
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.HorizontalAlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.FirstBaseline
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LastBaseline
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureResult
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorValueInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import kotlin.math.max

 * A [Modifier] that can add padding to position the content according to specified distances
 * from its bounds to an [alignment line][AlignmentLine]. Whether the positioning is vertical
 * or horizontal is defined by the orientation of the given [alignmentLine] (if the line is
 * horizontal, [before] and [after] will refer to distances from top and bottom, otherwise they
 * will refer to distances from start and end). The opposite axis sizing and positioning will
 * remain unaffected.
 * The modified layout will try to include the required padding, subject to the incoming max
 * layout constraints, such that the distance from its bounds to the [alignmentLine] of the
 * content will be [before] and [after], respectively. When the max constraints do not allow
 * this, satisfying the [before] requirement will have priority over [after]. When the modified
 * layout is min constrained in the affected layout direction and the padded layout is smaller
 * than the constraint, the modified layout will satisfy the min constraint and the content will
 * be positioned to satisfy the [before] requirement if specified, or the [after] requirement
 * otherwise.
 * @param alignmentLine the alignment line relative to which the padding is defined
 * @param before the distance between the container's top edge and the horizontal alignment line, or
 * the container's start edge and the vertical alignment line
 * @param after the distance between the container's bottom edge and the horizontal alignment line,
 * or the container's end edge and the vertical alignment line
 * @see paddingFromBaseline
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun Modifier.paddingFrom(
    alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    before: Dp = Dp.Unspecified,
    after: Dp = Dp.Unspecified
): Modifier = this.then(
        debugInspectorInfo {
            name = "paddingFrom"
            properties["alignmentLine"] = alignmentLine
            properties["before"] = before
            properties["after"] = after

 * A [Modifier] that can add padding to position the content according to specified distances
 * from its bounds to an [alignment line][AlignmentLine]. Whether the positioning is vertical
 * or horizontal is defined by the orientation of the given [alignmentLine] (if the line is
 * horizontal, [before] and [after] will refer to distances from top and bottom, otherwise they
 * will refer to distances from start and end). The opposite axis sizing and positioning will
 * remain unaffected.
 * The modified layout will try to include the required padding, subject to the incoming max
 * layout constraints, such that the distance from its bounds to the [alignmentLine] of the
 * content will be [before] and [after], respectively. When the max constraints do not allow
 * this, satisfying the [before] requirement will have priority over [after]. When the modified
 * layout is min constrained in the affected layout direction and the padded layout is smaller
 * than the constraint, the modified layout will satisfy the min constraint and the content will
 * be positioned to satisfy the [before] requirement if specified, or the [after] requirement
 * otherwise.
 * @param alignmentLine the alignment line relative to which the padding is defined
 * @param before the distance between the container's top edge and the horizontal alignment line, or
 * the container's start edge and the vertical alignment line
 * @param after the distance between the container's bottom edge and the horizontal alignment line,
 * or the container's end edge and the vertical alignment line
 * @see paddingFromBaseline
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun Modifier.paddingFrom(
    alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    before: TextUnit = TextUnit.Inherit,
    after: TextUnit = TextUnit.Inherit
): Modifier = this.then(
        debugInspectorInfo {
            name = "paddingFrom"
            properties["alignmentLine"] = alignmentLine
            properties["before"] = before
            properties["after"] = after

    "relativePaddingFrom was renamed to paddingFrom.",
        "paddingFrom(alignmentLine, before, after)",
fun Modifier.relativePaddingFrom(
    alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    before: Dp = Dp.Unspecified,
    after: Dp = Dp.Unspecified
): Modifier = paddingFrom(alignmentLine, before, after)

 * A [Modifier] that positions the content in a layout such that the distance from the top
 * of the layout to the [baseline of the first line of text in the content][FirstBaseline]
 * is [top], and the distance from the
 * [baseline of the last line of text in the content][LastBaseline] to the bottom of the layout
 * is [bottom].
 * @see paddingFrom
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun Modifier.paddingFromBaseline(top: Dp = Dp.Unspecified, bottom: Dp = Dp.Unspecified) = this
    .then(if (bottom != Dp.Unspecified) paddingFrom(LastBaseline, after = bottom) else Modifier)
    .then(if (top != Dp.Unspecified) paddingFrom(FirstBaseline, before = top) else Modifier)

 * A [Modifier] that positions the content in a layout such that the distance from the top
 * of the layout to the [baseline of the first line of text in the content][FirstBaseline]
 * is [top], and the distance from the
 * [baseline of the last line of text in the content][LastBaseline] to the bottom of the layout
 * is [bottom].
 * @see paddingFrom
 * Example usage:
 * @sample
fun Modifier.paddingFromBaseline(
    top: TextUnit = TextUnit.Inherit,
    bottom: TextUnit = TextUnit.Inherit
) = this
    .then(if (bottom != TextUnit.Inherit) paddingFrom(LastBaseline, after = bottom) else Modifier)
    .then(if (top != TextUnit.Inherit) paddingFrom(FirstBaseline, before = top) else Modifier)

private class AlignmentLineOffsetDp(
    val alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    val before: Dp,
    val after: Dp,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit
) : LayoutModifier, InspectorValueInfo(inspectorInfo) {
    init {
            (before.value >= 0f || before == Dp.Unspecified) &&
                (after.value >= 0f || after == Dp.Unspecified)
        ) {
            "Padding from alignment line must be a non-negative number"

    override fun MeasureScope.measure(
        measurable: Measurable,
        constraints: Constraints
    ): MeasureResult {
        return alignmentLineOffsetMeasure(alignmentLine, before, after, measurable, constraints)

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = alignmentLine.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + before.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + after.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        val otherModifier = other as? AlignmentLineOffsetDp ?: return false

        return alignmentLine == otherModifier.alignmentLine &&
            before == otherModifier.before &&
            after == otherModifier.after

    override fun toString(): String =
        "AlignmentLineOffset(alignmentLine=$alignmentLine, before=$before, after=$after)"

private class AlignmentLineOffsetTextUnit(
    val alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    val before: TextUnit,
    val after: TextUnit,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit
) : LayoutModifier, InspectorValueInfo(inspectorInfo) {
    override fun MeasureScope.measure(
        measurable: Measurable,
        constraints: Constraints
    ): MeasureResult {
        return alignmentLineOffsetMeasure(
            if (before != TextUnit.Inherit) before.toDp() else Dp.Unspecified,
            if (after != TextUnit.Inherit) after.toDp() else Dp.Unspecified,

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = alignmentLine.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + before.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + after.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        val otherModifier = other as? AlignmentLineOffsetTextUnit ?: return false

        return alignmentLine == otherModifier.alignmentLine &&
            before == otherModifier.before &&
            after == otherModifier.after

    override fun toString(): String =
        "AlignmentLineOffset(alignmentLine=$alignmentLine, before=$before, after=$after)"

private fun MeasureScope.alignmentLineOffsetMeasure(
    alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    before: Dp,
    after: Dp,
    measurable: Measurable,
    constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
    val placeable = measurable.measure(
        // Loose constraints perpendicular on the alignment line.
        if (alignmentLine.horizontal) constraints.copy(minHeight = 0)
        else constraints.copy(minWidth = 0)
    val linePosition = placeable[alignmentLine].let {
        if (it != AlignmentLine.Unspecified) it else 0
    val axis = if (alignmentLine.horizontal) placeable.height else placeable.width
    val axisMax = if (alignmentLine.horizontal) constraints.maxHeight else constraints.maxWidth
    // Compute padding required to satisfy the total before and after offsets.
    val paddingBefore =
        ((if (before != Dp.Unspecified) before.toIntPx() else 0) - linePosition)
            .coerceIn(0, axisMax - axis)
    val paddingAfter =
        ((if (after != Dp.Unspecified) after.toIntPx() else 0) - axis + linePosition)
            .coerceIn(0, axisMax - axis - paddingBefore)

    val width = if (alignmentLine.horizontal) {
    } else {
        max(paddingBefore + placeable.width + paddingAfter, constraints.minWidth)
    val height = if (alignmentLine.horizontal) {
        max(paddingBefore + placeable.height + paddingAfter, constraints.minHeight)
    } else {
    return layout(width, height) {
        val x = when {
            alignmentLine.horizontal -> 0
            before != Dp.Unspecified -> paddingBefore
            else -> width - paddingAfter - placeable.width
        val y = when {
            !alignmentLine.horizontal -> 0
            before != Dp.Unspecified -> paddingBefore
            else -> height - paddingAfter - placeable.height
        placeable.placeRelative(x, y)

private val AlignmentLine.horizontal: Boolean get() = this is HorizontalAlignmentLine