
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.compose.animation.core

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.mutableVectorOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.withFrameNanos
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import kotlin.math.max

 * This sets up a [Transition], and updates it with the target provided by [targetState]. When
 * [targetState] changes, [Transition] will run all of its child animations towards their
 * target values specified for the new [targetState]. Child animations can be dynamically added
 * using [Transition.animateFloat], [animateColor][ androidx.compose.animation.animateColor],
 * [Transition.animateValue], etc.
 * [label] is used to differentiate different transitions in Android Studio.
 * __Note__: There is another [updateTransition] overload that accepts a [MutableTransitionState].
 * The difference between the two is that the [MutableTransitionState] variant: 1) supports a
 * different initial state than target state (This would allow a transition to start as soon as
 * it enters composition.) 2) can be recreated to intentionally trigger a re-start of the
 * transition.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.GestureAnimationSample
 * @return a [Transition] object, to which animations can be added.
 * @see Transition
 * @see Transition.animateFloat
 * @see Transition.animateValue
fun <T> updateTransition(
    targetState: T,
    label: String? = null
): Transition<T> {
    val transition = remember { Transition(targetState, label = label) }
    DisposableEffect(transition) {
        onDispose {
            // Clean up on the way out, to ensure the observers are not stuck in an in-between
            // state.
    return transition

internal const val AnimationDebugDurationScale = 1

 * MutableTransitionState contains two fields: [currentState] and [targetState]. [currentState] is
 * initialized to the provided initialState, and can only be mutated by a [Transition].
 * [targetState] is also initialized to initialState. It can be mutated to alter the course of a
 * transition animation that is created with the [MutableTransitionState] using [updateTransition].
 * Both [currentState] and [targetState] are backed by a [State] object.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.InitialStateSample
 * @see updateTransition
class MutableTransitionState<S>(initialState: S) {
     * Current state of the transition. [currentState] is initialized to the initialState that the
     * [MutableTransitionState] is constructed with.
     * It will be updated by the Transition that is created with this [MutableTransitionState]
     * when the transition arrives at a new state.
    var currentState: S by mutableStateOf(initialState)
        internal set

     * Target state of the transition. [targetState] is initialized to the initialState that the
     * [MutableTransitionState] is constructed with.
     * It can be updated to a new state at any time. When that happens, the [Transition] that is
     * created with this [MutableTransitionState] will update its
     * [Transition.targetState] to the same and subsequently starts a transition animation to
     * animate from the current values to the new target.
    var targetState: S by mutableStateOf(initialState)

     * [isIdle] returns whether the transition has finished running. This will return false once
     * the [targetState] has been set to a different value than [currentState].
     * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.TransitionStateIsIdleSample
    val isIdle: Boolean
        get() = (currentState == targetState) && !isRunning

    // Updated from Transition
    internal var isRunning: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)

 * Creates a [Transition] and puts it in the [currentState][MutableTransitionState.currentState] of
 * the provided [transitionState]. Whenever the [targetState][MutableTransitionState.targetState] of
 * the [transitionState] changes, the [Transition] will animate to the new target state.
 * __Remember__: The provided [transitionState] needs to be [remember]ed.
 * Compared to the [updateTransition] variant that takes a targetState, this function supports a
 * different initial state than the first targetState. Here is an example:
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.InitialStateSample
 * In most cases, it is recommended to reuse the same [transitionState] that is [remember]ed, such
 * that [Transition] preserves continuity when [targetState][MutableTransitionState.targetState] is
 * changed. However, in some rare cases it is more critical to immediately *snap* to a state
 * change (e.g. in response to a user interaction). This can be achieved by creating a new
 * [transitionState]:
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.DoubleTapToLikeSample
fun <T> updateTransition(
    transitionState: MutableTransitionState<T>,
    label: String? = null
): Transition<T> {
    val transition = remember(transitionState) {
        Transition(transitionState = transitionState, label)
    DisposableEffect(transition) {
        onDispose {
            // Clean up on the way out, to ensure the observers are not stuck in an in-between
            // state.
    return transition

 * [Transition] manages all the child animations on a state level. Child animations
 * can be created in a declarative way using [Transition.animateFloat], [Transition.animateValue],
 * [animateColor][androidx.compose.animation.animateColor] etc. When the [targetState] changes,
 * [Transition] will automatically start or adjust course for all its child animations to animate
 * to the new target values defined for each animation.
 * After arriving at [targetState], [Transition] will be triggered to run if any child animation
 * changes its target value (due to their dynamic target calculation logic, such as theme-dependent
 * values).
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.GestureAnimationSample
 * @see updateTransition
 * @see Transition.animateFloat
 * @see Transition.animateValue
 * @see androidx.compose.animation.animateColor
// TODO: Support creating Transition outside of composition and support imperative use of Transition
class Transition<S> @PublishedApi internal constructor(
    private val transitionState: MutableTransitionState<S>,
    val label: String? = null
) {
    internal constructor(
        initialState: S,
        label: String?
    ) : this(MutableTransitionState(initialState), label)

     * Current state of the transition. This will always be the initialState of the transition
     * until the transition is finished. Once the transition is finished, [currentState] will be
     * set to [targetState]. [currentState] is backed by a [MutableState].
    var currentState: S
        get() = transitionState.currentState
        internal set(value) {
            transitionState.currentState = value

     * Target state of the transition. This will be read by all child animations to determine their
     * most up-to-date target values.
    var targetState: S by mutableStateOf(currentState)
        internal set

     * [segment] contains the initial state and the target state of the currently on-going
     * transition.
    var segment: Segment<S> by mutableStateOf(SegmentImpl(currentState, currentState))
        private set

     * Indicates whether there is any animation running in the transition.
    val isRunning: Boolean
        get() = startTimeNanos != AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime

     * Play time in nano-seconds. [playTimeNanos] is always non-negative. It starts from 0L at the
     * beginning of the transition and increment until all child animations have finished.
     * @suppress
    var playTimeNanos by mutableStateOf(0L)
    private var startTimeNanos by mutableStateOf(AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime)

    // This gets calculated every time child is updated/added
    internal var updateChildrenNeeded: Boolean by mutableStateOf(true)

    private val _animations = mutableVectorOf<TransitionAnimationState<*, *>>()

    // TODO: Support this in animation tooling
    private val _transitions = mutableVectorOf<Transition<*>>()

    /** @suppress **/
    val animations: List<TransitionAnimationState<*, *>> = _animations.asMutableList()

    // Seeking related
    internal var isSeeking: Boolean by mutableStateOf(false)
    private var lastSeekedTimeNanos: Long = 0L

    /** @suppress **/
    var totalDurationNanos: Long by mutableStateOf(0L)
        private set

    internal fun onFrame(frameTimeNanos: Long) {
        if (startTimeNanos == AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime) {
        updateChildrenNeeded = false

        // Update play time
        playTimeNanos = frameTimeNanos - startTimeNanos
        var allFinished = true
        // Pulse new playtime
        _animations.forEach {
            if (!it.isFinished) {
            // Check isFinished flag again after the animation pulse
            if (!it.isFinished) {
                allFinished = false
        _transitions.forEach {
            if (it.targetState != it.currentState) {
            if (it.targetState != it.currentState) {
                allFinished = false
        if (allFinished) {

    // onTransitionStart and onTransitionEnd are symmetric. Both are called from onFrame
    internal fun onTransitionStart(frameTimeNanos: Long) {
        startTimeNanos = frameTimeNanos
        transitionState.isRunning = true

    // onTransitionStart and onTransitionEnd are symmetric. Both are called from onFrame
    internal fun onTransitionEnd() {
        startTimeNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime
        currentState = targetState
        playTimeNanos = 0
        transitionState.isRunning = false

     * This allows tools to set the transition (between initial and target state) to any time.
     * @suppress
    fun seek(initialState: S, targetState: S, playTimeNanos: Long) {
        // Reset running state
        startTimeNanos = AnimationConstants.UnspecifiedTime
        transitionState.isRunning = false
        if (!isSeeking || this.currentState != initialState || this.targetState != targetState) {
            // Reset all child animations
            this.currentState = initialState
            this.targetState = targetState
            isSeeking = true
            segment = SegmentImpl(initialState, targetState)

        if (playTimeNanos != lastSeekedTimeNanos) {
            // Only pulse all children when the play time or any child has changed.
            _animations.forEach {
            lastSeekedTimeNanos = playTimeNanos

    internal fun addTransition(transition: Transition<*>) = _transitions.add(transition)
    internal fun removeTransition(transition: Transition<*>) = _transitions.remove(transition)

    internal fun addAnimation(
        animation: TransitionAnimationState<*, *>
    ) = _animations.add(animation)

    internal fun removeAnimation(
        animation: TransitionAnimationState<*, *>
    ) {

    // This target state should only be used to modify "mutableState"s, as it could potentially
    // roll back. The
    internal fun updateTarget(targetState: S) {
        if (!isSeeking) {
            // This is needed because child animations rely on this target state and the state pair to
            // update their animation specs
            if (this.targetState != targetState) {
                // Starting state should be the "next" state when waypoints are impl'ed
                segment = SegmentImpl(this.targetState, targetState)
                currentState = this.targetState
                this.targetState = targetState
                if (!isRunning) {
                    updateChildrenNeeded = true

                // If target state is changed, reset all the animations to be re-created in the
                // next frame w/ their new target value. Child animations target values are updated in
                // the side effect that may not have happened when this function in invoked.
                _animations.forEach { it.resetAnimation() }

    // This should only be called if PlayTime comes from clock directly, instead of from a parent
    // Transition.
    internal fun animateTo(targetState: S) {
        if (!isSeeking) {
            // target != currentState adds LaunchedEffect into the tree in the same frame as
            // target change.
            if (targetState != currentState || isRunning || updateChildrenNeeded) {
                LaunchedEffect(this) {
                    while (true) {
                        withFrameNanos {
                            onFrame(it / AnimationDebugDurationScale)

    private fun onChildAnimationUpdated() {
        updateChildrenNeeded = true
        if (isSeeking) {
            // Update total duration
            var maxDurationNanos = 0L
            _animations.forEach {
                maxDurationNanos = max(maxDurationNanos, it.durationNanos)
            totalDurationNanos = maxDurationNanos
            // TODO: Is update duration the only thing that needs to be done during seeking to
            //  accommodate update children?
            updateChildrenNeeded = false

    // TODO: Consider making this public
    /** @suppress **/
    inner class TransitionAnimationState<T, V : AnimationVector> internal constructor(
        initialValue: T,
        initialVelocityVector: V,
        val typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
        val label: String
    ) : State<T> {

        // Changed during composition, may rollback
        private var targetValue: T by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
        private var animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<T> by mutableStateOf(spring())

        private var animation: TargetBasedAnimation<T, V> by mutableStateOf(
                animationSpec, typeConverter, initialValue, targetValue,
        internal var isFinished: Boolean by mutableStateOf(true)
        private var offsetTimeNanos by mutableStateOf(0L)
        private var needsReset by mutableStateOf(false)

        // Changed during animation, no concerns of rolling back
        override var value by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
            internal set
        private var velocityVector: V = initialVelocityVector
        internal val durationNanos
            get() = animation.durationNanos

        internal fun onPlayTimeChanged(playTimeNanos: Long) {
            val playTime = playTimeNanos - offsetTimeNanos
            value = animation.getValueFromNanos(playTime)
            velocityVector = animation.getVelocityVectorFromNanos(playTime)
            if (animation.isFinishedFromNanos(playTime)) {
                isFinished = true
                offsetTimeNanos = 0

        internal fun seekTo(playTimeNanos: Long) {
            // TODO: unlikely but need to double check that animation returns the correct values
            // when play time is way past their durations.
            value = animation.getValueFromNanos(playTimeNanos)
            velocityVector = animation.getVelocityVectorFromNanos(playTimeNanos)

        private val interruptionSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<T>

        init {
            val visibilityThreshold: T? = visibilityThresholdMap.get(typeConverter)?.let {
                val vector = typeConverter.convertToVector(initialValue)
                for (id in 0 until vector.size) {
                    vector[id] = it
            interruptionSpec = spring(visibilityThreshold = visibilityThreshold)

        private fun updateAnimation(initialValue: T = value, isInterrupted: Boolean = false) {
            val spec = if (isInterrupted) {
                // When interrupted, use the default spring, unless the spec is also a spring.
                if (animationSpec is SpringSpec<*>) animationSpec else interruptionSpec
            } else {
            animation = TargetBasedAnimation(

        internal fun resetAnimation() {
            needsReset = true

        // This gets called *during* composition
        internal fun updateTargetValue(targetValue: T, animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<T>) {
            if (this.targetValue != targetValue || needsReset) {
                this.targetValue = targetValue
                this.animationSpec = animationSpec
                updateAnimation(isInterrupted = !isFinished)
                isFinished = false
                // This is needed because the target change could happen during a transition
                offsetTimeNanos = playTimeNanos
                needsReset = false

        // This gets called *during* composition
        internal fun updateInitialAndTargetValue(
            initialValue: T,
            targetValue: T,
            animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<T>
        ) {
            this.targetValue = targetValue
            this.animationSpec = animationSpec
            if (animation.initialValue == initialValue && animation.targetValue == targetValue) {
                // TODO(b/178811102): we should be able to return early here.

    private class SegmentImpl<S>(
        override val initialState: S,
        override val targetState: S
    ) : Segment<S> {
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            return other is Segment<*> && initialState == other.initialState &&
                targetState == other.targetState

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            return initialState.hashCode() * 31 + targetState.hashCode()

     * [Segment] holds [initialState] and [targetState], which are the beginning and end of a
     * transition. These states will be used to obtain the animation spec that will be used for this
     * transition from the child animations.
    interface Segment<S> {
         * Initial state of a Transition Segment. This is the state that transition starts from.
        val initialState: S

         * Target state of a Transition Segment. This is the state that transition will end on.
        val targetState: S

         * Returns whether the provided state matches the [initialState] && the provided
         * [targetState] matches [Segment.targetState].
        infix fun S.isTransitioningTo(targetState: S): Boolean {
            return this == initialState && targetState == this@Segment.targetState

     * [DeferredAnimation] can be constructed using [Transition.createDeferredAnimation] during
     * composition and initialized later. It is useful for animations, the target values for
     * which are unknown at composition time (e.g. layout size/position, etc).
     * Once a [DeferredAnimation] is created, it can be configured and updated as needed using
     * [DeferredAnimation.animate] method.
     * @suppress
    inner class DeferredAnimation<T, V : AnimationVector> internal constructor(
        val typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
        val label: String
    ) {
        internal var data: DeferredAnimationData<T, V>? = null

        internal inner class DeferredAnimationData<T, V : AnimationVector>(
            val animation: Transition<S>.TransitionAnimationState<T, V>,
            var transitionSpec: Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<T>,
            var targetValueByState: (state: S) -> T,
        ) : State<T> {
            override val value: T
                get() {
                    return animation.value

         * [DeferredAnimation] allows the animation setup to be deferred until a later time after
         * composition. [animate] can be used to set up a [DeferredAnimation]. Like other
         * Transition animations such as [Transition.animateFloat], [DeferredAnimation] also
         * expects [transitionSpec] and [targetValueByState] for the mapping from target state
         * to animation spec and target value, respectively.
        fun animate(
            transitionSpec: Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<T>,
            targetValueByState: (state: S) -> T
        ): State<T> {
            val animData: DeferredAnimationData<T, V> = data ?: DeferredAnimationData(
            ).apply {
                data = this
            return animData.apply {
                // Update animtion data with the latest mapping
                this.targetValueByState = targetValueByState
                this.transitionSpec = transitionSpec


        internal fun setupSeeking() {
            data?.apply {

    internal fun removeAnimation(deferredAnimation: DeferredAnimation<*, *>) { {

 * This creates a [DeferredAnimation], which will not animate until it is set up using
 * [DeferredAnimation.animate]. Once the animation is set up, it will animate from the
 * [currentState][Transition.currentState] to [targetState][Transition.targetState]. If the
 * [Transition] has already arrived at its target state at the time when the animation added, there
 * will be no animation.
 * @param typeConverter A converter to convert any value of type [T] from/to an [AnimationVector]
 * @param label A label for differentiating this animation from others in android studio.
 * @suppress
fun <S, T, V : AnimationVector> Transition<S>.createDeferredAnimation(
    typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
    label: String = "DeferredAnimation"
): Transition<S>.DeferredAnimation<T, V> {
    val lazyAnim = remember(this) { DeferredAnimation(typeConverter, label) }
    DisposableEffect(lazyAnim) {
        onDispose {
    if (isSeeking) {
    return lazyAnim

 * [createChildTransition] creates a child Transition based on the mapping between parent state to
 * child state provided in [transformToChildState]. This serves the following purposes:
 * 1) Hoist the child transition state into parent transition. Therefore the parent Transition
 * will be aware of whether there's any on-going animation due to the same target state change.
 * This will further allow sequential animation to be set up when all animations have finished.
 * 2) Separation of concerns. The child transition can respresent a much more simplified state
 * transition when, for example, mapping from an enum parent state to a Boolean visible state for
 * passing further down the compose tree. The child composables hence can be designed around
 * handling a more simple and a more relevant state change.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.CreateChildTransitionSample
inline fun <S, T> Transition<S>.createChildTransition(
    label: String = "ChildTransition",
    transformToChildState: @Composable (parentState: S) -> T,
): Transition<T> {
    val initialParentState = remember(this) { this.currentState }
    val initialState = transformToChildState(initialParentState)
    val targetState = transformToChildState(this.targetState)
    return createChildTransitionInternal(initialState, targetState, label)

internal fun <S, T> Transition<S>.createChildTransitionInternal(
    initialState: T,
    targetState: T,
    label: String,
): Transition<T> {
    val transition = remember(this) {
        Transition(MutableTransitionState(initialState), label)

    DisposableEffect(transition) {
        onDispose {

    return transition

 * Creates an animation of type [T] as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition]. [typeConverter] will be used to convert
 * between type [T] and [AnimationVector] so that the animation system knows how to animate it.
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
 * @see updateTransition
 * @see Transition.animateFloat
 * @see androidx.compose.animation.animateColor
inline fun <S, T, V : AnimationVector> Transition<S>.animateValue(
    typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<T> =
        { spring() },
    label: String = "ValueAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> T
): State<T> {

    val initialValue = targetValueByState(currentState)
    val targetValue = targetValueByState(targetState)
    val animationSpec = transitionSpec(segment)

    return createTransitionAnimation(initialValue, targetValue, animationSpec, typeConverter, label)

internal fun <S, T, V : AnimationVector> Transition<S>.createTransitionAnimation(
    initialValue: T,
    targetValue: T,
    animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<T>,
    typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
    label: String
): State<T> {
    val transitionAnimation = remember(this) {
        // Initialize the animation state to initialState value, so if it's added during a
        // transition run, it'll participate in the animation.
        // This is preferred because it's easy to opt out - Simply adding new animation once
        // currentState == targetState would opt out.
    if (isSeeking) {
        // In the case of seeking, we also need to update initial value as needed
    } else {
        transitionAnimation.updateTargetValue(targetValue, animationSpec)

    DisposableEffect(transitionAnimation) {
        onDispose {
    return transitionAnimation

// TODO: Remove noinline when b/174814083 is fixed.
 * Creates a Float animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.AnimateFloatSample
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
 * @see updateTransition
 * @see Transition.animateValue
 * @see androidx.compose.animation.animateColor
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateFloat(
    noinline transitionSpec:
        @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Float> = { spring() },
    label: String = "FloatAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Float
): State<Float> =
    animateValue(Float.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [Dp] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateDp(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Dp> = {
        spring(visibilityThreshold = Dp.VisibilityThreshold)
    label: String = "DpAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Dp
): State<Dp> =
    animateValue(Dp.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates an [Offset] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateOffset(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Offset> = {
        spring(visibilityThreshold = Offset.VisibilityThreshold)
    label: String = "OffsetAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Offset
): State<Offset> =
    animateValue(Offset.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [Size] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateSize(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Size> = {
        spring(visibilityThreshold = Size.VisibilityThreshold)
    label: String = "SizeAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Size
): State<Size> =
    animateValue(Size.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [IntOffset] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateIntOffset(
    noinline transitionSpec:
        @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<IntOffset> =
            { spring(visibilityThreshold = IntOffset(1, 1)) },
    label: String = "IntOffsetAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> IntOffset
): State<IntOffset> =
    animateValue(IntOffset.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [Int] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateInt(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Int> = {
        spring(visibilityThreshold = 1)
    label: String = "IntAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Int
): State<Int> =
    animateValue(Int.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [IntSize] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateIntSize(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize> =
        { spring(visibilityThreshold = IntSize(1, 1)) },
    label: String = "IntSizeAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> IntSize
): State<IntSize> =
    animateValue(IntSize.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)

 * Creates a [Rect] animation as a part of the given [Transition]. This means the states
 * of this animation will be managed by the [Transition].
 * [targetValueByState] is used as a mapping from a target state to the target value of this
 * animation. [Transition] will be using this mapping to determine what value to target this
 * animation towards. __Note__ that [targetValueByState] is a composable function. This means the
 * mapping function could access states, CompositionLocals, themes, etc. If the targetValue changes
 * outside of a [Transition] run (i.e. when the [Transition] already reached its targetState), the
 * [Transition] will start running again to ensure this animation reaches its new target smoothly.
 * An optional [transitionSpec] can be provided to specify (potentially different) animation for
 * each pair of initialState and targetState. [FiniteAnimationSpec] includes any non-infinite
 * animation, such as [tween], [spring], [keyframes] and even [repeatable], but not
 * [infiniteRepeatable]. By default, [transitionSpec] uses a [spring] animation for all transition
 * destinations.
 * [label] is used to differentiate from other animations in the same transition in Android Studio.
 * @return A [State] object, the value of which is updated by animation
inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateRect(
    noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> FiniteAnimationSpec<Rect> =
        { spring(visibilityThreshold = Rect.VisibilityThreshold) },
    label: String = "RectAnimation",
    targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Rect
): State<Rect> =
    animateValue(Rect.VectorConverter, transitionSpec, label, targetValueByState)