
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Dimension.SPREAD_DIMENSION
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Dimension.WRAP_DIMENSION
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.MATCH_CONSTRAINT
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.WRAP_CONTENT
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.FIXED
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidgetContainer
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.Optimizer
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.ParentDataModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.hasFixedHeight
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.hasFixedWidth
import androidx.compose.ui.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.MultiMeasureLayout
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.ConstraintReference

 * Layout that positions its children according to the constraints between them.
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun ConstraintLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    children: @Composable ConstraintLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val measurer = remember { Measurer() }
    val scope = remember { ConstraintLayoutScope() }

    MultiMeasureLayout(modifier = modifier, children = {
    }) { measurables, constraints ->
        val constraintSet = object : ConstraintSet {
            override fun applyTo(state: State, measurables: List<Measurable>) {
                measurables.fastForEach { measurable ->
                    val parentData = measurable.parentData as? ConstraintLayoutParentData
                    // Map the id and the measurable, to be retrieved later during measurement.
                    val givenTag = parentData?.ref?.id
           ?: createId(), measurable)
                    // Run the constrainAs block of the child, to obtain its constraints.
                    if (parentData != null) {
                        val constrainScope = ConstrainScope(

        val layoutSize = measurer.performMeasure(
        layout(layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height) {
            with(measurer) { performLayout() }

 * Layout that positions its children according to the constraints between them.
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun ConstraintLayout(
    constraintSet: ConstraintSet,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    children: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val measurer = remember { Measurer() }
    MultiMeasureLayout(modifier, children) { measurables, constraints ->
        val layoutSize = measurer.performMeasure(
        layout(layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height) {
            with(measurer) { performLayout() }

 * Represents a layout within a [ConstraintLayout].
class ConstrainedLayoutReference(val id: Any) {
     * The start anchor of this layout. Represents left in LTR layout direction, or right in RTL.
    val start = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor(id, -2)

     * The left anchor of this layout.
    val absoluteLeft = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * The top anchor of this layout.
    val top = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * The end anchor of this layout. Represents right in LTR layout direction, or left in RTL.
    val end = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor(id, -1)

     * The right anchor of this layout.
    val absoluteRight = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor(id, 1)

     * The bottom anchor of this layout.
    val bottom = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor(id, 1)

     * The baseline anchor of this layout.
    val baseline = ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.BaselineAnchor(id)

 * Common scope for [ConstraintLayoutScope] and [ConstraintSetScope], the content being shared
 * between the inline DSL API and the ConstraintSet-based API.
abstract class ConstraintLayoutBaseScope {
    protected val tasks = mutableListOf<(State) -> Unit>()

    fun applyTo(state: State) = tasks.forEach { it(state) }

    fun reset() = tasks.clear()

     * Represents a vertical anchor (e.g. start/end of a layout, guideline) that layouts
     * can link to in their `Modifier.constrainAs` or `constrain` blocks.
    data class VerticalAnchor internal constructor(internal val id: Any, internal val index: Int)

     * Represents a horizontal anchor (e.g. top/bottom of a layout, guideline) that layouts
     * can link to in their `Modifier.constrainAs` or `constrain` blocks.
    data class HorizontalAnchor internal constructor(internal val id: Any, internal val index: Int)

     * Represents a horizontal anchor corresponding to the [FirstBaseline] of a layout that other
     * layouts can link to in their `Modifier.constrainAs` or `constrain` blocks.
    // TODO(popam): investigate if this can be just a HorizontalAnchor
    data class BaselineAnchor internal constructor(internal val id: Any)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromStart(offset: Dp): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.verticalGuideline(id).apply {
                if (state.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) start(offset) else end(offset)
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the left of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft(offset: Dp): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.verticalGuideline(id).apply { start(offset) } }
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the start of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the start of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the end.
    fun createGuidelineFromStart(fraction: Float): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.verticalGuideline(id).apply {
                if (state.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) {
                } else {
                    percent(1f - fraction)
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the left of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the left of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the right.
    // TODO(popam, b/157781990): this is not really percenide
    fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft(fraction: Float): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.verticalGuideline(id).apply { percent(fraction) } }
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the end of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromEnd(offset: Dp): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.verticalGuideline(id).apply {
                if (state.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) end(offset) else start(offset)
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the right of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteRight(offset: Dp): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.verticalGuideline(id).apply { end(offset) } }
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the end of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the end of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the start.
    fun createGuidelineFromEnd(fraction: Float): VerticalAnchor {
        return createGuidelineFromStart(1f - fraction)

     * Creates a guideline at a width fraction from the right of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the right of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the left.
    fun createGuidelineFromAbsoluteRight(fraction: Float): VerticalAnchor {
        return createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft(1f - fraction)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the top of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromTop(offset: Dp): HorizontalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.horizontalGuideline(id).apply { start(offset) } }
        return HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a height percenide from the top of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the top of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the bottom.
    fun createGuidelineFromTop(fraction: Float): HorizontalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.horizontalGuideline(id).apply { percent(fraction) } }
        return HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a specific offset from the bottom of the [ConstraintLayout].
    fun createGuidelineFromBottom(offset: Dp): HorizontalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state -> state.horizontalGuideline(id).apply { end(offset) } }
        return HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a guideline at a height percenide from the bottom of the [ConstraintLayout].
     * A [fraction] of 0f will correspond to the bottom of the [ConstraintLayout], while 1f will
     * correspond to the top.
    fun createGuidelineFromBottom(fraction: Float): HorizontalAnchor {
        return createGuidelineFromTop(1f - fraction)

     * Creates and returns a start barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createStartBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            val direction = if (state.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) {
            } else {
            state.barrier(id, direction).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates and returns a left barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createAbsoluteLeftBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.barrier(id, SolverDirection.LEFT).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates and returns a top barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createTopBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): HorizontalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.barrier(id, SolverDirection.TOP).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates and returns an end barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createEndBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            val direction = if (state.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) {
            } else {
            state.barrier(id, direction).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates and returns a right barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createAbsoluteRightBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): VerticalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.barrier(id, SolverDirection.RIGHT).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return VerticalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates and returns a bottom barrier, containing the specified elements.
    fun createBottomBarrier(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        margin: Dp = 0.dp
    ): HorizontalAnchor {
        val id = createId()
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.barrier(id, SolverDirection.BOTTOM).apply {
                add(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
        return HorizontalAnchor(id, 0)

     * Creates a horizontal chain including the referenced layouts.
    // TODO(popam, b/157783937): this API should be improved
    fun createHorizontalChain(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        chainStyle: ChainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
    ) {
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.horizontalChain(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
                .also { }
            if (chainStyle.bias != null) {

     * Creates a vertical chain including the referenced layouts.
    // TODO(popam, b/157783937): this API should be improved
    fun createVerticalChain(
        vararg elements: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        chainStyle: ChainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
    ) {
        tasks.add { state ->
            state.verticalChain(*( { }.toTypedArray()))
                .also { }
            if (chainStyle.bias != null) {

 * Scope used by the inline DSL of [ConstraintLayout].
class ConstraintLayoutScope internal constructor() : ConstraintLayoutBaseScope() {
     * Creates one [ConstrainedLayoutReference], which needs to be assigned to a layout within the
     * [ConstraintLayout] as part of [Modifier.constrainAs]. To create more references at the
     * same time, see [createRefs].
    fun createRef() = ConstrainedLayoutReference(createId())

     * Convenient way to create multiple [ConstrainedLayoutReference]s, which need to be assigned
     * to layouts within the [ConstraintLayout] as part of [Modifier.constrainAs]. To create just
     * one reference, see [createRef].
    fun createRefs() = ConstrainedLayoutReferences()

     * Convenience API for creating multiple [ConstrainedLayoutReference] via [createRefs].
    inner class ConstrainedLayoutReferences internal constructor() {
        operator fun component1() = createRef()
        operator fun component2() = createRef()
        operator fun component3() = createRef()
        operator fun component4() = createRef()
        operator fun component5() = createRef()
        operator fun component6() = createRef()
        operator fun component7() = createRef()
        operator fun component8() = createRef()
        operator fun component9() = createRef()
        operator fun component10() = createRef()
        operator fun component11() = createRef()
        operator fun component12() = createRef()
        operator fun component13() = createRef()
        operator fun component14() = createRef()
        operator fun component15() = createRef()
        operator fun component16() = createRef()

     * [Modifier] that defines the constraints, as part of a [ConstraintLayout], of the layout
     * element.
    fun Modifier.constrainAs(
        ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
    ): Modifier {
        // TODO(popam, b/157782492): make equals comparable modifiers here.
        return this.then(object : ParentDataModifier {
            override fun Density.modifyParentData(parentData: Any?) =
                ConstraintLayoutParentData(ref, constrainBlock)

 * Scope used by the [ConstraintSet] DSL.
class ConstraintSetScope internal constructor() : ConstraintLayoutBaseScope() {
     * Creates one [ConstrainedLayoutReference] corresponding to the [ConstraintLayout] element
     * with [id].
    fun createRefFor(id: Any) = ConstrainedLayoutReference(id)

     * Specifies the constraints associated to the layout identified with [ref].
    fun constrain(
        ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
        constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
    ) = ConstrainScope( {

 * The style of a horizontal or vertical chain.
class ChainStyle internal constructor(
    internal val style: SolverChain,
    internal val bias: Float? = null
) {
    companion object {
         * A chain style that evenly distributes the contained layouts.
        val Spread = ChainStyle(SolverChain.SPREAD)

         * A chain style where the first and last layouts are affixed to the constraints
         * on each end of the chain and the rest are evenly distributed.
        val SpreadInside = ChainStyle(SolverChain.SPREAD_INSIDE)

         * A chain style where the contained layouts are packed together and placed to the
         * center of the available space.
        val Packed = Packed(0.5f)

         * A chain style where the contained layouts are packed together and placed in
         * the available space according to a given [bias].
        fun Packed(bias: Float) = ChainStyle(SolverChain.PACKED, bias)

 * Parent data provided by `Modifier.constrainAs`.
private class ConstraintLayoutParentData(
    val ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
    val constrain: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit

 * Scope used by `Modifier.constrainAs`.
class ConstrainScope internal constructor(internal val id: Any) {
    internal val tasks = mutableListOf<(State) -> Unit>()
    internal fun applyTo(state: State) = tasks.forEach { it(state) }

     * Reference to the [ConstraintLayout] itself, which can be used to specify constraints
     * between itself and its children.
    val parent = ConstrainedLayoutReference(SolverState.PARENT)

     * The start anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [VerticalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val start = VerticalAnchorable(id, -2)

     * The left anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [VerticalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val absoluteLeft = VerticalAnchorable(id, 0)

     * The top anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [HorizontalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val top = HorizontalAnchorable(id, 0)

     * The end anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [VerticalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val end = VerticalAnchorable(id, -1)

     * The right anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [VerticalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val absoluteRight = VerticalAnchorable(id, 1)

     * The bottom anchor of the layout - can be constrained using [HorizontalAnchorable.linkTo].
    val bottom = HorizontalAnchorable(id, 1)

     * The [FirstBaseline] of the layout - can be constrained using [BaselineAnchorable.linkTo].
    val baseline = BaselineAnchorable(id)

     * The width of the [ConstraintLayout] child.
    var width: Dimension = Dimension.wrapContent
        set(value) {
            field = value
            tasks.add { state ->
                    (value as DimensionDescription).toSolverDimension(state)

     * The height of the [ConstraintLayout] child.
    var height: Dimension = Dimension.wrapContent
        set(value) {
            field = value
            tasks.add { state ->
                    (value as DimensionDescription).toSolverDimension(state)

     * Represents a vertical side of a layout (i.e start and end) that can be anchored using
     * [linkTo] in their `Modifier.constrainAs` blocks.
    inner class VerticalAnchorable internal constructor(
        internal val id: Any,
        internal val index: Int
    ) {
         * Adds a link towards a [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor].
        // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
        fun linkTo(anchor: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor, margin: Dp = 0.dp) {
            tasks.add { state ->
                with(state.constraints(id)) {
                    val layoutDirection = state.layoutDirection
                    val index1 = verticalAnchorIndexToFunctionIndex(index, layoutDirection)
                    val index2 = verticalAnchorIndexToFunctionIndex(anchor.index, layoutDirection)
                        .invoke(this,, state.layoutDirection)

     * Represents a horizontal side of a layout (i.e top and bottom) that can be anchored using
     * [linkTo] in their `Modifier.constrainAs` blocks.
    inner class HorizontalAnchorable internal constructor(
        internal val tag: Any,
        internal val index: Int
    ) {
         * Adds a link towards a [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor].
        // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
        fun linkTo(anchor: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor, margin: Dp = 0.dp) {
            tasks.add { state ->
                with(state.constraints(id)) {

     * Represents the [FirstBaseline] of a layout that can be anchored
     * using [linkTo] in their `Modifier.constrainAs` blocks.
    inner class BaselineAnchorable internal constructor(internal val id: Any) {
         * Adds a link towards a [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.BaselineAnchor].
        // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
        fun linkTo(anchor: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.BaselineAnchor, margin: Dp = 0.dp) {
            tasks.add { state ->
                with(state.constraints(id)) {

     * Adds both start and end links towards other [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor]s.
    // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
    fun linkTo(
        start: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor,
        end: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor,
        startMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        endMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) bias: Float = 0.5f
    ) {
        this@ConstrainScope.start.linkTo(start, startMargin)
        this@ConstrainScope.end.linkTo(end, endMargin)
        tasks.add { state ->

     * Adds both top and bottom links towards other [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor]s.
    // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
    fun linkTo(
        top: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor,
        bottom: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor,
        topMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) bias: Float = 0.5f
    ) {, topMargin)
        this@ConstrainScope.bottom.linkTo(bottom, bottomMargin)
        tasks.add { state ->

     * Adds all start, top, end, bottom links towards
     * other [ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor]s.
    // TODO(popam, b/158069248): add parameter for gone margin
    fun linkTo(
        start: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor,
        top: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor,
        end: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor,
        bottom: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor,
        startMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        topMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        endMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        bottomMargin: Dp = 0.dp,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) horizontalBias: Float = 0.5f,
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) verticalBias: Float = 0.5f
    ) {
        linkTo(start, end, startMargin, endMargin, horizontalBias)
        linkTo(top, bottom, topMargin, bottomMargin, verticalBias)

     * Adds all start, top, end, bottom links towards the corresponding anchors of [other].
     * This will center the current layout inside or around (depending on size) [other].
    fun centerTo(other: ConstrainedLayoutReference) {
        linkTo(other.start,, other.end, other.bottom)

     * Adds start and end links towards the corresponding anchors of [other].
     * This will center horizontally the current layout inside or around (depending on size)
     * [other].
    fun centerHorizontallyTo(other: ConstrainedLayoutReference) {
        linkTo(other.start, other.end)

     * Adds top and bottom links towards the corresponding anchors of [other].
     * This will center vertically the current layout inside or around (depending on size)
     * [other].
    fun centerVerticallyTo(other: ConstrainedLayoutReference) {
        linkTo(, other.bottom)

     * Adds start and end links towards a vertical [anchor].
     * This will center the current layout around the vertical [anchor].
    fun centerAround(anchor: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.VerticalAnchor) {
        linkTo(anchor, anchor)

     * Adds top and bottom links towards a horizontal [anchor].
     * This will center the current layout around the horizontal [anchor].
    fun centerAround(anchor: ConstraintLayoutBaseScope.HorizontalAnchor) {
        linkTo(anchor, anchor)

    internal companion object {
        val verticalAnchorFunctions:
                Array<Array<ConstraintReference.(Any, LayoutDirection) -> ConstraintReference>> =
                    { other, layoutDirection -> clearLeft(layoutDirection); leftToLeft(other) },
                    { other, layoutDirection -> clearLeft(layoutDirection); leftToRight(other) }
                    { other, layoutDirection -> clearRight(layoutDirection); rightToLeft(other) },
                    { other, layoutDirection -> clearRight(layoutDirection); rightToRight(other) }

        private fun ConstraintReference.clearLeft(layoutDirection: LayoutDirection) {
            when (layoutDirection) {
                LayoutDirection.Ltr -> { startToStart(null); startToEnd(null) }
                LayoutDirection.Rtl -> { endToStart(null); endToEnd(null) }

        private fun ConstraintReference.clearRight(layoutDirection: LayoutDirection) {
            when (layoutDirection) {
                LayoutDirection.Ltr -> { endToStart(null); endToEnd(null) }
                LayoutDirection.Rtl -> { startToStart(null); startToEnd(null) }

         * Converts the index (-2 -> start, -1 -> end, 0 -> left, 1 -> right) to an index in
         * the arrays above (0 -> left, 1 -> right).
        // TODO(popam, b/157886946): this is temporary until we can use CL's own RTL handling
        fun verticalAnchorIndexToFunctionIndex(index: Int, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection) =
            when {
                index >= 0 -> index // already left or right
                layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr -> 2 + index // start -> left, end -> right
                else -> -index - 1 // start -> right, end -> left

        val horizontalAnchorFunctions:
                Array<Array<ConstraintReference.(Any) -> ConstraintReference>> = arrayOf(
                { other -> topToBottom(null); baselineToBaseline(null); topToTop(other) },
                { other -> topToTop(null); baselineToBaseline(null); topToBottom(other) }
                { other -> bottomToBottom(null); baselineToBaseline(null); bottomToTop(other) },
                { other -> bottomToTop(null); baselineToBaseline(null); bottomToBottom(other) }
        val baselineAnchorFunction: ConstraintReference.(Any) -> ConstraintReference =
            { other ->

 * Convenience for creating ids corresponding to layout references that cannot be referred
 * to from the outside of the scope (e.g. barriers, layout references in the modifier-based API,
 * etc.).
private fun createId() = object : Any() {}

 * Represents a dimension that can be assigned to the width or height of a [ConstraintLayout]
 * [child][ConstrainedLayoutReference].
// TODO(popam, b/157781841): It is unfortunate that this interface is top level in
// `foundation-layout`. This will be ok if we move constraint layout to its own module or at
// least subpackage.
interface Dimension {
     * A [Dimension] that can be assigned both min and max bounds.
    interface Coercible : Dimension

     * A [Dimension] that can be assigned a min bound.
    interface MinCoercible : Dimension

     * A [Dimension] that can be assigned a max bound.
    interface MaxCoercible : Dimension

    companion object {
         * Creates a [Dimension] representing a suggested dp size. The requested size will
         * be respected unless the constraints in the [ConstraintSet] do not allow it. The min
         * and max bounds will be respected regardless of the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
         * To make the value fixed (respected regardless the [ConstraintSet]), [value] should
         * be used instead.
        fun preferredValue(dp: Dp): Dimension.Coercible =
            DimensionDescription { state -> SolverDimension.Suggested(state.convertDimension(dp)) }

         * Creates a [Dimension] representing a fixed dp size. The size will not change
         * according to the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
        fun value(dp: Dp): Dimension =
            DimensionDescription { state -> SolverDimension.Fixed(state.convertDimension(dp)) }

         * A [Dimension] with suggested wrap content behavior. The wrap content size
         * will be respected unless the constraints in the [ConstraintSet] do not allow it.
         * To make the value fixed (respected regardless the [ConstraintSet]), [wrapContent]
         * should be used instead.
        val preferredWrapContent: Dimension.Coercible
            get() = DimensionDescription { SolverDimension.Suggested(WRAP_DIMENSION) }

         * A [Dimension] with fixed wrap content behavior. The size will not change
         * according to the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
        val wrapContent: Dimension
            get() = DimensionDescription { SolverDimension.Fixed(WRAP_DIMENSION) }

         * A [Dimension] that spreads to match constraints. Links should be specified from both
         * sides corresponding to this dimension, in order for this to work.
        val fillToConstraints: Dimension
            get() = DimensionDescription { SolverDimension.Suggested(SPREAD_DIMENSION) }

         * A [Dimension] that is a percent of the parent in the corresponding direction.
        fun percent(percent: Float): Dimension =
            // TODO(popam, b/157880732): make this nicer when possible in future solver releases
            DimensionDescription { SolverDimension.Percent(0, percent).suggested(0) }

 * Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.Coercible.atLeastWrapContent: Dimension.MaxCoercible
    get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.minSymbol = WRAP_DIMENSION }

 * Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.Coercible.atLeast(dp: Dp): Dimension.MaxCoercible =
    (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min = dp }

 * Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.Coercible.atMost(dp: Dp): Dimension.MinCoercible =
    (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max = dp }

 * Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.Coercible.atMostWrapContent: Dimension.MinCoercible
    get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.maxSymbol = WRAP_DIMENSION }

 * Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.MinCoercible.atLeastWrapContent(dp: Dp): Dimension =
    (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min = dp }

 * Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.MinCoercible.atLeastWrapContent: Dimension
    get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.minSymbol = WRAP_DIMENSION }

 * Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.MaxCoercible.atMost(dp: Dp): Dimension =
    (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max = dp }

 * Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to be the [Wrap] size of the child.
val Dimension.MaxCoercible.atMostWrapContent: Dimension
    get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.maxSymbol = WRAP_DIMENSION }

 * Describes a sizing behavior that can be applied to the width or height of a
 * [ConstraintLayout] child. The content of this class should not be instantiated
 * directly; helpers available in the [Dimension]'s companion object should be used.
internal class DimensionDescription internal constructor(
    private val baseDimension: (State) -> SolverDimension
) : Dimension.Coercible, Dimension.MinCoercible, Dimension.MaxCoercible, Dimension {
    var min: Dp? = null
    var minSymbol: Any? = null
    var max: Dp? = null
    var maxSymbol: Any? = null
    internal fun toSolverDimension(state: State) = baseDimension(state).also {
        if (minSymbol != null) {
        } else if (min != null) {
        if (maxSymbol != null) {
        } else if (max != null) {

 * Immutable description of the constraints used to layout the children of a [ConstraintLayout].
interface ConstraintSet {
     * Applies the [ConstraintSet] to a state.
    fun applyTo(state: State, measurables: List<Measurable>)

 * Creates a [ConstraintSet].
fun ConstraintSet(description: ConstraintSetScope.() -> Unit) = object : ConstraintSet {
    override fun applyTo(state: State, measurables: List<Measurable>) {
        measurables.forEach { measurable ->
   ?: createId()), measurable)
        val scope = ConstraintSetScope()

 * The state of the [ConstraintLayout] solver.
class State(val density: Density) : SolverState() {
    var rootIncomingConstraints: Constraints = Constraints()
    lateinit var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection

    override fun convertDimension(value: Any?): Int {
        return if (value is Dp) {
            with(density) { value.toIntPx() }
        } else {

    override fun reset() {
        // TODO(b/158197001): this should likely be done by the solver
        mReferences[PARENT] = mParent

private class Measurer internal constructor() : BasicMeasure.Measurer {
    private val root = ConstraintWidgetContainer(0, 0).also { it.measurer = this }
    private val placeables = mutableMapOf<Measurable, Placeable>()
    private val lastMeasures = mutableMapOf<Measurable, Array<Int>>()
    private val lastMeasureDefaultsHolder = arrayOf(0, 0, 0)
    private lateinit var density: Density
    private lateinit var measureScope: MeasureScope
    private val state by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { State(density) }

    private val widthConstraintsHolder = IntArray(2)
    private val heightConstraintsHolder = IntArray(2)

    fun reset() {

    override fun measure(constraintWidget: ConstraintWidget, measure: BasicMeasure.Measure) {
        val measurable = constraintWidget.companionWidget
        if (measurable !is Measurable) return

        if (DEBUG) {
                "CCL", "Measuring ${} with: " +
                        constraintWidget.toDebugString() + "\n" + measure.toDebugString()

        val (initialWidth, initialHeight, initialBaseline) =
            lastMeasures[measurable] ?: lastMeasureDefaultsHolder.apply { copyFrom(measure) }

        var wrappingWidth: Boolean
        var wrappingHeight: Boolean
        var constraints: Constraints
        run {
            wrappingWidth = obtainConstraints(
            wrappingHeight = obtainConstraints(

            constraints = Constraints(

        if (measure.useDeprecated ||
            constraintWidget.horizontalDimensionBehaviour != MATCH_CONSTRAINT ||
            constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintDefaultWidth != MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD ||
            constraintWidget.verticalDimensionBehaviour != MATCH_CONSTRAINT ||
            constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintDefaultHeight != MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD
        ) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Log.d("CCL", "Measuring ${} with $constraints")
            val placeable = with(measureScope) {
                measurable.measure(constraints).also { placeables[measurable] = it }
            if (DEBUG) {
                Log.d("CCL", "${} is size ${placeable.width} ${placeable.height}")
            if (wrappingWidth) {
                constraintWidget.wrapMeasure[0] = placeable.width
            if (wrappingHeight) {
                constraintWidget.wrapMeasure[1] = placeable.height

            val coercedWidth = placeable.width.coerceIn(
                constraintWidget.minWidth.takeIf { it > 0 },
                constraintWidget.maxWidth.takeIf { it > 0 }
            val coercedHeight = placeable.height.coerceIn(
                constraintWidget.minHeight.takeIf { it > 0 },
                constraintWidget.maxHeight.takeIf { it > 0 }

            var remeasure = false
            if (coercedWidth != placeable.width) {
                constraints = constraints.copy(
                    minWidth = coercedWidth,
                    maxWidth = coercedWidth
                remeasure = true
            if (coercedHeight != placeable.height) {
                constraints = constraints.copy(
                    minHeight = coercedHeight,
                    maxHeight = coercedHeight
                remeasure = true
            if (remeasure) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d("CCL", "Remeasuring coerced ${} with $constraints")
                with(measureScope) {
                    measurable.measure(constraints).also { placeables[measurable] = it }

        val currentPlaceable = placeables[measurable]
        measure.measuredWidth = currentPlaceable?.width ?: constraintWidget.width
        measure.measuredHeight = currentPlaceable?.height ?: constraintWidget.height
        val baseline = currentPlaceable?.get(FirstBaseline)
        measure.measuredHasBaseline = baseline != null
        if (baseline != null) measure.measuredBaseline = baseline
        lastMeasures.getOrPut(measurable, { arrayOf(0, 0, 0) }).copyFrom(measure)

        measure.measuredNeedsSolverPass = measure.measuredWidth != initialWidth ||
                measure.measuredHeight != initialHeight ||
                measure.measuredBaseline != initialBaseline

     * Calculates the [Constraints] in one direction that should be used to measure a child,
     * based on the solver measure request. Returns `true` if the constraints correspond to a
     * wrap content measurement.
    private fun obtainConstraints(
        dimensionBehaviour: ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour,
        dimension: Int,
        matchConstraintDefaultDimension: Int,
        useDeprecated: Boolean,
        knownWrapContentSize: Int,
        rootMaxConstraint: Int,
        outConstraints: IntArray
    ): Boolean = when (dimensionBehaviour) {
        FIXED -> {
            outConstraints[0] = dimension
            outConstraints[1] = dimension
        WRAP_CONTENT -> {
            outConstraints[0] = 0
            outConstraints[1] = rootMaxConstraint
            val useDimension = useDeprecated &&
                    (matchConstraintDefaultDimension != MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP ||
                            dimension != knownWrapContentSize)
            outConstraints[0] = if (useDimension) dimension else 0
            outConstraints[1] = if (useDimension) dimension else rootMaxConstraint
        else -> {
            error("MATCH_PARENT is not supported")

    fun Array<Int>.copyFrom(measure: BasicMeasure.Measure) {
        this[0] = measure.measuredWidth
        this[1] = measure.measuredHeight
        this[2] = measure.measuredBaseline

    fun performMeasure(
        constraints: Constraints,
        layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
        constraintSet: ConstraintSet,
        measurables: List<Measurable>,
        measureScope: MeasureScope
    ): IntSize {
        this.density = measureScope
        this.measureScope = measureScope
        // Define the size of the ConstraintLayout.
            if (constraints.hasFixedWidth) {
            } else {
            if (constraints.hasFixedHeight) {
            } else {
        // Build constraint set and apply it to the state.
        state.rootIncomingConstraints = constraints
        state.layoutDirection = layoutDirection
        constraintSet.applyTo(state, measurables)
        root.width = constraints.maxWidth
        root.height = constraints.maxHeight

        if (DEBUG) {
            root.debugName = "ConstraintLayout"
            root.children.forEach { child ->
                child.debugName = (child.companionWidget as? Measurable)?.id?.toString() ?: "NOTAG"
            Log.d("CCL", "ConstraintLayout is asked to measure with $constraints")
            Log.d("CCL", root.toDebugString())
            for (child in root.children) {
                Log.d("CCL", child.toDebugString())

        // No need to set sizes and size modes as we passed them to the state above.
        root.measure(Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        for (child in root.children) {
            val measurable = child.companionWidget
            if (measurable !is Measurable) continue
            val placeable = placeables[measurable]
            val currentWidth = placeable?.width
            val currentHeight = placeable?.height
            if (child.width != currentWidth || child.height != currentHeight) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                        "Final measurement for ${} " +
                                "to confirm size ${child.width} ${child.height}"
                with(measureScope) {
                        Constraints.fixed(child.width, child.height)
                    ).also { placeables[measurable] = it }
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d("CCL", "ConstraintLayout is at the end ${root.width} ${root.height}")

        return IntSize(root.width, root.height)

    fun Placeable.PlacementScope.performLayout() {
        for (child in root.children) {
            val measurable = child.companionWidget
            if (measurable !is Measurable) continue
            // TODO(popam, b/157886946): check if measurer's rtl support should be used instead
            placeables[measurable]?.place(child.x, child.y)

    override fun didMeasures() { }

private typealias SolverDimension = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Dimension
private typealias SolverState = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.State
private typealias SolverDirection = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.State.Direction
private typealias SolverChain = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.State.Chain
private val DEBUG = false
private fun ConstraintWidget.toDebugString() =
    "$debugName " +
            "width $width minWidth $minWidth maxWidth $maxWidth " +
            "height $height minHeight $minHeight maxHeight $maxHeight " +
            "HDB $horizontalDimensionBehaviour VDB $verticalDimensionBehaviour " +
            "MCW $mMatchConstraintDefaultWidth MCH $mMatchConstraintDefaultHeight " +
            "percentW $mMatchConstraintPercentWidth percentH $mMatchConstraintPercentHeight"
private fun BasicMeasure.Measure.toDebugString() =
    "use deprecated is $useDeprecated "