
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.compose.ui.node

import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusOrder
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusState
import androidx.compose.ui.focus.findFocusableChildren
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.MutableRect
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.isFinite
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.toRect
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputFilter
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureResult
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.VerticalAlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.findRoot
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.positionInRoot
import androidx.compose.ui.modifier.ModifierLocal
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsWrapper
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.minus
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach

 * Measurable and Placeable type that has a position.
internal abstract class LayoutNodeWrapper(
    internal val layoutNode: LayoutNode
) : Placeable(), Measurable, LayoutCoordinates, OwnerScope, (Canvas) -> Unit {
    internal open val wrapped: LayoutNodeWrapper? get() = null
    internal var wrappedBy: LayoutNodeWrapper? = null

     * The scope used to measure the wrapped. InnerPlaceables are using the MeasureScope
     * of the LayoutNode. For fewer allocations, everything else is reusing the measure scope of
     * their wrapped.
    abstract val measureScope: MeasureScope

    // Size exposed to LayoutCoordinates.
    final override val size: IntSize get() = measuredSize

    private var isClipping: Boolean = false

    protected var layerBlock: (GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit)? = null
        private set
    private var layerDensity: Density = layoutNode.density
    private var layerLayoutDirection: LayoutDirection = layoutNode.layoutDirection

    private var lastLayerAlpha: Float = 0.8f
    fun isTransparent(): Boolean {
        if (layer != null && lastLayerAlpha <= 0f) return true
        return this.wrappedBy?.isTransparent() ?: return false

    private var _isAttached = false
    final override val isAttached: Boolean
        get() {
            if (_isAttached) {
            return _isAttached

    private var _measureResult: MeasureResult? = null
    var measureResult: MeasureResult
        get() = _measureResult ?: error(UnmeasuredError)
        internal set(value) {
            val old = _measureResult
            if (value !== old) {
                _measureResult = value
                if (old == null || value.width != old.width || value.height != old.height) {
                    onMeasureResultChanged(value.width, value.height)
                // We do not simply compare against old.alignmentLines in case this is a
                // MutableStateMap and the same instance might be passed.
                if ((!oldAlignmentLines.isNullOrEmpty() || value.alignmentLines.isNotEmpty()) &&
                    value.alignmentLines != oldAlignmentLines
                ) {
                    if (wrapped?.layoutNode == layoutNode) {
                        // We might need to request remeasure or relayout for the parent in
                        // case they ask for the lines so we are the query owner, without
                        // marking dirty our alignment lines (because only the modifier's changed).
                        if (layoutNode.alignmentLines.usedDuringParentMeasurement) {
                        } else if (layoutNode.alignmentLines.usedDuringParentLayout) {
                    } else {
                        // It means we are an InnerPlaceable.
                    layoutNode.alignmentLines.dirty = true

                    val oldLines = oldAlignmentLines
                        ?: (mutableMapOf<AlignmentLine, Int>().also { oldAlignmentLines = it })

    private val hasMeasureResult: Boolean
        get() = _measureResult != null

    private var oldAlignmentLines: MutableMap<AlignmentLine, Int>? = null

    override val providedAlignmentLines: Set<AlignmentLine>
        get() = _measureResult?.alignmentLines?.keys ?: emptySet()

     * Called when the width or height of [measureResult] change. The object instance pointed to
     * by [measureResult] may or may not have changed.
    protected open fun onMeasureResultChanged(width: Int, height: Int) {
        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
            layer.resize(IntSize(width, height))
        } else {
        measuredSize = IntSize(width, height)

    var position: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero
        private set

    var zIndex: Float = 0f
        protected set

    final override val parentLayoutCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates?
        get() {
            check(isAttached) { ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates }
            return layoutNode.outerLayoutNodeWrapper.wrappedBy

    final override val parentCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates?
        get() {
            check(isAttached) { ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates }
            return wrappedBy?.getWrappedByCoordinates()

    protected open fun getWrappedByCoordinates(): LayoutCoordinates? {
        return wrappedBy?.getWrappedByCoordinates()

    // True when the wrapper is running its own placing block to obtain the position of the
    // wrapped, but is not interested in the position of the wrapped of the wrapped.
    var isShallowPlacing = false

    private var _rectCache: MutableRect? = null
    protected val rectCache: MutableRect
        get() = _rectCache ?: MutableRect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f).also {
            _rectCache = it

    private val snapshotObserver get() = layoutNode.requireOwner().snapshotObserver

    protected inline fun performingMeasure(
        constraints: Constraints,
        block: () -> Placeable
    ): Placeable {
        measurementConstraints = constraints
        val result = block()
        return result

    abstract fun calculateAlignmentLine(alignmentLine: AlignmentLine): Int

    final override fun get(alignmentLine: AlignmentLine): Int {
        if (!hasMeasureResult) return AlignmentLine.Unspecified
        val measuredPosition = calculateAlignmentLine(alignmentLine)
        if (measuredPosition == AlignmentLine.Unspecified) return AlignmentLine.Unspecified
        return measuredPosition + if (alignmentLine is VerticalAlignmentLine) {
        } else {

     * Places the modified child.
    override fun placeAt(
        position: IntOffset,
        zIndex: Float,
        layerBlock: (GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit)?
    ) {
        if (this.position != position) {
            this.position = position
            val layer = layer
            if (layer != null) {
            } else {
            if (wrapped?.layoutNode != layoutNode) {
            } else {
        this.zIndex = zIndex

     * Draws the content of the LayoutNode
    fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
        } else {
            val x = position.x.toFloat()
            val y = position.y.toFloat()
            canvas.translate(x, y)
            canvas.translate(-x, -y)

    protected abstract fun performDraw(canvas: Canvas)

    open fun onPlaced() {}

    // implementation of draw block passed to the OwnedLayer
    override fun invoke(canvas: Canvas) {
        if (layoutNode.isPlaced) {
            snapshotObserver.observeReads(this, onCommitAffectingLayer) {
            lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped = false
        } else {
            // The invalidation is requested even for nodes which are not placed. As we are not
            // going to display them we skip the drawing. It is safe to just draw nothing as the
            // layer will be invalidated again when the node will be finally placed.
            lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped = true

    fun onLayerBlockUpdated(layerBlock: (GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit)?) {
        val layerInvalidated = this.layerBlock !== layerBlock || layerDensity != layoutNode
            .density || layerLayoutDirection != layoutNode.layoutDirection
        this.layerBlock = layerBlock
        this.layerDensity = layoutNode.density
        this.layerLayoutDirection = layoutNode.layoutDirection
        if (isAttached && layerBlock != null) {
            if (layer == null) {
                layer = layoutNode.requireOwner().createLayer(
                ).apply {
                layoutNode.innerLayerWrapperIsDirty = true
            } else if (layerInvalidated) {
        } else {
            layer?.let {
                layoutNode.innerLayerWrapperIsDirty = true
                if (isAttached) {
            layer = null
            lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped = false

    private fun updateLayerParameters() {
        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
            val layerBlock = requireNotNull(layerBlock)
            graphicsLayerScope.graphicsDensity = layoutNode.density
            snapshotObserver.observeReads(this, onCommitAffectingLayerParams) {
                scaleX = graphicsLayerScope.scaleX,
                scaleY = graphicsLayerScope.scaleY,
                alpha = graphicsLayerScope.alpha,
                translationX = graphicsLayerScope.translationX,
                translationY = graphicsLayerScope.translationY,
                shadowElevation = graphicsLayerScope.shadowElevation,
                rotationX = graphicsLayerScope.rotationX,
                rotationY = graphicsLayerScope.rotationY,
                rotationZ = graphicsLayerScope.rotationZ,
                cameraDistance = graphicsLayerScope.cameraDistance,
                transformOrigin = graphicsLayerScope.transformOrigin,
                shape = graphicsLayerScope.shape,
                clip = graphicsLayerScope.clip,
                renderEffect = graphicsLayerScope.renderEffect,
                layoutDirection = layoutNode.layoutDirection,
                density = layoutNode.density
            isClipping = graphicsLayerScope.clip
        } else {
            require(layerBlock == null)
        lastLayerAlpha = graphicsLayerScope.alpha

    private val invalidateParentLayer: () -> Unit = {

     * True when the last drawing of this layer didn't draw the real content as the LayoutNode
     * containing this layer was not placed by the parent.
    internal var lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped = false
        private set

    var layer: OwnedLayer? = null
        private set

    override val isValid: Boolean
        get() = layer != null

    val minimumTouchTargetSize: Size
        get() = with(layerDensity) { layoutNode.viewConfiguration.minimumTouchTargetSize.toSize() }

     * Executes a hit test on any appropriate type associated with this [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Override appropriately to either add a [HitTestResult] to [hitTestResult] or
     * to pass the execution on.
     * @param pointerPosition The tested pointer position, which is relative to
     * the [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * @param hitTestResult The parent [HitTestResult] that any hit should be added to.
    abstract fun hitTest(
        pointerPosition: Offset,
        hitTestResult: HitTestResult<PointerInputFilter>,
        isTouchEvent: Boolean,
        isInLayer: Boolean

    abstract fun hitTestSemantics(
        pointerPosition: Offset,
        hitSemanticsWrappers: HitTestResult<SemanticsWrapper>,
        isInLayer: Boolean

    override fun windowToLocal(relativeToWindow: Offset): Offset {
        check(isAttached) { ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates }
        val root = findRoot()
        val positionInRoot = layoutNode.requireOwner()
            .calculateLocalPosition(relativeToWindow) - root.positionInRoot()
        return localPositionOf(root, positionInRoot)

    override fun localToWindow(relativeToLocal: Offset): Offset {
        val positionInRoot = localToRoot(relativeToLocal)
        val owner = layoutNode.requireOwner()
        return owner.calculatePositionInWindow(positionInRoot)

    override fun localPositionOf(
        sourceCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
        relativeToSource: Offset
    ): Offset {
        val layoutNodeWrapper = sourceCoordinates as LayoutNodeWrapper
        val commonAncestor = findCommonAncestor(sourceCoordinates)

        var position = relativeToSource
        var wrapper = layoutNodeWrapper
        while (wrapper !== commonAncestor) {
            position = wrapper.toParentPosition(position)
            wrapper = wrapper.wrappedBy!!

        return ancestorToLocal(commonAncestor, position)

    override fun localBoundingBoxOf(
        sourceCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
        clipBounds: Boolean
    ): Rect {
        check(isAttached) { ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates }
        check(sourceCoordinates.isAttached) {
            "LayoutCoordinates $sourceCoordinates is not attached!"
        val layoutNodeWrapper = sourceCoordinates as LayoutNodeWrapper
        val commonAncestor = findCommonAncestor(sourceCoordinates)

        val bounds = rectCache
        bounds.left = 0f = 0f
        bounds.right = sourceCoordinates.size.width.toFloat()
        bounds.bottom = sourceCoordinates.size.height.toFloat()

        var wrapper = layoutNodeWrapper
        while (wrapper !== commonAncestor) {
            wrapper.rectInParent(bounds, clipBounds)
            if (bounds.isEmpty) {
                return Rect.Zero

            wrapper = wrapper.wrappedBy!!

        ancestorToLocal(commonAncestor, bounds, clipBounds)
        return bounds.toRect()

    private fun ancestorToLocal(ancestor: LayoutNodeWrapper, offset: Offset): Offset {
        if (ancestor === this) {
            return offset
        val wrappedBy = wrappedBy
        if (wrappedBy == null || ancestor == wrappedBy) {
            return fromParentPosition(offset)
        return fromParentPosition(wrappedBy.ancestorToLocal(ancestor, offset))

    private fun ancestorToLocal(
        ancestor: LayoutNodeWrapper,
        rect: MutableRect,
        clipBounds: Boolean
    ) {
        if (ancestor === this) {
        wrappedBy?.ancestorToLocal(ancestor, rect, clipBounds)
        return fromParentRect(rect, clipBounds)

    override fun localToRoot(relativeToLocal: Offset): Offset {
        check(isAttached) { ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates }
        var wrapper: LayoutNodeWrapper? = this
        var position = relativeToLocal
        while (wrapper != null) {
            position = wrapper.toParentPosition(position)
            wrapper = wrapper.wrappedBy
        return position

    protected inline fun withPositionTranslation(canvas: Canvas, block: (Canvas) -> Unit) {
        val x = position.x.toFloat()
        val y = position.y.toFloat()
        canvas.translate(x, y)
        canvas.translate(-x, -y)

     * Converts [position] in the local coordinate system to a [Offset] in the
     * [parentLayoutCoordinates] coordinate system.
    open fun toParentPosition(position: Offset): Offset {
        val layer = layer
        val targetPosition = layer?.mapOffset(position, inverse = false) ?: position
        return targetPosition + this.position

     * Converts [position] in the [parentLayoutCoordinates] coordinate system to a [Offset] in the
     * local coordinate system.
    open fun fromParentPosition(position: Offset): Offset {
        val relativeToWrapperPosition = position - this.position
        val layer = layer
        return layer?.mapOffset(relativeToWrapperPosition, inverse = true)
            ?: relativeToWrapperPosition

    protected fun drawBorder(canvas: Canvas, paint: Paint) {
        val rect = Rect(
            left = 0.5f,
            top = 0.5f,
            right = measuredSize.width.toFloat() - 0.5f,
            bottom = measuredSize.height.toFloat() - 0.5f
        canvas.drawRect(rect, paint)

     * Attaches the [LayoutNodeWrapper] and its wrapped [LayoutNodeWrapper] to an active
     * LayoutNode.
     * This will be called when the [LayoutNode] associated with this [LayoutNodeWrapper] is
     * attached to the [Owner].
     * It is also called whenever the modifier chain is replaced and the [LayoutNodeWrapper]s are
     * recreated.
    open fun attach() {
        _isAttached = true

     * Detaches the [LayoutNodeWrapper] and its wrapped [LayoutNodeWrapper] from an active
     * LayoutNode.
     * This will be called when the [LayoutNode] associated with this [LayoutNodeWrapper] is
     * detached from the [Owner].
     * It is also called whenever the modifier chain is replaced and the [LayoutNodeWrapper]s are
     * recreated.
    open fun detach() {
        _isAttached = false
        // The layer has been removed and we need to invalidate the containing layer. We've lost
        // which layer contained this one, but all layers in this modifier chain will be invalidated
        // in onModifierChanged(). Therefore the only possible layer that won't automatically be
        // invalidated is the parent's layer. We'll invalidate it here:

     * Modifies bounds to be in the parent LayoutNodeWrapper's coordinates, including clipping,
     * if [clipBounds] is true. If [clipToMinimumTouchTargetSize] is true and the layer clips,
     * then the clip bounds are extended to allow minimum touch target extended area.
    internal fun rectInParent(
        bounds: MutableRect,
        clipBounds: Boolean,
        clipToMinimumTouchTargetSize: Boolean = false
    ) {
        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
            if (isClipping) {
                if (clipToMinimumTouchTargetSize) {
                    val minTouch = minimumTouchTargetSize
                    val horz = minTouch.width / 2f
                    val vert = minTouch.height / 2f
                        -horz, -vert, size.width.toFloat() + horz, size.height.toFloat() + vert
                } else if (clipBounds) {
                    bounds.intersect(0f, 0f, size.width.toFloat(), size.height.toFloat())
                if (bounds.isEmpty) {
            layer.mapBounds(bounds, inverse = false)

        val x = position.x
        bounds.left += x
        bounds.right += x

        val y = position.y += y
        bounds.bottom += y

     * Modifies bounds in the parent's coordinates to be in this LayoutNodeWrapper's
     * coordinates, including clipping, if [clipBounds] is true.
    private fun fromParentRect(bounds: MutableRect, clipBounds: Boolean) {
        val x = position.x
        bounds.left -= x
        bounds.right -= x

        val y = position.y -= y
        bounds.bottom -= y

        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
            layer.mapBounds(bounds, inverse = true)
            if (isClipping && clipBounds) {
                bounds.intersect(0f, 0f, size.width.toFloat(), size.height.toFloat())
                if (bounds.isEmpty) {

    protected fun withinLayerBounds(pointerPosition: Offset): Boolean {
        if (!pointerPosition.isFinite) {
            return false
        val layer = layer
        return layer == null || !isClipping || layer.isInLayer(pointerPosition)

     * Whether a pointer that is relative to the [LayoutNodeWrapper] is in the bounds of this
     * LayoutNodeWrapper.
    protected fun isPointerInBounds(pointerPosition: Offset): Boolean {
        val x = pointerPosition.x
        val y = pointerPosition.y
        return x >= 0f && y >= 0f && x < measuredWidth && y < measuredHeight

     * Invalidates the layer that this wrapper will draw into.
    open fun invalidateLayer() {
        val layer = layer
        if (layer != null) {
        } else {

     * Returns the first [NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper] in the wrapper list that wraps this
     * [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method tried to find [NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper] in the
     * modifiers before the one wrapped with this [LayoutNodeWrapper] and goes up the hierarchy of
     * [LayoutNode]s if needed.
    abstract fun findPreviousNestedScrollWrapper(): NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper?

     * Returns the first [NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper] in the wrapper list that is wrapped by this
     * [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method only goes to the modifiers that follow the one wrapped by
     * this [LayoutNodeWrapper], it doesn't to the children [LayoutNode]s.
    abstract fun findNextNestedScrollWrapper(): NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper?

     * Returns the first [focus node][ModifiedFocusNode] in the wrapper list that wraps this
     * [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method tried to find [NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper] in the
     * modifiers before the one wrapped with this [LayoutNodeWrapper] and goes up the hierarchy of
     * [LayoutNode]s if needed.
    abstract fun findPreviousFocusWrapper(): ModifiedFocusNode?

     * Returns the next [focus node][ModifiedFocusNode] in the wrapper list that is wrapped by
     * this [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method only goes to the modifiers that follow the one wrapped by
     * this [LayoutNodeWrapper], it doesn't to the children [LayoutNode]s.
    abstract fun findNextFocusWrapper(excludeDeactivated: Boolean): ModifiedFocusNode?

     * Returns the last [focus node][ModifiedFocusNode] found following this [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * It searches the wrapper list associated with this [LayoutNodeWrapper].
    abstract fun findLastFocusWrapper(): ModifiedFocusNode?

     * When the focus state changes, a [LayoutNodeWrapper] calls this function on the wrapper
     * that wraps it. The focus state change must be propagated to the parents until we reach
     * another [focus node][ModifiedFocusNode].
    open fun propagateFocusEvent(focusState: FocusState) {

     * Search up the component tree for any parent/parents that have specified a custom focus order.
     * Allowing parents higher up the hierarchy to overwrite the focus order specified by their
     * children.
    open fun populateFocusOrder(focusOrder: FocusOrder) {

     * Send a request to bring a portion of this item into view. The portion that has to be
     * brought into view is specified as a rectangle where the coordinates are in the local
     * coordinates of that layoutNodeWrapper. This request is sent up the hierarchy to all parents
     * that have a [RelocationModifier][androidx.compose.ui.layout.RelocationModifier].
    open suspend fun propagateRelocationRequest(rect: Rect) {
        val parent = wrappedBy ?: return

        // Translate this layoutNodeWrapper to the coordinate system of the parent.
        val boundingBoxInParentCoordinates = parent.localBoundingBoxOf(this, false)

        // Translate the rect to parent coordinates
        val rectInParentBounds = rect.translate(boundingBoxInParentCoordinates.topLeft)


     * Find the first ancestor that is a [ModifiedFocusNode].
    internal fun findParentFocusNode(): ModifiedFocusNode? {
        // TODO(b/152066829): We shouldn't need to search through the parentLayoutNode, as the
        // wrappedBy property should automatically point to the last layoutWrapper of the parent.
        // Find out why this doesn't work.
        var focusParent = wrappedBy?.findPreviousFocusWrapper()
        if (focusParent != null) {
            return focusParent

        var parentLayoutNode = layoutNode.parent
        while (parentLayoutNode != null) {
            focusParent = parentLayoutNode.outerLayoutNodeWrapper.findLastFocusWrapper()
            if (focusParent != null) {
                return focusParent
            parentLayoutNode = parentLayoutNode.parent
        return null

     *  Find the first ancestor that is a [ModifiedKeyInputNode].
    internal fun findParentKeyInputNode(): ModifiedKeyInputNode? {
        // TODO(b/152066829): We shouldn't need to search through the parentLayoutNode, as the
        // wrappedBy property should automatically point to the last layoutWrapper of the parent.
        // Find out why this doesn't work.
        var keyInputParent = wrappedBy?.findPreviousKeyInputWrapper()
        if (keyInputParent != null) {
            return keyInputParent

        var parentLayoutNode = layoutNode.parent
        while (parentLayoutNode != null) {
            keyInputParent = parentLayoutNode.outerLayoutNodeWrapper.findLastKeyInputWrapper()
            if (keyInputParent != null) {
                return keyInputParent
            parentLayoutNode = parentLayoutNode.parent
        return null

     * Returns the first [ModifiedKeyInputNode] in the wrapper list that wraps this
     * [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method tried to find [NestedScrollDelegatingWrapper] in the
     * modifiers before the one wrapped with this [LayoutNodeWrapper] and goes up the hierarchy of
     * [LayoutNode]s if needed.
    abstract fun findPreviousKeyInputWrapper(): ModifiedKeyInputNode?

     * Returns the next [ModifiedKeyInputNode] in the wrapper list that is wrapped by this
     * [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * Note: This method only goes to the modifiers that follow the one wrapped by
     * this [LayoutNodeWrapper], it doesn't to the children [LayoutNode]s.
    abstract fun findNextKeyInputWrapper(): ModifiedKeyInputNode?

     * Returns the last [focus node][ModifiedFocusNode] found following this [LayoutNodeWrapper].
     * It searches the wrapper list associated with this [LayoutNodeWrapper]
    abstract fun findLastKeyInputWrapper(): ModifiedKeyInputNode?

     * Called when [LayoutNode.modifier] has changed and all the LayoutNodeWrappers have been
     * configured.
    open fun onModifierChanged() {

     * Called when a [ModifierLocalConsumer][androidx.compose.ui.modifier.ModifierLocalConsumer]
     * reads a value. Ths function walks up the tree and reads any value provided by a parent. If
     * no value is available it returns the default value associated with the specified
     * [ModifierLocal].
    open fun <T> onModifierLocalRead(modifierLocal: ModifierLocal<T>): T {
        return wrappedBy?.onModifierLocalRead(modifierLocal) ?: modifierLocal.defaultFactory()

    internal fun findCommonAncestor(other: LayoutNodeWrapper): LayoutNodeWrapper {
        var ancestor1 = other.layoutNode
        var ancestor2 = layoutNode
        if (ancestor1 === ancestor2) {
            // They are on the same node, but we don't know which is the deeper of the two
            val tooFar = layoutNode.outerLayoutNodeWrapper
            var tryMe = this
            while (tryMe !== tooFar && tryMe !== other) {
                tryMe = tryMe.wrappedBy!!
            if (tryMe === other) {
                return other
            return this

        while (ancestor1.depth > ancestor2.depth) {
            ancestor1 = ancestor1.parent!!

        while (ancestor2.depth > ancestor1.depth) {
            ancestor2 = ancestor2.parent!!

        while (ancestor1 !== ancestor2) {
            val parent1 = ancestor1.parent
            val parent2 = ancestor2.parent
            if (parent1 == null || parent2 == null) {
                throw IllegalArgumentException("layouts are not part of the same hierarchy")
            ancestor1 = parent1
            ancestor2 = parent2

        return when {
            ancestor2 === layoutNode -> this
            ancestor1 === other.layoutNode -> other
            else -> ancestor1.innerLayoutNodeWrapper

    // TODO(b/152051577): Measure the performance of focusableChildren.
    //  Consider caching the children.
    fun focusableChildren(excludeDeactivated: Boolean): List<ModifiedFocusNode> {
        // Check the modifier chain that this focus node is part of. If it has a focus modifier,
        // that means you have found the only focusable child for this node.
        val focusableChild = wrapped?.findNextFocusWrapper(excludeDeactivated)
        // findChildFocusNodeInWrapperChain()
        if (focusableChild != null) {
            return listOf(focusableChild)

        // Go through all your children and find the first focusable node from each child.
        val focusableChildren = mutableListOf<ModifiedFocusNode>()
        layoutNode.children.fastForEach {
            it.findFocusableChildren(focusableChildren, excludeDeactivated)
        return focusableChildren

    open fun shouldSharePointerInputWithSiblings(): Boolean = false

    private fun offsetFromEdge(pointerPosition: Offset): Offset {
        val x = pointerPosition.x
        val horizontal = maxOf(0f, if (x < 0) -x else x - measuredWidth)
        val y = pointerPosition.y
        val vertical = maxOf(0f, if (y < 0) -y else y - measuredHeight)

        return Offset(horizontal, vertical)

     * Returns the additional amount on the horizontal and vertical dimensions that
     * this extends beyond [width] and [height] on all sides. This takes into account
     * [minimumTouchTargetSize] and [measuredSize] vs. [width] and [height].
    protected fun calculateMinimumTouchTargetPadding(minimumTouchTargetSize: Size): Size {
        val widthDiff = minimumTouchTargetSize.width - measuredWidth.toFloat()
        val heightDiff = minimumTouchTargetSize.height - measuredHeight.toFloat()
        return Size(maxOf(0f, widthDiff / 2f), maxOf(0f, heightDiff / 2f))

     * The distance within the [minimumTouchTargetSize] of [pointerPosition] to the layout
     * size. If [pointerPosition] isn't within [minimumTouchTargetSize], then
     * [Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY] is returned.
    protected fun distanceInMinimumTouchTarget(
        pointerPosition: Offset,
        minimumTouchTargetSize: Size
    ): Float {
        if (measuredWidth >= minimumTouchTargetSize.width &&
            measuredHeight >= minimumTouchTargetSize.height
        ) {
            // this layout is big enough that it doesn't qualify for minimum touch targets
            return Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY

        val (width, height) = calculateMinimumTouchTargetPadding(minimumTouchTargetSize)
        val offsetFromEdge = offsetFromEdge(pointerPosition)

        return if ((width > 0f || height > 0f) &&
            offsetFromEdge.x <= width && offsetFromEdge.y <= height) {
            maxOf(offsetFromEdge.x, offsetFromEdge.y)
        } else {
            Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY // miss

    internal companion object {
        const val ExpectAttachedLayoutCoordinates = "LayoutCoordinate operations are only valid " +
            "when isAttached is true"
        const val UnmeasuredError = "Asking for measurement result of unmeasured layout modifier"
        private val onCommitAffectingLayerParams: (LayoutNodeWrapper) -> Unit = { wrapper ->
            if (wrapper.isValid) {
        private val onCommitAffectingLayer: (LayoutNodeWrapper) -> Unit = { wrapper ->
        private val graphicsLayerScope = ReusableGraphicsLayerScope()