
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.splashscreen

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.app.Activity
import android.content.res.Resources
import android.os.Build.VERSION.PREVIEW_SDK_INT
import android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT
import android.util.TypedValue
import android.view.View
import android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener
import android.widget.ImageView
import androidx.annotation.MainThread
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.core.splashscreen.SplashScreen.KeepOnScreenCondition

 * Compatibly class for the SplashScreen API introduced in API 31.
 * On API 31+ (Android 12+) this class calls the platform methods.
 * Prior API 31, the platform behavior is replicated with the exception of the Animated Vector
 * Drawable support on the launch screen.
 * To use this class, the theme of the starting Activity needs set [R.style.Theme_SplashScreen] as
 * its parent and the [R.attr.windowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon] and [R.attr.postSplashScreenTheme]`
 * attribute need to be set.
public class SplashScreen private constructor(activity: Activity) {

    @SuppressLint("NewApi") // TODO(188897399) Remove once "S" is finalized
    private val impl = when {
        SDK_INT >= 31 -> Impl31(activity)
        SDK_INT == 30 && PREVIEW_SDK_INT > 0 -> Impl31(activity)
        SDK_INT >= 23 -> Impl23(activity)
        else -> Impl(activity)

    public companion object {

         * Creates a [SplashScreen] instance associated with this [Activity] and handles
         * setting the theme to [R.attr.postSplashScreenTheme].
         * This needs to be called before [Activity.setContentView] or other view operation on
         * the root view (e.g setting flags).
         * Alternatively, if a [SplashScreen] instance is not required, the them can manually be
         * set using [Activity.setTheme].
        public fun Activity.installSplashScreen(): SplashScreen {
            val splashScreen = SplashScreen(this)
            return splashScreen

     * Sets the condition to keep the splash screen visible.
     * The splash will stay visible until the condition isn't met anymore.
     * The condition is evaluated before each request to draw the application, so it needs to be
     * fast to avoid blocking the UI.
     * @param condition The condition evaluated to decide whether to keep the splash screen on
     * screen
    public fun setKeepVisibleCondition(condition: KeepOnScreenCondition) {

     * Sets a listener that will be called when the splashscreen is ready to be removed.
     * If a listener is set, the splashscreen won't be automatically removed and the application
     * needs to manually call [SplashScreenViewProvider.remove].
     * IF no listener is set, the splashscreen will be automatically removed once the app is
     * ready to draw.
     * The listener will be called on the ui thread.
     * @param listener The [OnExitAnimationListener] that will be called when the splash screen
     * is ready to be dismissed.
     * @see setKeepVisibleCondition
     * @see OnExitAnimationListener
     * @see SplashScreenViewProvider
    @SuppressWarnings("ExecutorRegistration") // Always runs on the MainThread
    public fun setOnExitAnimationListener(listener: OnExitAnimationListener) {

    private fun install() {

     * Listener to be passed in [SplashScreen.setOnExitAnimationListener].
     * The listener will be called once the splash screen is ready to be removed and provides a
     * reference to a [SplashScreenViewProvider] that can be used to customize the exit
     * animation of the splash screen.
    public fun interface OnExitAnimationListener {

         * Callback called when the splash screen is ready to be dismissed. The caller is
         * responsible for animating and removing splash screen using the provided
         * [splashScreenViewProvider].
         * The caller **must** call [SplashScreenViewProvider.remove] once it's done with the
         * splash screen.
         * @param splashScreenViewProvider An object holding a reference to the displayed splash
         * screen.
        public fun onSplashScreenExit(splashScreenViewProvider: SplashScreenViewProvider)

     * Condition evaluated to check if the splash screen should remain on screen
     * The splash screen will stay visible until the condition isn't met anymore.
     * The condition is evaluated before each request to draw the application, so it needs to be
     * fast to avoid blocking the UI.
    public fun interface KeepOnScreenCondition {

         * Callback evaluated before every requests to draw the Activity. If it returns `true`, the
         * splash screen will be kept visible to hide the Activity below.
         * This callback is evaluated in the main thread.
        public fun shouldKeepOnScreen(): Boolean

    private open class Impl(val activity: Activity) {
        var finalThemeId: Int = 0
        var backgroundResId: Int? = null
        var backgroundColor: Int? = null
        var icon: Int = 0

        var splashScreenWaitPredicate = KeepOnScreenCondition { false }
        private var animationListener: OnExitAnimationListener? = null
        private var mSplashScreenViewProvider: SplashScreenViewProvider? = null

        open fun install() {
            val typedValue = TypedValue()
            val currentTheme = activity.theme
            if (currentTheme.resolveAttribute(
            ) {
                backgroundResId = typedValue.resourceId
                backgroundColor = typedValue.data
            if (currentTheme.resolveAttribute(
            ) {
                icon = typedValue.resourceId
            setPostSplashScreenTheme(currentTheme, typedValue)

        protected fun setPostSplashScreenTheme(
            currentTheme: Resources.Theme,
            typedValue: TypedValue
        ) {
            if (currentTheme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.postSplashScreenTheme, typedValue, true)) {
                finalThemeId = typedValue.resourceId
                if (finalThemeId != 0) {
            } else {
                throw Resources.NotFoundException(
                    "Cannot set AppTheme. No theme value defined for attribute " +

        open fun setKeepVisibleCondition(keepOnScreenCondition: KeepOnScreenCondition) {
            splashScreenWaitPredicate = keepOnScreenCondition
            val contentView = activity.findViewById<View>(android.R.id.content)
            val observer = contentView.viewTreeObserver
            observer.addOnPreDrawListener(object : OnPreDrawListener {
                override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
                    if (splashScreenWaitPredicate.shouldKeepOnScreen()) {
                        return false
                    return true

        open fun setOnExitAnimationListener(exitAnimationListener: OnExitAnimationListener) {
            animationListener = exitAnimationListener

            val splashScreenViewProvider = SplashScreenViewProvider(activity)
            val finalBackgroundResId = backgroundResId
            val finalBackgroundColor = backgroundColor
            if (finalBackgroundResId != null && finalBackgroundResId != Resources.ID_NULL) {
            } else if (finalBackgroundColor != null) {
            } else {
                splashScreenViewProvider.view.background = activity.window.decorView.background


                object : OnLayoutChangeListener {
                    override fun onLayoutChange(
                        view: View,
                        left: Int,
                        top: Int,
                        right: Int,
                        bottom: Int,
                        oldLeft: Int,
                        oldTop: Int,
                        oldRight: Int,
                        oldBottom: Int
                    ) {
                        adjustInsets(view, splashScreenViewProvider)
                        if (!view.isAttachedToWindow) {

                        if (!splashScreenWaitPredicate.shouldKeepOnScreen()) {
                        } else {
                            mSplashScreenViewProvider = splashScreenViewProvider

        fun dispatchOnExitAnimation(splashScreenViewProvider: SplashScreenViewProvider) {
            val finalListener = animationListener ?: return
            animationListener = null
            splashScreenViewProvider.view.postOnAnimation {

         * Adjust the insets to avoid any jump between the actual splash screen and the
         * SplashScreen View
        open fun adjustInsets(
            view: View,
            splashScreenViewProvider: SplashScreenViewProvider
        ) {
            // No-op

    private class Impl23(activity: Activity) : Impl(activity) {
        override fun adjustInsets(
            view: View,
            splashScreenViewProvider: SplashScreenViewProvider
        ) {
            // Offset the icon if the insets have changed
            val rootWindowInsets = view.rootWindowInsets
            val ty =
                rootWindowInsets.systemWindowInsetTop - rootWindowInsets.systemWindowInsetBottom
            splashScreenViewProvider.iconView.translationY = -ty.toFloat() / 2f

    @RequiresApi(31) // TODO(188897399) Update to "S" once finalized
    private class Impl31(activity: Activity) : Impl(activity) {
        var preDrawListener: OnPreDrawListener? = null

        override fun install() {
            setPostSplashScreenTheme(activity.theme, TypedValue())

        override fun setKeepVisibleCondition(keepOnScreenCondition: KeepOnScreenCondition) {
            splashScreenWaitPredicate = keepOnScreenCondition
            val contentView = activity.findViewById<View>(android.R.id.content)
            val observer = contentView.viewTreeObserver

            if (preDrawListener != null && observer.isAlive) {
            preDrawListener = object : OnPreDrawListener {
                override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
                    if (splashScreenWaitPredicate.shouldKeepOnScreen()) {
                        return false
                    return true

        override fun setOnExitAnimationListener(
            exitAnimationListener: OnExitAnimationListener
        ) {
            activity.splashScreen.setOnExitAnimationListener {
                val splashScreenViewProvider = SplashScreenViewProvider(it, activity)