
 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.datastore.preferences.core

import androidx.datastore.core.DataStore
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean

 * Get a preference Key of type T. Type T must be one of: Int, Long, Boolean, Float, Double, String.
 * Use the [preferencesSetKey] function to create a preference key for Set<String>. No
 * other types are supported.
 * You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences).
 * Using overlapping keys with different types will result in ClassCastExceptions.
 * @return the Preference.Key object for your preference
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an unsupported type is used
public inline fun <reified T : Any> preferencesKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<T> {
    return when (T::class) {
        Int::class -> {
        String::class -> {
        Boolean::class -> {
        Float::class -> {
        Long::class -> {
        Double::class -> {
        Set::class -> {
            throw IllegalArgumentException("Use `preferencesSetKey` to create keys for Sets.")
        else -> {
            throw IllegalArgumentException("Type not supported: ${}")

 * Get a preference key for Set<T>. The only type currently supported for T is String.
 * Note: sets returned by DataStore are unmodifiable.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an unsupported type is used
 * @return the Preference.Key object for use with Preferences
public inline fun <reified T : Any> preferencesSetKey(name: String): Preferences.Key<Set<T>> {
    if (T::class == String::class) {
        return Preferences.Key(name)
    } else {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Only String sets are currently supported.")

 * Get a new empty Preferences.
 * @return a new Preferences instance with no preferences set
public fun emptyPreferences(): Preferences = MutablePreferences(startFrozen = true)

 * Construct a Preferences object with a list of Preferences.Pair<T>. Comparable to mapOf().
 * Example usage:
 * val counterKey = preferencesKey<Int>("counter")
 * val preferences = preferencesOf(counterKey to 100)
 * @param pairs
public fun preferencesOf(vararg pairs: Preferences.Pair<*>): Preferences =

 * Construct a MutablePreferences object with a list of Preferences.Pair<T>. Comparable to mapOf().
 * Example usage:
 * val counterKey = preferencesKey<Int>("counter")
 * val preferences = preferencesOf(counterKey to 100)
 * @param pairs
public fun mutablePreferencesOf(vararg pairs: Preferences.Pair<*>): MutablePreferences =
    MutablePreferences(startFrozen = false).apply { putAll(*pairs) }

 * Infix function to create a Preferences.Pair.
 * This is used to support [preferencesOf] and [MutablePreferences.putAll]
 * @param value is the value this preferences key should point to.
public infix fun <T> Preferences.Key<T>.to(value: T): Preferences.Pair<T> =
    Preferences.Pair(this, value)

 * Preferences and MutablePreferences are a lot like a generic Map and MutableMap keyed by the
 * Preferences.Key class. These are intended for use with DataStore. Construct a
 * DataStore<Preferences> instance using [PreferenceDataStoreFactory.create].
public abstract class Preferences internal constructor() {
     * Key for values stored in Preferences. Type T is the type of the value associated with the
     * Key.
     * T must be one of the following: Boolean, Int, Long, Float, String, Set<String>.
     * Construct Keys for your data type using: [preferencesKey], [preferencesSetKey].
    public class Key<T>
    @PublishedApi // necessary to use this in the public inline function preferencesKey().
    internal constructor(public val name: String) {
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
            if (other is Key<*>) {
                name ==
            } else {

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            return name.hashCode()

     * Key Value pairs for Preferences. Type T is the type of the value.
     * Construct these using the infix function [to].
    public class Pair<T> internal constructor(internal val key: Key<T>, internal val value: T)

    /* Checks whether Preferences contains a key. */
    public abstract operator fun <T> contains(key: Key<T>): Boolean

     * Get a preference with a key. If the key is not set, returns null.
     * If T is Set<String>, this returns an unmodifiable set which will throw a runtime exception
     * when mutated. Do not try to mutate the returned set.
     * Use [MutablePreferences.set] to change the value of a preference (inside a
     * [DataStore<Preferences>.edit] block).
     * @param T the type of the preference
     * @param key the key for the preference
     * @throws ClassCastException if there is something stored with the same name as [key] but
     * it cannot be cast to T
    public abstract operator fun <T> get(key: Key<T>): T?

     * Retrieve a map of all key preference pairs. The returned map is unmodifiable, and attempts
     * to mutate it will throw runtime exceptions.
     * @return a map containing all the preferences in this Preferences
    public abstract fun asMap(): Map<Key<*>, Any>

 * Mutable version of [Preferences]. Allows for creating Preferences with different key-value pairs.
public class MutablePreferences internal constructor(
    internal val preferencesMap: MutableMap<Key<*>, Any> = mutableMapOf(),
    startFrozen: Boolean = true
) : Preferences() {

     * If frozen, mutating methods will throw.
    private val frozen = AtomicBoolean(startFrozen)

    internal fun checkNotFrozen() {
        check(!frozen.get()) { "Do mutate preferences once returned to DataStore." }

     * Causes any future mutations to result in an exception being thrown.
    internal fun freeze() {

    override operator fun <T> contains(key: Key<T>): Boolean {
        return preferencesMap.containsKey(key)

    override operator fun <T> get(key: Key<T>): T? {
        return preferencesMap[key] as T?

    override fun asMap(): Map<Key<*>, Any> {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(preferencesMap)

    // Mutating methods below:

     * Set a key value pair in MutablePreferences.
     * Example usage:
     * val COUNTER_KEY = preferencesKey<Int>("counter")
     * // Once edit completes successfully, preferenceStore will contain the incremented counter.
     * preferenceStore.edit { prefs: MutablePreferences ->
     *   prefs\[COUNTER_KEY\] = prefs\[COUNTER_KEY\] :? 0 + 1
     * }
     * @param key the preference to set
     * @param key the value to set the preference to
    public operator fun <T> set(key: Key<T>, value: T) {
        setUnchecked(key, value)

     * Private setter function. The type of key and value *must* be the same.
    internal fun setUnchecked(key: Key<*>, value: Any?) {

        when (value) {
            null -> remove(key)
            // Copy set so changes to input don't change Preferences. Wrap in unmodifiableSet so
            // returned instances can't be changed.
            is Set<*> -> preferencesMap[key] = Collections.unmodifiableSet(value.toSet())
            else -> preferencesMap[key] = value

    // Equals and hash code for use by DataStore
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (other is MutablePreferences) {
            return preferencesMap == other.preferencesMap
        return false

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return preferencesMap.hashCode()

     * For better debugging.
    override fun toString(): String =
            separator = ",\n",
            prefix = "{\n",
            postfix = "\n}"
        ) { entry ->
            "  ${} = ${entry.value}"

 * Gets a mutable copy of Preferences which contains all the preferences in this Preferences.
 * This can be used to update your preferences without building a new Preferences object from
 * scratch in [DataStore.updateData].
 * This is similar to [Map.toMutableMap].
 * @return a MutablePreferences with all the preferences from this Preferences
public fun Preferences.toMutablePreferences(): MutablePreferences {
    return MutablePreferences(asMap().toMutableMap(), startFrozen = false)

 * Gets a read-only copy of Preferences which contains all the preferences in this Preferences.
 * This is similar to [Map.toMap].
 * @return a copy of this Preferences
public fun Preferences.toPreferences(): Preferences {
    return MutablePreferences(asMap().toMutableMap(), startFrozen = true)

 * Appends or replaces all pairs from [prefs] to this MutablePreferences. Keys in [prefs]
 * will overwrite keys in this Preferences.
 * Example usage:
 * mutablePrefs += preferencesOf(COUNTER_KEY to 100, NAME to "abcdef")
 * @param prefs Preferences to append to this MutablePreferences
public operator fun MutablePreferences.plusAssign(prefs: Preferences) {
    preferencesMap += prefs.asMap()

 * Appends or replaces all [pair] to this MutablePreferences.
 * Example usage:
 * mutablePrefs += COUNTER_KEY to 100
 * @param pair the Preference.Pair to add to this MutablePreferences
public operator fun MutablePreferences.plusAssign(pair: Preferences.Pair<*>) {

 * Removes the preference with the given key from this MutablePreferences. If this
 * Preferences does not contain the key, this is a no-op.
 * Example usage:
 * mutablePrefs -= COUNTER_KEY
 * @param key the key to remove from this MutablePreferences
public operator fun MutablePreferences.minusAssign(key: Preferences.Key<*>) {

 * Appends or replaces all [pairs] to this MutablePreferences.
 * @param pairs the pairs to append to this MutablePreferences
public fun MutablePreferences.putAll(vararg pairs: Preferences.Pair<*>) {
    pairs.forEach {
        setUnchecked(it.key, it.value)

 * Remove a preferences from this MutablePreferences.
 * @param key the key to remove this MutablePreferences
 * @return the original value of this preference key.
public fun <T> MutablePreferences.remove(key: Preferences.Key<T>): T {
    return preferencesMap.remove(key) as T

/* Removes all preferences from this MutablePreferences. */
public fun MutablePreferences.clear() {

 * Edit the value in DataStore transactionally in an atomic read-modify-write operation. All
 * operations are serialized.
 * The coroutine completes when the data has been persisted durably to disk (after which
 * [] will reflect the update). If the transform or write to disk fails, the
 * transaction is aborted and an exception is thrown.
 * Note: values that are changed in [transform] are NOT updated in DataStore until after the
 * transform completes. Do not assume that the data has been successfully persisted until after
 * edit returns successfully.
 * Note: do NOT store a reference to the MutablePreferences provided to transform. Mutating this
 * after [transform] returns will NOT change the data in DataStore. Future versions of this may
 * throw exceptions if the MutablePreferences object is mutated outside of [transform].
 * See [DataStore.updateData].
 * Example usage:
 * val COUNTER_KEY = preferencesKey<Int>("my_counter")
 * dataStore.edit { prefs ->
 *   prefs\[COUNTER_KEY\] = prefs\[COUNTER_KEY\] :? 0 + 1
 * }
 * @param transform block which accepts MutablePreferences that contains all the preferences
 * currently in DataStore. Changes to this MutablePreferences object will be persisted once
 * transform completes.
 * @throws IOException when an exception is encountered when writing data to disk
 * @throws Exception when thrown by the transform block

public suspend fun DataStore<Preferences>.edit(
    transform: suspend (MutablePreferences) -> Unit
): Preferences {
    return this.updateData {
        // It's safe to return MutablePreferences since we freeze it in
        // PreferencesDataStore.updateData()
        it.toMutablePreferences().apply { transform(this) }