
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.animation.core

import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationConstants.DefaultDurationMillis
import kotlin.math.min

 * [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s are stateless vector based animation specifications. They do
 * not assume any starting/ending conditions. Nor do they manage a lifecycle. All it stores is the
 * configuration that is particular to the type of the animation. easing and duration for
 * [VectorizedTweenSpec]s, or spring constants for [VectorizedSpringSpec]s. Its stateless nature
 * allows the same [VectorizedAnimationSpec] to be reused by a few different running animations
 * with different starting and ending values. More importantly, it allows the system to reuse the
 * same animation spec when the animation target changes in-flight.
 * Since [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s are stateless, it requires starting value/velocity and ending
 * value to be passed in, along with playtime, to calculate the value or velocity at that time. Play
 * time here is the progress of the animation in terms of milliseconds, where 0 means the start
 * of the animation and [getDurationMillis] returns the play time for the end of the animation.
 * __Note__: For use cases where the starting values/velocity and ending values aren't expected
 * to change, it is recommended to use [Animation] that caches these static values and hence
 * does not require them to be supplied in the value/velocity calculation.
 * @see Animation
interface VectorizedAnimationSpec<V : AnimationVector> {
     * Calculates the value of the animation at given the playtime, with the provided start/end
     * values, and start velocity.
     * @param playTime time since the start of the animation
     * @param start start value of the animation
     * @param end end value of the animation
     * @param startVelocity start velocity of the animation
    fun getValue(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V

     * Calculates the velocity of the animation at given the playtime, with the provided start/end
     * values, and start velocity.
     * @param playTime time since the start of the animation
     * @param start start value of the animation
     * @param end end value of the animation
     * @param startVelocity start velocity of the animation
    fun getVelocity(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V

     * Calculates the duration of an animation. For duration-based animations, this will return the
     * pre-defined duration. For physics-based animations, the duration will be estimated based on
     * the physics configuration (such as spring stiffness, damping ratio, visibility threshold)
     * as well as the [start], [end] values, and [startVelocity].
     * @param start start value of the animation
     * @param end end value of the animation
     * @param startVelocity start velocity of the animation
    fun getDurationMillis(
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): Long

     * Calculates the end velocity of the animation with the provided start/end values, and start
     * velocity. For duration-based animations, end velocity will be the velocity of the
     * animation at the duration time. This is also the default assumption. However, for
     * physics-based animations, end velocity is an [AnimationVector] of 0s.
     * @param start start value of the animation
     * @param end end value of the animation
     * @param startVelocity start velocity of the animation
    fun getEndVelocity(
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V = getVelocity(getDurationMillis(start, end, startVelocity), start, end, startVelocity)

 * All the finite [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s implement this interface, including:
 * [VectorizedKeyframesSpec], [VectorizedTweenSpec], [VectorizedRepeatableSpec],
 * [VectorizedSnapSpec], [VectorizedSpringSpec], etc. The [VectorizedAnimationSpec] that does
 * __not__ implement this is: [InfiniteRepeatableSpec].
interface VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V : AnimationVector> : VectorizedAnimationSpec<V>

 * Base class for [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s that are based on a fixed [durationMillis].
interface VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V : AnimationVector> :
    VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V> {
     * duration is the amount of time while animation is not yet finished.
    val durationMillis: Int

     * delay defines the amount of time that animation can be delayed.
    val delayMillis: Int

    override fun getDurationMillis(start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): Long =
        (delayMillis + durationMillis).toLong()

 * Clamps the input [playTime] to the duration range of the given
 * [VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec].
private fun VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<*>.clampPlayTime(playTime: Long): Long {
    return (playTime - delayMillis).coerceIn(0, durationMillis.toLong())

 * [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] class manages the animation based on the values defined at different
 * timestamps in the duration of the animation (i.e. different keyframes). Each keyframe can be
 * provided via [keyframes] parameter. [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] allows very specific animation
 * definitions with a precision to millisecond.
 * Here's an example of creating a [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] animation: ([keyframes] and
 * [KeyframesSpec.KeyframesSpecConfig] could make defining key frames much more readable.)
 *     val delay = 120
 *     val startValue = AnimationVector3D(100f, 200f, 300f)
 *     val endValue = AnimationVector3D(200f, 100f, 0f)
 *     val keyframes = VectorizedKeyframesSpec<AnimationVector3D>(
 *          keyframes = mutableMapOf (
 *               0 to (startValue to LinearEasing),
 *               100 to (startValue to FastOutLinearInEasing)
 *          ),
 *          durationMillis = 200,
 *          delayMillis = delay
 *     )
 * @param keyframes a map from time to a value/easing function pair. The value in each entry
 *                  defines the animation value at that time, and the easing curve is used in the
 *                  interval starting from that time.
 * @param durationMillis total duration of the animation
 * @param delayMillis the amount of the time the animation should wait before it starts. Defaults to
 *                    0.
 * @see [KeyframesSpec]
class VectorizedKeyframesSpec<V : AnimationVector>(
    private val keyframes: Map<Int, Pair<V, Easing>>,
    override val durationMillis: Int,
    override val delayMillis: Int = 0
) : VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> {

    private lateinit var valueVector: V
    private lateinit var velocityVector: V

    override fun getValue(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V {
        val clampedPlayTime = clampPlayTime(playTime).toInt()
        // If there is a key frame defined with the given time stamp, return that value
        if (keyframes.containsKey(clampedPlayTime)) {
            return keyframes.getValue(clampedPlayTime).first

        if (clampedPlayTime >= durationMillis) {
            return end
        } else if (clampedPlayTime <= 0) return start

        var startTime = 0
        var startVal = start
        var endVal = end
        var endTime: Int = durationMillis
        var easing: Easing = LinearEasing
        for ((timestamp, value) in keyframes) {
            if (clampedPlayTime > timestamp && timestamp >= startTime) {
                startTime = timestamp
                startVal = value.first
                easing = value.second
            } else if (clampedPlayTime < timestamp && timestamp <= endTime) {
                endTime = timestamp
                endVal = value.first

        // Now interpolate
        val fraction = easing((clampedPlayTime - startTime) / (endTime - startTime).toFloat())
        for (i in 0 until startVal.size) {
            valueVector[i] = lerp(startVal[i], endVal[i], fraction)
        return valueVector

    private fun init(value: V) {
        if (!::valueVector.isInitialized) {
            valueVector = value.newInstance()
            velocityVector = value.newInstance()

    override fun getVelocity(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V {
        val clampedPlayTime = clampPlayTime(playTime)
        if (clampedPlayTime <= 0L) {
            return startVelocity
        val startNum = getValue(clampedPlayTime - 1, start, end, startVelocity)
        val endNum = getValue(clampedPlayTime, start, end, startVelocity)

        for (i in 0 until startNum.size) {
            velocityVector[i] = (startNum[i] - endNum[i]) * 1000f
        return velocityVector

 * [VectorizedSnapSpec] immediately snaps the animating value to the end value.
 * @param delayMillis the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the animation should wait before it
 *              starts. Defaults to 0.
class VectorizedSnapSpec<V : AnimationVector>(
    override val delayMillis: Int = 0
) : VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> {

    override fun getValue(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        if (playTime < delayMillis) {
            return start
        } else {
            return end

    override fun getVelocity(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        return startVelocity

    override val durationMillis: Int
        get() = 0

private const val InfiniteIterations: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE

 * This animation takes another [VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec] and plays it
 * __infinite__ times.
 * @param animation the [VectorizedAnimationSpec] describing each repetition iteration.
 * @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
 *                  [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
class VectorizedInfiniteRepeatableSpec<V : AnimationVector>(
    private val animation: VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V>,
    private val repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) : VectorizedAnimationSpec<V> by
    VectorizedRepeatableSpec<V>(InfiniteIterations, animation, repeatMode)

 * This animation takes another [VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec] and plays it
 * [iterations] times. For infinitely repeating animation spec, [VectorizedInfiniteRepeatableSpec]
 * is recommended.
 * __Note__: When repeating in the [RepeatMode.Reverse] mode, it's highly recommended to have an
 * __odd__ number of iterations. Otherwise, the animation may jump to the end value when it finishes
 * the last iteration.
 * @param iterations the count of iterations. Should be at least 1.
 * @param animation the [VectorizedAnimationSpec] describing each repetition iteration.
 * @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
 *                  [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
class VectorizedRepeatableSpec<V : AnimationVector>(
    private val iterations: Int,
    private val animation: VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V>,
    private val repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) : VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V> {

    init {
        if (iterations < 1) {
            throw IllegalArgumentException("Iterations count can't be less than 1")

    internal val duration: Int = animation.delayMillis + animation.durationMillis

    private fun repetitionPlayTime(playTime: Long): Long {
        val repeatsCount = min(playTime / duration, iterations - 1L)
        if (repeatMode == RepeatMode.Restart || repeatsCount % 2 == 0L) {
            return playTime - repeatsCount * duration
        } else {
            return (repeatsCount + 1) * duration - playTime

    private fun repetitionStartVelocity(playTime: Long, start: V, startVelocity: V, end: V): V =
        if (playTime > duration) {
            // Start velocity of the 2nd and subsequent iteration will be the velocity at the end
            // of the first iteration, instead of the initial velocity.
            getVelocity(duration.toLong(), start, startVelocity, end)
        } else

    override fun getValue(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V {
        return animation.getValue(
            repetitionStartVelocity(playTime, start, startVelocity, end)

    override fun getVelocity(
        playTime: Long,
        start: V,
        end: V,
        startVelocity: V
    ): V {
        return animation.getVelocity(
            repetitionStartVelocity(playTime, start, startVelocity, end)

    override fun getDurationMillis(start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): Long {
        return iterations * duration.toLong()

 * Physics class contains a number of recommended configurations for physics animations.
object Spring {
     * Stiffness constant for extremely stiff spring
    const val StiffnessHigh = 10_000f

     * Stiffness constant for medium stiff spring. This is the default stiffness for spring
     * force.
    const val StiffnessMedium = 1500f

     * Stiffness constant for a spring with low stiffness.
    const val StiffnessLow = 200f

     * Stiffness constant for a spring with very low stiffness.
    const val StiffnessVeryLow = 50f

     * Damping ratio for a very bouncy spring. Note for under-damped springs
     * (i.e. damping ratio < 1), the lower the damping ratio, the more bouncy the spring.
    const val DampingRatioHighBouncy = 0.2f

     * Damping ratio for a medium bouncy spring. This is also the default damping ratio for
     * spring force. Note for under-damped springs (i.e. damping ratio < 1), the lower the
     * damping ratio, the more bouncy the spring.
    const val DampingRatioMediumBouncy = 0.5f

     * Damping ratio for a spring with low bounciness. Note for under-damped springs
     * (i.e. damping ratio < 1), the lower the damping ratio, the higher the bounciness.
    const val DampingRatioLowBouncy = 0.75f

     * Damping ratio for a spring with no bounciness. This damping ratio will create a
     * critically damped spring that returns to equilibrium within the shortest amount of time
     * without oscillating.
    const val DampingRatioNoBouncy = 1f

     * Default cutoff for rounding off physics based animations
    const val DefaultDisplacementThreshold = 0.01f

 * Internal data structure for storing different FloatAnimations for different dimensions.
internal interface Animations {
    operator fun get(index: Int): FloatAnimationSpec

 * [VectorizedSpringSpec] uses spring animations to animate (each dimension of) [AnimationVector]s.
class VectorizedSpringSpec<V : AnimationVector> private constructor(
    val dampingRatio: Float,
    val stiffness: Float,
    anims: Animations
) : VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V> by VectorizedFloatAnimationSpec<V>(anims) {

     * Creates a [VectorizedSpringSpec] that uses the same spring constants (i.e. [dampingRatio] and
     * [stiffness] on all dimensions. The optional [visibilityThreshold] defines when the animation
     * should be considered to be visually close enough to target to stop. By default,
     * [Spring.DefaultDisplacementThreshold] is used on all dimensions of the
     * [AnimationVector].
     * @param dampingRatio damping ratio of the spring. [Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy] by default.
     * @param stiffness stiffness of the spring. [Spring.StiffnessMedium] by default.
     * @param visibilityThreshold specifies the visibility threshold for each dimension.
        dampingRatio: Float = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
        stiffness: Float = Spring.StiffnessMedium,
        visibilityThreshold: V? = null
    ) : this(
        dampingRatio, stiffness,
        createSpringAnimations(visibilityThreshold, dampingRatio, stiffness)

private fun <V : AnimationVector> createSpringAnimations(
    visibilityThreshold: V?,
    dampingRatio: Float,
    stiffness: Float
): Animations {
    if (visibilityThreshold != null) {
        return object : Animations {
            private val anims = (0 until visibilityThreshold.size).map { index ->
                FloatSpringSpec(dampingRatio, stiffness, visibilityThreshold[index])

            override fun get(index: Int): FloatSpringSpec = anims[index]
    } else {
        return object : Animations {
            private val anim = FloatSpringSpec(dampingRatio, stiffness)
            override fun get(index: Int): FloatSpringSpec = anim

 * [VectorizedTweenSpec] animates a [AnimationVector] value by interpolating the start and end
 * value, in the given [durationMillis] using the given [easing] curve.
 * @param durationMillis duration of the [VectorizedTweenSpec] animation. Defaults to
 *                       [DefaultDurationMillis].
 * @param delayMillis the amount of time the animation should wait before it starts running,
 *                    0 by default.
 * @param easing the easing curve used by the animation. [FastOutSlowInEasing] by default.
// TODO: Support different tween on different dimens
class VectorizedTweenSpec<V : AnimationVector>(
    override val durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis,
    override val delayMillis: Int = 0,
    val easing: Easing = FastOutSlowInEasing
) : VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> {

    private val anim = VectorizedFloatAnimationSpec<V>(
        FloatTweenSpec(durationMillis, delayMillis, easing)

    override fun getValue(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        return anim.getValue(playTime, start, end, startVelocity)

    override fun getVelocity(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        return anim.getVelocity(playTime, start, end, startVelocity)

 * A convenient implementation of [VectorizedFloatAnimationSpec] that turns a [FloatAnimationSpec]
 * into a multi-dimensional [VectorizedFloatAnimationSpec], by using the same [FloatAnimationSpec]
 * on each dimension of the [AnimationVector] that is being animated.
class VectorizedFloatAnimationSpec<V : AnimationVector> internal constructor(
    private val anims: Animations
) : VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V> {
    private lateinit var valueVector: V
    private lateinit var velocityVector: V
    private lateinit var endVelocityVector: V

     * Creates a [VectorizedAnimationSpec] from a [FloatAnimationSpec]. The given
     * [FloatAnimationSpec] will be used to animate every dimension of the [AnimationVector].
     * @param anim the animation spec for animating each dimension of the [AnimationVector]
    constructor(anim: FloatAnimationSpec) : this(object : Animations {
        override fun get(index: Int): FloatAnimationSpec {
            return anim

    override fun getValue(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        if (!::valueVector.isInitialized) {
            valueVector = start.newInstance()
        for (i in 0 until valueVector.size) {
            valueVector[i] = anims[i].getValue(playTime, start[i], end[i], startVelocity[i])
        return valueVector

    override fun getVelocity(playTime: Long, start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        if (!::velocityVector.isInitialized) {
            velocityVector = startVelocity.newInstance()
        for (i in 0 until velocityVector.size) {
            velocityVector[i] = anims[i].getVelocity(playTime, start[i], end[i], startVelocity[i])
        return velocityVector

    override fun getEndVelocity(start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): V {
        if (!::endVelocityVector.isInitialized) {
            endVelocityVector = startVelocity.newInstance()
        for (i in 0 until endVelocityVector.size) {
            endVelocityVector[i] =
                anims[i].getEndVelocity(start[i], end[i], startVelocity[i])
        return endVelocityVector

    override fun getDurationMillis(start: V, end: V, startVelocity: V): Long {
        var maxDuration = 0L
        (0 until start.size).forEach {
            maxDuration = maxOf(
                anims[it].getDurationMillis(start[it], end[it], startVelocity[it])
        return maxDuration