
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.test

import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.lerp
import androidx.compose.ui.node.Owner
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Duration
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.inMilliseconds
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.milliseconds
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.roundToInt

internal expect fun InputDispatcher(testContext: TestContext, owner: Owner): InputDispatcher

 * Dispatcher to inject full and partial gestures. An [InputDispatcher] is created at the
 * beginning of [performGesture], and disposed at the end of that method. If there is still a
 * [gesture going on][isGestureInProgress] when the dispatcher is disposed, the state of the
 * current gesture will be persisted and restored on the next invocation of [performGesture].
 * Dispatching input happens in two stages. In the first stage, all events are generated
 * (enqueued), using the `enqueue*` methods, and in the second stage all events are injected.
 * Clients of [InputDispatcher] should only call methods for the first stage listed below, the
 * second stage is handled by [performGesture].
 * Implementations of [InputDispatcher] must derive from [PersistingInputDispatcher], which
 * handles state restoration.
 * Full gestures:
 * * [enqueueClick]
 * * [enqueueSwipe]
 * * [enqueueSwipes]
 * Partial gestures:
 * * [enqueueDown]
 * * [enqueueMove]
 * * [enqueueUp]
 * * [enqueueCancel]
 * * [movePointer]
 * * [getCurrentPosition]
 * Chaining methods:
 * * [enqueueDelay]
internal abstract class InputDispatcher {
    companion object {
         * Whether or not injection of events should be suspended in between events until [now]
         * is at least the `eventTime` of the next event to inject. If `true`, will suspend until
         * the next `eventTime`, if `false`, will send the event immediately without suspending.
        internal var dispatchInRealTime: Boolean = true

         * The minimum time between two successive injected MotionEvents, 10 milliseconds.
         * Ideally, the value should reflect a realistic pointer input sample rate, but that
         * depends on too many factors. Instead, the value is chosen comfortably below the
         * targeted frame rate (60 fps, equating to a 16ms period).
        var eventPeriod = 10.milliseconds.inMilliseconds()
            internal set

         * Indicates that [nextDownTime] is not set
        private const val DownTimeNotSet = -1L

     * The time difference between enqueuing the first event of the gesture and dispatching it.
     * When the first event of a gesture is enqueued, its eventTime is fixed to the current time.
     * However, there is inevitably some time between enqueuing and dispatching of that event.
     * This means that event is going to be "late" by [gestureLateness] milliseconds when it is
     * dispatched. Because the dispatcher wants to align events with the current time, it will
     * dispatch all events that are late immediately and without delay, until it has reached an
     * event whose eventTime is in the future (i.e. an event that is "early").
     * The [gestureLateness] will be used to offset all events, effectively aligning the first
     * event with the dispatch time.
    protected var gestureLateness: Long? = null

     * The down time of the next gesture, if a gesture will follow the one that is currently in
     * progress. If [DownTimeNotSet], the down time will be set to the current time when the
     * first down event is enqueued for the next gesture. It will only be [DownTimeNotSet] if
     * this is the first of one or more chained gestures, which is the usual case. A chained
     * gesture is for example a double click, which consists of a click, a delay and another
     * click.
    protected var nextDownTime = DownTimeNotSet

     * The state of the current gesture in progress. If `null`, no gesture is in progress. This
     * state contains the current position of all pointer ids, the current time of the event, and
     * whether or not pointers have moved without having enqueued the corresponding move event.
    protected var partialGesture: PartialGesture? = null

     * Indicates if a gesture is in progress or not. A gesture is in progress if at least one
     * finger is (still) touching the screen.
    val isGestureInProgress: Boolean
        get() = partialGesture != null

     * The current time, in the time scale used by gesture events.
    protected abstract val now: Long

     * Generates the downTime of the next gesture with the given [duration]. The gesture's
     * [duration] is necessary to facilitate chaining of gestures: if another gesture is made
     * after the next one, it will start exactly [duration] after the start of the next gesture.
     * Always use this method to determine the downTime of the [down event][enqueueDown] of a
     * gesture.
     * If the duration is unknown when calling this method, use a duration of zero and update
     * with [moveNextDownTime] when the duration is known, or use [moveNextDownTime]
     * incrementally if the gesture unfolds gradually.
    private fun generateDownTime(duration: Duration): Long {
        val downTime = if (nextDownTime == DownTimeNotSet) {
        } else {
        nextDownTime = downTime + duration.inMilliseconds()
        return downTime

     * Moves the start time of the next gesture ahead by the given [duration]. Does not affect
     * any event time from the current gesture. Use this when the expected duration passed to
     * [generateDownTime] has changed.
    private fun moveNextDownTime(duration: Duration) {

     * Increases the eventTime with the given [time]. Also pushes the downTime for the next
     * chained gesture by the same amount to facilitate chaining.
    private fun PartialGesture.increaseEventTime(time: Long = eventPeriod) {
        lastEventTime += time

     * During a partial gesture, returns the position of the last touch event of the given
     * [pointerId]. Returns `null` if no partial gesture is in progress for that [pointerId].
     * @param pointerId The id of the pointer for which to return the current position
     * @return The current position of the pointer with the given [pointerId], or `null` if the
     * pointer is not currently in use
    fun getCurrentPosition(pointerId: Int): Offset? {
        return partialGesture?.lastPositions?.get(pointerId)

     * Generates a click event at [position]. There will be 10ms in between the down and the up
     * event. The generated events are enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when
     * [sendAllSynchronous] is called at the end of [performGesture].
     * @param position The coordinate of the click
    fun enqueueClick(position: Offset) {
        enqueueDown(0, position)

     * Generates a swipe gesture from [start] to [end] with the given [duration]. The generated
     * events are enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when [sendAllSynchronous]
     * is called at the end of [performGesture].
     * @param start The start position of the gesture
     * @param end The end position of the gesture
     * @param duration The duration of the gesture
    fun enqueueSwipe(start: Offset, end: Offset, duration: Duration) {
        val durationFloat = duration.inMilliseconds().toFloat()
            curve = { lerp(start, end, it / durationFloat) },
            duration = duration

     * Generates a swipe gesture from [curve](0) to [curve]([duration]), following the
     * route defined by [curve]. Will force sampling of an event at all times defined in
     * [keyTimes]. The number of events sampled between the key times is implementation
     * dependent. The generated events are enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent
     * when [sendAllSynchronous] is called at the end of [performGesture].
     * @param curve The function that defines the position of the gesture over time
     * @param duration The duration of the gesture
     * @param keyTimes An optional list of timestamps in milliseconds at which a move event must
     * be sampled
    fun enqueueSwipe(
        curve: (Long) -> Offset,
        duration: Duration,
        keyTimes: List<Long> = emptyList()
    ) {
        enqueueSwipes(listOf(curve), duration, keyTimes)

     * Generates [curves].size simultaneous swipe gestures, each swipe going from
     * [curves]&#91;i&#93;(0) to [curves]&#91;i&#93;([duration]), following the route defined by
     * [curves]&#91;i&#93;. Will force sampling of an event at all times defined in [keyTimes].
     * The number of events sampled between the key times is implementation dependent. The
     * generated events are enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when
     * [sendAllSynchronous] is called at the end of [performGesture].
     * @param curves The functions that define the position of the gesture over time
     * @param duration The duration of the gestures
     * @param keyTimes An optional list of timestamps in milliseconds at which a move event must
     * be sampled
    fun enqueueSwipes(
        curves: List<(Long) -> Offset>,
        duration: Duration,
        keyTimes: List<Long> = emptyList()
    ) {
        val startTime = 0L
        val endTime = duration.inMilliseconds()

        // Validate input
        require(duration >= 1.milliseconds) {
            "duration must be at least 1 millisecond, not $duration"
        val validRange = startTime..endTime
        require(keyTimes.all { it in validRange }) {
            "keyTimes contains timestamps out of range [$startTime..$endTime]: $keyTimes"
        require(keyTimes.asSequence().zipWithNext { a, b -> a <= b }.all { it }) {
            "keyTimes must be sorted: $keyTimes"

        // Send down events
        curves.forEachIndexed { i, curve ->
            enqueueDown(i, curve(startTime))

        // Send move events between each consecutive pair in [t0, ..keyTimes, tN]
        var currTime = startTime
        var key = 0
        while (currTime < endTime) {
            // advance key
            while (key < keyTimes.size && keyTimes[key] <= currTime) {
            // send events between t and next keyTime
            val tNext = if (key < keyTimes.size) keyTimes[key] else endTime
            sendPartialSwipes(curves, currTime, tNext)
            currTime = tNext

        // And end with up events
        repeat(curves.size) {

     * Generates move events between `f([t0])` and `f([tN])` during the time window `(downTime +
     * t0, downTime + tN]`, using [fs] to sample the coordinate of each event. The number of
     * events sent (#numEvents) is such that the time between each event is as close to
     * [InputDispatcher.eventPeriod] as possible, but at least 1. The first event is sent at time
     * `downTime + (tN - t0) / #numEvents`, the last event is sent at time tN.
     * @param fs The functions that define the coordinates of the respective gestures over time
     * @param t0 The start time of this segment of the swipe, in milliseconds relative to downTime
     * @param tN The end time of this segment of the swipe, in milliseconds relative to downTime
    private fun sendPartialSwipes(
        fs: List<(Long) -> Offset>,
        t0: Long,
        tN: Long
    ) {
        var step = 0
        // How many steps will we take between t0 and tN? At least 1, and a number that will
        // bring as as close to eventPeriod as possible
        val steps = max(1, ((tN - t0) / eventPeriod.toFloat()).roundToInt())

        var tPrev = t0
        while (step++ < steps) {
            val progress = step / steps.toFloat()
            val t = androidx.compose.ui.util.lerp(t0, tN, progress)
            fs.forEachIndexed { i, f ->
                movePointer(i, f(t))
            enqueueMove(t - tPrev)
            tPrev = t

     * Adds a delay between the end of the last full or current partial gesture of the given
     * [duration]. Guarantees that the first event time of the next gesture will be exactly
     * [duration] later then if that gesture would be injected without this delay, provided that
     * the next gesture is started using the same [InputDispatcher] instance as the one used to
     * end the last gesture.
     * Note: this does not affect the time of the next event for the _current_ partial gesture,
     * using [enqueueMove], [enqueueUp] and [enqueueCancel], but it will affect the time of the
     * _next_ gesture (including partial gestures started with [enqueueDown]).
     * @param duration The duration of the delay. Must be positive
    fun enqueueDelay(duration: Duration) {
        require(duration >= Duration.Zero) {
            "duration of a delay can only be positive, not $duration"

     * Generates a down event at [position] for the pointer with the given [pointerId], starting
     * a new partial gesture. A partial gesture can only be started if none was currently ongoing
     * for that pointer. Pointer ids may be reused during the same gesture. The generated event
     * is enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when [sendAllSynchronous] is called
     * at the end of [performGesture].
     * It is possible to mix partial gestures with full gestures (e.g. generate a [click]
     * [enqueueClick] during a partial gesture), as long as you make sure that the default
     * pointer id (id=0) is free to be used by the full gesture.
     * A full gesture starts with a down event at some position (with this method) that indicates
     * a finger has started touching the screen, followed by zero or more [down][enqueueDown],
     * [move][enqueueMove] and [up][enqueueUp] events that respectively indicate that another
     * finger started touching the screen, a finger moved around or a finger was lifted up from
     * the screen. A gesture is finished when [up][enqueueUp] lifts the last remaining finger
     * from the screen, or when a single [cancel][enqueueCancel] event is generated.
     * Partial gestures don't have to be defined all in the same [performGesture] block, but
     * keep in mind that while the gesture is not complete, all code you execute in between
     * blocks that progress the gesture, will be executed while imaginary fingers are actively
     * touching the screen. All events generated during a single [performGesture] block are sent
     * together at the end of that block.
     * In the context of testing, it is not necessary to complete a gesture with an up or cancel
     * event, if the test ends before it expects the finger to be lifted from the screen.
     * @param pointerId The id of the pointer, can be any number not yet in use by another pointer
     * @param position The coordinate of the down event
     * @see movePointer
     * @see enqueueMove
     * @see enqueueUp
     * @see enqueueCancel
    fun enqueueDown(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
        var gesture = partialGesture

        // Check if this pointer is not already down
        require(gesture == null || !gesture.lastPositions.containsKey(pointerId)) {
            "Cannot send DOWN event, a gesture is already in progress for pointer $pointerId"


        // Start a new gesture, or add the pointerId to the existing gesture
        if (gesture == null) {
            gesture = PartialGesture(generateDownTime(0.milliseconds), position, pointerId)
            partialGesture = gesture
        } else {
            gesture.lastPositions[pointerId] = position

        // Send the DOWN event

     * Generates a move event [delay] milliseconds after the previous injected event of this
     * gesture, without moving any of the pointers. The default [delay] is [10 milliseconds]
     * [eventPeriod]. Use this to commit all changes in pointer location made
     * with [movePointer]. The generated event will contain the current position of all pointers.
     * It is enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when [sendAllSynchronous] is
     * called at the end of [performGesture]. See [enqueueDown] for more information on how to
     * make complete gestures from partial gestures.
     * @param delay The time in milliseconds between the previously injected event and the move
     * event. [10 milliseconds][eventPeriod] by default.
    fun enqueueMove(delay: Long = eventPeriod) {
        val gesture = checkNotNull(partialGesture) {
            "Cannot send MOVE event, no gesture is in progress"
        require(delay >= 0) {
            "Cannot send MOVE event with a delay of $delay ms"

        gesture.hasPointerUpdates = false

     * Updates the position of the pointer with the given [pointerId] to the given [position],
     * but does not generate a move event. Use this to move multiple pointers simultaneously. To
     * generate the next move event, which will contain the current position of _all_ pointers
     * (not just the moved ones), call [enqueueMove] without arguments. If you move one or more
     * pointers and then call [enqueueDown] or [enqueueUp], without calling [enqueueMove] first,
     * a move event will be generated right before that down or up event. See [enqueueDown] for
     * more information on how to make complete gestures from partial gestures.
     * @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [enqueueDown]
     * @param position The position to move the pointer to
     * @see enqueueDown
     * @see enqueueMove
     * @see enqueueUp
     * @see enqueueCancel
    fun movePointer(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
        val gesture = partialGesture

        // Check if this pointer is in the gesture
        check(gesture != null) {
            "Cannot move pointers, no gesture is in progress"
        require(gesture.lastPositions.containsKey(pointerId)) {
            "Cannot move pointer $pointerId, it is not active in the current gesture"

        gesture.lastPositions[pointerId] = position
        gesture.hasPointerUpdates = true

     * Generates an up event for the given [pointerId] at the current position of that pointer,
     * [delay] milliseconds after the previous injected event of this gesture. The default
     * [delay] is 0 milliseconds. The generated event is enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and
     * will be sent when [sendAllSynchronous] is called at the end of [performGesture]. See
     * [enqueueDown] for more information on how to make complete gestures from partial gestures.
     * @param pointerId The id of the pointer to lift up, as supplied in [enqueueDown]
     * @param delay The time in milliseconds between the previously injected event and the move
     * event. 0 milliseconds by default.
     * @see enqueueDown
     * @see movePointer
     * @see enqueueMove
     * @see enqueueCancel
    fun enqueueUp(pointerId: Int, delay: Long = 0) {
        val gesture = partialGesture

        // Check if this pointer is in the gesture
        check(gesture != null) {
            "Cannot send UP event, no gesture is in progress"
        require(gesture.lastPositions.containsKey(pointerId)) {
            "Cannot send UP event for pointer $pointerId, it is not active in the current gesture"
        require(delay >= 0) {
            "Cannot send UP event with a delay of $delay ms"


        // First send the UP event

        // Then remove the pointer, and end the gesture if no pointers are left
        if (gesture.lastPositions.isEmpty()) {
            partialGesture = null

     * Generates a cancel event [delay] milliseconds after the previous injected event of this
     * gesture. The default [delay] is [10 milliseconds][InputDispatcher.eventPeriod]. The
     * generated event is enqueued in this [InputDispatcher] and will be sent when
     * [sendAllSynchronous] is called at the end of [performGesture]. See [enqueueDown] for more
     * information on how to make complete gestures from partial gestures.
     * @param delay The time in milliseconds between the previously injected event and the cancel
     * event. [10 milliseconds][InputDispatcher.eventPeriod] by default.
     * @see enqueueDown
     * @see movePointer
     * @see enqueueMove
     * @see enqueueUp
    fun enqueueCancel(delay: Long = eventPeriod) {
        val gesture = checkNotNull(partialGesture) {
            "Cannot send CANCEL event, no gesture is in progress"
        require(delay >= 0) {
            "Cannot send CANCEL event with a delay of $delay ms"

        partialGesture = null

     * Sends all enqueued events and blocks while they are dispatched. Will suspend before
     * dispatching an event until [now] is at least that event's timestamp. If an exception is
     * thrown during the process, all events that haven't yet been dispatched will be dropped.
    abstract fun sendAllSynchronous()

     * Generates a MOVE event with all pointer locations, if any of the pointers has been moved by
     * [movePointer] since the last MOVE event.
    private fun PartialGesture.flushPointerUpdates() {
        if (hasPointerUpdates) {

    protected abstract fun PartialGesture.enqueueDown(pointerId: Int)

    protected abstract fun PartialGesture.enqueueMove()

    protected abstract fun PartialGesture.enqueueUp(pointerId: Int)

    protected abstract fun PartialGesture.enqueueCancel()

     * Called when this [InputDispatcher] is about to be discarded, from [GestureScope.dispose].
    abstract fun dispose()

 * The state of the current gesture. Contains the current position of all pointers and the
 * current time of the gesture.
 * @param downTime The time of the first down event of this gesture
 * @param startPosition The position of the first down event of this gesture
 * @param pointerId The pointer id of the first down event of this gesture
internal class PartialGesture(val downTime: Long, startPosition: Offset, pointerId: Int) {
    var lastEventTime: Long = downTime
    val lastPositions = mutableMapOf(Pair(pointerId, startPosition))
    var hasPointerUpdates: Boolean = false