
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.animation.asDisposableClock
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimatedFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationClockObservable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationClockObserver
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationEndReason
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.SpringSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VectorConverter
import androidx.compose.animation.core.spring
import androidx.compose.runtime.AtomicReference
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.dispatch.withFrameMillis
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.onDispose
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.composed
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.gesture.Direction
import androidx.compose.ui.gesture.ScrollCallback
import androidx.compose.ui.gesture.scrollorientationlocking.Orientation
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.AmbientAnimationClock
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock

 * Create and remember [ScrollableController] for [scrollable] with default [FlingConfig] and
 * [AnimationClockObservable]
 * @param interactionState [InteractionState] that will be updated when this scrollable is
 * being scrolled by dragging, using [Interaction.Dragged]. If you want to know whether the fling
 * (or smooth scroll) is in progress, use [ScrollableController.isAnimationRunning].
 * @param consumeScrollDelta callback invoked when scrollable drag/fling/smooth scrolling occurs.
 * The callback receives the delta in pixels. Callers should update their state in this lambda
 * and return amount of delta consumed
fun rememberScrollableController(
    interactionState: InteractionState? = null,
    consumeScrollDelta: (Float) -> Float
): ScrollableController {
    val clocks = AmbientAnimationClock.current.asDisposableClock()
    val flingConfig = defaultFlingConfig()
    return remember(clocks, flingConfig, interactionState) {
        ScrollableController(consumeScrollDelta, flingConfig, clocks, interactionState)

 * Scope used for suspending scroll blocks
interface ScrollScope {
     * Attempts to scroll forward by [pixels] px.
     * @return the amount of the requested scroll that was consumed (that is, how far it scrolled)
    fun scrollBy(pixels: Float): Float

 * Controller to control the [scrollable] modifier with. Contains necessary information about the
 * ongoing fling and provides smooth scrolling capabilities.
 * @param consumeScrollDelta callback invoked when drag/fling/smooth scrolling occurs. The
 * callback receives the delta in pixels. Callers should update their state in this lambda and
 * return the amount of delta consumed
 * @param flingConfig fling configuration to use for flinging
 * @param animationClock animation clock to run flinging and smooth scrolling on
 * @param interactionState [InteractionState] that will be updated when this scrollable is
 * being scrolled by dragging, using [Interaction.Dragged]. If you want to know whether the fling
 * (or smooth scroll) is in progress, use [ScrollableController.isAnimationRunning].
class ScrollableController(
    internal val consumeScrollDelta: (Float) -> Float,
    internal val flingConfig: FlingConfig,
    animationClock: AnimationClockObservable,
    internal val interactionState: InteractionState? = null
) {
     * Smooth scroll by [value] amount of pixels
     * @param value delta to scroll by
     * @param spec [AnimationSpec] to be used for this smooth scrolling
     * @param onEnd lambda to be called when smooth scrolling has ended
    fun smoothScrollBy(
        value: Float,
        spec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SpringSpec(),
        onEnd: (endReason: AnimationEndReason, finishValue: Float) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }
    ) {
        val to = animatedFloat.value + value
        animatedFloat.animateTo(to, anim = spec, onEnd = onEnd)

     * Smooth scroll by [value] pixels.
     * Cancels the currently running scroll, if any, and suspends until the cancellation is
     * complete.
     * @param value delta to scroll by
     * @param spec [AnimationSpec] to be used for this smooth scrolling
     * @return the amount of scroll consumed
    suspend fun smoothScrollBy(
        value: Float,
        spec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring()
    ): Float {
        val animSpec = spec.vectorize(Float.VectorConverter)
        val conv = Float.VectorConverter
        val zeroVector = conv.convertToVector(0f)
        val targetVector = conv.convertToVector(value)
        var previousValue = 0f

        scroll {
            val startTimeMillis = withFrameMillis { it }
            do {
                val finished = withFrameMillis { frameTimeMillis ->
                    val newValue = conv.convertFromVector(
                            playTime = frameTimeMillis - startTimeMillis,
                            start = zeroVector,
                            end = targetVector,
                            // TODO: figure out if/how we should incorporate existing velocity
                            startVelocity = zeroVector
                    val delta = newValue - previousValue
                    val consumed = scrollBy(delta)

                    if (consumed != delta) {
                        previousValue += consumed
                    } else {
                        previousValue = newValue
                        previousValue == value
            } while (!finished)
        return previousValue

    private val scrollControlJob = AtomicReference<Job?>(null)
    private val scrollControlMutex = Mutex()

    private val scrollScope: ScrollScope = object : ScrollScope {
        override fun scrollBy(pixels: Float): Float = consumeScrollDelta(pixels)

     * Call this function to take control of scrolling and gain the ability to send scroll events
     * via [ScrollScope.scrollBy]. All actions that change the logical scroll position must be
     * performed within a [scroll] block (even if they don't call any other methods on this
     * object) in order to guarantee that mutual exclusion is enforced.
     * Cancels the currently running scroll, if any, and suspends until the cancellation is
     * complete.
     * If [scroll] is called from elsewhere, this will be canceled.
    suspend fun scroll(
        block: suspend ScrollScope.() -> Unit
    ): Unit = coroutineScope {
        val currentJob = coroutineContext[Job]
        scrollControlMutex.withLock(currentJob) {
            // TODO: this is a workaround to make isAnimationRunning work for now by considering all
            //  suspend scrolls to be animations
            isAnimationRunningState.value = true
            isAnimationRunningState.value = false

    private val isAnimationRunningState = mutableStateOf(false)

    private val clocksProxy: AnimationClockObservable = object : AnimationClockObservable {
        override fun subscribe(observer: AnimationClockObserver) {
            isAnimationRunningState.value = true

        override fun unsubscribe(observer: AnimationClockObserver) {
            isAnimationRunningState.value = false

     * whether this [ScrollableController] is currently scrolling via [scroll].
     * Note: **all** scrolls initiated via [scroll] are considered to be animations, regardless of
     * whether they are actually performing an animation.  For instance, gestures that perform
     * scrolls via `scroll
    val isAnimationRunning
        get() = isAnimationRunningState.value

     * The current velocity of the fling animation.
     * Useful for handoff between animations
    internal val velocity: Float
        get() = animatedFloat.velocity

     * Stop any ongoing animation, smooth scrolling or fling
     * Call this to stop receiving scrollable deltas in [consumeScrollDelta]
    internal fun stopFlingAnimation() {

     * Stop any ongoing animation, smooth scrolling, fling, or any other scroll occurring via
     * [scroll].
     * Call this to stop receiving scrollable deltas in [consumeScrollDelta]
    fun stopAnimation() {

    private val animatedFloat =
        DeltaAnimatedFloat(0f, clocksProxy, consumeScrollDelta)

     * current position for scrollable
    internal var value: Float
        get() = animatedFloat.value
        set(value) = animatedFloat.snapTo(value)

    internal fun fling(velocity: Float, onScrollEnd: (Float) -> Unit) {
            config = flingConfig,
            startVelocity = velocity,
            onAnimationEnd = { _, _, velocityLeft ->

 * Configure touch scrolling and flinging for the UI element in a single [Orientation].
 * Users should update their state via [ScrollableController.consumeScrollDelta] and reflect
 * their own state in UI when using this component.
 * [ScrollableController] is required for this modifier to work correctly. When constructing
 * [ScrollableController], you must provide a [ScrollableController.consumeScrollDelta] lambda,
 * which will be invoked whenever scroll happens (by gesture input, by smooth scrolling or
 * flinging) with the delta in pixels. The amount of scrolling delta consumed must be returned
 * from this lambda to ensure proper nested scrolling.
 * @sample
 * @param orientation orientation of the scrolling
 * @param controller [ScrollableController] object that is responsible for redirecting scroll
 * deltas to [ScrollableController.consumeScrollDelta] callback and provides smooth scrolling
 * capabilities
 * @param enabled whether or not scrolling in enabled
 * @param reverseDirection reverse the direction of the scroll, so top to bottom scroll will
 * behave like bottom to top and left to right will behave like right to left.
 * @param canScroll callback to indicate whether or not scroll is allowed for given [Direction]
 * @param onScrollStarted callback to be invoked when scroll has started from the certain
 * position on the screen
 * @param onScrollStopped callback to be invoked when scroll stops with amount of velocity
 * unconsumed provided
fun Modifier.scrollable(
    orientation: Orientation,
    controller: ScrollableController,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    reverseDirection: Boolean = false,
    canScroll: (Direction) -> Boolean = { enabled },
    onScrollStarted: (startedPosition: Offset) -> Unit = {},
    onScrollStopped: (velocity: Float) -> Unit = {}
): Modifier = composed(
    factory = {
        onDispose {

        val scrollCallback = object : ScrollCallback {

            override fun onStart(downPosition: Offset) {
                if (enabled) {

            override fun onScroll(scrollDistance: Float): Float {
                if (!enabled) return 0f
                val toConsume = if (reverseDirection) scrollDistance * -1 else scrollDistance
                val consumed = controller.consumeScrollDelta(toConsume)
                controller.value = controller.value + consumed
                return if (reverseDirection) consumed * -1 else consumed

            override fun onCancel() {
                if (enabled) {

            override fun onStop(velocity: Float) {
                if (enabled) {
                        velocity = if (reverseDirection) velocity * -1 else velocity,
                        onScrollEnd = onScrollStopped

            scrollCallback = scrollCallback,
            orientation = orientation,
            canScroll = canScroll,
            startScrollImmediately = controller.isAnimationRunning
    inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
        name = "scrollable"
        properties["orientation"] = orientation
        properties["controller"] = controller
        properties["enabled"] = enabled
        properties["reverseDirection"] = reverseDirection
        properties["canScroll"] = canScroll
        properties["onScrollStarted"] = onScrollStarted
        properties["onScrollStopped"] = onScrollStopped

internal expect fun Modifier.touchScrollable(
    scrollCallback: ScrollCallback,
    orientation: Orientation,
    canScroll: ((Direction) -> Boolean)?,
    startScrollImmediately: Boolean
): Modifier

// TODO(demin): think how we can move touchScrollable/mouseScrollable into commonMain,
//  so Android can support mouse wheel scrolling, and desktop can support touch scrolling.
//  For this we need first to implement different types of PointerInputEvent
//  (to differentiate mouse and touch)
internal expect fun Modifier.mouseScrollable(
    scrollCallback: ScrollCallback,
    orientation: Orientation
): Modifier

private class DeltaAnimatedFloat(
    initial: Float,
    clock: AnimationClockObservable,
    private val onDelta: (Float) -> Float
) : AnimatedFloat(clock, Spring.DefaultDisplacementThreshold) {

    override var value = initial
        set(value) {
            if (isRunning) {
                val delta = value - field
            field = value