
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.runtime

import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.MutableSnapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotMutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateList
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateMap
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.StateObject
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.StateRecord
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.readable
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.withCurrent
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.writable
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty

 * Return a new [MutableState] initialized with the passed in [value]
 * The MutableState class is a single value holder whose reads and writes are observed by
 * Compose. Additionally, writes to it are transacted as part of the [Snapshot] system.
 * @param value the initial value for the [MutableState]
 * @param policy a policy to controls how changes are handled in mutable snapshots.
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.SimpleStateSample
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.DestructuredStateSample
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.observeUserSample
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.stateSample
 * @see State
 * @see MutableState
 * @see SnapshotMutationPolicy
fun <T> mutableStateOf(
    value: T,
    policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> = structuralEqualityPolicy()
): MutableState<T> = SnapshotMutableStateImpl(value, policy)

 * A value holder where reads to the [value] property during the execution of a [Composable]
 * function, the current [RecomposeScope] will be subscribed to changes of that value.
 * @see [MutableState]
 * @see [mutableStateOf]
interface State<T> {
    val value: T

 * Permits property delegation of `val`s using `by` for [State].
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.DelegatedReadOnlyStateSample
inline operator fun <T> State<T>.getValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value

 * A mutable value holder where reads to the [value] property during the execution of a [Composable]
 * function, the current [RecomposeScope] will be subscribed to changes of that value. When the
 * [value] property is written to and changed, a recomposition of any subscribed [RecomposeScope]s
 * will be scheduled. If [value] is written to with the same value, no recompositions will be
 * scheduled.
 * @see [State]
 * @see [mutableStateOf]
interface MutableState<T> : State<T> {
    override var value: T
    operator fun component1(): T
    operator fun component2(): (T) -> Unit

 * Permits property delegation of `var`s using `by` for [MutableState].
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.DelegatedStateSample
inline operator fun <T> MutableState<T>.setValue(thisObj: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
    this.value = value

 * A single value holder whose reads and writes are observed by Compose.
 * Additionally, writes to it are transacted as part of the [Snapshot] system.
 * @property value the wrapped value
 * @property policy a policy to control how changes are handled in a mutable snapshot.
 * @see mutableStateOf
 * @see SnapshotMutationPolicy
private class SnapshotMutableStateImpl<T>(
    value: T,
    override val policy: SnapshotMutationPolicy<T>
) : StateObject, SnapshotMutableState<T> {
    override var value: T
        get() = next.readable(this).value
        set(value) = next.withCurrent {
            if (!policy.equivalent(it.value, value)) {
                next.writable(this) { this.value = value }

    private var next: StateStateRecord<T> = StateStateRecord(value)

    override val firstStateRecord: StateRecord
        get() = next

    override fun prependStateRecord(value: StateRecord) {
        next = value as StateStateRecord<T>

    override fun mergeRecords(
        previous: StateRecord,
        current: StateRecord,
        applied: StateRecord
    ): StateRecord? {
        val previousRecord = previous as StateStateRecord<T>
        val currentRecord = current as StateStateRecord<T>
        val appliedRecord = applied as StateStateRecord<T>
        return if (policy.equivalent(currentRecord.value, appliedRecord.value))
        else {
            val merged = policy.merge(
            if (merged != null) {
                appliedRecord.create().also {
                    (it as StateStateRecord<T>).value = merged
            } else {

    private class StateStateRecord<T>(myValue: T) : StateRecord() {
        override fun assign(value: StateRecord) {
            this.value = (value as StateStateRecord<T>).value

        override fun create(): StateRecord = StateStateRecord(value)

        var value: T = myValue

     * The componentN() operators allow state objects to be used with the property destructuring
     * syntax
     * var (foo, setFoo) = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
     * setFoo(123) // set
     * foo == 123 // get
    override operator fun component1(): T = value

    override operator fun component2(): (T) -> Unit = { value = it }

 * A policy to control how the result of [mutableStateOf] report and merge changes to
 * the state object.
 * A mutation policy can be passed as an parameter to [mutableStateOf], and [compositionLocalOf].
 * Typically, one of the stock policies should be used such as [referentialEqualityPolicy],
 * [structuralEqualityPolicy], or [neverEqualPolicy]. However, a custom mutation policy can be
 * created by implementing this interface, such as a counter policy,
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.counterSample
interface SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> {
     * Determine if setting a state value's are equivalent and should be treated as equal. If
     * [equivalent] returns `true` the new value is not considered a change.
    fun equivalent(a: T, b: T): Boolean

     * Merge conflicting changes in snapshots. This is only called if [current] and [applied] are
     * not [equivalent]. If a valid merged value can be calculated then it should be returned.
     * For example, if the state object holds an immutable data class with multiple fields,
     * and [applied] has changed fields that are unmodified by [current] it might be valid to return
     * a new copy of the data class that combines that changes from both [current] and [applied]
     * allowing a snapshot to apply that would have otherwise failed.
     * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.counterSample
    fun merge(previous: T, current: T, applied: T): T? = null

 * A policy to treat values of a [MutableState] as equivalent if they are referentially (===) equal.
 * Setting [MutableState.value] to its current referentially (===) equal value is not considered
 * a change. When applying a [MutableSnapshot], if the snapshot changes the value to the
 * equivalent value the parent snapshot has is not considered a conflict.
fun <T> referentialEqualityPolicy(): SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> =
    ReferentialEqualityPolicy as SnapshotMutationPolicy<T>

private object ReferentialEqualityPolicy : SnapshotMutationPolicy<Any?> {
    override fun equivalent(a: Any?, b: Any?) = a === b

 * A policy to treat values of a [MutableState] as equivalent if they are structurally (==) equal.
 * Setting [MutableState.value] to its current structurally (==) equal value is not considered
 * a change. When applying a [MutableSnapshot], if the snapshot changes the value to the
 * equivalent value the parent snapshot has is not considered a conflict.
fun <T> structuralEqualityPolicy(): SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> =
    StructuralEqualityPolicy as SnapshotMutationPolicy<T>

private object StructuralEqualityPolicy : SnapshotMutationPolicy<Any?> {
    override fun equivalent(a: Any?, b: Any?) = a == b

 * A policy never treat values of a [MutableState] as equivalent.
 * Setting [MutableState.value] will always be considered a change. When applying a
 * [MutableSnapshot] that changes the state will always conflict with other snapshots that change
 * the same state.
fun <T> neverEqualPolicy(): SnapshotMutationPolicy<T> =
    NeverEqualPolicy as SnapshotMutationPolicy<T>

private object NeverEqualPolicy : SnapshotMutationPolicy<Any?> {
    override fun equivalent(a: Any?, b: Any?) = false

 * Create a instance of MutableList<T> that is observable and can be snapshot.
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.stateListSample
 * @see mutableStateOf
 * @see mutableListOf
 * @see MutableList
 * @see Snapshot.takeSnapshot
fun <T> mutableStateListOf() = SnapshotStateList<T>()

 * Create an instance of MutableList<T> that is observable and can be snapshot.
 * @see mutableStateOf
 * @see mutableListOf
 * @see MutableList
 * @see Snapshot.takeSnapshot
fun <T> mutableStateListOf(vararg elements: T) =
    SnapshotStateList<T>().also { it.addAll(elements.toList()) }

 * Create an instance of MutableList<T> from a collection that is observerable and can be snapshot.
fun <T> Collection<T>.toMutableStateList() = SnapshotStateList<T>().also { it.addAll(this) }

 * Create a instance of MutableSet<K, V> that is observable and can be snapshot.
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.stateMapSample
 * @see mutableStateOf
 * @see mutableMapOf
 * @see MutableMap
 * @see Snapshot.takeSnapshot
fun <K, V> mutableStateMapOf() = SnapshotStateMap<K, V>()

 * Create a instance of MutableMap<K, V> that is observable and can be snapshot.
 * @see mutableStateOf
 * @see mutableMapOf
 * @see MutableMap
 * @see Snapshot.takeSnapshot
fun <K, V> mutableStateMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>) =
    SnapshotStateMap<K, V>().apply { putAll(pairs.toMap()) }

 * Create an instance of MutableMap<K, V> from a collection of pairs that is observable and can be
 * snapshot.
fun <K, V> Iterable<Pair<K, V>>.toMutableStateMap() =
    SnapshotStateMap<K, V>().also { it.putAll(this.toMap()) }