
 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.datastore.core

import androidx.datastore.core.handlers.NoOpCorruptionHandler
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.completeWith
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.conflate
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.dropWhile
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.emitAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.takeWhile
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext

 * Multi process implementation of DataStore. It is multi-process safe.
internal class DataStoreImpl<T>(
    private val storage: Storage<T>,
     * The list of initialization tasks to perform. These tasks will be completed before any data
     * is published to the data and before any read-modify-writes execute in updateData.  If
     * any of the tasks fail, the tasks will be run again the next time data is collected or
     * updateData is called. Init tasks should not wait on results from data - this will
     * result in deadlock.
    initTasksList: List<suspend (api: InitializerApi<T>) -> Unit> = emptyList(),
    private val corruptionHandler: CorruptionHandler<T> = NoOpCorruptionHandler(),
    private val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(ioDispatcher() + SupervisorJob())
) : DataStore<T> {

    override val data: Flow<T> = flow {
         * If downstream flow is UnInitialized, no data has been read yet, we need to trigger a new
         * read then start emitting values once we have seen a new value (or exception).
         * If downstream flow has a ReadException, there was an exception last time we tried to read
         * data. We need to trigger a new read then start emitting values once we have seen a new
         * value (or exception).
         * If downstream flow has Data, we should start emitting from downstream flow as long as its
         * version is not stale compared to the version read from the shared counter when we enter
         * the flow.
         * If Downstream flow is Final, the scope has been cancelled so the data store is no
         * longer usable. We should just propagate this exception.
         * State always starts at null. null can transition to ReadException, Data or
         * Final. ReadException can transition to another ReadException, Data or Final.
         * Data can transition to another Data or Final. Final will not change.
        // the first read should not be blocked by ongoing writes, so it can be dirty read. If it is
        // a unlocked read, the same value might be emitted to the flow again
        val startState = readState(requireLock = false)
        when (startState) {
            is Data<T> -> emit(startState.value)
            is UnInitialized -> error(BUG_MESSAGE)
            is ReadException<T> -> throw startState.readException
            // TODO(b/273990827): decide the contract of accessing when state is Final
            is Final -> return@flow

            inMemoryCache.flow.takeWhile {
                // end the flow if we reach the final value
                it !is Final
            }.dropWhile {
                it is Data && it.version <= startState.version
            }.map {
                when (it) {
                    is ReadException<T> -> throw it.readException
                    is Data<T> -> it.value
                    is Final<T>, is UnInitialized -> error(

    override suspend fun updateData(transform: suspend (t: T) -> T): T {
        val ack = CompletableDeferred<T>()
        val currentDownStreamFlowState = inMemoryCache.currentState

        val updateMsg =
            Message.Update(transform, ack, currentDownStreamFlowState, coroutineContext)


        return ack.await()

    // cache is only set by the reads who have file lock, so cache always has stable data
    private val inMemoryCache = DataStoreInMemoryCache<T>()

    private val readAndInit = InitDataStore(initTasksList)

    private lateinit var updateCollector: Job

    // TODO(b/269772127): make this private after we allow multiple instances of DataStore on the
    //  same file
    internal val storageConnection: StorageConnection<T> by lazy {
    private val coordinator: InterProcessCoordinator by lazy { storageConnection.coordinator }

    private val writeActor = SimpleActor<Message.Update<T>>(
        scope = scope,
        onComplete = {
            // TODO(b/267792241): remove it if updateCollector is better scoped
            // no more reads so stop listening to file changes
            if (::updateCollector.isInitialized) {
            it?.let {
            // We expect it to always be non-null but we will leave the alternative as a no-op
            // just in case.

        onUndeliveredElement = { msg, ex ->
                ex ?: CancellationException(
                    "DataStore scope was cancelled before updateData could complete"
    ) { msg ->

    private suspend fun readState(requireLock: Boolean): State<T> =
        withContext(scope.coroutineContext) {
            if (inMemoryCache.currentState is Final) {
                // if state is Final, just return it
            } else {
                try {
                    // make sure we initialize properly before reading from file.
                } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
                    // init or read failed, it is already updated in the cached value
                    // so we don't need to do anything.
                    return@withContext ReadException(throwable, -1)
                // after init, try to read again. If the init run for this block, it won't re-read
                // the file and use cache, so this is an OK call to make wrt performance.

    private suspend fun handleUpdate(update: Message.Update<T>) {
            runCatching {
                val result: T
                when (val currentState = inMemoryCache.currentState) {
                    is Data -> {
                        // We are already initialized, we just need to perform the update
                        result = transformAndWrite(update.transform, update.callerContext)

                    is ReadException, is UnInitialized -> {
                        if (currentState === update.lastState) {
                            // we need to try to read again

                            // We've successfully read, now we need to perform the update
                            result = transformAndWrite(update.transform, update.callerContext)
                        } else {
                            // Someone else beat us to read but also failed. We just need to
                            // signal the writer that is waiting on ack.
                            // This cast is safe because we can't be in the UnInitialized
                            // state if the state has changed.
                            throw (currentState as ReadException).readException

                    is Final -> throw currentState.finalException // won't happen

    private suspend fun readAndInitOrPropagateAndThrowFailure() {
        val preReadVersion = coordinator.getVersion()
        try {
        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
            inMemoryCache.tryUpdate(ReadException(throwable, preReadVersion))
            throw throwable

     * Reads the file and updates the cache unless current cached value is Data and its version is
     * equal to the latest version, or it is unable to get lock.
     * Calling this method when state is UnInitialized is a bug and this method will throw if that
     * happens.
    private suspend fun readDataAndUpdateCache(requireLock: Boolean): State<T> {
        // Check if the cached version matches with shared memory counter
        val currentState = inMemoryCache.currentState
        // should not call this without initialization first running
        check(currentState !is UnInitialized) {
        val latestVersion = coordinator.getVersion()
        val cachedVersion = if (currentState is Data) currentState.version else -1

        // Return cached value if cached version is latest
        if (currentState is Data && latestVersion == cachedVersion) {
            return currentState
        val (newState, acquiredLock) =
            if (requireLock) {
                coordinator.lock { attemptRead(acquiredLock = true) to true }
            } else {
                coordinator.tryLock { locked ->
                    attemptRead(locked) to locked
        if (acquiredLock) {
        return newState

     * Caller is responsible to lock or tryLock, and pass the [acquiredLock] parameter to indicate
     * if it has acquired lock.
    private suspend fun attemptRead(acquiredLock: Boolean): State<T> {
        // read version before file
        val currentVersion = coordinator.getVersion()
        // use current version if it has lock, otherwise use the older version between current and
        // cached version, which guarantees correctness
        val readVersion = if (acquiredLock) {
        } else {
        val readResult = runCatching { readDataFromFileOrDefault() }
        return if (readResult.isSuccess) {
        } else {
            ReadException<T>(readResult.exceptionOrNull()!!, readVersion)

    // Caller is responsible for (try to) getting file lock. It reads from the file directly without
    // checking shared counter version and returns serializer default value if file is not found.
    private suspend fun readDataFromFileOrDefault(): T {
        return storageConnection.readData()

    private suspend fun transformAndWrite(
        transform: suspend (t: T) -> T,
        callerContext: CoroutineContext
    ): T = coordinator.lock {
        val curData = readDataFromFileOrDefault()
        val curDataAndHash = Data(curData, curData.hashCode(), /* unused */ version = 0)
        val newData = withContext(callerContext) { transform(curData) }

        // Check that curData has not changed...

        if (curData != newData) {
            writeData(newData, updateCache = true)

    // Write data to disk and return the corresponding version if succeed.
    internal suspend fun writeData(newData: T, updateCache: Boolean): Int {
        var newVersion = 0

        // The code in `writeScope` is run synchronously, i.e. the newVersion isn't returned until
        // the code in `writeScope` completes.
        storageConnection.writeScope {
            // update version before write to file to avoid the case where if update version after
            // file write, the process can crash after file write but before version increment, so
            // the readers might skip reading forever because the version isn't changed
            newVersion = coordinator.incrementAndGetVersion()
            if (updateCache) {
                inMemoryCache.tryUpdate(Data(newData, newData.hashCode(), newVersion))

        return newVersion

    private inner class InitDataStore(
        initTasksList: List<suspend (api: InitializerApi<T>) -> Unit>
    ) : RunOnce() {
        // cleaned after initialization is complete
        private var initTasks: List<suspend (api: InitializerApi<T>) -> Unit>? =

        override suspend fun doRun() {
            val initData = if ((initTasks == null) || initTasks!!.isEmpty()) {
                // if there are no init tasks, we can directly read
                readDataOrHandleCorruption(hasWriteFileLock = false)
            } else {
                // if there are init tasks, we need to obtain a lock to ensure migrations
                // run as 1 chunk
                coordinator.lock {
                    val updateLock = Mutex()
                    var initializationComplete = false
                    var currentData = readDataOrHandleCorruption(hasWriteFileLock = true).value

                    val api = object : InitializerApi<T> {
                        override suspend fun updateData(transform: suspend (t: T) -> T): T {
                            return updateLock.withLock {
                                check(!initializationComplete) {
                                    "InitializerApi.updateData should not be called after " +
                                        "initialization is complete."

                                val newData = transform(currentData)
                                if (newData != currentData) {
                                    writeData(newData, updateCache = false)
                                    currentData = newData


                    initTasks?.forEach { it(api) }
                    // Init tasks have run successfully, we don't need them anymore.
                    initTasks = null
                    updateLock.withLock {
                        initializationComplete = true
                    // only to make compiler happy
                        value = currentData,
                        hashCode = currentData.hashCode(),
                        version = coordinator.getVersion()
            if (!::updateCollector.isInitialized) {
                updateCollector = scope.launch {
                    coordinator.updateNotifications.conflate().collect {
                        val currentState = inMemoryCache.currentState
                        if (currentState !is Final) {
                            // update triggered reads should always wait for lock
                            readDataAndUpdateCache(requireLock = true)

        private suspend fun <R> doWithWriteFileLock(
            hasWriteFileLock: Boolean,
            block: suspend () -> R
        ): R {
            contract {
                callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
            return if (hasWriteFileLock) {
            } else {
                coordinator.lock { block() }

        // Only be called from `readAndInit`. State is UnInitialized or ReadException.
        private suspend fun readDataOrHandleCorruption(hasWriteFileLock: Boolean): Data<T> {
            try {
                return if (hasWriteFileLock) {
                    val data = readDataFromFileOrDefault()
                    Data(data, data.hashCode(), version = coordinator.getVersion())
                } else {
                    val preLockVersion = coordinator.getVersion()
                    coordinator.tryLock { locked ->
                        val data = readDataFromFileOrDefault()
                        val version = if (locked) coordinator.getVersion() else preLockVersion
            } catch (ex: CorruptionException) {
                var newData: T = corruptionHandler.handleCorruption(ex)
                var version: Int // initialized inside the try block

                try {
                    doWithWriteFileLock(hasWriteFileLock) {
                        // Confirms the file is still corrupted before overriding
                        try {
                            newData = readDataFromFileOrDefault()
                            version = coordinator.getVersion()
                        } catch (ignoredEx: CorruptionException) {
                            version = writeData(newData, updateCache = true)
                } catch (writeEx: Throwable) {
                    // If we fail to write the handled data, add the new exception as a suppressed
                    // exception.
                    throw ex

                // If we reach this point, we've successfully replaced the data on disk with newData.
                return Data(newData, newData.hashCode(), version)

    companion object {
        private const val BUG_MESSAGE = "This is a bug in DataStore. Please file a bug at: " +

 * Helper class that executes [doRun] up to 1 time to completion. If it fails, it will be retried
 * in the next [runIfNeeded] call.
internal abstract class RunOnce {
    private val runMutex = Mutex()
    private var didRun: Boolean = false
    protected abstract suspend fun doRun()

    suspend fun runIfNeeded() {
        if (didRun) return
        runMutex.withLock {
            if (didRun) return
            didRun = true