpen(state) || previousState == CameraInternal.State.OPENING,
                    "Cannot mark camera as opening until camera was successful at calling "
                            + "CameraAvailabilityRegistry.tryOpen()");

        // Only update the available camera count if the camera state has changed.
        if (previousState != state) {

        return previousState;

    private static boolean isOpen(@Nullable CameraInternal.State state) {
        return state != null && state.holdsCameraSlot();

    private void recalculateAvailableCameras() {
        if (DEBUG) {
            mDebugString.append("Recalculating open cameras:\n");
            mDebugString.append(String.format(Locale.US, "%-45s%-22s\n", "Camera", "State"));
        // Count the number of cameras that are not in a closed state state. Closed states are
        // considered to be CLOSED, PENDING_OPEN or OPENING, since we can't guarantee a camera
        // has actually be open in these states. All cameras that are in a CLOSING or RELEASING
        // state may have previously been open, so we will count them as open.
        int openCount = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<Camera, CameraRegistration> entry : mCameraStates.entrySet()) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                String stateString =
                        entry.getValue().getState() != null ? entry.getValue().getState().toString()
                                : "UNKNOWN";
                        String.format(Locale.US, "%-45s%-22s\n", entry.getKey().toString(),
            if (isOpen(entry.getValue().getState())) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            mDebugString.append(String.format(Locale.US, "Open count: %d (Max allowed: %d)",
            Log.d(TAG, mDebugString.toString());

        // Calculate available cameras value (clamped to 0 or more)
        mAvailableCameras = Math.max(mMaxAllowedOpenedCameras - openCount, 0);

     * A listener that is notified when a camera slot becomes available for opening.
    public interface OnOpenAvailableListener {
         * Called when a camera slot becomes available for opening.
         * <p>Listeners can attempt to open a slot with
         * {@link CameraStateRegistry#tryOpenCamera(Camera)} after receiving this signal.
         * <p>Only cameras that are in a {@link CameraInternal.State#PENDING_OPEN} state will
         * receive this signal.
        void onOpenAvailable();

    private static class CameraRegistration {
        private CameraInternal.State mState;
        private final Executor mNotifyExecutor;
        private final OnOpenAvailableListener mCameraAvailableListener;

        CameraRegistration(@Nullable CameraInternal.State initialState,
                @NonNull Executor notifyExecutor,
                @NonNull OnOpenAvailableListener cameraAvailableListener) {
            mState = initialState;
            mNotifyExecutor = notifyExecutor;
            mCameraAvailableListener = cameraAvailableListener;

        CameraInternal.State setState(@Nullable CameraInternal.State state) {
            CameraInternal.State previousState = mState;
            mState = state;
            return previousState;

        CameraInternal.State getState() {
            return mState;

        void notifyListener() {
            try {
            } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Unable to notify camera.", e);