
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.material3

import androidx.compose.animation.animateColorAsState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.DecayAnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.FastOutLinearInEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearOutSlowInEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateDecay
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateTo
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.TopAppBarLarge
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.TopAppBarMedium
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.TopAppBarSmall
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.TopAppBarSmallCentered
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LastBaseline
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Velocity
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

 * ![Small top app bar image](
 * Material Design small top app bar.
 * The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.
 * This SmallTopAppBar has slots for a title, navigation icon, and actions.
 * A simple top app bar looks like:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.SimpleSmallTopAppBar
 * A top app bar that uses a [scrollBehavior] to customize its nested scrolling behavior when
 * working in conjunction with a scrolling content looks like:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.PinnedSmallTopAppBar
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.EnterAlwaysSmallTopAppBar
 * @param title the title to be displayed in the top app bar
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this top app bar
 * @param navigationIcon The navigation icon displayed at the start of the top app bar. This should
 * typically be an [IconButton] or [IconToggleButton].
 * @param actions the actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. This should typically be
 * [IconButton]s. The default layout here is a [Row], so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
 * @param colors a [TopAppBarColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this top app
 * bar in different states. See [TopAppBarDefaults.smallTopAppBarColors].
 * @param scrollBehavior a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] which holds various offset values that will be
 * applied by this top app bar to set up its height and colors. A scroll behavior is designed to
 * work in conjunction with a scrolled content to change the top app bar appearance as the content
 * scrolls. See [TopAppBarScrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection].
fun SmallTopAppBar(
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {},
    colors: TopAppBarColors = TopAppBarDefaults.smallTopAppBarColors(),
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = null
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        title = title,
        titleTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallHeadlineFont),
        centeredTitle = false,
        navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
        actions = actions,
        colors = colors,
        scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior

 * ![Center-aligned top app bar image](
 * Material Design small top app bar with a header title that is horizontally aligned to the center.
 * The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.
 * This CenterAlignedTopAppBar has slots for a title, navigation icon, and actions.
 * A center aligned top app bar that uses a [scrollBehavior] to customize its nested scrolling
 * behavior when working in conjunction with a scrolling content looks like:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.SimpleCenterAlignedTopAppBar
 * @param title the title to be displayed in the top app bar
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this top app bar
 * @param navigationIcon The navigation icon displayed at the start of the top app bar. This should
 * typically be an [IconButton] or [IconToggleButton].
 * @param actions the actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. This should typically be
 * [IconButton]s. The default layout here is a [Row], so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
 * @param colors a [TopAppBarColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this top app
 * bar in different states. See [TopAppBarDefaults.centerAlignedTopAppBarColors].
 * @param scrollBehavior a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] which holds various offset values that will be
 * applied by this top app bar to set up its height and colors. A scroll behavior is designed to
 * work in conjunction with a scrolled content to change the top app bar appearance as the content
 * scrolls. See [TopAppBarScrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection].
fun CenterAlignedTopAppBar(
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {},
    colors: TopAppBarColors = TopAppBarDefaults.centerAlignedTopAppBarColors(),
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = null
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        title = title,
        titleTextStyle =
        centeredTitle = true,
        navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
        actions = actions,
        colors = colors,
        scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior

 * ![Medium top app bar image](
 * Material Design medium top app bar.
 * The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.
 * This MediumTopAppBar has slots for a title, navigation icon, and actions. In its default expanded
 * state, the title is displayed in a second row under the navigation and actions.
 * A medium top app bar that uses a [scrollBehavior] to customize its nested scrolling behavior when
 * working in conjunction with scrolling content looks like:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.ExitUntilCollapsedMediumTopAppBar
 * @param title the title to be displayed in the top app bar. This title will be used in the app
 * bar's expanded and collapsed states, although in its collapsed state it will be composed with a
 * smaller sized [TextStyle]
 * @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this top app bar
 * @param navigationIcon the navigation icon displayed at the start of the top app bar. This should
 * typically be an [IconButton] or [IconToggleButton].
 * @param actions the actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. This should typically be
 * [IconButton]s. The default layout here is a [Row], so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
 * @param colors a [TopAppBarColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this top app
 * bar in different states. See [TopAppBarDefaults.mediumTopAppBarColors].
 * @param scrollBehavior a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] which holds various offset values that will be
 * applied by this top app bar to set up its height and colors. A scroll behavior is designed to
 * work in conjunction with a scrolled content to change the top app bar appearance as the content
 * scrolls. See [TopAppBarScrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection].
fun MediumTopAppBar(
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {},
    colors: TopAppBarColors = TopAppBarDefaults.mediumTopAppBarColors(),
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = null
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        title = title,
        titleTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(TopAppBarMedium.MediumHeadlineFont),
        smallTitleTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallHeadlineFont),
        titleBottomPadding = MediumTitleBottomPadding,
        smallTitle = title,
        navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
        actions = actions,
        colors = colors,
        maxHeight = TopAppBarMedium.MediumContainerHeight,
        pinnedHeight = TopAppBarSmall.SmallContainerHeight,
        scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior

 * ![Large top app bar image](
 * Material Design large top app bar.
 * The top app bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.
 * This LargeTopAppBar has slots for a title, navigation icon, and actions. In its default expanded
 * state, the title is displayed in a second row under the navigation and actions.
 * A large top app bar that uses a [scrollBehavior] to customize its nested scrolling behavior when
 * working in conjunction with scrolling content looks like:
 * @sample androidx.compose.material3.samples.ExitUntilCollapsedLargeTopAppBar
 * @param title the title to be displayed in the top app bar. This title will be used in the app
 * bar's expanded and collapsed states, although in its collapsed state it will be composed with a
 * smaller sized [TextStyle]
 * @param modifier The [Modifier] to be applied to this top app bar
 * @param navigationIcon The navigation icon displayed at the start of the top app bar. This should
 * typically be an [IconButton] or [IconToggleButton].
 * @param actions The actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. This should typically be
 * [IconButton]s. The default layout here is a [Row], so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
 * @param colors a [TopAppBarColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this top app
 * bar in different states. See [TopAppBarDefaults.largeTopAppBarColors].
 * @param scrollBehavior a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] which holds various offset values that will be
 * applied by this top app bar to set up its height and colors. A scroll behavior is designed to
 * work in conjunction with a scrolled content to change the top app bar appearance as the content
 * scrolls. See [TopAppBarScrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection].
fun LargeTopAppBar(
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {},
    colors: TopAppBarColors = TopAppBarDefaults.largeTopAppBarColors(),
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = null
) {
        title = title,
        titleTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(TopAppBarLarge.LargeHeadlineFont),
        smallTitleTextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallHeadlineFont),
        titleBottomPadding = LargeTitleBottomPadding,
        smallTitle = title,
        modifier = modifier,
        navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
        actions = actions,
        colors = colors,
        maxHeight = TopAppBarLarge.LargeContainerHeight,
        pinnedHeight = TopAppBarSmall.SmallContainerHeight,
        scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior

 * A TopAppBarScrollBehavior defines how an app bar should behave when the content under it is
 * scrolled.
 * @see [TopAppBarDefaults.pinnedScrollBehavior]
 * @see [TopAppBarDefaults.enterAlwaysScrollBehavior]
 * @see [TopAppBarDefaults.exitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior]
interface TopAppBarScrollBehavior {

     * A [NestedScrollConnection] that should be attached to a [Modifier.nestedScroll] in order to
     * keep track of the scroll events.
    val nestedScrollConnection: NestedScrollConnection

     * Returns the top app bar's current scroll fraction.
     * A scrollFraction is a value between `0.0` to `1.0` that provides a percentage of the app
     * bar scroll position when the content is scrolled. `0.0` represents an expanded app bar,
     * while `1.0`
     * represents a collapsed one (e.g. the app bar is scrolled to its target offset). Note that
     * this value will be updated on scroll even if the [offset] is pinned to a specific
     * value (see [TopAppBarDefaults.pinnedScrollBehavior]). In this case a value of 1.0 represents
     * that the scroll value has exceeded the height of the pinned app bar, as if the app bar was
     * collapsing.
    val scrollFraction: Float

     * The top app bar's offset limit in pixels, which represents the offset that a top app bar is
     * allowed to scroll when the scrollable content is scrolled.
     * This limit is represented by a negative [Float], and used to coerce the [offset] value when
     * the content is scrolled.
    var offsetLimit: Float

     * The top app bar's current offset in pixels.
     * The offset is usually between zero and the [offsetLimit].
    var offset: Float

     * The current content offset that is updated when the nested scroll connection consumes scroll
     * events.
     * A common behavior implementation would update this value to be the sum of all
     * [NestedScrollConnection.onPostScroll] `consumed.y` values.
    var contentOffset: Float

 * Represents the colors used by a top app bar in different states.
 * Each app bar has their own default implementation available in [TopAppBarDefaults], such as
 * [TopAppBarDefaults.smallTopAppBarColors] for [SmallTopAppBar].
interface TopAppBarColors {
     * Represents the container color used for the top app bar, depending on whether the app bar is
     * scrolled, and the percentage of its area that is scrolled.
     * @param scrollFraction the scroll percentage of the top app bar (0.0 when the app bar is
     * considered expanded to 1.0 when the app bar is scrolled to its target offset)
    fun containerColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color>

     * Represents the content color used for the top app bar's navigation icon depending on whether
     * the app bar is scrolled, and the percentage of its area that is scrolled.
     * @param scrollFraction the scroll percentage of the top app bar (0.0 when the app bar is
     * considered expanded to 1.0 when the app bar is scrolled to its target offset)
    fun navigationIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color>

     * Represents the content color used for the top app bar's title depending on whether the app
     * bar is scrolled, and the percentage of its area that is scrolled.
     * @param scrollFraction the scroll percentage of the top app bar (0.0 when the app bar is
     * considered expanded to 1.0 when the app bar is scrolled to its target offset)
    fun titleContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color>

     * Represents the content color used for the top app bar's action icons depending on whether the
     * app bar is scrolled, and the percentage of its area that is scrolled.
     * @param scrollFraction the scroll percentage of the top app bar (0.0 when the app bar is
     * considered expanded to 1.0 when the app bar is scrolled to its target offset)
    fun actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color>

/** Contains default values used for the top app bar implementations. */
object TopAppBarDefaults {

     * Creates a [TopAppBarColors] for small top app bars. The default implementation animates
     * between the provided colors according to the Material Design specification.
     * @param containerColor the container color
     * @param scrolledContainerColor the container color when content is scrolled behind it
     * @param navigationIconContentColor the content color used for the navigation icon
     * @param titleContentColor the content color used for the title
     * @param actionIconContentColor the content color used for actions
     * @return the resulting [TopAppBarColors] used for the top app bar
    fun smallTopAppBarColors(
        containerColor: Color =
        scrolledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(
            backgroundColor = containerColor,
            elevation = TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation
        navigationIconContentColor: Color =
        titleContentColor: Color =
        actionIconContentColor: Color =
    ): TopAppBarColors {
        return remember(
        ) {

     * Creates a [TopAppBarColors] for center aligned top app bars. The default implementation
     * animates between the provided colors according to the Material Design specification.
     * @param containerColor the container color
     * @param scrolledContainerColor the container color when content is scrolled behind it
     * @param navigationIconContentColor the content color used for the navigation icon
     * @param titleContentColor the content color used for the title
     * @param actionIconContentColor the content color used for actions
     * @return the resulting [TopAppBarColors] used for the top app bar
    fun centerAlignedTopAppBarColors(
        containerColor: Color =
        scrolledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(
            backgroundColor = containerColor,
            elevation = TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation
        navigationIconContentColor: Color =
        titleContentColor: Color =
        actionIconContentColor: Color =
    ): TopAppBarColors {
        return remember(
        ) {

     * Creates a [TopAppBarColors] for medium top app bars. The default implementation interpolates
     * between the provided colors as the top app bar scrolls according to the Material Design
     * specification.
     * @param containerColor the container color
     * @param scrolledContainerColor the container color when content is scrolled behind it
     * @param navigationIconContentColor the content color used for the navigation icon
     * @param titleContentColor the content color used for the title
     * @param actionIconContentColor the content color used for actions
     * @return the resulting [TopAppBarColors] used for the top app bar
    fun mediumTopAppBarColors(
        containerColor: Color =
        scrolledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(
            backgroundColor = containerColor,
            elevation = TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation
        navigationIconContentColor: Color =
        titleContentColor: Color =
        actionIconContentColor: Color =
    ): TopAppBarColors {
        return remember(
        ) {

     * Creates a [TopAppBarColors] for large top app bars. The default implementation interpolates
     * between the provided colors as the top app bar scrolls according to the Material Design
     * specification.
     * @param containerColor the container color
     * @param scrolledContainerColor the container color when content is scrolled behind it
     * @param navigationIconContentColor the content color used for the navigation icon
     * @param titleContentColor the content color used for the title
     * @param actionIconContentColor the content color used for actions
     * @return the resulting [TopAppBarColors] used for the top app bar
    fun largeTopAppBarColors(
        containerColor: Color =
        scrolledContainerColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(
            backgroundColor = containerColor,
            elevation = TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation
        navigationIconContentColor: Color =
        titleContentColor: Color =
        actionIconContentColor: Color =
    ): TopAppBarColors {
        return remember(
        ) {

     * Returns a pinned [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] that tracks nested-scroll callbacks and
     * updates its [TopAppBarScrollBehavior.contentOffset] accordingly.
     * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be handled by this
     * pinned [TopAppBarScrollBehavior]
    fun pinnedScrollBehavior(canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }): TopAppBarScrollBehavior =

     * Returns a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior]. A top app bar that is set up with this
     * [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] will immediately collapse when the content is pulled up, and will
     * immediately appear when the content is pulled down.
     * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be
     * handled by this [EnterAlwaysScrollBehavior]
    fun enterAlwaysScrollBehavior(canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }): TopAppBarScrollBehavior =

     * Returns a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] that adjusts its properties to affect the colors and
     * height of the top app bar.
     * A top app bar that is set up with this [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] will immediately collapse
     * when the nested content is pulled up, and will expand back the collapsed area when the
     * content is  pulled all the way down.
     * @param decayAnimationSpec a [DecayAnimationSpec] that will be used by the top app bar motion
     * when the user flings the content. Preferably, this should match the animation spec used by
     * the scrollable content. See also [androidx.compose.animation.rememberSplineBasedDecay] for a
     * default [DecayAnimationSpec] that can be used with this behavior.
     * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be
     * handled by this [ExitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior]
    fun exitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior(
        decayAnimationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float>,
        canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }
    ): TopAppBarScrollBehavior =
        ExitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior(decayAnimationSpec, canScroll)

 * A single-row top app bar that is designed to be called by the small and center aligned top app
 * bar composables.
 * This SingleRowTopAppBar has slots for a title, navigation icon, and actions. When the
 * [centeredTitle] flag is true, the title will be horizontally aligned to the center of the top app
 * bar width.
private fun SingleRowTopAppBar(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    titleTextStyle: TextStyle,
    centeredTitle: Boolean,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit,
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    colors: TopAppBarColors,
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior?
) {
    // TODO(b/182393826): Check if there is a better place to set the offsetLimit.
    // Set a scroll offset limit to hide the entire app bar area when scrolling.
    val offsetLimit = with(LocalDensity.current) { -TopAppBarSmall.SmallContainerHeight.toPx() }
    SideEffect {
        if (scrollBehavior?.offsetLimit != offsetLimit) {
            scrollBehavior?.offsetLimit = offsetLimit

    // Obtain the container color from the TopAppBarColors.
    // This may potentially animate or interpolate a transition between the container-color and the
    // container's scrolled-color according to the app bar's scroll state.
    val scrollFraction = scrollBehavior?.scrollFraction ?: 0f
    val appBarContainerColor by colors.containerColor(scrollFraction)

    // Wrap the given actions in a Row.
    val actionsRow = @Composable {
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.End,
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
            content = actions
    // Compose a Surface with a TopAppBarLayout content. The surface's background color will be
    // animated as specified above, and the height of the app bar will be determined by the current
    // scroll-state offset.
    Surface(modifier = modifier, color = appBarContainerColor) {
        val height = {
            TopAppBarSmall.SmallContainerHeight.toPx() + (scrollBehavior?.offset ?: 0f)
            heightPx = height,
            navigationIconContentColor = colors.navigationIconContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
            titleContentColor = colors.titleContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
            actionIconContentColor = colors.actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
            title = title,
            titleTextStyle = titleTextStyle,
            titleHorizontalArrangement =
            if (centeredTitle) Arrangement.Center else Arrangement.Start,
            navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
            actions = actionsRow,

 * A two-rows top app bar that is designed to be called by the Large and Medium top app bar
 * composables.
 * @throws [IllegalArgumentException] if the given [maxHeight] is equal or smaller than the
 * [pinnedHeight]
private fun TwoRowsTopAppBar(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    titleTextStyle: TextStyle,
    titleBottomPadding: Dp,
    smallTitle: @Composable () -> Unit,
    smallTitleTextStyle: TextStyle,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit,
    actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    colors: TopAppBarColors,
    maxHeight: Dp,
    pinnedHeight: Dp,
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior?
) {
    if (maxHeight <= pinnedHeight) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException(
            "A TwoRowsTopAppBar max height should be greater than its pinned height"
    val pinnedHeightPx: Float
    val maxHeightPx: Float
    val titleBottomPaddingPx: Int {
        pinnedHeightPx = pinnedHeight.toPx()
        maxHeightPx = maxHeight.toPx()
        titleBottomPaddingPx = titleBottomPadding.roundToPx()

    // Set a scroll offset limit that will hide just the title area and will keep the small title
    // area visible.
    SideEffect {
        if (scrollBehavior?.offsetLimit != pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx) {
            scrollBehavior?.offsetLimit = pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx

    val titleAlpha =
        if (scrollBehavior == null || scrollBehavior.offsetLimit == 0f) {
        } else {
            1f - (scrollBehavior.offset / scrollBehavior.offsetLimit)
    // Obtain the container Color from the TopAppBarColors.
    // This will potentially animate or interpolate a transition between the container color and the
    // container's scrolled color according to the app bar's scroll state.
    val scrollFraction = scrollBehavior?.scrollFraction ?: 0f
    val appBarContainerColor by colors.containerColor(scrollFraction)

    // Wrap the given actions in a Row.
    val actionsRow = @Composable {
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.End,
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
            content = actions
    Surface(modifier = modifier, color = appBarContainerColor) {
        Column {
                heightPx = pinnedHeightPx,
                navigationIconContentColor =
                titleContentColor = colors.titleContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
                actionIconContentColor = colors.actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
                title = smallTitle,
                titleTextStyle = smallTitleTextStyle,
                titleAlpha = 1f - titleAlpha,
                navigationIcon = navigationIcon,
                actions = actionsRow,
                heightPx = maxHeightPx - pinnedHeightPx + (scrollBehavior?.offset ?: 0f),
                navigationIconContentColor =
                titleContentColor = colors.titleContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
                actionIconContentColor = colors.actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction).value,
                title = title,
                titleTextStyle = titleTextStyle,
                titleAlpha = titleAlpha,
                titleVerticalArrangement = Arrangement.Bottom,
                titleBottomPadding = titleBottomPaddingPx,
                modifier = Modifier.graphicsLayer { clip = true }

 * The base [Layout] for all top app bars. This function lays out a top app bar navigation icon
 * (leading icon), a title (header), and action icons (trailing icons). Note that the navigation and
 * the actions are optional.
 * @param heightPx the total height this layout is capped to
 * @param navigationIconContentColor the content color that will be applied via a
 * [LocalContentColor] when composing the navigation icon
 * @param titleContentColor the color that will be applied via a [LocalContentColor] when composing
 * the title
 * @param actionIconContentColor the content color that will be applied via a [LocalContentColor]
 * when composing the action icons
 * @param title the top app bar title (header)
 * @param titleTextStyle the title's text style
 * @param modifier a [Modifier]
 * @param titleAlpha the title's alpha
 * @param titleVerticalArrangement the title's vertical arrangement
 * @param titleHorizontalArrangement the title's horizontal arrangement
 * @param titleBottomPadding the title's bottom padding
 * @param navigationIcon a navigation icon [Composable]
 * @param actions actions [Composable]
private fun TopAppBarLayout(
    heightPx: Float,
    navigationIconContentColor: Color,
    titleContentColor: Color,
    actionIconContentColor: Color,
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    titleTextStyle: TextStyle,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    titleAlpha: Float = 1f,
    titleVerticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.Center,
    titleHorizontalArrangement: Arrangement.Horizontal = Arrangement.Start,
    titleBottomPadding: Int = 0,
    navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    actions: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
) {
            Box(Modifier.layoutId("navigationIcon").padding(start = TopAppBarHorizontalPadding)) {
                    LocalContentColor provides navigationIconContentColor,
                    content = navigationIcon
            Box(Modifier.layoutId("title").padding(horizontal = TopAppBarHorizontalPadding)) {
                ProvideTextStyle(value = titleTextStyle) {
                        LocalContentColor provides titleContentColor.copy(alpha = titleAlpha),
                        content = title
            Box(Modifier.layoutId("actionIcons").padding(end = TopAppBarHorizontalPadding)) {
                    LocalContentColor provides actionIconContentColor,
                    content = actions
        modifier = modifier
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        val navigationIconPlaceable =
            measurables.first { it.layoutId == "navigationIcon" }.measure(constraints)
        val actionIconsPlaceable =
            measurables.first { it.layoutId == "actionIcons" }.measure(constraints)

        val maxTitleWidth =
            constraints.maxWidth - navigationIconPlaceable.width - actionIconsPlaceable.width
        val titlePlaceable =
                .first { it.layoutId == "title" }
                .measure(constraints.copy(maxWidth = maxTitleWidth))
        // Locate the title's baseline.
        val titleBaseline =
            if (titlePlaceable[LastBaseline] != AlignmentLine.Unspecified) {
            } else {

        val layoutHeight = heightPx.roundToInt()

        layout(constraints.maxWidth, layoutHeight) {
            // Navigation icon
                x = 0,
                y = (layoutHeight - navigationIconPlaceable.height) / 2

            // Title
                x = when (titleHorizontalArrangement) {
                    Arrangement.Center -> (constraints.maxWidth - titlePlaceable.width) / 2
                    Arrangement.End ->
                        constraints.maxWidth - titlePlaceable.width - actionIconsPlaceable.width
                    // Arrangement.Start.
                    // An TopAppBarTitleInset will make sure the title is offset in case the
                    // navigation icon is missing.
                    else -> max(TopAppBarTitleInset.roundToPx(), navigationIconPlaceable.width)
                y = when (titleVerticalArrangement) {
                    Arrangement.Center -> (layoutHeight - titlePlaceable.height) / 2
                    // Apply bottom padding from the title's baseline only when the Arrangement is
                    // "Bottom".
                    Arrangement.Bottom ->
                        if (titleBottomPadding == 0) layoutHeight - titlePlaceable.height
                        else layoutHeight - titlePlaceable.height - max(
                            titleBottomPadding - titlePlaceable.height + titleBaseline
                    // Arrangement.Top
                    else -> 0

            // Action icons
                x = constraints.maxWidth - actionIconsPlaceable.width,
                y = (layoutHeight - actionIconsPlaceable.height) / 2

 * A [TopAppBarColors] implementation that animates the container color according to the top app
 * bar scroll state.
 * This default implementation does not animate the leading, headline, or trailing colors.
private class AnimatingTopAppBarColors(
    private val containerColor: Color,
    private val scrolledContainerColor: Color,
    navigationIconContentColor: Color,
    titleContentColor: Color,
    actionIconContentColor: Color
) : TopAppBarColors {

    // In this TopAppBarColors implementation, the following colors never change their value as the
    // app bar scrolls.
    private val navigationIconColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(navigationIconContentColor)
    private val titleColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(titleContentColor)
    private val actionIconColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(actionIconContentColor)

    override fun containerColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> {
        return animateColorAsState(
            // Check if scrollFraction is slightly over zero to overcome float precision issues.
            targetValue = if (scrollFraction > 0.01f) {
            } else {
            animationSpec = tween(
                durationMillis = TopAppBarAnimationDurationMillis,
                easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing

    override fun navigationIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> =

    override fun titleContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> = titleColorState

    override fun actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> = actionIconColorState

 * A [TopAppBarColors] implementation that interpolates the container color according to the top
 * app bar scroll state percentage.
 * This default implementation does not interpolate the leading, headline, or trailing colors.
private class InterpolatingTopAppBarColors(
    private val containerColor: Color,
    private val scrolledContainerColor: Color,
    navigationIconContentColor: Color,
    titleContentColor: Color,
    actionIconContentColor: Color
) : TopAppBarColors {

    // In this TopAppBarColors implementation, the following colors never change their value as the
    // app bar scrolls.
    private val navigationIconColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(navigationIconContentColor)
    private val titleColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(titleContentColor)
    private val actionIconColorState: State<Color> = mutableStateOf(actionIconContentColor)

    override fun containerColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> {
        return rememberUpdatedState(

    override fun navigationIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> =

    override fun titleContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> = titleColorState

    override fun actionIconContentColor(scrollFraction: Float): State<Color> = actionIconColorState

 * Returns a [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] that only adjusts its content offset, without adjusting any
 * properties that affect the height of a top app bar.
 * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be
 * handled by this [PinnedScrollBehavior]
private class PinnedScrollBehavior(val canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }) :
    TopAppBarScrollBehavior {
    override var offsetLimit = -Float.MAX_VALUE
    override val scrollFraction: Float
        get() = if (offsetLimit != 0f) {
            1 - ((offsetLimit - contentOffset).coerceIn(
                minimumValue = offsetLimit,
                maximumValue = 0f
            ) / offsetLimit)
        } else {
    override var offset = 0f
    override var contentOffset by mutableStateOf(0f)
    override var nestedScrollConnection =
        object : NestedScrollConnection {
            override fun onPostScroll(
                consumed: Offset,
                available: Offset,
                source: NestedScrollSource
            ): Offset {
                if (!canScroll()) return Offset.Zero
                if (consumed.y == 0f && available.y > 0f) {
                    // Reset the total offset to zero when scrolling all the way down. This will
                    // eliminate some float precision inaccuracies.
                    contentOffset = 0f
                } else {
                    contentOffset += consumed.y
                return Offset.Zero

 * A [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] that adjusts its properties to affect the colors and height of a top
 * app bar.
 * A top app bar that is set up with this [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] will immediately collapse when
 * the nested content is pulled up, and will immediately appear when the content is pulled down.
 * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be
 * handled by this [EnterAlwaysScrollBehavior]
private class EnterAlwaysScrollBehavior(val canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }) :
    TopAppBarScrollBehavior {
    override val scrollFraction: Float
        get() = if (offsetLimit != 0f) {
            1 - ((offsetLimit - contentOffset).coerceIn(
                minimumValue = offsetLimit,
                maximumValue = 0f
            ) / offsetLimit)
        } else {
    override var offsetLimit by mutableStateOf(-Float.MAX_VALUE)
    override var offset by mutableStateOf(0f)
    override var contentOffset by mutableStateOf(0f)
    override var nestedScrollConnection =
        object : NestedScrollConnection {
            override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
                if (!canScroll()) return Offset.Zero
                val newOffset = (offset + available.y)
                val coerced = newOffset.coerceIn(minimumValue = offsetLimit, maximumValue = 0f)
                return if (newOffset == coerced) {
                    // Nothing coerced, meaning we're in the middle of top app bar collapse or
                    // expand.
                    offset = coerced
                } else {

            override fun onPostScroll(
                consumed: Offset,
                available: Offset,
                source: NestedScrollSource
            ): Offset {
                if (!canScroll()) return Offset.Zero
                contentOffset += consumed.y
                if (offset == 0f || offset == offsetLimit) {
                    if (consumed.y == 0f && available.y > 0f) {
                        // Reset the total offset to zero when scrolling all the way down.
                        // This will eliminate some float precision inaccuracies.
                        contentOffset = 0f
                offset = (offset + consumed.y).coerceIn(
                    minimumValue = offsetLimit,
                    maximumValue = 0f
                return Offset.Zero

 * A [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] that adjusts its properties to affect the colors and height of a top
 * app bar.
 * A top app bar that is set up with this [TopAppBarScrollBehavior] will immediately collapse when
 * the nested content is pulled up, and will expand back the collapsed area when the content is
 * pulled all the way down.
 * @param decayAnimationSpec a [DecayAnimationSpec] that will be used by the top app bar motion
 * when the user flings the content. Preferably, this should match the animation spec used by the
 * scrollable content. See also [androidx.compose.animation.rememberSplineBasedDecay] for a
 * default [DecayAnimationSpec] that can be used with this behavior.
 * @param canScroll a callback used to determine whether scroll events are to be
 * handled by this [ExitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior]
private class ExitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior(
    val decayAnimationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float>,
    val canScroll: () -> Boolean = { true }
) : TopAppBarScrollBehavior {
    override val scrollFraction: Float
        get() = if (offsetLimit != 0f) offset / offsetLimit else 0f
    override var offsetLimit by mutableStateOf(-Float.MAX_VALUE)
    override var offset by mutableStateOf(0f)
    override var contentOffset by mutableStateOf(0f)
    override var nestedScrollConnection =
        object : NestedScrollConnection {
            override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
                // Don't intercept if scrolling down.
                if (!canScroll() || available.y > 0f) return Offset.Zero

                val newOffset = (offset + available.y)
                val coerced = newOffset.coerceIn(minimumValue = offsetLimit, maximumValue = 0f)
                return if (newOffset == coerced) {
                    // Nothing coerced, meaning we're in the middle of top app bar collapse or
                    // expand.
                    offset = coerced
                } else {

            override fun onPostScroll(
                consumed: Offset,
                available: Offset,
                source: NestedScrollSource
            ): Offset {
                if (!canScroll()) return Offset.Zero
                contentOffset += consumed.y

                if (available.y < 0f || consumed.y < 0f) {
                    // When scrolling up, just update the state's offset.
                    val oldOffset = offset
                    offset = (offset + consumed.y).coerceIn(
                        minimumValue = offsetLimit,
                        maximumValue = 0f
                    return Offset(0f, offset - oldOffset)

                if (consumed.y == 0f && available.y > 0) {
                    // Reset the total offset to zero when scrolling all the way down. This will
                    // eliminate some float precision inaccuracies.
                    contentOffset = 0f

                if (available.y > 0f) {
                    // Adjust the offset in case the consumed delta Y is less than what was recorded
                    // as available delta Y in the pre-scroll.
                    val oldOffset = offset
                    offset = (offset + available.y).coerceIn(
                        minimumValue = offsetLimit,
                        maximumValue = 0f
                    return Offset(0f, offset - oldOffset)
                return Offset.Zero

            override suspend fun onPostFling(consumed: Velocity, available: Velocity): Velocity {
                val result = super.onPostFling(consumed, available)
                // TODO(b/179417109): We get positive Velocity when flinging up while the top app
                //  bar is changing its height. Track b/179417109 for a fix.
                if ((available.y < 0f && contentOffset == 0f) ||
                    (available.y > 0f && offset < 0f)
                ) {
                    return result +
                            scrollBehavior = this@ExitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior,
                            initialVelocity = available.y,
                            decayAnimationSpec = decayAnimationSpec,
                            snap = true
                return result

private suspend fun onTopBarFling(
    scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior,
    initialVelocity: Float,
    decayAnimationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float>,
    snap: Boolean
): Velocity {
    if (abs(initialVelocity) > 1f) {
        var remainingVelocity = initialVelocity
        var lastValue = 0f
            initialValue = 0f,
            initialVelocity = initialVelocity,
            .animateDecay(decayAnimationSpec) {
                val delta = value - lastValue
                val initialOffset = scrollBehavior.offset
                scrollBehavior.offset =
                    (initialOffset + delta).coerceIn(
                        minimumValue = scrollBehavior.offsetLimit,
                        maximumValue = 0f
                val consumed = abs(initialOffset - scrollBehavior.offset)
                lastValue = value
                remainingVelocity = this.velocity
                // avoid rounding errors and stop if anything is unconsumed
                if (abs(delta - consumed) > 0.5f) this.cancelAnimation()

        if (snap &&
            scrollBehavior.offset < 0 &&
            scrollBehavior.offset > scrollBehavior.offsetLimit
        ) {
            AnimationState(initialValue = scrollBehavior.offset).animateTo(
                // Snap the top app bar offset to completely collapse or completely expand according
                // to the initial velocity direction.
                if (initialVelocity > 0) 0f else scrollBehavior.offsetLimit,
                animationSpec = tween(
                    durationMillis = TopAppBarAnimationDurationMillis,
                    easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
            ) { scrollBehavior.offset = value }
        return Velocity(0f, remainingVelocity)
    return Velocity.Zero

private val MediumTitleBottomPadding = 24.dp
private val LargeTitleBottomPadding = 28.dp
private val TopAppBarHorizontalPadding = 4.dp

// A title inset when the App-Bar is a Medium or Large one. Also used to size a spacer when the
// navigation icon is missing.
private val TopAppBarTitleInset = 16.dp - TopAppBarHorizontalPadding

private const val TopAppBarAnimationDurationMillis = 500