
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.animation.core

import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationConstants.DefaultDurationMillis
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.ui.util.annotation.IntRange

object AnimationConstants {
     * The default duration used in [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s and [AnimationSpec].
    const val DefaultDurationMillis: Int = 300
     * Used as a iterations count for [VectorizedRepeatableSpec] to create an infinity repeating animation.
    const val Infinite: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE

 * [AnimationSpec] stores the specification of an animation, including 1) the data type to be
 * animated, and 2) the animation configuration (i.e. [VectorizedAnimationSpec]) that will be used
 * to once the data (of type [T]) has been converted to [AnimationVector].
 * Any type [T] can be animated by the system as long as a [TwoWayConverter] is supplied to convert
 * the data type [T] from and to an [AnimationVector]. There are a number of converters
 * available out of the box. For example, to animate [androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset] the system
 * uses [androidx.compose.animation.IntOffset.VectorConverter] to convert the object to
 * [AnimationVector2D], so that both x and y dimensions are animated independently with separate
 * velocity tracking. This enables multidimensional objects to be animated in a true
 * multi-dimensional way. It is particularly useful for smoothly handling animation interruptions
 * (such as when the target changes during the animation).
interface AnimationSpec<T> {
     * Creates a [VectorizedAnimationSpec] with the given [TwoWayConverter].
     * The underlying animation system operates on [AnimationVector]s. [T] will be converted to
     * [AnimationVector] to animate. [VectorizedAnimationSpec] describes how the
     * converted [AnimationVector] should be animated. E.g. The animation could simply
     * interpolate between the start and end values (i.e.[TweenSpec]), or apply spring physics
     * to produce the motion (i.e. [SpringSpec]), etc)
     * @param converter converts the type [T] from and to [AnimationVector] type
    fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
        converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
    ): VectorizedAnimationSpec<V>

 * Creates a TweenSpec configured with the given duration, delay, and easing curve.
 * @param durationMillis duration of the [VectorizedTweenSpec] animation.
 * @param delay the number of milliseconds the animation waits before starting, 0 by default.
 * @param easing the easing curve used by the animation. [FastOutSlowInEasing] by default.
class TweenSpec<T>(
    val durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis,
    val delay: Int = 0,
    val easing: Easing = FastOutSlowInEasing
) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {

    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>) =
        VectorizedTweenSpec<V>(durationMillis, delay, easing)

 *  This describes [AnimationSpec]s that are based on a fixed duration, such as [KeyframesSpec],
 *  [TweenSpec], and [SnapSpec]. These duration based specs can repeated when put into a
 *  [RepeatableSpec].
interface DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> : AnimationSpec<T> {
    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>):

 * Creates a [SpringSpec] that uses the given spring constants (i.e. [dampingRatio] and
 * [stiffness]. The optional [visibilityThreshold] defines when the animation
 * should be considered to be visually close enough to round off to its target.
 * @param dampingRatio damping ratio of the spring. [Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy] by default.
 * @param stiffness stiffness of the spring. [Spring.StiffnessMedium] by default.
 * @param visibilityThreshold specifies the visibility threshold
class SpringSpec<T>(
    val dampingRatio: Float = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
    val stiffness: Float = Spring.StiffnessMedium,
    val visibilityThreshold: T? = null
) : AnimationSpec<T> {

    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>) =
        VectorizedSpringSpec(dampingRatio, stiffness, converter.convert(visibilityThreshold))

private fun <T, V : AnimationVector> TwoWayConverter<T, V>.convert(data: T?): V? {
    if (data == null) {
        return null
    } else {
        return convertToVector(data)

 * [RepeatableSpec] takes another [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] and plays it [iterations] times.
 * __Note__: When repeating in the [RepeatMode.Reverse] mode, it's highly recommended to have an
 * __odd__ number of iterations, or [AnimationConstants.Infinite] iterations. Otherwise, the
 * animation may jump to the end value when it finishes the last iteration.
 * @param iterations the count of iterations. Should be at least 1. [AnimationConstants.Infinite]
 *                   can be used to have an infinity repeating animation.
 * @param animation the [AnimationSpec] to be repeated
 * @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
 *                  [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
class RepeatableSpec<T>(
    val iterations: Int,
    val animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
    val repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) : AnimationSpec<T> {
    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
        converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
    ): VectorizedAnimationSpec<V> {
        return VectorizedRepeatableSpec(iterations, animation.vectorize(converter), repeatMode)

 * Repeat mode for [RepeatableSpec] and [VectorizedRepeatableSpec].
enum class RepeatMode {
     * [Restart] will restart the animation and animate from the start value to the end value.
     * [Reverse] will reverse the last iteration as the animation repeats.

 * [SnapSpec] describes a jump-cut type of animation. It immediately snaps the animating value to
 * the end value.
 * @param delay the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the animation should wait before it
 *              starts. Defaults to 0.
class SnapSpec<T>(val delay: Int = 0) : AnimationSpec<T> {
    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
        converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
    ): VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> = VectorizedSnapSpec(delay)

 * [KeyframesSpec] creates a [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] animation.
 * [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] animates based on the values defined at different timestamps in
 * the duration of the animation (i.e. different keyframes). Each keyframe can be defined using
 * []. [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] allows very specific animation definitions
 * with a precision to millisecond.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.FloatKeyframesBuilder
 * You can also provide a custom [Easing] for the interval with use of [with] function applied
 * for the interval starting keyframe.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
class KeyframesSpec<T>(val config: KeyframesSpecConfig<T>) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
     * [KeyframesSpecConfig] stores a mutable configuration of the key frames, including [durationMillis],
     * [delayMillis], and all the key frames. Each key frame defines what the animation value should be
     * at a particular time. Once the key frames are fully configured, the [KeyframesSpecConfig]
     * can be used to create a [KeyframesSpec].
     * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.FloatKeyframesBuilder
     * @see keyframes
    class KeyframesSpecConfig<T> {
         * Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Defaults to [DefaultDurationMillis]
        @IntRange(from = 0)
        var durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis

         * The amount of time that the animation should be delayed. Defaults to 0.
        @IntRange(from = 0)
        var delayMillis: Int = 0

        internal val keyframes = mutableMapOf<Int, KeyframeEntity<T>>()

         * Adds a keyframe so that animation value will be [this] at time: [timeStamp]. For example:
         *     0.8f at 150 // ms
         * @param timeStamp The time in the during when animation should reach value: [this]
         * @return an [KeyframeEntity] so a custom [Easing] can be added by [with] method.
        // TODO: Need a IntRange equivalent annotation
        infix fun = 0) timeStamp: Int): KeyframeEntity<T> {
            return KeyframeEntity(this).also {
                keyframes[timeStamp] = it

         * Adds an [Easing] for the interval started with the just provided timestamp. For example:
         *     0f at 50 with LinearEasing
         * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
         * @param easing [Easing] to be used for the next interval.
        infix fun KeyframeEntity<T>.with(easing: Easing) {
            this.easing = easing

    override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
        converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
    ): VectorizedKeyframesSpec<V> {
        return VectorizedKeyframesSpec(config.keyframes.mapValues {
        }, config.durationMillis, config.delayMillis)

     * Holder class for building a keyframes animation.
    class KeyframeEntity<T> internal constructor(
        internal val value: T,
        internal var easing: Easing = LinearEasing
    ) {
        internal fun <V : AnimationVector> toPair(convertToVector: (T) -> V) =
            convertToVector.invoke(value) to easing