
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.compose.ui.platform

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Binder
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Parcel
import android.os.Parcelable
import android.util.Size
import android.util.SizeF
import android.util.SparseArray
import android.view.View
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.neverEqualPolicy
import androidx.compose.runtime.referentialEqualityPolicy
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.SaveableStateRegistry
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotMutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.structuralEqualityPolicy
import androidx.savedstate.SavedStateRegistry
import androidx.savedstate.SavedStateRegistryOwner
import java.io.Serializable

 * Creates [DisposableSaveableStateRegistry] associated with these [view] and [owner].
internal fun DisposableSaveableStateRegistry(
    view: View,
    owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner
): DisposableSaveableStateRegistry {
    // When AndroidComposeView is composed into some ViewGroup we just added as a child for this
    // ViewGroup. And we don't have any id on AndroidComposeView as we can't make it unique, but
    // we require this parent ViewGroup to have an unique id for the saved instance state mechanism
    // to work (similarly to how it works without Compose). When we composed into Activity our
    // parent is the ViewGroup with android.R.id.content.
    val parentId: Int = (view.parent as? View)?.id ?: View.NO_ID
    return DisposableSaveableStateRegistry(parentId, owner)

 * Creates [DisposableSaveableStateRegistry] with the restored values using [SavedStateRegistry] and
 * saves the values when [SavedStateRegistry] performs save.
 * To provide a namespace we require unique [id]. We can't use the default way of doing it when we
 * have unique id on [AndroidComposeView] because we dynamically create [AndroidComposeView]s and
 * there is no way to have a unique id given there are could be any number of
 * [AndroidComposeView]s inside the same Activity. If we use [View.generateViewId]
 * this id will not survive Activity recreation.
 * But it is reasonable to ask our users to have an unique id on the parent ViewGroup in which we
 * compose our [AndroidComposeView]. If Activity.setContent is used then it will be a View with
 * [android.R.id.content], if ViewGroup.setContent is used then we will ask users to provide an
 * id for this ViewGroup. If @GenerateView will be used then we will ask users to set an id on
 * this generated View.
internal fun DisposableSaveableStateRegistry(
    id: Int,
    savedStateRegistryOwner: SavedStateRegistryOwner
): DisposableSaveableStateRegistry {
    val key = "${SaveableStateRegistry::class.java.simpleName}:$id"

    val androidxRegistry = savedStateRegistryOwner.savedStateRegistry
    val bundle = androidxRegistry.consumeRestoredStateForKey(key)
    val restored: Map<String, List<Any?>>? = bundle?.toMap()

    val saveableStateRegistry = SaveableStateRegistry(restored) {
    val registered = try {
        androidxRegistry.registerSavedStateProvider(key) {
    } catch (ignore: IllegalArgumentException) {
        // this means there are two AndroidComposeViews composed into different parents with the
        // same view id. currently we will just not save/restore state for the second
        // AndroidComposeView.
        // TODO: we should verify our strategy for such cases and improve it. b/162397322
    return DisposableSaveableStateRegistry(saveableStateRegistry) {
        if (registered) {

 * [SaveableStateRegistry] which can be disposed using [dispose].
internal class DisposableSaveableStateRegistry(
    saveableStateRegistry: SaveableStateRegistry,
    private val onDispose: () -> Unit
) : SaveableStateRegistry by saveableStateRegistry {

    fun dispose() {

 * Checks that [value] can be stored inside [Bundle].
private fun canBeSavedToBundle(value: Any): Boolean {
    for (cl in AcceptableClasses) {
        if (cl.isInstance(value)) {
            return true
    if (value is SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
        if (value.policy === neverEqualPolicy<Any?>() ||
            value.policy === structuralEqualityPolicy<Any?>() ||
            value.policy === referentialEqualityPolicy<Any?>()
        ) {
            val stateValue = value.value
            return if (stateValue == null) true else canBeSavedToBundle(stateValue)
    return false

 * Contains Classes which can be stored inside [Bundle].
 * Some of the classes are not added separately because:
 * This classes implement Serializable:
 * - Arrays (DoubleArray, BooleanArray, IntArray, LongArray, ByteArray, FloatArray, ShortArray,
 * CharArray, Array<Parcelable, Array<String>)
 * - ArrayList
 * - Primitives (Boolean, Int, Long, Double, Float, Byte, Short, Char) will be boxed when casted
 * to Any, and all the boxed classes implements Serializable.
 * This class implements Parcelable:
 * - Bundle
 * Note: it is simplified copy of the array from SavedStateHandle (lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate).
private val AcceptableClasses = arrayOf(

private fun Bundle.toMap(): Map<String, List<Any?>>? {
    val map = mutableMapOf<String, List<Any?>>()
    this.keySet().forEach { key ->
        val list = getParcelableArrayList<Parcelable?>(key) as ArrayList<Any?>
        map[key] = list
    return map

private fun Map<String, List<Any?>>.toBundle(): Bundle {
    val bundle = Bundle()
    forEach { (key, list) ->
        val arrayList = if (list is ArrayList<Any?>) list else ArrayList(list)
            arrayList as ArrayList<Parcelable?>
    return bundle

private fun wrapMutableStatesIn(list: MutableList<Any?>) {
    list.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
        if (value is SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
            list[index] = ParcelableMutableStateHolder(value)
        } else {

private fun wrapMutableStatesIn(map: MutableMap<Any?, Any?>) {
    map.forEach { (key, value) ->
        if (value is SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
            map[key] = ParcelableMutableStateHolder(value)
        } else {

private fun wrapMutableStatesInListOrMap(value: Any?) {
    when (value) {
        is MutableList<*> -> {
            wrapMutableStatesIn(value as MutableList<Any?>)
        is List<*> -> {
            value.forEach {
                check(it !is SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
                    "Unexpected immutable list containing MutableState!"
        is MutableMap<*, *> -> {
            wrapMutableStatesIn(value as MutableMap<Any?, Any?>)
        is Map<*, *> -> {
            value.forEach {
                check(it.value !is SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
                    "Unexpected immutable map containing MutableState!"

private fun unwrapMutableStatesIn(list: MutableList<Any?>) {
    list.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
        if (value is ParcelableMutableStateHolder) {
            list[index] = value.state
        } else {

private fun unwrapMutableStatesIn(map: MutableMap<Any?, Any?>) {
    map.forEach { (key, value) ->
        if (value is ParcelableMutableStateHolder) {
            map[key] = value.state
        } else {

private fun unwrapMutableStatesInListOrMap(value: Any?) {
    when (value) {
        is MutableList<*> -> {
            unwrapMutableStatesIn(value as MutableList<Any?>)
        is MutableMap<*, *> -> {
            unwrapMutableStatesIn(value as MutableMap<Any?, Any?>)

private class ParcelableMutableStateHolder : Parcelable {

    val state: SnapshotMutableState<*>

    constructor(state: SnapshotMutableState<*>) {
        this.state = state

    private constructor(parcel: Parcel, loader: ClassLoader?) {
        val value = parcel.readValue(loader ?: javaClass.classLoader)
        val policyIndex = parcel.readInt()
        state = mutableStateOf(
            when (policyIndex) {
                PolicyNeverEquals -> neverEqualPolicy()
                PolicyStructuralEquality -> structuralEqualityPolicy()
                PolicyReferentialEquality -> referentialEqualityPolicy()
                else -> throw IllegalStateException(
                    "Restored an incorrect MutableState policy $policyIndex"
        ) as SnapshotMutableState

    override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
            when (state.policy) {
                neverEqualPolicy<Any?>() -> PolicyNeverEquals
                structuralEqualityPolicy<Any?>() -> PolicyStructuralEquality
                referentialEqualityPolicy<Any?>() -> PolicyReferentialEquality
                else -> throw IllegalStateException(
                    "Only known types of MutableState's SnapshotMutationPolicy are supported"

    override fun describeContents(): Int {
        return 0

    companion object {
        private const val PolicyNeverEquals = 0
        private const val PolicyStructuralEquality = 1
        private const val PolicyReferentialEquality = 2

        val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<ParcelableMutableStateHolder> =
            object : Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<ParcelableMutableStateHolder> {
                override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel, loader: ClassLoader) =
                    ParcelableMutableStateHolder(parcel, loader)

                override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel) =
                    ParcelableMutableStateHolder(parcel, null)

                override fun newArray(size: Int) = arrayOfNulls<ParcelableMutableStateHolder?>(size)