
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.text.input

import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.text.AtomicReference

 * Handles communication with the IME. Informs about the IME changes via [EditCommand]s and
 * provides utilities for working with software keyboard.
 * This class is responsible for ensuring there is only one open [TextInputSession] which will
 * interact with software keyboards. Start new a TextInputSession by calling [startInput] and
 * close it with [stopInput].
// Open for testing purposes.
open class TextInputService(private val platformTextInputService: PlatformTextInputService) {
    private val _currentInputSession: AtomicReference<TextInputSession?> =

    internal val currentInputSession: TextInputSession?
        get() = _currentInputSession.get()

     * Start text input session for given client.
     * If there is a previous [TextInputSession] open, it will immediately be closed by this call
     * to [startInput].
     * @param value initial [TextFieldValue]
     * @param imeOptions IME configuration
     * @param onEditCommand callback to inform about changes requested by IME
     * @param onImeActionPerformed callback to inform if an IME action such as [ImeAction.Done]
     * etc occurred.
    open fun startInput(
        value: TextFieldValue,
        imeOptions: ImeOptions,
        onEditCommand: (List<EditCommand>) -> Unit,
        onImeActionPerformed: (ImeAction) -> Unit
    ): TextInputSession {
        val nextSession = TextInputSession(this, platformTextInputService)
        return nextSession

     * Stop text input session.
     * If the [session] is not the currently open session, no action will occur.
     * @param session the session returned by [startInput] call.
    open fun stopInput(session: TextInputSession) {
        if (_currentInputSession.compareAndSet(session, null)) {

     * Request showing onscreen keyboard.
     * This call will be ignored if there is not an open [TextInputSession], as it means there is
     * nothing that will accept typed input. The most common way to open a TextInputSession is to
     * set the focus to an editable text composable.
     * There is no guarantee that the keyboard will be shown. The software keyboard or
     * system service may silently ignore this request.
        message = "Use SoftwareKeyboardController.show or " +
            "TextInputSession.showSoftwareKeyboard instead.",
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("textInputSession.showSoftwareKeyboard()")
    // TODO(b/183448615) @InternalTextApi
    fun showSoftwareKeyboard() {
        if (_currentInputSession.get() != null) {

     * Hide onscreen keyboard.
        message = "Use SoftwareKeyboardController.hide or " +
            "TextInputSession.hideSoftwareKeyboard instead.",
        replaceWith = ReplaceWith("textInputSession.hideSoftwareKeyboard()")
    // TODO(b/183448615) @InternalTextApi
    fun hideSoftwareKeyboard(): Unit = platformTextInputService.hideSoftwareKeyboard()
 * Represents a input session for interactions between a soft keyboard and editable text.
 * This session may be closed at any time by [TextInputService] or by calling [dispose], after
 * which [isOpen] will return false and all further calls will have no effect.
class TextInputSession(
    private val textInputService: TextInputService,
    private val platformTextInputService: PlatformTextInputService
) {
     * If this session is currently open.
     * A session may be closed at any time by [TextInputService] or by calling [dispose].
    val isOpen: Boolean
        get() = textInputService.currentInputSession == this

     * Close this input session.
     * All further calls to this object will have no effect, and [isOpen] will return false.
     * Note, [TextInputService] may also close this input session at any time without calling
     * dispose. Calling dispose after this session has been closed has no effect.
    fun dispose() {

     * Execute [block] if [isOpen] is true.
     * This function will only check [isOpen] once, and may execute the action after the input
     * session closes in the case of concurrent execution.
     * @param block action to take if isOpen
     * @return true if an action was performed
    private inline fun ensureOpenSession(block: () -> Unit): Boolean {
        return isOpen.also { applying ->
            if (applying) {

    @Suppress("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith", "DEPRECATION")
    @Deprecated("This method should not be called, used BringIntoViewRequester instead.")
    fun notifyFocusedRect(rect: Rect): Boolean = ensureOpenSession {

     * Notify IME about the new [TextFieldValue] and latest state of the editing buffer. [oldValue]
     * is the state of the buffer before the changes applied by the [newValue].
     * [oldValue] represents the changes that was requested by IME on the buffer, and [newValue]
     * is the final state of the editing buffer that was requested by the application. In cases
     * where [oldValue] is not equal to [newValue], it would mean the IME suggested value is
     * rejected, and the IME connection will be restarted with the newValue.
     * If the session is not open, action will be performed.
     * @param oldValue the value that was requested by IME on the buffer
     * @param newValue final state of the editing buffer that was requested by the application
     * @return false if this session expired and no action was performed
    fun updateState(
        oldValue: TextFieldValue?,
        newValue: TextFieldValue
    ): Boolean = ensureOpenSession {
        platformTextInputService.updateState(oldValue, newValue)

     * Request showing onscreen keyboard.
     * This call will have no effect if this session is not open.
     * This should be used instead of [TextInputService.showSoftwareKeyboard] when implementing a
     * new editable text composable to show the keyboard in response to events related to that
     * composable.
     * There is no guarantee that the keyboard will be shown. The software keyboard or
     * system service may silently ignore this request.
     * @return false if this session expired and no action was performed
    fun showSoftwareKeyboard(): Boolean = ensureOpenSession {

     * Hide onscreen keyboard for a specific [TextInputSession].
     * This call will have no effect if this session is not open.
     * This should be used instead of [TextInputService.showSoftwareKeyboard] when implementing a
     * new editable text composable to hide the keyboard in response to events related to that
     * composable.
     * @return false if this session expired and no action was performed
    fun hideSoftwareKeyboard(): Boolean = ensureOpenSession {

 * Platform specific text input service.
interface PlatformTextInputService {
     * Start text input session for given client.
     * @see TextInputService.startInput
    fun startInput(
        value: TextFieldValue,
        imeOptions: ImeOptions,
        onEditCommand: (List<EditCommand>) -> Unit,
        onImeActionPerformed: (ImeAction) -> Unit

     * Stop text input session.
     * @see TextInputService.stopInput
    fun stopInput()

     * Request showing onscreen keyboard
     * There is no guarantee nor callback of the result of this API.
     * @see TextInputService.showSoftwareKeyboard
    fun showSoftwareKeyboard()

     * Hide software keyboard
     * @see TextInputService.hideSoftwareKeyboard
    fun hideSoftwareKeyboard()

     * Notify the new editor model to IME.
     * @see TextInputService.updateState
    fun updateState(oldValue: TextFieldValue?, newValue: TextFieldValue)

    @Deprecated("This method should not be called, used BringIntoViewRequester instead.")
    fun notifyFocusedRect(rect: Rect) {