
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.compositionLocalOf
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates

 *  An interface allowing a composable to subscribe and unsubscribe to selection changes.
internal interface SelectionRegistrar {
     * The map stored current selection information on each [Selectable]. A selectable can query
     * its selected range using its [Selectable.selectableId]. This field is backed by a
     * [MutableState]. And any composable reading this field will be recomposed once its value
     * changed.
    val subselections: Map<Long, Selection>

     * Subscribe to SelectionContainer selection changes.
     * @param selectable the [Selectable] that is subscribing to this [SelectionRegistrar].
    fun subscribe(selectable: Selectable): Selectable

     * Unsubscribe from SelectionContainer selection changes.
     * @param selectable the [Selectable] that is unsubscribing to this [SelectionRegistrar].
    fun unsubscribe(selectable: Selectable)

     * Return a unique ID for a [Selectable].
     * @see [Selectable.selectableId]
    fun nextSelectableId(): Long

     * When the Global Position of a subscribed [Selectable] changes, this method
     * is called.
    fun notifyPositionChange()

     * Call this method to notify the [SelectionContainer] that the selection has been initiated.
     * Depends on the input, [notifySelectionUpdate] may be called repeatedly after
     * [notifySelectionUpdateStart] is called. And [notifySelectionUpdateEnd] should always be
     * called after selection finished.
     * For example:
     *  1. User long pressed the text and then release. [notifySelectionUpdateStart] should be
     *  called followed by [notifySelectionUpdateEnd] being called once.
     *  2. User long pressed the text and then drag a distance and then release.
     *  [notifySelectionUpdateStart] should be called first after the user long press, and then
     *  [notifySelectionUpdate] is called several times reporting the updates, in the end
     *  [notifySelectionUpdateEnd] is called to finish the selection.
     * @param layoutCoordinates [LayoutCoordinates] of the [Selectable].
     * @param startPosition coordinates of where the selection is initiated.
     * @see notifySelectionUpdate
     * @see notifySelectionUpdateEnd
    fun notifySelectionUpdateStart(
        layoutCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
        startPosition: Offset

     * Call this method to notify the [SelectionContainer] that  the selection has been updated.
     * The caller of this method should make sure that [notifySelectionUpdateStart] is always
     * called once before calling this function. And [notifySelectionUpdateEnd] is always called
     * once after the all updates finished.
     * @param layoutCoordinates [LayoutCoordinates] of the [Selectable].
     * @param startPosition coordinates of where the selection starts.
     * @param endPosition coordinates of where the selection ends.
     * @see notifySelectionUpdateStart
     * @see notifySelectionUpdateEnd
    fun notifySelectionUpdate(
        layoutCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
        startPosition: Offset,
        endPosition: Offset,

     * Call this method to notify the [SelectionContainer] that the selection update has stopped.
     * @see notifySelectionUpdateStart
     * @see notifySelectionUpdate
    fun notifySelectionUpdateEnd()

     * Call this method to notify the [SelectionContainer] that the content of the passed
     * selectable has been changed.
     * @param selectableId the ID of the selectable whose the content has been updated.
    fun notifySelectableChange(selectableId: Long)

    companion object {
         * Representing an invalid ID for [Selectable].
        const val InvalidSelectableId = 0L

 * Helper function that checks if there is a selection on this CoreText.
internal fun SelectionRegistrar?.hasSelection(selectableId: Long): Boolean {
    return this?.subselections?.containsKey(selectableId) ?: false

 * SelectionRegistrar CompositionLocal. Composables that implement selection logic can use this
 * CompositionLocal to get a [SelectionRegistrar] in order to subscribe and unsubscribe to
 * [SelectionRegistrar].
internal val LocalSelectionRegistrar = compositionLocalOf<SelectionRegistrar?> { null }