
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview

import android.util.Log
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composer
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import kotlin.math.ceil

 * Returns true if the [methodTypes] and [actualTypes] are compatible. This means that every
 * `actualTypes[n]` are assignable to `methodTypes[n]`.
private fun compatibleTypes(methodTypes: Array<Class<*>>, actualTypes: Array<Class<*>>): Boolean =
    methodTypes.size == actualTypes.size &&
        methodTypes.mapIndexed { index, clazz -> clazz.isAssignableFrom(actualTypes[index]) }
            .all { it }

 * Same as [Class#getDeclaredMethod] but it accounts for compatible types so the signature does
 * not need to exactly match. This allows finding method calls that use subclasses as parameters
 * instead of the exact types.
private fun Class<*>.getDeclaredCompatibleMethod(methodName: String, vararg args: Class<*>):
    Method {
        val actualTypes: Array<Class<*>> = arrayOf(*args)
        return declaredMethods.firstOrNull {
            methodName == && compatibleTypes(it.parameterTypes, actualTypes)
        } ?: throw NoSuchMethodException("$methodName not found")

private inline fun <reified T> T.dup(count: Int): Array<T> {
    return (0..count).map { this }.toTypedArray()

 * Find the given method by name. If the method has parameters, this function will try to find
 * the version that accepts default parameters.
private fun Class<*>.findComposableMethod(methodName: String, vararg args: Any?): Method {
    val method = try {
        // without defaults
        val changedParams = changedParamCount(args.size, 0)
            *args.mapNotNull { it?.javaClass }.toTypedArray(),
  , // composer param
  , // key param
            * // changed params
    } catch (e: ReflectiveOperationException) {
        try {
            declaredMethods.find { == methodName }
        } catch (e: ReflectiveOperationException) {
    } ?: throw NoSuchMethodException("$name.$methodName")

    return method

 * Returns the default value for the [Class] type. This will be 0 for numeric types, false for
 * boolean, '0' for char and null for object references.
private fun Class<*>.getDefaultValue(): Any? = when (name) {
    "int" -> 0.toInt()
    "short" -> 0.toShort()
    "byte" -> 0.toByte()
    "long" -> 0.toLong()
    "double" -> 0.toDouble()
    "float" -> 0.toFloat()
    "boolean" -> false
    "char" -> '0'
    else -> null

 * Calls the method on the given [instance]. If the method accepts default values, this function
 * will call it with the correct options set.
private fun Method.invokeComposableMethod(
    instance: Any?,
    composer: Composer<*>,
    vararg args: Any?
): Any? {
    val composerIndex = parameterTypes.indexOfLast { it == }
    val realParams = composerIndex
    val thisParams = if (instance != null) 1 else 0
    val changedParams = changedParamCount(realParams, thisParams)
    val totalParamsWithoutDefaults = realParams +
        1 + // composer
    val totalParams = parameterTypes.size
    val isDefault = totalParams != totalParamsWithoutDefaults
    val defaultParams = if (isDefault)

        realParams +
            1 + // composer
            changedParams +
            defaultParams ==

    val changedStartIndex = composerIndex + 1
    val defaultStartIndex = changedStartIndex + changedParams

    val arguments = Array(totalParams) { idx ->
        when (idx) {
            // pass in "empty" value for all real parameters since we will be using defaults.
            in 0 until realParams -> args.getOrElse(idx) { parameterTypes[idx].getDefaultValue() }
            // the composer is the first synthetic parameter
            composerIndex -> composer
            // since this is the root we don't need to be anything unique. 0 should suffice.
            // changed parameters should be 0 to indicate "uncertain"
            in changedStartIndex until defaultStartIndex -> 0
            // Default values mask, all parameters set to use defaults
            in defaultStartIndex until totalParams -> 0b111111111111111111111.toInt()
            else -> error("Unexpected index")
    return invoke(instance, *arguments)

private const val SLOTS_PER_INT = 15
private const val BITS_PER_INT = 31

private fun changedParamCount(realValueParams: Int, thisParams: Int): Int {
    if (realValueParams == 0) return 1
    val totalParams = realValueParams + thisParams
    return ceil(
        totalParams.toDouble() / SLOTS_PER_INT.toDouble()

private fun defaultParamCount(realValueParams: Int): Int {
    return ceil(
        realValueParams.toDouble() / BITS_PER_INT.toDouble()

 * Invokes the given [methodName] belonging to the given [className] via reflection. The
 * [methodName] is expected to be a Composable function.
 * This method [args] will be forwarded to the Composable function.
internal fun invokeComposableViaReflection(
    className: String,
    methodName: String,
    composer: Composer<*>,
    vararg args: Any?
) {
    try {
        val composableClass = Class.forName(className)

        val method = composableClass.findComposableMethod(methodName, *args)
        method.isAccessible = true

        if (Modifier.isStatic(method.modifiers)) {
            // This is a top level or static method
            method.invokeComposableMethod(null, composer, *args)
        } else {
            // The method is part of a class. We try to instantiate the class with an empty
            // constructor.
            val instance = composableClass.getConstructor().newInstance()
            method.invokeComposableMethod(instance, composer, *args)
    } catch (e: ReflectiveOperationException) {
        throw ClassNotFoundException("Composable Method '$className.$methodName' not found", e)

 * Tries to find the [Class] of the [PreviewParameterProvider] corresponding to the given FQN.
internal fun String.asPreviewProviderClass(): Class<out PreviewParameterProvider<*>>? {
    try {
        return Class.forName(this) as? Class<out PreviewParameterProvider<*>>
    } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
        Log.e("PreviewProvider", "Unable to find provider '$this'", e)
        return null

 * Returns an array with some values of a [PreviewParameterProvider]. If the given provider class
 * is `null`, returns an empty array. Otherwise, if the given `parameterProviderIndex` is a valid
 * index, returns a single-element array containing the value corresponding to that particular
 * index in the provider's sequence. Finally, returns an array with all the values of the
 * provider's sequence if `parameterProviderIndex` is invalid, e.g. negative.
internal fun getPreviewProviderParameters(
    parameterProviderClass: Class<out PreviewParameterProvider<*>>?,
    parameterProviderIndex: Int
): Array<Any?> {
    if (parameterProviderClass != null) {
        try {
            val constructor = parameterProviderClass.constructors
                .singleOrNull { it.parameterTypes.isEmpty() }
                ?.apply {
                    isAccessible = true
                ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
                    "PreviewParameterProvider constructor can not" +
                        " have parameters"
            val params = constructor.newInstance() as PreviewParameterProvider<*>
            if (parameterProviderIndex < 0) {
                return params.values.toArray(params.count)
            return arrayOf(params.values.elementAt(parameterProviderIndex))
        } catch (e: KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError) {
            // kotlin-reflect runtime dependency not found. Suggest adding it.
            throw IllegalStateException(
                "Deploying Compose Previews with PreviewParameterProvider " +
                    "arguments requires adding a dependency to the kotlin-reflect library.\n" +
                    "Consider adding 'debugImplementation " +
                    "\"org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:\$kotlin_version\"' " +
                    "to the module's build.gradle."
    } else {
        return emptyArray()

private fun Sequence<Any?>.toArray(size: Int): Array<Any?> {
    val iter = iterator()
    return Array(size) { }