
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.animation.core

import androidx.compose.ui.util.annotation.VisibleForTesting

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.exp
import kotlin.math.ln
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.sqrt

 * Returns the estimated time that the spring will last be at [delta]
 * @suppress
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3 /* VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE */)
fun estimateAnimationDurationMillis(
    stiffness: Float,
    dampingRatio: Float,
    initialVelocity: Float,
    initialDisplacement: Float,
    delta: Float
): Long = estimateAnimationDurationMillis(
    stiffness = stiffness.toDouble(),
    dampingRatio = dampingRatio.toDouble(),
    initialVelocity = initialVelocity.toDouble(),
    initialDisplacement = initialDisplacement.toDouble(),
    delta = delta.toDouble()

 * Returns the estimated time that the spring will last be at [delta]
 * @suppress
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3 /* VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE */)
fun estimateAnimationDurationMillis(
    stiffness: Double,
    dampingRatio: Double,
    initialVelocity: Double,
    initialDisplacement: Double,
    delta: Double
): Long {
    val dampingCoefficient = 2.0 * dampingRatio * sqrt(stiffness)
    val roots = complexQuadraticFormula(1.0, dampingCoefficient, stiffness)

    return estimateDurationInternal(

 * Returns the estimated time that the spring will last be at [delta]
 * @suppress
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3 /* VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE */)
fun estimateAnimationDurationMillis(
    springConstant: Double,
    dampingCoefficient: Double,
    mass: Double,
    initialVelocity: Double,
    initialDisplacement: Double,
    delta: Double
): Long {
    val criticalDamping = 2.0 * sqrt(springConstant * mass)
    val dampingRatio = dampingCoefficient / criticalDamping
    val roots = complexQuadraticFormula(mass, dampingCoefficient, springConstant)

    return estimateDurationInternal(
        roots = roots,
        dampingRatio = dampingRatio,
        initialVelocity = initialVelocity,
        initialPosition = initialDisplacement,
        delta = delta

 * In the under-damped case we simply calculate the envelope of the function.
 * The general solution is of the form x(t) = c_1*e^(r*t)*cos(...) + c_2*e^(r*t)sin(...)
 * which simplifies to x(t) = c*e^(r*t)*cos(...) where c*e^(r*t) is the envelope of x(t)
private fun estimateUnderDamped(
    roots: Pair<ComplexDouble, ComplexDouble>,
    p0: Double,
    v0: Double,
    delta: Double
): Double {
    val r = roots.first.real
    val c1 = p0
    val c2 = (v0 - r * c1) / roots.first.imaginary
    val c = sqrt(c1 * c1 + c2 * c2)

    return ln(delta / c) / r

 * In the critically-damped case we apply Newton-Raphson's iterative numerical method of solving
 * the equation x(t) = c_1*e^(r*t) + c_2*t*e^(r*t)
private fun estimateCriticallyDamped(
    roots: Pair<ComplexDouble, ComplexDouble>,
    p0: Double,
    v0: Double,
    delta: Double
): Double {
    val r = roots.first.real
    val c1 = p0
    val c2 = v0 - r * c1

    // Application of Lambert's W function to solve te^t
    fun t2Iterate(guess: Double, r: Double): Double {
        var t = guess
        for (i in 0..5) {
            t = (guess - ln(abs(t / r)))
        return t

    // For our initial guess, determine the max t of c_1*e^(r*t) = delta and
    // c_2*t*e^(r*t) = delta
    val t1 = ln(abs(delta / c1)) / r
    val t2 = t2Iterate(ln(abs(delta / c2)), r) / r
    var tCurr = when {
        t1.isNotFinite() -> t2
        t2.isNotFinite() -> t1
        else -> max(t1, t2)

    // Calculate the inflection time. This is important if the inflection is in t > 0
    val tInflection = -(r * c1 + c2) / (r * c2)
    fun xInflection() = c1 * exp(r * tInflection) + c2 * tInflection * exp(r * tInflection)

    // For inflection that does not exist in real time, we always solve for x(t)=delta. Note
    // the system is manipulated such that p0 is always positive.
    val signedDelta = if (tInflection.isNaN() || tInflection <= 0.0) {
    } else if (tInflection > 0.0 && -xInflection() < delta) {
        // In this scenario the first crossing with the threshold is to be found. Note that
        // the inflection does not exceed delta. As such, we search from the left.
        if (c2 < 0 && c1 > 0) {
            tCurr = 0.0
    } else {
        // In this scenario there are three total crossings of the threshold, once from
        // above, and then once when the inflection exceeds the threshold and then one last
        // one when x(t) finally decays to zero. The point of determining concavity is to
        // find the final crossing.
        // By finding a point between when concavity changes, and when the inflection point is,
        // Newton's method will always converge onto the rightmost point (in this case),
        // the one that we are interested in.
        val tConcavChange = -(2.0 / r) - (c1 / c2)
        tCurr = tConcavChange

    val fn: (Double) -> Double = { t -> (c1 + c2 * t) * exp(r * t) + signedDelta }
    val fnPrime: (Double) -> Double = { t -> (c2 * (r * t + 1) + c1 * r) * exp(r * t) }

    var tDelta = Double.MAX_VALUE
    var iterations = 0
    while (tDelta > 0.001 && iterations < 100) {
        val tLast = tCurr
        tCurr = iterateNewtonsMethod(tCurr, fn, fnPrime)
        tDelta = abs(tLast - tCurr)

    return tCurr

 * In the over-damped case we apply Newton-Raphson's iterative numerical method of solving
 * the equation x(t) = c_1*e^(r_1*t) + c_2*e^(r_2*t)
private fun estimateOverDamped(
    roots: Pair<ComplexDouble, ComplexDouble>,
    p0: Double,
    v0: Double,
    delta: Double
): Double {
    val r1 = roots.first.real
    val r2 = roots.second.real
    val c2 = (r1 * p0 - v0) / (r1 - r2)
    val c1 = p0 - c2

    // For our initial guess, determine the max t of c_1*e^(r_1*t) = delta and
    // c_2*e^(r_2*t) = delta
    val t1 = ln(abs(delta / c1)) / r1
    val t2 = ln(abs(delta / c2)) / r2

    var tCurr = when {
        t1.isNotFinite() -> t2
        t2.isNotFinite() -> t1
        else -> max(t1, t2)

    // Calculate the inflection time. This is important if the inflection is in t > 0
    val tInflection = ln((c1 * r1) / (-c2 * r2)) / (r2 - r1)
    fun xInflection() = c1 * exp(r1 * tInflection) + c2 * exp(r2 * tInflection)

    // For inflection that does not exist in real time, we always solve for x(t)=delta. Note
    // the system is manipulated such that p0 is always positive.
    val signedDelta = if (tInflection.isNaN() || tInflection <= 0.0) {
    } else if (tInflection > 0.0 && -xInflection() < delta) {
        // In this scenario the first crossing with the threshold is to be found. Note that
        // the inflection does not exceed delta. As such, we search from the left.
        if (c2 > 0.0 && c1 < 0.0) {
            tCurr = 0.0
    } else {
        // In this scenario there are three total crossings of the threshold, once from
        // above, and then once when the inflection exceeds the threshold and then one last
        // one when x(t) finally decays to zero. The point of determining concavity is to
        // find the final crossing.
        // By finding a point between when concavity changes, and when the inflection point is,
        // Newton's method will always converge onto the rightmost point (in this case),
        // the one that we are interested in.
        val tConcavChange = ln(-(c2 * r2 * r2) / (c1 * r1 * r1)) / (r1 - r2)
        tCurr = tConcavChange

    val fn: (Double) -> Double = { t -> c1 * exp(r1 * t) + c2 * exp(r2 * t) + signedDelta }
    val fnPrime: (Double) -> Double = { t -> c1 * r1 * exp(r1 * t) + c2 * r2 * exp(r2 * t) }

    // For a good initial guess, simply return
    if (abs(fn(tCurr)) < 0.0001) {
        return tCurr
    var tDelta = Double.MAX_VALUE

    // Cap iterations for safety - Experimentally this method takes <= 5 iterations
    var iterations = 0
    while (tDelta > 0.001 && iterations < 100) {
        val tLast = tCurr
        tCurr = iterateNewtonsMethod(tCurr, fn, fnPrime)
        tDelta = abs(tLast - tCurr)

    return tCurr

// Applies Newton-Raphson's method to solve for the estimated time the spring mass system will
// last be at [delta].
private fun estimateDurationInternal(
    roots: Pair<ComplexDouble, ComplexDouble>,
    dampingRatio: Double,
    initialVelocity: Double,
    initialPosition: Double,
    delta: Double
): Long {

    if (initialPosition == 0.0 && initialVelocity == 0.0) {
        return 0L

    val v0 = if (initialPosition < 0) -initialVelocity else initialVelocity
    val p0 = abs(initialPosition)

    return (
        when {
            dampingRatio > 1.0 -> estimateOverDamped(
                roots = roots,
                v0 = v0,
                p0 = p0,
                delta = delta
            dampingRatio < 1.0 -> estimateUnderDamped(
                roots = roots,
                v0 = v0,
                p0 = p0,
                delta = delta
            else -> estimateCriticallyDamped(
                roots = roots,
                v0 = v0,
                p0 = p0,
                delta = delta
        } * 1000.0

private inline fun iterateNewtonsMethod(
    x: Double,
    fn: (Double) -> Double,
    fnPrime: (Double) -> Double
): Double {
    return x - fn(x) / fnPrime(x)

private inline fun Double.isNotFinite() = !this.isFinite()