
 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material

import androidx.compose.animation.animate
import androidx.compose.animation.core.FloatPropKey
import androidx.compose.animation.core.TransitionSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.animation.core.snap
import androidx.compose.animation.core.transitionDefinition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.animation.transition
import androidx.compose.material.ripple.RippleIndication
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Radius
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.util.lerp

 * A component that represents two states (checked / unchecked).
 * @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.CheckboxSample
 * @see [TriStateCheckbox] if you require support for an indeterminate state, or more advanced
 * color customization between states.
 * @param checked whether Checkbox is checked or unchecked
 * @param onCheckedChange callback to be invoked when checkbox is being clicked,
 * therefore the change of checked state in requested.
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the layout of the checkbox
 * @param enabled enabled whether or not this [Checkbox] will handle input events and appear
 * enabled for semantics purposes
 * @param interactionState the [InteractionState] representing the different [Interaction]s
 * present on this Checkbox. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [InteractionState] if you want to read the [InteractionState] and customize the appearance /
 * behavior of this Checkbox in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param checkedColor color of the box of the Checkbox when [checked]. See
 * [TriStateCheckbox] to fully customize the color of the checkmark / box / border in different
 * states.
 * @param uncheckedColor color of the border of the Checkbox when not [checked]. See
 * [TriStateCheckbox] to fully customize the color of the checkmark / box / border in different
 * states.
fun Checkbox(
    checked: Boolean,
    onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionState: InteractionState = remember { InteractionState() },
    checkedColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary,
    uncheckedColor: Color = CheckboxConstants.defaultUncheckedColor
) {
        state = ToggleableState(checked),
        onClick = { onCheckedChange(!checked) },
        interactionState = interactionState,
        enabled = enabled,
        boxColor = CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBoxColor(
            state = ToggleableState(checked),
            enabled = enabled,
            checkedColor = checkedColor
        borderColor = CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBorderColor(
            state = ToggleableState(checked),
            enabled = enabled,
            checkedColor = checkedColor,
            uncheckedColor = uncheckedColor
        modifier = modifier

 * A TriStateCheckbox is a toggleable component that provides
 * checked / unchecked / indeterminate options.
 * <p>
 * A TriStateCheckbox should be used when there are
 * dependent checkboxes associated to this component and those can have different values.
 * @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.TriStateCheckboxSample
 * @see [Checkbox] if you want a simple component that represents Boolean state
 * @param state whether TriStateCheckbox is checked, unchecked or in indeterminate state
 * @param onClick callback to be invoked when checkbox is being clicked,
 * therefore the change of ToggleableState state is requested.
 * @param modifier Modifier to be applied to the layout of the checkbox
 * @param enabled whether or not this [TriStateCheckbox] will handle input events and
 * appear enabled for semantics purposes
 * @param interactionState the [InteractionState] representing the different [Interaction]s
 * present on this TriStateCheckbox. You can create and pass in your own remembered
 * [InteractionState] if you want to read the [InteractionState] and customize the appearance /
 * behavior of this TriStateCheckbox in different [Interaction]s.
 * @param checkMarkColor color of the check mark of the [TriStateCheckbox]. See
 * [CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultCheckmarkColor] for customizing the check mark color in
 * different [state]s.
 * @param boxColor background color of the box containing the checkmark. See
 * [CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBoxColor] for customizing the box color in different [state]s,
 * such as when [ToggleableState.On] or not [enabled].
 * @param borderColor color of the border of the box containing the checkmark. See
 * [CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBorderColor] for customizing the border color in different
 * [state]s, such as when [ToggleableState.On] or not [enabled].
fun TriStateCheckbox(
    state: ToggleableState,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionState: InteractionState = remember { InteractionState() },
    checkMarkColor: Color = CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultCheckmarkColor(state),
    boxColor: Color = CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBoxColor(state, enabled),
    borderColor: Color = CheckboxConstants.animateDefaultBorderColor(state, enabled)
) {
        value = state,
        modifier = modifier
                state = state,
                onClick = onClick,
                enabled = enabled,
                interactionState = interactionState,
                indication = RippleIndication(bounded = false, radius = CheckboxRippleRadius)
        checkColor = checkMarkColor,
        boxColor = boxColor,
        borderColor = borderColor

 * Constants used in [Checkbox] and [TriStateCheckbox].
object CheckboxConstants {

     * Represents the default color used for the checkmark in a [Checkbox] or [TriStateCheckbox]
     * as it animates between states.
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
     * @param checkedColor the color to use for the checkmark when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.On].
     * @param uncheckedColor the color to use for the checkmark when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.Off] - this is typically transparent, as no checkmark should be displayed
     * in this state.
     * @return the [Color] representing the checkmark color
    fun animateDefaultCheckmarkColor(
        state: ToggleableState,
        checkedColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
        uncheckedColor: Color = checkedColor.copy(alpha = 0f)
    ): Color {
        val target = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) uncheckedColor else checkedColor

        val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
        return animate(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))

     * Represents the default color used for the background of the box in a [Checkbox] or
     * [TriStateCheckbox] as it animates between states.
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
     * @param enabled whether the checkbox is enabled
     * @param checkedColor the color to use for the background of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.On].
     * @param uncheckedColor the color to use for the background of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.Off] - this is typically transparent.
     * @param disabledCheckedColor the color to use for the background of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.On] and not [enabled].
     * @param disabledUncheckedColor the color to use for the background of the box when the
     * Checkbox is [ToggleableState.Off] and not [enabled].
     * @param disabledIndeterminateColor the color to use for the background of the box when the
     * Checkbox is [ToggleableState.Indeterminate] and not [enabled].
     * @return the [Color] representing the background color of the box
    fun animateDefaultBoxColor(
        state: ToggleableState,
        enabled: Boolean,
        checkedColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary,
        uncheckedColor: Color = checkedColor.copy(alpha = 0f),
        disabledCheckedColor: Color = defaultDisabledColor,
        disabledUncheckedColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
        disabledIndeterminateColor: Color = defaultDisabledIndeterminateColor(checkedColor)
    ): Color {
        val target = if (enabled) {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On, ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> checkedColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> uncheckedColor
        } else {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On -> disabledCheckedColor
                ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> disabledIndeterminateColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> disabledUncheckedColor

        // If not enabled 'snap' to the disabled state, as there should be no animations between
        // enabled / disabled.
        return if (enabled) {
            val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
            animate(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))
        } else {

     * Represents the default color used for the border of the box in a [Checkbox] or
     * [TriStateCheckbox]s as it animates between states.
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
     * @param enabled whether the checkbox is enabled
     * @param checkedColor the color to use for the border of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.On].
     * @param uncheckedColor the color to use for the border of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.Off].
     * @param disabledColor the color to use for the border of the box when the Checkbox is
     * [ToggleableState.On] or [ToggleableState.Off], and not [enabled].
     * @param disabledIndeterminateColor the color to use for the border of the box when the
     * Checkbox is [ToggleableState.Indeterminate] and not [enabled].
     * @return the [Color] representing the border color of the box
    fun animateDefaultBorderColor(
        state: ToggleableState,
        enabled: Boolean,
        checkedColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary,
        uncheckedColor: Color = defaultUncheckedColor,
        disabledColor: Color = defaultDisabledColor,
        disabledIndeterminateColor: Color = defaultDisabledIndeterminateColor(checkedColor)
    ): Color {
        val target = if (enabled) {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On, ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> checkedColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> uncheckedColor
        } else {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> disabledIndeterminateColor
                ToggleableState.On, ToggleableState.Off -> disabledColor

        // If not enabled 'snap' to the disabled state, as there should be no animations between
        // enabled / disabled.
        return if (enabled) {
            val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
            animate(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))
        } else {

     * Default color that will be used for a Checkbox when unchecked
    val defaultUncheckedColor: Color
        get() = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.6f)

     * Default color that will be used for a Checkbox when disabled
    val defaultDisabledColor: Color
        get() = AmbientEmphasisLevels.current.disabled.applyEmphasis(MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface)

     * Default color that will be used for [TriStateCheckbox] when disabled and in a
     * [ToggleableState.Indeterminate] state.
    fun defaultDisabledIndeterminateColor(checkedColor: Color): Color {
        return AmbientEmphasisLevels.current.disabled.applyEmphasis(checkedColor)

private fun CheckboxImpl(
    value: ToggleableState,
    modifier: Modifier,
    checkColor: Color,
    boxColor: Color,
    borderColor: Color
) {
    val state = transition(definition = TransitionDefinition, toState = value)
    val checkCache = remember { CheckDrawingCache() }
    Canvas(modifier.wrapContentSize(Alignment.Center).size(CheckboxSize)) {
        val strokeWidthPx = StrokeWidth.toPx()
            boxColor = boxColor,
            borderColor = borderColor,
            radius = RadiusSize.toPx(),
            strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx
            checkColor = checkColor,
            checkFraction = state[CheckDrawFraction],
            crossCenterGravitation = state[CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction],
            strokeWidthPx = strokeWidthPx,
            drawingCache = checkCache

private fun DrawScope.drawBox(
    boxColor: Color,
    borderColor: Color,
    radius: Float,
    strokeWidth: Float
) {
    val halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2.0f
    val stroke = Stroke(strokeWidth)
    val checkboxSize = size.width
        topLeft = Offset(strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
        size = Size(checkboxSize - strokeWidth * 2, checkboxSize - strokeWidth * 2),
        radius = Radius(radius / 2),
        style = Fill
        topLeft = Offset(halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth),
        size = Size(checkboxSize - strokeWidth, checkboxSize - strokeWidth),
        radius = Radius(radius),
        style = stroke

private fun DrawScope.drawCheck(
    checkColor: Color,
    checkFraction: Float,
    crossCenterGravitation: Float,
    strokeWidthPx: Float,
    drawingCache: CheckDrawingCache
) {
    val stroke = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, cap = StrokeCap.Square)
    val width = size.width
    val checkCrossX = 0.4f
    val checkCrossY = 0.7f
    val leftX = 0.2f
    val leftY = 0.5f
    val rightX = 0.8f
    val rightY = 0.3f

    val gravitatedCrossX = lerp(checkCrossX, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    val gravitatedCrossY = lerp(checkCrossY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    // gravitate only Y for end to achieve center line
    val gravitatedLeftY = lerp(leftY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    val gravitatedRightY = lerp(rightY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)

    with(drawingCache) {
        checkPath.moveTo(width * leftX, width * gravitatedLeftY)
        checkPath.lineTo(width * gravitatedCrossX, width * gravitatedCrossY)
        checkPath.lineTo(width * rightX, width * gravitatedRightY)
        // TODO: replace with proper declarative non-android alternative when ready (b/158188351)
        pathMeasure.setPath(checkPath, false)
            0f, pathMeasure.length * checkFraction, pathToDraw, true
    drawPath(drawingCache.pathToDraw, checkColor, style = stroke)

private class CheckDrawingCache(
    val checkPath: Path = Path(),
    val pathMeasure: PathMeasure = PathMeasure(),
    val pathToDraw: Path = Path()

// all float props are fraction now [0f .. 1f] as it seems convenient
private val CheckDrawFraction = FloatPropKey()
private val CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction = FloatPropKey()

private const val BoxInDuration = 50
private const val BoxOutDuration = 100
private const val CheckAnimationDuration = 100

private val TransitionDefinition = transitionDefinition<ToggleableState> {
    state(ToggleableState.On) {
        this[CheckDrawFraction] = 1f
        this[CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction] = 0f
    state(ToggleableState.Off) {
        this[CheckDrawFraction] = 0f
        this[CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction] = 0f
    state(ToggleableState.Indeterminate) {
        this[CheckDrawFraction] = 1f
        this[CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction] = 1f
        ToggleableState.Off to ToggleableState.On,
        ToggleableState.Off to ToggleableState.Indeterminate
    ) {
        ToggleableState.On to ToggleableState.Indeterminate,
        ToggleableState.Indeterminate to ToggleableState.On
    ) {
        CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction using tween(
            durationMillis = CheckAnimationDuration
        ToggleableState.Indeterminate to ToggleableState.Off,
        ToggleableState.On to ToggleableState.Off
    ) {

private fun TransitionSpec<ToggleableState>.boxTransitionToChecked() {
    CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction using snap()
    CheckDrawFraction using tween(
        durationMillis = CheckAnimationDuration

private fun TransitionSpec<ToggleableState>.checkboxTransitionToUnchecked() {
    // TODO: emulate delayed snap and replace when actual API is available b/158189074
    CheckDrawFraction using keyframes {
        durationMillis = BoxOutDuration
        1f at 0
        1f at BoxOutDuration - 1
        0f at BoxOutDuration
    CheckCenterGravitationShiftFraction using tween(
        durationMillis = 1,
        delayMillis = BoxOutDuration - 1

private val CheckboxRippleRadius = 24.dp
private val CheckboxDefaultPadding = 2.dp
private val CheckboxSize = 20.dp
private val StrokeWidth = 2.dp
private val RadiusSize = 2.dp