
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.semantics

import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextLayoutResult
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange
import androidx.compose.ui.text.annotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.util.annotation.IntRange
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty

 * General semantics properties, mainly used for accessibility.
object SemanticsProperties {
     * Developer-set content description of the semantics node. If this is not set, accessibility
     * services will present the [Text] of this node as content part.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityLabel
    val AccessibilityLabel = SemanticsPropertyKey<String>(
        name = "AccessibilityLabel",
        mergePolicy = { parentValue, childValue ->
            if (parentValue == null) {
            } else {
                parentValue + ", " + childValue

     * Developer-set state description of the semantics node. For example: on/off. If this not
     * set, accessibility services will derive the state from other semantics properties, like
     * [AccessibilityRangeInfo], but it is not guaranteed and the format will be decided by
     * accessibility services.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityValue
    val AccessibilityValue = SemanticsPropertyKey<String>("AccessibilityValue")

     * The node is a range with current value.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityValueRange
    val AccessibilityRangeInfo =

     * Whether this semantics node is disabled.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.disabled
    val Disabled = SemanticsPropertyKey<Unit>("Disabled")

     * Whether this semantics node is input focused.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.focused
    val Focused = SemanticsPropertyKey<Boolean>("Focused")

     * Whether this semantics node is hidden. A hidden node is a node that is not visible for
     * accessibility. It will still be shown, but it will be skipped by accessibility services.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.hidden
    val Hidden = SemanticsPropertyKey<Unit>(
        name = "Hidden",
        mergePolicy = { parentValue, _ ->

     * Whether this semantics node represents a Popup. Not to be confused with if this node is
     * _part of_ a Popup.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.popup
    val IsPopup = SemanticsPropertyKey<Unit>(
        name = "IsPopup",
        mergePolicy = { _, _ ->
            throw IllegalStateException(
                "merge function called on unmergeable property IsPopup. " +
                "A popup should not be a child of a clickable/focusable node.")

     * Whether this element is a Dialog. Not to be confused with if this element is _part of_ a
     * Dialog.
    val IsDialog = SemanticsPropertyKey<Unit>(
        name = "IsDialog",
        mergePolicy = { _, _ ->
            throw IllegalStateException(
                "merge function called on unmergeable property IsDialog. " +
                "A dialog should not be a child of a clickable/focusable node.")

    // TODO(b/138172781): Move to FoundationSemanticsProperties
     * Test tag attached to this semantics node.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.testTag
    val TestTag = SemanticsPropertyKey<String>(
        name = "TestTag",
        mergePolicy = { parentValue, _ ->
            // Never merge TestTags, to avoid leaking internal test tags to parents.

     * Text of the semantics node. It must be the actual text displayed by this component instead
     * of developer-set content description.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.text
    val Text = SemanticsPropertyKey<AnnotatedString>(
        name = "Text",
        mergePolicy = { parentValue, childValue ->
            if (parentValue == null) {
            } else {
                annotatedString {
                    append(", ")

     * Text selection range for edit text.
     * @see TextRange
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.textSelectionRange
    val TextSelectionRange = SemanticsPropertyKey<TextRange>("TextSelectionRange")

 * Ths object defines keys of the actions which can be set in semantics and performed on the
 * semantics node.
object SemanticsActions {
     * Action to get a Text/TextField node's [TextLayoutResult]. The result is the first element
     * of layout(the argument of the AccessibilityAction).
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.getTextLayoutResult
    val GetTextLayoutResult = SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<
                (MutableList<TextLayoutResult>) -> Boolean>>("GetTextLayoutResult")

     * Action to be performed when the node is clicked.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.onClick
    val OnClick = SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<() -> Boolean>>("OnClick")

     * Action to scroll to a specified position.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.ScrollBy
    val ScrollBy =
        SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<(x: Float, y: Float) -> Boolean>>("ScrollBy")

     * Action to set slider progress.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setProgress
    val SetProgress =
        SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<(progress: Float) -> Boolean>>("SetProgress")

     * Action to set selection. If this action is provided, the selection data must be provided
     * using [SemanticsProperties.TextSelectionRange].
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setSelection
    val SetSelection = SemanticsPropertyKey<
            AccessibilityAction<(Int, Int, Boolean) -> Boolean>>("SetSelection")

     * Action to set the text of this node.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setText
    val SetText = SemanticsPropertyKey<
            AccessibilityAction<(AnnotatedString) -> Boolean>>("SetText")

     * Custom actions which are defined by app developers.
     * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.customActions
    val CustomActions =

class SemanticsPropertyKey<T>(
     * The name of the property.  Should be the same as the constant from which it is accessed.
    val name: String,
    internal val mergePolicy: (T?, T) -> T? = { parentValue, childValue ->
        parentValue ?: childValue
) {
     * Method implementing the semantics merge policy of a particular key.
     * When mergeAllDescendants is set on a semantics node, then this function will called for each
     * descendant node of a given key in depth-first-search order.  The parent
     * value accumulates the result of merging the values seen so far, similar to reduce().
     * The default implementation returns the parent value if one exists, otherwise uses the
     * child element.  This means by default, a SemanticsNode with mergeAllDescendants = true
     * winds up with the first value found for each key in its subtree in depth-first-search order.
    fun merge(parentValue: T?, childValue: T): T? {
        return mergePolicy(parentValue, childValue)

     * Throws [UnsupportedOperationException].  Should not be called.
    // TODO(KT-6519): Remove this getter
    // TODO(KT-32770): Cannot deprecate this either as the getter is considered called by "by"
    final operator fun getValue(thisRef: SemanticsPropertyReceiver, property: KProperty<*>): T {
        throw UnsupportedOperationException(
            "You cannot retrieve a semantics property directly - " +
                    "use one of the SemanticsConfiguration.getOr* methods instead"

    final operator fun setValue(
        thisRef: SemanticsPropertyReceiver,
        property: KProperty<*>,
        value: T
    ) {
        thisRef[this] = value

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "SemanticsPropertyKey: $name"

 * Data class for standard accessibility action.
 * @param label The description of this action
 * @param action The function to invoke when this action is performed. The function should return
 * a boolean result indicating whether the action is successfully handled. For example, a scroll
 * forward action should return false if the widget is not enabled or has reached the end of the
 * list.
data class AccessibilityAction<T : Function<Boolean>>(val label: CharSequence?, val action: T)

 * Data class for custom accessibility action.
 * @param label The description of this action
 * @param action The function to invoke when this action is performed. The function should have no
 * arguments and return a boolean result indicating whether the action is successfully handled.
data class CustomAccessibilityAction(val label: CharSequence, val action: () -> Boolean)

 * Data class for accessibility range information.
 * @param current current value in the range
 * @param range range of this node
 * @param steps if greater than 0, specifies the number of discrete values, evenly distributed
 * between across the whole value range. If 0, any value from the range specified can be chosen.
data class AccessibilityRangeInfo(
    val current: Float,
    val range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>,
    @IntRange(from = 0) val steps: Int = 0

interface SemanticsPropertyReceiver {
    operator fun <T> set(key: SemanticsPropertyKey<T>, value: T)

 * Developer-set content description of the semantics node. If this is not set, accessibility
 * services will present the text of this node as content part.
 * @see SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityLabel
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityLabel by SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityLabel

 * Developer-set state description of the semantics node. For example: on/off. If this not
 * set, accessibility services will derive the state from other semantics properties, like
 * [AccessibilityRangeInfo], but it is not guaranteed and the format will be decided by
 * accessibility services.
 * @see SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityValue
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityValue by SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityValue

 * The node is a range with current value.
 * @see SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityRangeInfo
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.accessibilityValueRange by SemanticsProperties.AccessibilityRangeInfo

 * Whether this semantics node is disabled.
 * @see SemanticsProperties.Disabled
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.disabled() {
    this[SemanticsProperties.Disabled] = Unit

 * Whether this semantics node is focused.
 * @See SemanticsProperties.Focused
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.focused by SemanticsProperties.Focused

 * Whether this semantics node is hidden. A hidden node is a node that is not visible for
 * accessibility.
 * @See SemanticsProperties.Hidden
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.hidden() {
    this[SemanticsProperties.Hidden] = Unit

 * Whether this semantics node represents a Popup. Not to be confused with if this node is
 * _part of_ a Popup.
 * @See SemanticsProperties.IsPopup
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.popup() {
    this[SemanticsProperties.IsPopup] = Unit

 * Whether this element is a Dialog. Not to be confused with if this element is _part of_ a Dialog.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.dialog() {
    this[SemanticsProperties.IsDialog] = Unit

// TODO(b/138172781): Move to FoundationSemanticsProperties.kt
 * Test tag attached to this semantics node.
 * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.testTag
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.testTag by SemanticsProperties.TestTag

 * Text of the semantics node. It must be real text instead of developer-set content description.
 * @see SemanticsProperties.Text
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.text by SemanticsProperties.Text

 * Text selection range for edit text.
 * @see TextRange
 * @see SemanticsProperties.TextSelectionRange
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.textSelectionRange by SemanticsProperties.TextSelectionRange

 * Custom actions which are defined by app developers.
 * @see SemanticsPropertyReceiver.customActions
var SemanticsPropertyReceiver.customActions by SemanticsActions.CustomActions

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.GetTextLayoutResult] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.GetTextLayoutResult] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.getTextLayoutResult(
    label: String? = null,
    action: (MutableList<TextLayoutResult>) -> Boolean
) {
    this[SemanticsActions.GetTextLayoutResult] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.OnClick] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.OnClick] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.onClick(label: String? = null, action: () -> Boolean) {
    this[SemanticsActions.OnClick] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.ScrollBy] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.ScrollBy] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.scrollBy(
    label: String? = null,
    action: (x: Float, y: Float) -> Boolean
) {
    this[SemanticsActions.ScrollBy] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.SetProgress] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.SetProgress] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setProgress(label: String? = null, action: (Float) -> Boolean) {
    this[SemanticsActions.SetProgress] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.SetText] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.SetText] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setText(label: String? = null, action: (AnnotatedString) -> Boolean) {
    this[SemanticsActions.SetText] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)

 * This function adds the [SemanticsActions.SetSelection] to the [SemanticsPropertyReceiver]. If
 * this action is provided, the selection data must be provided using
 * [SemanticsProperties.TextSelectionRange].
 * @param label Optional label for this action.
 * @param action Action to be performed when the [SemanticsActions.SetSelection] is called.
fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.setSelection(
    label: String? = null,
    action: (Int, Int, Boolean) -> Boolean
) {
    this[SemanticsActions.SetSelection] = AccessibilityAction(label, action)