
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.runtime

 * Remember the value produced by [calculation]. [calculation] will only be evaluated during the composition.
 * Recomposition will always return the value produced by composition.
inline fun <T> remember(calculation: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T): T =
    currentComposer.cache(false, calculation)

 * Remember the value returned by [calculation] if [key1] is equal to the previous composition,
 * otherwise produce and remember a new value by calling [calculation].
inline fun <T> remember(
    key1: Any?,
    calculation: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T
): T {
    return currentComposer.cache(currentComposer.changed(key1), calculation)

 * Remember the value returned by [calculation] if [key1] and [key2] are equal to the previous
 * composition, otherwise produce and remember a new value by calling [calculation].
inline fun <T> remember(
    key1: Any?,
    key2: Any?,
    calculation: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T
): T {
    return currentComposer.cache(
        currentComposer.changed(key1) or currentComposer.changed(key2),

 * Remember the value returned by [calculation] if [key1], [key2] and [key3] are equal to the
 * previous composition, otherwise produce and remember a new value by calling [calculation].
inline fun <T> remember(
    key1: Any?,
    key2: Any?,
    key3: Any?,
    calculation: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T
): T {
    return currentComposer.cache(
        currentComposer.changed(key1) or
            currentComposer.changed(key2) or

 * Remember the value returned by [calculation] if all values of [keys] are equal to the previous
 * composition, otherwise produce and remember a new value by calling [calculation].
inline fun <T> remember(
    vararg keys: Any?,
    calculation: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> T
): T {
    var invalid = false
    for (key in keys) invalid = invalid or currentComposer.changed(key)
    return currentComposer.cache(invalid, calculation)

 * [key] is a utility composable that is used to "group" or "key" a block of execution inside of a
 * composition. This is sometimes needed for correctness inside of control-flow that may cause a
 * given composable invocation to execute more than once during composition.
 * The value for a key *does not need to be globally unique*, and needs only be unique amongst the
 * invocations of [key] *at that point* in composition.
 * For instance, consider the following example:
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.LocallyUniqueKeys
 * Even though there are users with the same id composed in both the top and the bottom loop,
 * because they are different calls to [key], there is no need to create compound keys.
 * The key must be unique for each element in the collection, however, or children and local state
 * might be reused in unintended ways.
 * For instance, consider the following example:
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.NotAlwaysUniqueKeys
 * This example assumes that `` is a unique key for each item in the collection,
 * but this is only true if it is fair to assume that a parent will only ever have a single child,
 * which may not be the case.  Instead, it may be more correct to do the following:
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.MoreCorrectUniqueKeys
 * A compound key can be created by passing in multiple arguments:
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.TwoInputsKeySample
 * @param keys The set of values to be used to create a compound key. These will be compared to
 * their previous values using [equals] and [hashCode]
 * @param block The composable children for this group.
inline fun <T> key(
    vararg keys: Any?,
    block: @Composable () -> T
) = block()

 * TODO(lmr): provide documentation
val currentComposer: Composer
    @Composable get() { throw NotImplementedError("Implemented as an intrinsic") }

 * Returns an object which can be used to invalidate the current scope at this point in composition.
 * This object can be used to manually cause recompositions.
val currentRecomposeScope: RecomposeScope
    @Composable get() {
        val scope = currentComposer.recomposeScope ?: error("no recompose scope found")
        return scope

 * This a hash value used to coordinate map externally stored state to the composition. For
 * example, this is used by saved instance state to preserve state across activity lifetime
 * boundaries.
 * This value is not likely to be unique but is not guaranteed unique. There are known cases,
 * such as for loops without a [key], where the runtime does not have enough information to
 * make the compound key hash unique.
val currentCompositeKeyHash: Int
    get() = currentComposer.compoundKeyHash

 * Emits a node into the composition of type [T].
 * This function will throw a runtime exception if [E] is not a subtype of the applier of the
 * [currentComposer].
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.CustomTreeComposition
 * @param factory A function which will create a new instance of [T]. This function is NOT
 * guaranteed to be called in place.
 * @param update A function to perform updates on the node. This will run every time emit is
 * executed. This function is called in place and will be inlined.
 * @see Updater
 * @see Applier
 * @see Composition
// ComposeNode is a special case of readonly composable and handles creating its own groups, so
// it is okay to use.
@Composable inline fun <T : Any, reified E : Applier<*>> ComposeNode(
    noinline factory: () -> T,
    update: @DisallowComposableCalls Updater<T>.() -> Unit
) {
    if (currentComposer.applier !is E) invalidApplier()
    if (currentComposer.inserting) {
        currentComposer.createNode { factory() }
    } else {

 * Emits a node into the composition of type [T]. Nodes emitted inside of [content] will become
 * children of the emitted node.
 * This function will throw a runtime exception if [E] is not a subtype of the applier of the
 * [currentComposer].
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.CustomTreeComposition
 * @param factory A function which will create a new instance of [T]. This function is NOT
 * guaranteed to be called in place.
 * @param update A function to perform updates on the node. This will run every time emit is
 * executed. This function is called in place and will be inlined.
 * @param content the composable content that will emit the "children" of this node.
 * @see Updater
 * @see Applier
 * @see Composition
// ComposeNode is a special case of readonly composable and handles creating its own groups, so
// it is okay to use.
inline fun <T : Any?, reified E : Applier<*>> ComposeNode(
    noinline factory: () -> T,
    update: @DisallowComposableCalls Updater<T>.() -> Unit,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    if (currentComposer.applier !is E) invalidApplier()
    if (currentComposer.inserting) {
    } else {

 * Emits a node into the composition of type [T]. Nodes emitted inside of [content] will become
 * children of the emitted node.
 * This function will throw a runtime exception if [E] is not a subtype of the applier of the
 * [currentComposer].
 * @sample androidx.compose.runtime.samples.CustomTreeComposition
 * @param factory A function which will create a new instance of [T]. This function is NOT
 * guaranteed to be called in place.
 * @param update A function to perform updates on the node. This will run every time emit is
 * executed. This function is called in place and will be inlined.
 * @param skippableUpdate A function to perform updates on the node. Unlike [update], this
 * function is Composable and will therefore be skipped unless it has been invalidated by some
 * other mechanism. This can be useful to perform expensive calculations for updating the node
 * where the calculations are likely to have the same inputs over time, so the function's
 * execution can be skipped.
 * @param content the composable content that will emit the "children" of this node.
 * @see Updater
 * @see SkippableUpdater
 * @see Applier
 * @see Composition
@Composable @ExplicitGroupsComposable
inline fun <T, reified E : Applier<*>> ComposeNode(
    noinline factory: () -> T,
    update: @DisallowComposableCalls Updater<T>.() -> Unit,
    noinline skippableUpdate: @Composable SkippableUpdater<T>.() -> Unit,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    if (currentComposer.applier !is E) invalidApplier()
    if (currentComposer.inserting) {
    } else {

internal fun invalidApplier(): Unit = error("Invalid applier")

 * An Effect to construct a [CompositionContext] at the current point of composition. This can be
 * used to run a separate composition in the context of the current one, preserving
 * [CompositionLocal]s and propagating invalidations. When this call leaves the composition, the
 * context is invalidated.
@Composable fun rememberCompositionContext(): CompositionContext {
    return currentComposer.buildContext()