
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.text.input

import androidx.compose.ui.util.isSurrogatePair
import androidx.compose.ui.util.findFollowingBreak
import androidx.compose.ui.util.findPrecedingBreak

 * A base class of all EditOperations
 * An EditOperation is a representation of platform IME API call. For example, in Android,
 * InputConnection#commitText API call is translated to CommitTextEditOp object.
interface EditOperation {

     * Processes editing buffer with this edit operation.
    fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer)

 * An edit operation represent commitText callback from InputMethod.
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#commitText(java.lang.CharSequence,%20int)>
data class CommitTextEditOp(
     * The text to commit. We ignore any styles in the original API.
    val text: String,

     * The cursor position after inserted text.
     * See original commitText API docs for more details.
    val newCursorPosition: Int
) : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        // API description says replace ongoing composition text if there. Then, if there is no
        // composition text, insert text into cursor position or replace selection.
        if (buffer.hasComposition()) {
            buffer.replace(buffer.compositionStart, buffer.compositionEnd, text)
        } else {
            // In this editing buffer, insert into cursor or replace selection are equivalent.
            buffer.replace(buffer.selectionStart, buffer.selectionEnd, text)

        // After replace function is called, the editing buffer places the cursor at the end of the
        // modified range.
        val newCursor = buffer.cursor

        // See above API description for the meaning of newCursorPosition.
        val newCursorInBuffer = if (newCursorPosition > 0) {
            newCursor + newCursorPosition - 1
        } else {
            newCursor + newCursorPosition - text.length

        buffer.cursor = newCursorInBuffer.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)

 * An edit operation represents setComposingRegion callback from InputMethod.
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#setComposingRegion(int,%2520int)>
data class SetComposingRegionEditOp(
     * The inclusive start offset of the composing region.
    val start: Int,

     * The exclusive end offset of the composing region
    val end: Int
) : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        // The API description says, different from SetComposingText, SetComposingRegion must
        // preserve the ongoing composition text and set new composition.
        if (buffer.hasComposition()) {

        // Sanitize the input: reverse if reversed, clamped into valid range, ignore empty range.
        val clampedStart = start.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)
        val clampedEnd = end.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)
        if (clampedStart == clampedEnd) {
            // do nothing. empty composition range is not allowed.
        } else if (clampedStart < clampedEnd) {
            buffer.setComposition(clampedStart, clampedEnd)
        } else {
            buffer.setComposition(clampedEnd, clampedStart)
 * An edit operation represents setComposingText callback from InputMethod
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#setComposingText(java.lang.CharSequence,%2520int)>
data class SetComposingTextEditOp(
     * The composing text.
    val text: String,
     * The cursor position after setting composing text.
     * See original setComposingText API docs for more details.
    val newCursorPosition: Int
) : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        if (buffer.hasComposition()) {
            // API doc says, if there is ongoing composing text, replace it with new text.
            val compositionStart = buffer.compositionStart
            buffer.replace(buffer.compositionStart, buffer.compositionEnd, text)
            if (text.isNotEmpty()) {
                buffer.setComposition(compositionStart, compositionStart + text.length)
        } else {
            // If there is no composing text, insert composing text into cursor position with
            // removing selected text if any.
            val selectionStart = buffer.selectionStart
            buffer.replace(buffer.selectionStart, buffer.selectionEnd, text)
            if (text.isNotEmpty()) {
                buffer.setComposition(selectionStart, selectionStart + text.length)

        // After replace function is called, the editing buffer places the cursor at the end of the
        // modified range.
        val newCursor = buffer.cursor

        // See above API description for the meaning of newCursorPosition.
        val newCursorInBuffer = if (newCursorPosition > 0) {
            newCursor + newCursorPosition - 1
        } else {
            newCursor + newCursorPosition - text.length

        buffer.cursor = newCursorInBuffer.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)
 * An edit operation represents deleteSurroundingText callback from InputMethod
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#deleteSurroundingText(int,%2520int)>
data class DeleteSurroundingTextEditOp(
     * The number of characters in UTF-16 before the cursor to be deleted.
    val beforeLength: Int,
     * The number of characters in UTF-16 after the cursor to be deleted.
    val afterLength: Int
) : EditOperation {
    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
            minOf(buffer.selectionEnd + afterLength, buffer.length)

            maxOf(0, buffer.selectionStart - beforeLength),
 * An edit operation represents deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoitns callback from InputMethod
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(int,%2520int)>
data class DeleteSurroundingTextInCodePointsEditOp(
     * The number of characters in Unicode code points before the cursor to be deleted.
    val beforeLength: Int,
     * The number of characters in Unicode code points after the cursor to be deleted.
    val afterLength: Int
) : EditOperation {
    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        // Convert code point length into character length. Then call the common logic of the
        // DeleteSurroundingTextEditOp
        var beforeLenInChars = 0
        for (i in 0 until beforeLength) {
            if (buffer.selectionStart > beforeLenInChars) {
                val lead = buffer[buffer.selectionStart - beforeLenInChars - 1]
                val trail = buffer[buffer.selectionStart - beforeLenInChars]

                if (isSurrogatePair(lead, trail)) {
            if (beforeLenInChars == buffer.selectionStart) break

        var afterLenInChars = 0
        for (i in 0 until afterLength) {
            if (buffer.selectionEnd + afterLenInChars < buffer.length) {
                val lead = buffer[buffer.selectionEnd + afterLenInChars - 1]
                val trail = buffer[buffer.selectionEnd + afterLenInChars]

                if (isSurrogatePair(lead, trail)) {
            if (buffer.selectionEnd + afterLenInChars == buffer.length) break

        buffer.delete(buffer.selectionEnd, buffer.selectionEnd + afterLenInChars)
        buffer.delete(buffer.selectionStart - beforeLenInChars, buffer.selectionStart)

 * An edit operation represents setSelection callback from InputMethod
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#setSelection(int,%2520int)>
data class SetSelectionEditOp(
     * The inclusive start offset of the selection region.
    val start: Int,
     * The exclusive end offset of the selection region.
    val end: Int
) : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        // Sanitize the input: reverse if reversed, clamped into valid range.
        val clampedStart = start.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)
        val clampedEnd = end.coerceIn(0, buffer.length)
        if (clampedStart < clampedEnd) {
            buffer.setSelection(clampedStart, clampedEnd)
        } else {
            buffer.setSelection(clampedEnd, clampedStart)
 * An edit operation represents finishComposingText callback from InputMEthod
 * @see <https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/inputmethod/InputConnection.html#finishComposingText()>
class FinishComposingTextEditOp : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {

    // Class with empty arguments default ctor cannot be data class.
    // Treating all FinishComposingTextEditOp are equal object.
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is FinishComposingTextEditOp
    override fun hashCode(): Int = this::class.hashCode()

 * An edit operation represents backspace keyevent
 * If there is composition, delete the text in the composition range.
 * If there is no composition but there is selection, delete whole selected range.
 * If there is no composition and selection, perform backspace key event at the cursor position.
class BackspaceKeyEditOp : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        if (buffer.hasComposition()) {
            buffer.delete(buffer.compositionStart, buffer.compositionEnd)

        if (buffer.cursor == -1) {
            val delStart = buffer.selectionStart
            val delEnd = buffer.selectionEnd
            buffer.cursor = buffer.selectionStart
            buffer.delete(delStart, delEnd)

        if (buffer.cursor == 0) {

        val prevCursorPos = buffer.toString().findPrecedingBreak(buffer.cursor)
        buffer.delete(prevCursorPos, buffer.cursor)

    // Class with empty arguments default ctor cannot be data class.
    // Treating all FinishComposingTextEditOp are equal object.
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is BackspaceKeyEditOp
    override fun hashCode(): Int = this::class.hashCode()

 * An edit operation represents cursor moving.
 * If there is selection, cancel the selection first and move the cursor to the selection start
 * position. Then perform the cursor movement.
data class MoveCursorEditOp(
     * The amount of cursor movement.
     * If you want to move backward, pass negative value.
    val amount: Int
) : EditOperation {

    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        if (buffer.cursor == -1) {
            buffer.cursor = buffer.selectionStart

        var newCursor = buffer.selectionStart
        val bufferText = buffer.toString()
        if (amount > 0) {
            for (i in 0 until amount) {
                val next = bufferText.findFollowingBreak(newCursor)
                if (next == -1) break
                    newCursor = next
        } else {
            for (i in 0 until -amount) {
                val prev = bufferText.findPrecedingBreak(newCursor)
                if (prev == -1) break
                newCursor = prev

        buffer.cursor = newCursor

 * An edit operation that represents deleting all the text in the buffer.
class DeleteAllEditOp : EditOperation {
    override fun process(buffer: EditingBuffer) {
        buffer.delete(0, buffer.length)