
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.MutableVector
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.constrainHeight
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.constrainWidth
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.math.sign

internal fun LazyLayoutMeasureScope.measureStaggeredGrid(
    state: LazyStaggeredGridState,
    itemProvider: LazyLayoutItemProvider,
    resolvedSlotSums: IntArray,
    constraints: Constraints,
    isVertical: Boolean,
    contentOffset: IntOffset,
    mainAxisAvailableSize: Int,
    mainAxisSpacing: Int,
    crossAxisSpacing: Int,
    beforeContentPadding: Int,
    afterContentPadding: Int,
): LazyStaggeredGridMeasureResult {
    val context = LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext(
        state = state,
        itemProvider = itemProvider,
        resolvedSlotSums = resolvedSlotSums,
        constraints = constraints,
        isVertical = isVertical,
        contentOffset = contentOffset,
        mainAxisAvailableSize = mainAxisAvailableSize,
        beforeContentPadding = beforeContentPadding,
        afterContentPadding = afterContentPadding,
        mainAxisSpacing = mainAxisSpacing,
        crossAxisSpacing = crossAxisSpacing,
        measureScope = this,

    val initialItemIndices: IntArray
    val initialItemOffsets: IntArray

    Snapshot.withoutReadObservation {
        val firstVisibleIndices = state.scrollPosition.indices
        val firstVisibleOffsets = state.scrollPosition.offsets

        initialItemIndices =
            if (firstVisibleIndices.size == resolvedSlotSums.size) {
            } else {
                // Grid got resized (or we are in a initial state)
                // Adjust indices accordingly
                IntArray(resolvedSlotSums.size).apply {
                    // Try to adjust indices in case grid got resized
                    for (lane in indices) {
                        this[lane] = if (lane < firstVisibleIndices.size) {
                        } else {
                            if (lane == 0) {
                            } else {
                                context.findNextItemIndex(this[lane - 1], lane)
                        // Ensure spans are updated to be in correct range
                        context.spans.setSpan(this[lane], lane)
        initialItemOffsets =
            if (firstVisibleOffsets.size == resolvedSlotSums.size) {
            } else {
                // Grid got resized (or we are in a initial state)
                // Adjust offsets accordingly
                IntArray(resolvedSlotSums.size).apply {
                    // Adjust offsets to match previously set ones
                    for (lane in indices) {
                        this[lane] = if (lane < firstVisibleOffsets.size) {
                        } else {
                            if (lane == 0) 0 else this[lane - 1]

    return context.measure(
        initialScrollDelta = state.scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt(),
        initialItemIndices = initialItemIndices,
        initialItemOffsets = initialItemOffsets,
        canRestartMeasure = true,

private class LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext(
    val state: LazyStaggeredGridState,
    val itemProvider: LazyLayoutItemProvider,
    val resolvedSlotSums: IntArray,
    val constraints: Constraints,
    val isVertical: Boolean,
    val measureScope: LazyLayoutMeasureScope,
    val mainAxisAvailableSize: Int,
    val contentOffset: IntOffset,
    val beforeContentPadding: Int,
    val afterContentPadding: Int,
    val mainAxisSpacing: Int,
    val crossAxisSpacing: Int,
) {
    val measuredItemProvider = LazyStaggeredGridMeasureProvider(
    ) { index, lane, key, placeables ->
        val isLastInLane = spans.findNextItemIndex(index, lane) >= itemProvider.itemCount
            if (isLastInLane) 0 else mainAxisSpacing

    val spans = state.spans

private fun LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext.measure(
    initialScrollDelta: Int,
    initialItemIndices: IntArray,
    initialItemOffsets: IntArray,
    canRestartMeasure: Boolean,
): LazyStaggeredGridMeasureResult {
    with(measureScope) {
        val itemCount = itemProvider.itemCount

        if (itemCount <= 0 || resolvedSlotSums.isEmpty()) {
            return LazyStaggeredGridMeasureResult(
                firstVisibleItemIndices = initialItemIndices,
                firstVisibleItemScrollOffsets = initialItemOffsets,
                consumedScroll = 0f,
                measureResult = layout(constraints.minWidth, constraints.minHeight) {},
                canScrollForward = false,
                canScrollBackward = false,
                visibleItemsInfo = emptyList(),
                totalItemsCount = itemCount,
                viewportSize = IntSize(constraints.minWidth, constraints.minHeight),
                viewportStartOffset = -beforeContentPadding,
                viewportEndOffset = mainAxisAvailableSize + afterContentPadding,
                beforeContentPadding = beforeContentPadding,
                afterContentPadding = afterContentPadding

        // represents the real amount of scroll we applied as a result of this measure pass.
        var scrollDelta = initialScrollDelta

        val firstItemIndices = initialItemIndices.copyOf()
        val firstItemOffsets = initialItemOffsets.copyOf()

        // update spans in case item count is lower than before
        ensureIndicesInRange(firstItemIndices, itemCount)

        // applying the whole requested scroll offset. we will figure out if we can't consume
        // all of it later

        // this will contain all the MeasuredItems representing the visible items
        val measuredItems = Array(resolvedSlotSums.size) {

        // include the start padding so we compose items in the padding area. before starting
        // scrolling forward we would remove it back

        fun hasSpaceBeforeFirst(): Boolean {
            for (lane in firstItemIndices.indices) {
                val itemIndex = firstItemIndices[lane]
                val itemOffset = firstItemOffsets[lane]

                if (itemOffset < -mainAxisSpacing && itemIndex > 0) {
                    return true

            return false

        var laneToCheckForGaps = -1

        // we had scrolled backward or we compose items in the start padding area, which means
        // items before current firstItemScrollOffset should be visible. compose them and update
        // firstItemScrollOffset
        while (hasSpaceBeforeFirst()) {
            val laneIndex = firstItemOffsets.indexOfMinValue()
            val previousItemIndex = findPreviousItemIndex(
                item = firstItemIndices[laneIndex],
                lane = laneIndex

            if (previousItemIndex < 0) {
                laneToCheckForGaps = laneIndex

            if (spans.getSpan(previousItemIndex) == LazyStaggeredGridSpans.Unset) {
                spans.setSpan(previousItemIndex, laneIndex)

            val measuredItem = measuredItemProvider.getAndMeasure(

            firstItemIndices[laneIndex] = previousItemIndex
            firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings

        fun misalignedStart(referenceLane: Int): Boolean {
            // If we scrolled past the first item in the lane, we have a point of reference
            // to re-align items.
            val laneRange = firstItemIndices.indices

            // Case 1: Each lane has laid out all items, but offsets do no match
            val misalignedOffsets = laneRange.any { lane ->
                findPreviousItemIndex(firstItemIndices[lane], lane) == -1 &&
                    firstItemOffsets[lane] != firstItemOffsets[referenceLane]
            // Case 2: Some lanes are still missing items, and there's no space left to place them
            val moreItemsInOtherLanes = laneRange.any { lane ->
                findPreviousItemIndex(firstItemIndices[lane], lane) != -1 &&
                    firstItemOffsets[lane] >= firstItemOffsets[referenceLane]
            // Case 3: the first item is in the wrong lane (it should always be in
            // the first one)
            val firstItemInWrongLane = spans.getSpan(0) != 0
            // If items are not aligned, reset all measurement data we gathered before and
            // proceed with initial measure
            return misalignedOffsets || moreItemsInOtherLanes || firstItemInWrongLane

        // define min offset (currently includes beforeContentPadding)
        val minOffset = -beforeContentPadding

        // we scrolled backward, but there were not enough items to fill the start. this means
        // some amount of scroll should be left over
        if (firstItemOffsets[0] < minOffset) {
            scrollDelta += firstItemOffsets[0]
            firstItemOffsets.offsetBy(minOffset - firstItemOffsets[0])

        // neutralize previously added start padding as we stopped filling the before content padding

        laneToCheckForGaps =
            if (laneToCheckForGaps == -1) firstItemIndices.indexOf(0) else laneToCheckForGaps

        // re-check if columns are aligned after measure
        if (laneToCheckForGaps != -1) {
            val lane = laneToCheckForGaps
            if (misalignedStart(lane) && canRestartMeasure) {
                return measure(
                    initialScrollDelta = scrollDelta,
                    initialItemIndices = IntArray(firstItemIndices.size) { -1 },
                    initialItemOffsets = IntArray(firstItemOffsets.size) {
                    canRestartMeasure = false

        val currentItemIndices = initialItemIndices.copyOf().apply {
            // ensure indices match item count, in case it decreased
            ensureIndicesInRange(this, itemCount)
        val currentItemOffsets = IntArray(initialItemOffsets.size) {
            -(initialItemOffsets[it] - scrollDelta)

        val maxOffset = (mainAxisAvailableSize + afterContentPadding).coerceAtLeast(0)

        // compose first visible items we received from state
        currentItemIndices.forEachIndexed { laneIndex, itemIndex ->
            if (itemIndex < 0) return@forEachIndexed

            val measuredItem = measuredItemProvider.getAndMeasure(itemIndex, laneIndex)
            currentItemOffsets[laneIndex] += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings

            spans.setSpan(itemIndex, laneIndex)

        // then composing visible items forward until we fill the whole viewport.
        // we want to have at least one item in visibleItems even if in fact all the items are
        // offscreen, this can happen if the content padding is larger than the available size.
        while (
            currentItemOffsets.any { it <= maxOffset } || measuredItems.all { it.isEmpty() }
        ) {
            val currentLaneIndex = currentItemOffsets.indexOfMinValue()
            val nextItemIndex =
                findNextItemIndex(currentItemIndices[currentLaneIndex], currentLaneIndex)

            if (nextItemIndex >= itemCount) {
                // if any items changed its size, the spans may not behave correctly
                // there are no more items in this lane, but there could be more in others
                // recheck if we can add more items and reset spans accordingly
                var missedItemIndex = Int.MAX_VALUE
                currentItemIndices.forEachIndexed { laneIndex, i ->
                    if (laneIndex == currentLaneIndex) return@forEachIndexed
                    var itemIndex = findNextItemIndex(i, laneIndex)
                    while (itemIndex < itemCount) {
                        missedItemIndex = minOf(itemIndex, missedItemIndex)
                        spans.setSpan(itemIndex, LazyStaggeredGridSpans.Unset)
                        itemIndex = findNextItemIndex(itemIndex, laneIndex)
                // there's at least one missed item which may fit current lane
                if (missedItemIndex != Int.MAX_VALUE && canRestartMeasure) {
                    // reset current lane to the missed item index and restart measure
                    initialItemIndices[currentLaneIndex] =
                        min(initialItemIndices[currentLaneIndex], missedItemIndex)
                    return measure(
                        initialScrollDelta = initialScrollDelta,
                        initialItemIndices = initialItemIndices,
                        initialItemOffsets = initialItemOffsets,
                        canRestartMeasure = false
                } else {

            if (firstItemIndices[currentLaneIndex] == -1) {
                firstItemIndices[currentLaneIndex] = nextItemIndex
            spans.setSpan(nextItemIndex, currentLaneIndex)

            val measuredItem =
                measuredItemProvider.getAndMeasure(nextItemIndex, currentLaneIndex)
            currentItemOffsets[currentLaneIndex] += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
            currentItemIndices[currentLaneIndex] = nextItemIndex

        // some measured items are offscreen, remove them from the list and adjust indices/offsets
        for (laneIndex in measuredItems.indices) {
            val laneItems = measuredItems[laneIndex]
            var offset = currentItemOffsets[laneIndex]
            var inBoundsIndex = 0
            for (i in laneItems.lastIndex downTo 0) {
                val item = laneItems[i]
                offset -= item.sizeWithSpacings
                inBoundsIndex = i
                if (offset <= minOffset + mainAxisSpacing) {

            // the rest of the items are offscreen, update firstIndex/Offset for lane and remove
            // items from measured list
            for (i in 0 until inBoundsIndex) {
                val item = laneItems.removeFirst()
                firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] -= item.sizeWithSpacings
            if (laneItems.isNotEmpty()) {
                firstItemIndices[laneIndex] = laneItems.first().index

        // we didn't fill the whole viewport with items starting from firstVisibleItemIndex.
        // lets try to scroll back if we have enough items before firstVisibleItemIndex.
        if (currentItemOffsets.all { it < mainAxisAvailableSize }) {
            val maxOffsetLane = currentItemOffsets.indexOfMaxValue()
            val toScrollBack = mainAxisAvailableSize - currentItemOffsets[maxOffsetLane]
            while (
                firstItemOffsets.any { it < beforeContentPadding }
            ) {
                val laneIndex = firstItemOffsets.indexOfMinValue()
                val currentIndex =
                    if (firstItemIndices[laneIndex] == -1) {
                    } else {

                val previousIndex =
                    findPreviousItemIndex(currentIndex, laneIndex)

                if (previousIndex < 0) {
                    if (misalignedStart(laneIndex) && canRestartMeasure) {
                        return measure(
                            initialScrollDelta = scrollDelta,
                            initialItemIndices = IntArray(firstItemIndices.size) { -1 },
                            initialItemOffsets = IntArray(firstItemOffsets.size) {
                            canRestartMeasure = false

                spans.setSpan(previousIndex, laneIndex)

                val measuredItem = measuredItemProvider.getAndMeasure(
                firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
                firstItemIndices[laneIndex] = previousIndex
            scrollDelta += toScrollBack

            val minOffsetLane = firstItemOffsets.indexOfMinValue()
            if (firstItemOffsets[minOffsetLane] < 0) {
                val offsetValue = firstItemOffsets[minOffsetLane]
                scrollDelta += offsetValue

        // report the amount of pixels we consumed. scrollDelta can be smaller than
        // scrollToBeConsumed if there were not enough items to fill the offered space or it
        // can be larger if items were resized, or if, for example, we were previously
        // displaying the item 15, but now we have only 10 items in total in the data set.
        val consumedScroll = if (
            state.scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt().sign == scrollDelta.sign &&
            abs(state.scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt()) >= abs(scrollDelta)
        ) {
        } else {

        val itemScrollOffsets = firstItemOffsets.copyOf().transform { -it }
        // even if we compose items to fill before content padding we should ignore items fully
        // located there for the state's scroll position calculation (first item + first offset)
        if (beforeContentPadding > 0) {
            for (laneIndex in measuredItems.indices) {
                val laneItems = measuredItems[laneIndex]
                for (i in laneItems.indices) {
                    val size = laneItems[i].sizeWithSpacings
                    if (
                        i != laneItems.lastIndex &&
                        firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] != 0 &&
                        firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] >= size
                    ) {
                        firstItemOffsets[laneIndex] -= size
                        firstItemIndices[laneIndex] = laneItems[i + 1].index
                    } else {

        // end measure

        val layoutWidth = if (isVertical) {
        } else {
        val layoutHeight = if (isVertical) {
        } else {

        // Placement
        val positionedItems = MutableVector<LazyStaggeredGridPositionedItem>(
            capacity = measuredItems.sumOf { it.size }
        while (measuredItems.any { it.isNotEmpty() }) {
            // find the next item to position
            val laneIndex = measuredItems.indexOfMinBy {
                it.firstOrNull()?.index ?: Int.MAX_VALUE
            val item = measuredItems[laneIndex].removeFirst()

            // todo(b/182882362): arrangement support
            val mainAxisOffset = itemScrollOffsets[laneIndex]
            val crossAxisOffset =
                if (laneIndex == 0) {
                } else {
                    resolvedSlotSums[laneIndex - 1] + crossAxisSpacing * laneIndex

            positionedItems += item.position(laneIndex, mainAxisOffset, crossAxisOffset)
            itemScrollOffsets[laneIndex] += item.sizeWithSpacings

        // todo: reverse layout support

        // End placement

        // only scroll backward if the first item is not on screen or fully visible
        val canScrollBackward = !(firstItemIndices[0] == 0 && firstItemOffsets[0] <= 0)
        // only scroll forward if the last item is not on screen or fully visible
        val canScrollForward = currentItemOffsets.any { it > mainAxisAvailableSize }

        return LazyStaggeredGridMeasureResult(
            firstVisibleItemIndices = firstItemIndices,
            firstVisibleItemScrollOffsets = firstItemOffsets,
            consumedScroll = consumedScroll,
            measureResult = layout(layoutWidth, layoutHeight) {
                positionedItems.forEach { item ->
            canScrollForward = canScrollForward,
            canScrollBackward = canScrollBackward,
            visibleItemsInfo = positionedItems.asMutableList(),
            totalItemsCount = itemCount,
            viewportSize = IntSize(layoutWidth, layoutHeight),
            viewportStartOffset = minOffset,
            viewportEndOffset = maxOffset,
            beforeContentPadding = beforeContentPadding,
            afterContentPadding = afterContentPadding

private fun IntArray.offsetBy(delta: Int) {
    for (i in indices) {
        this[i] = this[i] + delta

internal fun IntArray.indexOfMinValue(): Int {
    var result = -1
    var min = Int.MAX_VALUE
    for (i in indices) {
        if (min > this[i]) {
            min = this[i]
            result = i

    return result

private inline fun <T> Array<T>.indexOfMinBy(block: (T) -> Int): Int {
    var result = -1
    var min = Int.MAX_VALUE
    for (i in indices) {
        val value = block(this[i])
        if (min > value) {
            min = value
            result = i

    return result

private fun IntArray.indexOfMaxValue(): Int {
    var result = -1
    var max = Int.MIN_VALUE
    for (i in indices) {
        if (max < this[i]) {
            max = this[i]
            result = i

    return result

private inline fun IntArray.transform(block: (Int) -> Int): IntArray {
    for (i in indices) {
        this[i] = block(this[i])
    return this

private fun LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext.ensureIndicesInRange(
    indices: IntArray,
    itemCount: Int
) {
    // reverse traverse to make sure last items are recorded to the latter lanes
    for (i in indices.indices.reversed()) {
        while (indices[i] >= itemCount) {
            indices[i] = findPreviousItemIndex(indices[i], i)
        if (indices[i] != -1) {
            // reserve item for span
            spans.setSpan(indices[i], i)

private fun LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext.findPreviousItemIndex(item: Int, lane: Int): Int =
    spans.findPreviousItemIndex(item, lane)

private fun LazyStaggeredGridMeasureContext.findNextItemIndex(item: Int, lane: Int): Int =
    spans.findNextItemIndex(item, lane)

private class LazyStaggeredGridMeasureProvider(
    private val isVertical: Boolean,
    private val itemProvider: LazyLayoutItemProvider,
    private val measureScope: LazyLayoutMeasureScope,
    private val resolvedSlotSums: IntArray,
    private val measuredItemFactory: MeasuredItemFactory
) {
    private fun childConstraints(slot: Int): Constraints {
        val previousSum = if (slot == 0) 0 else resolvedSlotSums[slot - 1]
        val crossAxisSize = resolvedSlotSums[slot] - previousSum
        return if (isVertical) {
        } else {

    fun getAndMeasure(index: Int, lane: Int): LazyStaggeredGridMeasuredItem {
        val key = itemProvider.getKey(index)
        val placeables = measureScope.measure(index, childConstraints(lane))
        return measuredItemFactory.createItem(index, lane, key, placeables)

// This interface allows to avoid autoboxing on index param
private fun interface MeasuredItemFactory {
    fun createItem(
        index: Int,
        lane: Int,
        key: Any,
        placeables: List<Placeable>
    ): LazyStaggeredGridMeasuredItem

private class LazyStaggeredGridMeasuredItem(
    val index: Int,
    val key: Any,
    val placeables: List<Placeable>,
    val isVertical: Boolean,
    val contentOffset: IntOffset,
    val spacing: Int
) {
    val mainAxisSize: Int = placeables.fastFold(0) { size, placeable ->
        size + if (isVertical) placeable.height else placeable.width

    val sizeWithSpacings: Int = (mainAxisSize + spacing).coerceAtLeast(0)

    val crossAxisSize: Int = placeables.fastMaxOfOrNull {
        if (isVertical) it.width else it.height

    fun position(
        lane: Int,
        mainAxis: Int,
        crossAxis: Int,
    ): LazyStaggeredGridPositionedItem =
            offset = if (isVertical) {
                IntOffset(crossAxis, mainAxis)
            } else {
                IntOffset(mainAxis, crossAxis)
            lane = lane,
            index = index,
            key = key,
            size = IntSize(sizeWithSpacings, crossAxisSize),
            placeables = placeables,
            contentOffset = contentOffset,
            isVertical = isVertical

private class LazyStaggeredGridPositionedItem(
    override val offset: IntOffset,
    override val index: Int,
    override val lane: Int,
    override val key: Any,
    override val size: IntSize,
    private val placeables: List<Placeable>,
    private val contentOffset: IntOffset,
    private val isVertical: Boolean
) : LazyStaggeredGridItemInfo {
    fun place(scope: Placeable.PlacementScope) = with(scope) {
        placeables.fastForEach { placeable ->
            if (isVertical) {
                placeable.placeWithLayer(offset + contentOffset)
            } else {
                placeable.placeRelativeWithLayer(offset + contentOffset)