
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.animation

import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationClockObservable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.TransitionDefinition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.TransitionState
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.AnimationClockAmbient

 * __Deprecated:__ [Transition] has been deprecated. Please use [transition] instead.
 * [Transition] composable creates a state-based transition using the animation configuration
 * defined in [TransitionDefinition]. This can be especially useful when animating multiple
 * values from a predefined set of values to another. For animating a single value, consider using
 * [animatedValue], [animatedFloat], [animatedColor] or the more light-weight [animate] APIs.
 * [Transition] starts a new animation or changes the on-going animation when the [toState]
 * parameter is changed to a different value. It dutifully ensures that the animation will head
 * towards new [toState] regardless of what state (or in-between state) it’s currently in: If the
 * transition is not currently animating, having a new [toState] value will start a new animation,
 * otherwise the in-flight animation will correct course and animate towards the new [toState]
 * based on the interruption handling logic.
 * [Transition] takes a transition definition, a target state and child composables.
 * These child composables will be receiving a [TransitionState] object as an argument, which
 * captures all the current values of the animation. Child composables should read the animation
 * values from the [TransitionState] object, and apply the value wherever necessary.
 * @sample androidx.compose.animation.samples.TransitionSample
 * @param definition Transition definition that defines states and transitions
 * @param toState New state to transition to
 * @param clock Optional animation clock that pulses animations when time changes. By default,
 *              the system uses a choreographer based clock read from the [AnimationClockAmbient].
 *              A custom implementation of the [AnimationClockObservable] (such as a
 *              [androidx.compose.animation.core.ManualAnimationClock]) can be supplied here if there’s a need to
 *              manually control the clock (for example in tests).
 * @param initState Optional initial state for the transition. When undefined, the initial state
 *                  will be set to the first [toState] seen in the transition.
 * @param onStateChangeFinished An optional listener to get notified when state change animation
 *                              has completed
 * @param children The children composables that will be animated
 * @see [TransitionDefinition]
@Deprecated("Transition has been renamed to transition, which returns a TransitionState instead " +
        "of passing it to children",
    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
        "transition(definition, toState, clock, initState, null, onStateChangeFinished)",
fun <T> Transition(
    definition: TransitionDefinition<T>,
    toState: T,
    clock: AnimationClockObservable = AnimationClockAmbient.current,
    initState: T = toState,
    onStateChangeFinished: ((T) -> Unit)? = null,
    children: @Composable (state: TransitionState) -> Unit
) {
    val state = transition(definition, toState, clock, initState, null, onStateChangeFinished)