
 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.compose.ui.semantics

import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.boundsInRoot
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.positionInRoot
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.boundsInWindow
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.positionInWindow
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNodeWrapper
import androidx.compose.ui.node.RootForTest
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach

 * A list of key/value pairs associated with a layout node or its subtree.
 * Each SemanticsNode takes its id and initial key/value list from the
 * outermost modifier on one layout node.  It also contains the "collapsed" configuration
 * of any other semantics modifiers on the same layout node, and if "mergeDescendants" is
 * specified and enabled, also the "merged" configuration of its subtree.
class SemanticsNode internal constructor(
     * This is expected to be the outermost semantics modifier on a layout node.
    internal val outerSemanticsNodeWrapper: SemanticsWrapper,
     * mergingEnabled specifies whether mergeDescendants config has any effect.
     * If true, then mergeDescendants nodes will merge up all properties from child
     * semantics nodes and remove those children from "children", with the exception
     * of nodes that themselves have mergeDescendants.  If false, then mergeDescendants
     * has no effect.
     * mergingEnabled is typically true or false consistently on every node of a SemanticsNode tree.
    val mergingEnabled: Boolean
) {
    // We emit fake nodes for several cases. One is to prevent the content description clobbering
    // issue. Another case is  temporary workaround to retrieve default role ordering for Button
    // and other selection controls.
    internal var isFake = false
    private var fakeNodeParent: SemanticsNode? = null

    internal val unmergedConfig = outerSemanticsNodeWrapper.collapsedSemanticsConfiguration()
    val id: Int =

     * The [LayoutInfo] that this is associated with.
    val layoutInfo: LayoutInfo get() = layoutNode

     * The [root][RootForTest] this node is attached to.
    val root: RootForTest? get() = layoutNode.owner?.rootForTest

     * The [LayoutNode] that this is associated with.
    internal val layoutNode: LayoutNode = outerSemanticsNodeWrapper.layoutNode


     * The size of the bounding box for this node, with no clipping applied
    val size: IntSize get() = findWrapperToGetBounds().size

     * The bounding box for this node relative to the root of this Compose hierarchy, with
     * clipping applied. To get the bounds with no clipping applied, use
     * Rect([positionInRoot], [size].toSize())
    val boundsInRoot: Rect
        get() {
            if (!layoutNode.isAttached) return Rect.Zero
            return this.findWrapperToGetBounds().boundsInRoot()

     * The position of this node relative to the root of this Compose hierarchy, with no clipping
     * applied
    val positionInRoot: Offset
        get() {
            if (!layoutNode.isAttached) return Offset.Zero
            return findWrapperToGetBounds().positionInRoot()

     * The bounding box for this node relative to the screen, with clipping applied. To get the
     * bounds with no clipping applied, use PxBounds([positionInWindow], [size].toSize())
    val boundsInWindow: Rect
        get() {
            if (!layoutNode.isAttached) return Rect.Zero
            return findWrapperToGetBounds().boundsInWindow()

     * The position of this node relative to the screen, with no clipping applied
    val positionInWindow: Offset
        get() {
            if (!layoutNode.isAttached) return Offset.Zero
            return findWrapperToGetBounds().positionInWindow()

     * Returns the position of an [alignment line][AlignmentLine], or [AlignmentLine.Unspecified]
     * if the line is not provided.
    fun getAlignmentLinePosition(alignmentLine: AlignmentLine): Int {
        return findWrapperToGetBounds()[alignmentLine]


     * The list of semantics properties of this node.
     * This includes all properties attached as modifiers to the current layout node.
     * In addition, if mergeDescendants and mergingEnabled are both true, then it
     * also includes the semantics properties of descendant nodes.
    // TODO(b/184376083): This is too expensive for a val (full subtree recreation every call);
    //               optimize this when the merging algorithm is improved.
    val config: SemanticsConfiguration
        get() {
            if (isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants) {
                val mergedConfig = unmergedConfig.copy()
                return mergedConfig
            } else {
                return unmergedConfig

    private fun mergeConfig(mergedConfig: SemanticsConfiguration) {
        if (!unmergedConfig.isClearingSemantics) {
            unmergedChildren().fastForEach { child ->
                // Don't merge children that themselves merge all their descendants (because that
                // indicates they're independently screen-reader-focusable).
                if (!child.isFake && !child.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants) {

    private val isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants: Boolean
        get() = mergingEnabled && unmergedConfig.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants

    internal fun unmergedChildren(sortByBounds: Boolean = false): List<SemanticsNode> {
        if (this.isFake) return listOf()
        val unmergedChildren: MutableList<SemanticsNode> = mutableListOf()

        val semanticsChildren = if (sortByBounds) {
        } else {
        semanticsChildren.fastForEach { semanticsChild ->
            unmergedChildren.add(SemanticsNode(semanticsChild, mergingEnabled))


        return unmergedChildren

     * Contains the children in inverse hit test order (i.e. paint order).
     * Note that if mergingEnabled and mergeDescendants are both true, then there
     * are no children (except those that are themselves mergeDescendants).
    // TODO(b/184376083): This is too expensive for a val (full subtree recreation every call);
    //               optimize this when the merging algorithm is improved.
    val children: List<SemanticsNode>
        get() = getChildren(sortByBounds = false, includeReplacedSemantics = !mergingEnabled)

     * Contains the children in inverse hit test order (i.e. paint order).
     * Unlike [children] property that includes replaced semantics nodes in unmerged tree, here
     * node marked as [clearAndSetSemantics] will not have children.
     * This property is primarily used in Accessibility delegate.
    internal val replacedChildren: List<SemanticsNode>
        get() = getChildren(sortByBounds = false, includeReplacedSemantics = false)

     * Similar to [replacedChildren] but children are sorted by bounds: top to down, left to
     * right(right to left in RTL mode).
    // TODO(b/184376083): This is too expensive for a val (full subtree recreation every call);
    //               optimize this when the merging algorithm is improved.
    internal val replacedChildrenSortedByBounds: List<SemanticsNode>
        get() = getChildren(sortByBounds = true, includeReplacedSemantics = false)

    private fun getChildren(
        sortByBounds: Boolean,
        includeReplacedSemantics: Boolean
    ): List<SemanticsNode> {
        if (!includeReplacedSemantics && unmergedConfig.isClearingSemantics) {
            return listOf()

        if (isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants) {
            // In most common merging scenarios like Buttons, this will return nothing.
            // In cases like a clickable Row itself containing a Button, this will
            // return the Button as a child.
            return findOneLayerOfMergingSemanticsNodes(sortByBounds = sortByBounds)

        return unmergedChildren(sortByBounds)

     * Whether this SemanticNode is the root of a tree or not
    val isRoot: Boolean
        get() = parent == null

    /** The parent of this node in the tree. */
    val parent: SemanticsNode?
        get() {
            if (fakeNodeParent != null) return fakeNodeParent
            var node: LayoutNode? = null
            if (mergingEnabled) {
                node = this.layoutNode.findClosestParentNode {
                        ?.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants == true

            if (node == null) {
                node = this.layoutNode.findClosestParentNode { it.outerSemantics != null }

            val outerSemantics = node?.outerSemantics
            if (outerSemantics == null)
                return null

            return SemanticsNode(outerSemantics, mergingEnabled)

    private fun findOneLayerOfMergingSemanticsNodes(
        list: MutableList<SemanticsNode> = mutableListOf(),
        sortByBounds: Boolean = false
    ): List<SemanticsNode> {
        unmergedChildren(sortByBounds).fastForEach { child ->
            if (child.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants) {
            } else {
                if (!child.unmergedConfig.isClearingSemantics) {
        return list

     * If the node is merging the descendants, we'll use the outermost semantics modifier that has
     * mergeDescendants == true to report the bounds, size and position of the node. For majority
     * of use cases it means that accessibility bounds will be equal to the clickable area.
     * Otherwise the outermost semantics will be used to report bounds, size and position.
    private fun findWrapperToGetBounds(): LayoutNodeWrapper {
        return if (unmergedConfig.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants) {
            layoutNode.outerMergingSemantics ?: outerSemanticsNodeWrapper
        } else {

    // Fake nodes
    private fun emitFakeNodes(unmergedChildren: MutableList<SemanticsNode>) {
        val nodeRole = this.role
        if (nodeRole != null && unmergedConfig.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants &&
        ) {
            val fakeNode = fakeSemanticsNode(nodeRole) {
                this.role = nodeRole

        // Fake node for contentDescription clobbering issue
        if (unmergedConfig.contains(SemanticsProperties.ContentDescription) &&
            unmergedChildren.isNotEmpty() && unmergedConfig.isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants
        ) {
            val contentDescription =
            if (contentDescription != null) {
                val fakeNode = fakeSemanticsNode(null) {
                    this.contentDescription = contentDescription
                unmergedChildren.add(0, fakeNode)

    private fun fakeSemanticsNode(
        role: Role?,
        properties: SemanticsPropertyReceiver.() -> Unit
    ): SemanticsNode {
        val fakeNode = SemanticsNode(
            outerSemanticsNodeWrapper = SemanticsWrapper(
                wrapped = LayoutNode(isVirtual = true).innerLayoutNodeWrapper,
                semanticsModifier = SemanticsModifierCore(
                    if (role != null) this.roleFakeNodeId() else contentDescriptionFakeNodeId(),
                    mergeDescendants = false,
                    clearAndSetSemantics = false,
                    properties = properties
            mergingEnabled = false
        fakeNode.isFake = true
        fakeNode.fakeNodeParent = this
        return fakeNode

 * Returns the outermost semantics node on a LayoutNode.
internal val LayoutNode.outerSemantics: SemanticsWrapper?
    get() = outerLayoutNodeWrapper.nearestSemantics { true }

internal val LayoutNode.outerMergingSemantics
    get() = outerLayoutNodeWrapper.nearestSemantics {

 * Returns the nearest semantics wrapper starting from a LayoutNodeWrapper.
internal inline fun LayoutNodeWrapper.nearestSemantics(
    predicate: (SemanticsWrapper) -> Boolean
): SemanticsWrapper? {
    var wrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper? = this
    while (wrapper != null) {
        if (wrapper is SemanticsWrapper && predicate(wrapper)) return wrapper
        wrapper = wrapper.wrapped
    return null

private fun LayoutNode.findOneLayerOfSemanticsWrappers(
    list: MutableList<SemanticsWrapper> = mutableListOf()
): List<SemanticsWrapper> {
    zSortedChildren.forEach { child ->
        val outerSemantics = child.outerSemantics
        if (outerSemantics != null) {
        } else {
    return list

 * Executes [selector] on every parent of this [LayoutNode] and returns the closest
 * [LayoutNode] to return `true` from [selector] or null if [selector] returns false
 * for all ancestors.
private fun LayoutNode.findClosestParentNode(selector: (LayoutNode) -> Boolean): LayoutNode? {
    var currentParent = this.parent
    while (currentParent != null) {
        if (selector(currentParent)) {
            return currentParent
        } else {
            currentParent = currentParent.parent

    return null

private val SemanticsNode.role get() = this.unmergedConfig.getOrNull(SemanticsProperties.Role)
private fun SemanticsNode.contentDescriptionFakeNodeId() = + 2_000_000_000
private fun SemanticsNode.roleFakeNodeId() = + 1_000_000_000