 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import static;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContextWrapper;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.hardware.display.VirtualDisplay;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;

import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback;
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedDispatcher;
import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.StringDef;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
import androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver;
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * The CarContext class is a {@link ContextWrapper} subclass accessible to your {@link
 * CarAppService} and {@link Screen} instances, which provides access to car services such as the
 * {@link ScreenManager} for managing the screen stack, the {@link AppManager} for general
 * app-related functionality such as accessing a surface for drawing your navigation app's map, and
 * the {@link NavigationManager} used by turn-by-turn navigation apps to communicate navigation
 * metadata and other navigation-related events with the host. See Access the navigation templates
 * for a comprehensive list of library functionality available to navigation apps.
 * <p>Whenever you use a CarContext to load resources, the following configuration elements come
 * from the car screen's configuration, and not the phone:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Screen width.
 *   <li>Screen height.
 *   <li>Screen pixel density (DPI).
 *   <li>Night mode (See {@link #isDarkMode}).
 * </ul>
 * <p>Please refer <a
 * href="">here</a>, on how
 * to use configuration qualifiers in your resources.
 * @see #getCarService
public class CarContext extends ContextWrapper {
     * Represents the types of services for client-host communication.
     * @hide
    public @interface CarServiceType {

    /** Manages all app events such as invalidating the UI, showing a toast, etc. */
    public static final String APP_SERVICE = "app";

     * Manages all navigation events such as starting navigation when focus is granted, abandoning
     * navigation when focus is lost, etc.
    public static final String NAVIGATION_SERVICE = "navigation";

    /** Manages the screens of the app, including the screen stack. */
    public static final String SCREEN_SERVICE = "screen";

    /** Manages constraints for the app as enforced by the connected host. */
    public static final String CONSTRAINT_SERVICE = "constraints";

     * Internal usage only. Top level binder to host.
    public static final String CAR_SERVICE = "car";

    /** Manages access to properties, sensors and actions. */
    public static final String HARDWARE_SERVICE = "hardware";

     * Key for including a IStartCarApp in the notification {@link Intent}, for starting the app
     * if it has not been opened yet.
    public static final String EXTRA_START_CAR_APP_BINDER_KEY = ""
            + ".START_CAR_APP_BINDER_KEY";

     * Standard action for navigating to a location.
     * <p>Used as the {@link Intent}'s action for starting a navigation via
     * {@link #startCarApp(Intent)}.
    public static final String ACTION_NAVIGATE = "";

     * Action for requesting permissions on the car app activity.
    static final String REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_ACTION = "";

     * Key for string array extra for permissions to request.
    static final String EXTRA_PERMISSIONS_KEY = "";

     * Key for binder extra for permission result callback.

    private final OnBackPressedDispatcher mOnBackPressedDispatcher;
    private final HostDispatcher mHostDispatcher;
    private final Lifecycle mLifecycle;
    private final ManagerCache mManagers = new ManagerCache();

    /** API level, updated once host connection handshake is completed. */
    private int mCarAppApiLevel = CarAppApiLevels.UNKNOWN;

    private HostInfo mHostInfo = null;

    /** @hide */
    public static CarContext create(@NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle) {
        return new CarContext(lifecycle, new HostDispatcher());

     * Provides a car service by name.
     * <p>The class of the returned object varies by the requested name.
     * <p>Currently supported car services, and their respective classes, are:
     * <dl>
     *   <dt>{@link #APP_SERVICE}
     *   <dd>An {@link AppManager} for communication between the app and the host.
     *   <dt>{@link #NAVIGATION_SERVICE}
     *   <dd>A {@link NavigationManager} for management of navigation updates.
     *   <dt>{@link #SCREEN_SERVICE}
     *   <dd>A {@link ScreenManager} for management of {@link Screen}s.
     * </dl>
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
     * @param name The name of the car service requested. This should be one of
     *             {@link #APP_SERVICE},
     *             {@link #NAVIGATION_SERVICE} or {@link #SCREEN_SERVICE}
     * @return The car service instance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code name} does not refer to a valid car service
     * @throws IllegalStateException    if the service referred by {@code name} can not be
     *                                  instantiated (e.g. missing library dependency)
     * @throws NullPointerException     if {@code name} is {@code null}
    public Object getCarService(@CarServiceType @NonNull String name) {
        return mManagers.getOrCreate(name);

     * Returns the a car service, by class.
     * <p>Currently supported classes are: {@link AppManager}, {@link NavigationManager}, {@link
     * ScreenManager}.
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
     * @param serviceClass the class of the requested service
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code serviceClass} is not the class of a supported car
     *                                  service
     * @throws IllegalStateException    if {@code serviceClass} can not be instantiated (e.g.
     *                                  missing library dependency)
     * @throws NullPointerException     if {@code serviceClass} is {@code null}
    public <T extends Manager> T getCarService(@NonNull Class<T> serviceClass) {
        return mManagers.getOrCreate(serviceClass);

     * Gets the name of the car service that is represented by the specified class.
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
     * @param serviceClass the class of the requested service
     * @return the car service name to use with {@link #getCarService(String)}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code serviceClass} is not the class of a supported car
     *                                  service
     * @throws NullPointerException     if {@code serviceClass} is {@code null}
     * @see #getCarService
    public String getCarServiceName(@NonNull Class<? extends Manager> serviceClass) {
        return mManagers.getName(serviceClass);

     * Starts a car app on the car screen.
     * <p>The target application will get the {@link Intent} via {@link Session#onCreateScreen}
     * or {@link Session#onNewIntent}.
     * <p>Supported {@link Intent}s:
     * <dl>
     *   <dt>An {@link Intent} to navigate.
     *   <dd>The action must be {@link #ACTION_NAVIGATE}.
     *   <dd>The data URI scheme must be either a latitude,longitude pair, or a + separated string
     *       query as follows:
     *   <dd>1) "geo:12.345,14.8767" for a latitude, longitude pair.
     *   <dd>2) "geo:0,0?q=123+Main+St,+Seattle,+WA+98101" for an address.
     *   <dd>3) "geo:0,0?q=a+place+name" for a place to search for.
     *   <dt>An {@link Intent} to make a phone call.
     *   <dd>The {@link Intent} must be created as defined <a
     *       href="
     *       .com/guide/components/intents-common#DialPhone">here</a>.
     *   <dt>An {@link Intent} to start this app in the car.
     *   <dd>The component name of the intent must be the one for the {@link CarAppService} that
     *       contains this {@link CarContext}. If the component name is for a different
     *       component, the method will throw a {@link SecurityException}.
     * </dl>
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
     * @param intent the {@link Intent} to send to the target application
     * @throws SecurityException         if the app attempts to start a different app explicitly or
     *                                   does not have permissions for the requested action
     * @throws HostException             if the remote call fails
     * @throws NullPointerException      if {@code intent} is {@code null}
    public void startCarApp(@NonNull Intent intent) {

                "startCarApp", (ICarHost host) -> {
                    return null;

     * Starts the car app on the car screen.
     * <p>Use this method if the app has received a broadcast due to a notification action.
     * @param notificationIntent the {@link Intent} that the app received via broadcast due to a
     *                           user taking an action on a notification in the car
     * @param appIntent          the {@link Intent} to use for starting the car app. See {@link
     *                           #startCarApp(Intent)} for the documentation on valid
     *                           {@link Intent}s
     * @throws InvalidParameterException if {@code notificationIntent} is not an {@link Intent}
     *                                   received from a broadcast, due to an action taken by the
     *                                   user in the car
     * @throws NullPointerException      if either {@code notificationIntent} or {@code appIntent
     *                                   } are {@code null}
     * @deprecated use {@link CarPendingIntent#getCarApp(Context, int, Intent, int)} to create
     * the pending intent for the notification action.  This API will NOT work for Automotive OS.
    public static void startCarApp(@NonNull Intent notificationIntent, @NonNull Intent appIntent) {

        IBinder binder = null;
        Bundle extras = notificationIntent.getExtras();
        if (extras != null) {
            binder = extras.getBinder(EXTRA_START_CAR_APP_BINDER_KEY);
        if (binder == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Notification intent missing expected extra");

        IStartCarApp startCarAppInterface = requireNonNull(IStartCarApp.Stub.asInterface(binder));

                "startCarApp from notification", () -> {
                    return null;

     * Requests to finish the car app.
     * <p>Call this when your app is done and should be closed. The {@link Session} corresponding
     * to this {@link CarContext} will become {@code State.DESTROYED}.
     * <p>At some point after this call, the OS will destroy your {@link CarAppService}.
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
    public void finishCarApp() {
                "finish", (ICarHost host) -> {
                    return null;

     * Sets the result of this car app.
     * <p>In Android Automotive OS, this is equivalent to {@link Activity#setResult(int, Intent)}.
     * Call this to set the result that your {@code CarAppActivity} will return to its caller.
     * <p><b>This method is not implemented in Android Auto.</b>
     * @param resultCode the result code to propagate back to the originating app, often
     *                   {@link Activity#RESULT_CANCELED} or {@link Activity#RESULT_OK}
     * @param data       the data to propagate back to the originating app
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the method is not supported in the current platform.
    public void setCarAppResult(int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
        getCarService(ResultManager.class).setCarAppResult(resultCode, data);

     * Return the component (service or activity) that invoked this car app.
     * <p>This is who the data in {@link #setCarAppResult(int, Intent)} will be sent to. You can
     * use this information to validate that the recipient is allowed to receive the data.
     * <p><b>Starting applications for result is not implemented in Android Auto, and this method
     * will always return null for that platform.</b>
     * @return the {@link ComponentName} of the component that will receive your reply, or
     * {@code null} if none
    public ComponentName getCallingComponent() {
        try {
            return getCarService(ResultManager.class).getCallingComponent();
        } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
            // ResultManager is not implemented in the current platform.
            return null;

     * Returns {@code true} if the car is set to dark mode.
     * <p>Navigation applications must redraw their map with the proper dark colors when the host
     * determines that conditions warrant it, as signaled by the value returned by this method.
     * <p>Whenever the dark mode status changes, you will receive a call to {@link
     * Session#onCarConfigurationChanged}.
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
    public boolean isDarkMode() {
        return (getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK)
                == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES;

     * Returns the {@link OnBackPressedDispatcher} that will be triggered when the user clicks a
     * back button.
     * <p>The default back press behavior is to call {@link ScreenManager#pop}.
     * <p>To override the default behavior, register a
     * {@link androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback} via calling
     * {@link OnBackPressedDispatcher#addCallback(LifecycleOwner, OnBackPressedCallback)}. Using
     * the {@link LifecycleOwner} ensures that your callback is only registered while its
     * {@link Lifecycle} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#STARTED}.
     * <p>If there is a {@link androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback} that is added and
     * enabled, and you'd like to remove the top {@link Screen} as a part of the callback, you
     * <b>MUST</b> call {@link ScreenManager#pop} in the callback. The default behavior is
     * overridden when you have a callback enabled.
    public OnBackPressedDispatcher getOnBackPressedDispatcher() {
        return mOnBackPressedDispatcher;

     * Retrieves the API level negotiated with the host.
     * <p>API levels are used during client and host connection handshake to negotiate a common set
     * of elements that both processes can understand. Different devices might have different host
     * versions. Each of these hosts will support a range of API levels, as a way to provide
     * backwards compatibility.
     * <p>Applications can also provide forward compatibility, by declaring support for a
     * {@link AppInfo#getMinCarAppApiLevel()} lower than {@link AppInfo#getLatestCarAppApiLevel()}.
     * See {@link AppInfo#getMinCarAppApiLevel()} for more details.
     * <p>Clients must ensure no elements annotated with a {@link RequiresCarApi} value higher
     * than returned by this method is used at runtime.
     * <p>Refer to {@link RequiresCarApi} description for more details on how to
     * implement forward compatibility.
     * <p><b>This method should not be called until the {@link Lifecycle.State} of the context's
     * {@link Session} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>.
     * @return a value between {@link AppInfo#getMinCarAppApiLevel()} and
     * {@link AppInfo#getLatestCarAppApiLevel()}. In case of incompatibility, the host will
     * disconnect from the service before completing the handshake
     * @throws IllegalStateException if invoked before the connection handshake with the host has
     *                               been completed (for example, before
     *                               {@link Session#onCreateScreen(Intent)})
    public int getCarAppApiLevel() {
        if (mCarAppApiLevel == CarAppApiLevels.UNKNOWN) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Car App API level hasn't been established yet");
        return mCarAppApiLevel;

     * Returns information about the host attached to this service.
     * @return The {@link HostInfo} of the connected host, or {@code null} if it is not available.
     * @see HostInfo
    public HostInfo getHostInfo() {
        return mHostInfo;

     * Requests the provided {@code permissions} from the user, calling the provided {@code
     * listener} in the main thread.
     * @see CarContext#requestPermissions(List, Executor, OnRequestPermissionsListener)=
    public void requestPermissions(@NonNull List<String> permissions,
            @NonNull OnRequestPermissionsListener listener) {
        requestPermissions(permissions, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this), listener);

     * Requests the provided {@code permissions} from the user.
     * <p>When the result is available, the {@code listener} provided will be called using the
     * {@link Executor} provided.
     * <p>This method should be called using a
     * {@link}.
     * <p>If this method is called while the host deems it is unsafe (for example, when the user
     * is driving), the permission(s) will not be requested from the user.
     * <p>If the {@link Session} is destroyed before the user accepts or rejects the permissions,
     * the callback will not be executed.
     * <h4>Platform Considerations</h4>
     * Using this method allows the app to work across all platforms supported by the library with
     * the same API (e.g. Android Auto on mobile devices and Android Automotive OS on native car
     * heads unit). On a mobile platform, this method will start an activity that will display the
     * platform's permissions UI over it. You can choose to not
     * use this method and instead implement your own activity and code to request the
     * permissions in that platform. On Automotive OS however, distraction-optimized activities
     * other than {@code CarAppActivity} are not allowed and may be
     * rejected during app submission. See {@code CarAppActivity} for
     * more details.
     * @param permissions the runtime permissions to request from the user
     * @param executor    the executor that will be used for calling the {@code callback} provided
     * @param listener    listener that will be notified when the user takes action on the
     *                    permission request
     * @throws NullPointerException if any of {@code executor}, {@code permissions} or
     *                              {@code callback} are {@code null}
    public void requestPermissions(@NonNull List<String> permissions,
            @NonNull /* @CallbackExecutor */ Executor executor,
            @NonNull OnRequestPermissionsListener listener) {

        ComponentName appActivityComponent = new ComponentName(this, CarAppInternalActivity.class);

        Lifecycle lifecycle = mLifecycle;
        Bundle extras = new Bundle(2);
                new IOnRequestPermissionsListener.Stub() {
                    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(String[] approvedPermissions,
                            String[] rejectedPermissions) {
                        if (lifecycle.getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.CREATED)) {
                            List<String> approved = Arrays.asList(approvedPermissions);
                            List<String> rejected = Arrays.asList(rejectedPermissions);
                            executor.execute(() -> listener.onRequestPermissionsResult(approved,
        extras.putStringArray(EXTRA_PERMISSIONS_KEY, permissions.toArray(new String[0]));
        Intent intent =
                new Intent(REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_ACTION).setComponent(appActivityComponent)

     * Copies the fields from the provided {@link Configuration} into the {@link Configuration}
     * contained in this object.
     * @hide
    void onCarConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration configuration) {

        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
                    "Car configuration changed, configuration: " + configuration
                            + ", displayMetrics: "
                            + getResources().getDisplayMetrics());


     * Updates context information based on the information provided during connection handshake
     * @hide
    void updateHandshakeInfo(@NonNull HandshakeInfo handshakeInfo) {
        mCarAppApiLevel = handshakeInfo.getHostCarAppApiLevel();

     * Updates host information based on the information provided during connection handshake
     * @hide
    void updateHostInfo(@NonNull HostInfo hostInfo) {
        mHostInfo = hostInfo;

     * Attaches the base {@link Context} for this {@link CarContext} by creating a new display
     * context using {@link #createDisplayContext} with a {@link VirtualDisplay} created using
     * the metrics from the provided {@link Configuration}, and then also calling {@link
     * #createConfigurationContext} with the provided {@link Configuration}.
     * <p>This call creates a display context and then a configuration context to ensure that
     * updates to the phone configuration do not update either the {@link Configuration} or {@link
     * android.util.DisplayMetrics} held by this {@link CarContext}'s resources.
     * @hide
    void attachBaseContext(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Configuration configuration) {

        // If this is the first time attaching the base, actually attach it, otherwise, just
        // update the configuration.
        if (getBaseContext() == null) {
            // Create the virtual display with the proper dimensions.
            VirtualDisplay display =
                    ((DisplayManager) requireNonNull(



    /** @hide */
    @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // Restrict to testing library
    void setCarHost(@NonNull ICarHost carHost) {

    /** @hide */
    @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // Restrict to testing library
    ManagerCache getManagers() {
        return mManagers;

    /** @hide */
    @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // Restrict to testing library
    }) // @UnderInitialization not available with androidx
    protected CarContext(@NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle, @NonNull HostDispatcher hostDispatcher) {

        mHostDispatcher = hostDispatcher;
        mManagers.addFactory(AppManager.class, APP_SERVICE,
                () -> AppManager.create(this, hostDispatcher, lifecycle));
        mManagers.addFactory(NavigationManager.class, NAVIGATION_SERVICE,
                () -> NavigationManager.create(this, hostDispatcher, lifecycle));
        mManagers.addFactory(ScreenManager.class, SCREEN_SERVICE,
                () -> ScreenManager.create(this, lifecycle));
        mManagers.addFactory(ConstraintManager.class, CONSTRAINT_SERVICE,
                () -> ConstraintManager.create(this, hostDispatcher));
        mManagers.addFactory(CarHardwareManager.class, HARDWARE_SERVICE,
                () -> CarHardwareManager.create(this, hostDispatcher));
        mManagers.addFactory(ResultManager.class, null, ResultManager::create);

        mOnBackPressedDispatcher =
                new OnBackPressedDispatcher(() -> getCarService(ScreenManager.class).pop());
        mLifecycle = lifecycle;

        LifecycleObserver observer = new DefaultLifecycleObserver() {
            public void onDestroy(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {
