
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // Aliases to public API.

package androidx.time

import android.support.annotation.RequiresApi
import java.time.Duration

 * Return the seconds component of this [Duration].
 * This method allows to use destructuring declarations when working with durations,
 * for example:
 * ```
 * val (seconds, nanoOffset) = myDuration
 * ```
 * @see Duration.getSeconds
inline operator fun Duration.component1(): Long = seconds

 * Returns the nanosecond offset of this [Duration].
 * This method allows to use destructuring declarations when working with durations,
 * for example:
 * ```
 * val (seconds, nanoOffset) = myDuration
 * ```
 * @see Duration.getNano
inline operator fun Duration.component2(): Int = nano

 * Negate this [Duration].
 * @see Duration.negated
inline operator fun Duration.unaryMinus(): Duration = negated()

 * Multiply this [Duration] by the `multiplicand`.
 * @see Duration.multipliedBy
inline operator fun Duration.times(multiplicand: Long): Duration = multipliedBy(multiplicand)

 * Divide this [Duration] by the `divisor`.
 * @see Duration.dividedBy
inline operator fun Duration.div(divisor: Long): Duration = dividedBy(divisor)

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in nanoseconds.
 * @see Duration.ofNanos
inline fun Int.nanos(): Duration = Duration.ofNanos(toLong())

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in nanoseconds.
 * @see Duration.ofNanos
inline fun Long.nanos(): Duration = Duration.ofNanos(this)

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in milliseconds.
 * @see Duration.ofMillis
inline fun Int.millis(): Duration = Duration.ofMillis(toLong())

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in milliseconds.
 * @see Duration.ofMillis
inline fun Long.millis(): Duration = Duration.ofMillis(this)

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in seconds.
 * @see Duration.ofSeconds
inline fun Int.seconds(): Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(toLong())

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in seconds.
 * @see Duration.ofSeconds
inline fun Long.seconds(): Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(this)

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in minutes.
 * @see Duration.ofMinutes
inline fun Int.minutes(): Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(toLong())

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in minutes.
 * @see Duration.ofMinutes
inline fun Long.minutes(): Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(this)

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in hours.
 * @see Duration.ofHours
inline fun Int.hours(): Duration = Duration.ofHours(toLong())

 * Return a [Duration] representing this value in hours.
 * @see Duration.ofHours
inline fun Long.hours(): Duration = Duration.ofHours(this)