
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.runtime

import androidx.compose.runtime.dispatch.BroadcastFrameClock
import androidx.compose.runtime.dispatch.DefaultMonotonicFrameClock
import androidx.compose.runtime.dispatch.MonotonicFrameClock
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.MutableSnapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotApplyResult
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotReadObserver
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotWriteObserver
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.fastForEach
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.takeMutableSnapshot
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuation
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.NonCancellable
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.takeWhile
import kotlinx.coroutines.job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.resume

// TODO: Can we use rootKey for this since all compositions will have an eventual Recomposer parent?
private const val RecomposerCompoundHashKey = 1000

 * Runs [block] with a new, active [Recomposer] applying changes in the calling [CoroutineContext].
suspend fun <R> withRunningRecomposer(
    block: suspend CoroutineScope.(recomposer: Recomposer) -> R
): R = coroutineScope {
    val recomposer = Recomposer(coroutineContext)
    // Will be cancelled when recomposerJob cancels
    launch { recomposer.runRecomposeAndApplyChanges() }
    block(recomposer).also {

 * The scheduler for performing recomposition and applying updates to one or more [Composition]s.
// RedundantVisibilityModifier suppressed because metalava picks up internal function overrides
// if 'internal' is not explicitly specified - b/171342041
class Recomposer(
    effectCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext
) : CompositionReference() {
     * This is a running count of the number of times the recomposer awoke and applied changes to
     * one or more composers. This count is unaffected if the composer awakes and recomposed but
     * composition did not produce changes to apply.
    var changeCount = 0
        private set

    private val broadcastFrameClock = BroadcastFrameClock {
        synchronized(stateLock) {
            deriveStateLocked().also {
                if (_state.value <= State.ShuttingDown) throw CancellationException(
                    "Recomposer shutdown; frame clock awaiter will never resume",

     * A [Job] used as a parent of any effects created by this [Recomposer]'s compositions.
     * Its cleanup is used to advance to [State.ShuttingDown] or [State.ShutDown].
    private val effectJob = Job(effectCoroutineContext[Job]).apply {
        invokeOnCompletion { throwable ->
            // Since the running recompose job is operating in a disjoint job if present,
            // kick it out and make sure no new ones start if we have one.
            val cancellation = CancellationException("Recomposer effect job completed", throwable)

            synchronized(stateLock) {
                val runnerJob = runnerJob
                if (runnerJob != null) {
                    _state.value = State.ShuttingDown
                    // This will cancel frameContinuation if needed
                    frameContinuation = null
                    runnerJob.invokeOnCompletion { runnerJobCause ->
                        synchronized(stateLock) {
                            closeCause = throwable?.apply {
                                    ?.takeIf { it !is CancellationException }
                                    ?.let { addSuppressed(it) }
                            _state.value = State.ShutDown
                } else {
                    closeCause = cancellation
                    _state.value = State.ShutDown

     * The [effectCoroutineContext] is derived from the parameter of the same name.
    internal override val effectCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext =
        effectCoroutineContext + broadcastFrameClock + effectJob

     * Valid operational states of a [Recomposer].
    enum class State {
         * [shutDown] was called on the [Recomposer] and all cleanup work has completed.
         * The [Recomposer] is no longer available for use.

         * [shutDown] was called on the [Recomposer] and it is no longer available for use.
         * Cleanup work has not yet been fully completed and composition effect coroutines may
         * still be running.

         * The [Recomposer] is not tracking invalidations for known composers and it will not
         * recompose them in response to changes. Call [runRecomposeAndApplyChanges] to await and
         * perform work. This is the initial state of a newly constructed [Recomposer].

         * The [Recomposer] is [Inactive] but at least one effect associated with a managed
         * composition is awaiting a frame. This frame will not be produced until the [Recomposer]
         * is [running][runRecomposeAndApplyChanges].

         * The [Recomposer] is tracking composition and snapshot invalidations but there is
         * currently no work to do.

         * The [Recomposer] has been notified of pending work it must perform and is either
         * actively performing it or awaiting the appropriate opportunity to perform it.
         * This work may include invalidated composers that must be recomposed, snapshot state
         * changes that must be presented to known composers to check for invalidated
         * compositions, or coroutines awaiting a frame using the Recomposer's
         * [MonotonicFrameClock].

    private val stateLock = Any()
    private var runnerJob: Job? = null
    private var closeCause: Throwable? = null
    private val knownComposers = mutableListOf<Composer<*>>()
    private val snapshotInvalidations = mutableListOf<Set<Any>>()
    private val composerInvalidations = mutableListOf<Composer<*>>()
    private var frameContinuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>? = null

    private val _state = MutableStateFlow(State.Inactive)

     * Determine the new value of [_state]. Call only while locked on [stateLock].
     * If it returns a continuation, that continuation should be resumed after releasing the lock.
    private fun deriveStateLocked(): CancellableContinuation<Unit>? {
        if (_state.value <= State.ShuttingDown) {
            frameContinuation = null
            return null

        val newState = when {
            runnerJob == null -> {
                if (broadcastFrameClock.hasAwaiters) State.InactivePendingWork else State.Inactive
            composerInvalidations.isNotEmpty() || snapshotInvalidations.isNotEmpty() ||
                broadcastFrameClock.hasAwaiters -> State.PendingWork
            else -> State.Idle

        _state.value = newState
        return if (newState == State.PendingWork) {
            frameContinuation.also {
                frameContinuation = null
        } else null

     * The current [State] of this [Recomposer]. See each [State] value for its meaning.
    public val state: Flow<State>
        get() = _state

    private fun recordComposerModificationsLocked() {
        if (snapshotInvalidations.isNotEmpty()) {
            snapshotInvalidations.fastForEach { changes ->
                knownComposers.fastForEach { composer ->
            if (deriveStateLocked() != null) {
                error("called outside of runRecomposeAndApplyChanges")

    private fun registerRunnerJob(callingJob: Job) {
        synchronized(stateLock) {
            closeCause?.let { throw it }
            if (_state.value <= State.ShuttingDown) error("Recomposer shut down")
            if (runnerJob != null) error("Recomposer already running")
            runnerJob = callingJob

     * Await the invalidation of any associated [Composer]s, recompose them, and apply their
     * changes to their associated [Composition]s if recomposition is successful.
     * While [runRecomposeAndApplyChanges] is running, [awaitIdle] will suspend until there are no
     * more invalid composers awaiting recomposition.
     * This method never returns. Cancel the calling [CoroutineScope] to stop.
     * Unhandled failure exceptions from child coroutines will be thrown by this method.
    suspend fun runRecomposeAndApplyChanges(): Nothing {
        val parentFrameClock = coroutineContext[MonotonicFrameClock] ?: DefaultMonotonicFrameClock
        withContext(broadcastFrameClock) {
            // Enforce mutual exclusion of callers; register self as current runner
            val callingJob = coroutineContext.job

            // Observe snapshot changes and propagate them to known composers only from
            // this caller's dispatcher, never working with the same composer in parallel.
            // unregisterApplyObserver is called as part of the big finally below
            val unregisterApplyObserver = Snapshot.registerApplyObserver { changed, _ ->
                synchronized(stateLock) {
                    if (_state.value >= State.Idle) {
                        snapshotInvalidations += changed
                    } else null

            try {
                // Invalidate all registered composers when we start since we weren't observing
                // snapshot changes on their behalf. Assume anything could have changed.
                synchronized(stateLock) {
                    knownComposers.fastForEach { it.invalidateAll() }
                    // Don't need to deriveStateLocked here; invalidate will do it if needed.

                val toRecompose = mutableListOf<Composer<*>>()
                while (true) {
                    // Await something to do
                    if (_state.value < State.PendingWork) {
                        suspendCancellableCoroutine<Unit> { co ->
                            synchronized(stateLock) {
                                if (_state.value == State.PendingWork) {
                                } else {
                                    frameContinuation = co

                    // Don't await a new frame if we don't have frame-scoped work
                    if (
                        synchronized(stateLock) {
                            if (!hasFrameWorkLocked) {
                            } else false
                    ) continue

                    // Align work with the next frame to coalesce changes.
                    // Note: it is possible to resume from the above with no recompositions pending,
                    // instead someone might be awaiting our frame clock dispatch below.
                    // We use the cached frame clock from above not just so that we don't locate it
                    // each time, but because we've installed the broadcastFrameClock as the scope
                    // clock above for user code to locate.
                    parentFrameClock.withFrameNanos { frameTime ->
                        trace("recomposeFrame") {
                            // Dispatch MonotonicFrameClock frames first; this may produce new
                            // composer invalidations that we must handle during the same frame.
                            if (broadcastFrameClock.hasAwaiters) {
                                // Propagate the frame time to anyone who is awaiting from the
                                // recomposer clock.

                                // Ensure any global changes are observed

                            // Drain any composer invalidations from snapshot changes and record
                            // composers to work on
                            synchronized(stateLock) {

                                composerInvalidations.fastForEach { toRecompose += it }

                            // Perform recomposition for any invalidated composers
                            try {
                                var changes = false
                                toRecompose.fastForEach { composer ->
                                    changes = performRecompose(composer) || changes
                                if (changes) changeCount++
                            } finally {
                            synchronized(stateLock) {
            } finally {
                synchronized(stateLock) {
                    if (runnerJob === callingJob) {
                        runnerJob = null

     * Permanently shut down this [Recomposer] for future use. All ongoing recompositions will stop,
     * new composer invalidations with this [Recomposer] at the root will no longer occur,
     * and any [LaunchedEffect]s currently running in compositions managed by this [Recomposer]
     * will be cancelled. Any [rememberCoroutineScope] scopes from compositions managed by this
     * [Recomposer] will also be cancelled. See [join] to await the completion of all of these
     * outstanding tasks.
    fun shutDown() {

     * Await the completion of a [shutDown] operation.
    suspend fun join() {

    internal override fun composeInitial(
        composer: Composer<*>,
        composable: @Composable () -> Unit
    ) {
        val composerWasComposing = composer.isComposing
        composing(composer) {
        // TODO(b/143755743)
        if (!composerWasComposing) {

        synchronized(stateLock) {
            if (_state.value > State.ShuttingDown) {
                if (composer !in knownComposers) {
                    knownComposers += composer

        if (!composerWasComposing) {
            // Ensure that any state objects created during applyChanges are seen as changed
            // if modified after this call.

    private fun performRecompose(composer: Composer<*>): Boolean {
        if (composer.isComposing || composer.isDisposed) return false
        return composing(composer) {
        }.also {

    private fun readObserverOf(composer: Composer<*>): SnapshotReadObserver {
        return { value -> composer.recordReadOf(value) }

    private fun writeObserverOf(composer: Composer<*>): SnapshotWriteObserver {
        return { value -> composer.recordWriteOf(value) }

    private inline fun <T> composing(composer: Composer<*>, block: () -> T): T {
        val snapshot = takeMutableSnapshot(
            readObserverOf(composer), writeObserverOf(composer)
        try {
            return snapshot.enter(block)
        } finally {

    private fun applyAndCheck(snapshot: MutableSnapshot) {
        val applyResult = snapshot.apply()
        if (applyResult is SnapshotApplyResult.Failure) {
                "Unsupported concurrent change during composition. A state object was " +
                    "modified by composition as well as being modified outside composition."
            // TODO(chuckj): Consider lifting this restriction by forcing a recompose

     * Returns true if any pending invalidations have been scheduled.
    fun hasInvalidations(): Boolean = synchronized(stateLock) {
        snapshotInvalidations.isNotEmpty() || hasFrameWorkLocked

    private val hasFrameWorkLocked: Boolean
        get() = composerInvalidations.isNotEmpty() || broadcastFrameClock.hasAwaiters

     * Suspends until the currently pending recomposition frame is complete.
     * Any recomposition for this recomposer triggered by actions before this call begins
     * will be complete and applied (if recomposition was successful) when this call returns.
     * If [runRecomposeAndApplyChanges] is not currently running the [Recomposer] is considered idle
     * and this method will not suspend.
    suspend fun awaitIdle() {
        state.takeWhile { it > State.Idle }.collect()

    // Recomposer always starts with a constant compound hash
    internal override val compoundHashKey: Int
        get() = RecomposerCompoundHashKey

    // Collecting key sources happens at the level of a composer; starts as false
    internal override val collectingKeySources: Boolean
        get() = false

    // Collecting parameter happens at the level of a composer; starts as false
    internal override val collectingParameterInformation: Boolean
        get() = false

    internal override fun recordInspectionTable(table: MutableSet<CompositionData>) {
        // TODO: The root recomposer might be a better place to set up inspection
        // than the current configuration with an ambient

    internal override fun registerComposerWithRoot(composer: Composer<*>) {
        // Do nothing.

    internal override fun unregisterComposerWithRoot(composer: Composer<*>) {
        synchronized(stateLock) {
            knownComposers -= composer

    internal override fun invalidate(composer: Composer<*>) {
        synchronized(stateLock) {
            if (composer !in composerInvalidations) {
                composerInvalidations += composer
            } else null

    companion object {
        private val mainRecomposer: Recomposer by lazy {
            val embeddingContext = EmbeddingContext()
            val mainScope = CoroutineScope(
                NonCancellable + embeddingContext.mainThreadCompositionContext()

            Recomposer(mainScope.coroutineContext).also {
                // NOTE: Launching undispatched so that compositions created with the
                // Recomposer.current() singleton instance can assume the recomposer is running
                // when they perform initial composition. The relevant Recomposer code is
                // appropriately thread-safe for this.
                mainScope.launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {

         * Retrieves [Recomposer] for the current thread. Needs to be the main thread.
        fun current(): Recomposer = mainRecomposer