
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.foundation.text.selection

import androidx.compose.foundation.text.TextLayoutResultProxy
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.findFollowingBreak
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.findParagraphEnd
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.findParagraphStart
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.findPrecedingBreak
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextLayoutResult
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.CommitTextCommand
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.EditCommand
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.OffsetMapping
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.SetSelectionCommand
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue
import androidx.compose.ui.text.style.ResolvedTextDirection

internal class TextPreparedSelectionState {
    // it's set at the start of vertical navigation and used as the preferred value to set a new
    // cursor position.
    var cachedX: Float? = null

    fun resetCachedX() {
        cachedX = null

 * This utility class implements many selection-related operations on text (including basic
 * cursor movements and deletions) and combines them, taking into account how the text was
 * rendered. So, for example, [moveCursorToLineEnd] moves it to the visual line end.
 * For many of these operations, it's particularly important to keep the difference between
 * selection start and selection end. In some systems, they are called "anchor" and "caret"
 * respectively. For example, for selection from scratch, after [moveCursorLeftByWord]
 * [moveCursorRight] will move the left side of the selection, but after [moveCursorRightByWord]
 * the right one.
 * To use it in scope of text fields see [TextFieldPreparedSelection]
internal abstract class BaseTextPreparedSelection<T : BaseTextPreparedSelection<T>>(
    val originalText: AnnotatedString,
    val originalSelection: TextRange,
    val layoutResult: TextLayoutResult?,
    val offsetMapping: OffsetMapping,
    val state: TextPreparedSelectionState
) {
    var selection = originalSelection

    var annotatedString = originalText
    internal val text
        get() = annotatedString.text

    protected inline fun <U> U.apply(resetCachedX: Boolean = true, block: U.() -> Unit): T {
        if (resetCachedX) {
        if (text.isNotEmpty()) {
        return this as T

    protected fun setCursor(offset: Int) {
        setSelection(offset, offset)

    protected fun setSelection(start: Int, end: Int) {
        selection = TextRange(start, end)

    fun selectAll() = apply {
        setSelection(0, text.length)

    fun deselect() = apply {

    fun moveCursorLeft() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

    fun moveCursorRight() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

     * If there is already a selection, collapse it to the left side. Otherwise, execute [or]
    fun collapseLeftOr(or: T.() -> Unit) = apply {
        if (selection.collapsed) {
            or(this as T)
        } else {
            if (isLtr()) {
            } else {

     * If there is already a selection, collapse it to the right side. Otherwise, execute [or]
    fun collapseRightOr(or: T.() -> Unit) = apply {
        if (selection.collapsed) {
            or(this as T)
        } else {
            if (isLtr()) {
            } else {

     * Returns the index of the character break preceding the end of [selection].
    fun getPrecedingCharacterIndex() = annotatedString.text.findPrecedingBreak(selection.end)

     * Returns the index of the character break following the end of [selection]. Returns
     * [NoCharacterFound] if there are no more breaks before the end of the string.
    fun getNextCharacterIndex() = annotatedString.text.findFollowingBreak(selection.end)

    private fun moveCursorPrev() = apply {
        val prev = getPrecedingCharacterIndex()
        if (prev != -1) setCursor(prev)

    private fun moveCursorNext() = apply {
        val next = getNextCharacterIndex()
        if (next != -1) setCursor(next)

    fun moveCursorToHome() = apply {

    fun moveCursorToEnd() = apply {

    fun moveCursorLeftByWord() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

    fun moveCursorRightByWord() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

    fun getNextWordOffset(): Int? = layoutResult?.getNextWordOffsetForLayout()

    private fun moveCursorNextByWord() = apply {
        getNextWordOffset()?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun getPreviousWordOffset(): Int? = layoutResult?.getPrevWordOffset()

    private fun moveCursorPrevByWord() = apply {
        getPreviousWordOffset()?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun moveCursorPrevByParagraph() = apply {

    fun moveCursorNextByParagraph() = apply {

    fun moveCursorUpByLine() = apply(false) {
        layoutResult?.jumpByLinesOffset(-1)?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun moveCursorDownByLine() = apply(false) {
        layoutResult?.jumpByLinesOffset(1)?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun getLineStartByOffset(): Int? = layoutResult?.getLineStartByOffsetForLayout()

    fun moveCursorToLineStart() = apply {
        getLineStartByOffset()?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun getLineEndByOffset(): Int? = layoutResult?.getLineEndByOffsetForLayout()

    fun moveCursorToLineEnd() = apply {
        getLineEndByOffset()?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun moveCursorToLineLeftSide() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

    fun moveCursorToLineRightSide() = apply {
        if (isLtr()) {
        } else {

    // it selects a text from the original selection start to a current selection end
    fun selectMovement() = apply(false) {
        selection = TextRange(originalSelection.start, selection.end)

    private fun isLtr(): Boolean {
        val direction = layoutResult?.getParagraphDirection(selection.end)
        return direction != ResolvedTextDirection.Rtl

    private fun TextLayoutResult.getNextWordOffsetForLayout(
        currentOffset: Int = transformedEndOffset()
    ): Int {
        if (currentOffset >= originalText.length) {
            return originalText.length
        val currentWord = getWordBoundary(charOffset(currentOffset))
        return if (currentWord.end <= currentOffset) {
            getNextWordOffsetForLayout(currentOffset + 1)
        } else {

    private fun TextLayoutResult.getPrevWordOffset(
        currentOffset: Int = transformedEndOffset()
    ): Int {
        if (currentOffset < 0) {
            return 0
        val currentWord = getWordBoundary(charOffset(currentOffset))
        return if (currentWord.start >= currentOffset) {
            getPrevWordOffset(currentOffset - 1)
        } else {

    private fun TextLayoutResult.getLineStartByOffsetForLayout(
        currentOffset: Int = transformedMinOffset()
    ): Int {
        val currentLine = getLineForOffset(currentOffset)
        return offsetMapping.transformedToOriginal(getLineStart(currentLine))

    private fun TextLayoutResult.getLineEndByOffsetForLayout(
        currentOffset: Int = transformedMaxOffset()
    ): Int {
        val currentLine = getLineForOffset(currentOffset)
        return offsetMapping.transformedToOriginal(getLineEnd(currentLine, true))

    private fun TextLayoutResult.jumpByLinesOffset(linesAmount: Int): Int {
        val currentOffset = transformedEndOffset()

        if (state.cachedX == null) {
            state.cachedX = getCursorRect(currentOffset).left

        val targetLine = getLineForOffset(currentOffset) + linesAmount
        when {
            targetLine < 0 -> {
                return 0
            targetLine >= lineCount -> {
                return text.length

        val y = getLineBottom(targetLine) - 1
        val x = state.cachedX!!.also {
            if ((isLtr() && it >= getLineRight(targetLine)) ||
                (!isLtr() && it <= getLineLeft(targetLine))
            ) {
                return getLineEnd(targetLine, true)

        val newOffset = getOffsetForPosition(Offset(x, y)).let {

        return newOffset

    private fun transformedEndOffset(): Int {
        return offsetMapping.originalToTransformed(selection.end)

    private fun transformedMinOffset(): Int {
        return offsetMapping.originalToTransformed(selection.min)

    private fun transformedMaxOffset(): Int {
        return offsetMapping.originalToTransformed(selection.max)

    private fun charOffset(offset: Int) =
        offset.coerceAtMost(text.length - 1)

    private fun getParagraphStart() = text.findParagraphStart(selection.min)

    private fun getParagraphEnd() = text.findParagraphEnd(selection.max)

    companion object {
         * Value returned by [getNextCharacterIndex] and [getPrecedingCharacterIndex] when no valid
         * index could be found, e.g. it would be the end of the string.
         * This is equivalent to `BreakIterator.DONE` on JVM/Android.
        const val NoCharacterFound = -1

internal class TextPreparedSelection(
    originalText: AnnotatedString,
    originalSelection: TextRange,
    layoutResult: TextLayoutResult? = null,
    offsetMapping: OffsetMapping = OffsetMapping.Identity,
    state: TextPreparedSelectionState = TextPreparedSelectionState()
) : BaseTextPreparedSelection<TextPreparedSelection>(
    originalText = originalText,
    originalSelection = originalSelection,
    layoutResult = layoutResult,
    offsetMapping = offsetMapping,
    state = state

internal class TextFieldPreparedSelection(
    val currentValue: TextFieldValue,
    offsetMapping: OffsetMapping = OffsetMapping.Identity,
    val layoutResultProxy: TextLayoutResultProxy?,
    state: TextPreparedSelectionState = TextPreparedSelectionState()
) : BaseTextPreparedSelection<TextFieldPreparedSelection>(
    originalText = currentValue.annotatedString,
    originalSelection = currentValue.selection,
    offsetMapping = offsetMapping,
    layoutResult = layoutResultProxy?.value,
    state = state
) {
    val value
        get() = currentValue.copy(
            annotatedString = annotatedString,
            selection = selection

    fun deleteIfSelectedOr(or: TextFieldPreparedSelection.() -> EditCommand?): List<EditCommand>? {
        return if (selection.collapsed) {
            or(this)?.let {
        } else {
                CommitTextCommand("", 0),
                SetSelectionCommand(selection.min, selection.min)

    fun moveCursorUpByPage() = apply(false) {
        layoutResultProxy?.jumpByPagesOffset(-1)?.let { setCursor(it) }

    fun moveCursorDownByPage() = apply(false) {
        layoutResultProxy?.jumpByPagesOffset(1)?.let { setCursor(it) }

     * Returns a cursor position after jumping back or forth by [pagesAmount] number of pages,
     * where `page` is the visible amount of space in the text field
    private fun TextLayoutResultProxy.jumpByPagesOffset(pagesAmount: Int): Int {
        val visibleInnerTextFieldRect = innerTextFieldCoordinates?.let { inner ->
        } ?: Rect.Zero
        val currentOffset = offsetMapping.originalToTransformed(currentValue.selection.end)
        val currentPos = value.getCursorRect(currentOffset)
        val x = currentPos.left
        val y = currentPos.top + visibleInnerTextFieldRect.size.height * pagesAmount
        return offsetMapping.transformedToOriginal(
            value.getOffsetForPosition(Offset(x, y))