
 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Build
import android.os.RemoteException
import androidx.annotation.ChecksSdkIntAtLeast
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

/** Interface to access health and fitness records. */
interface HealthConnectClient {

    /** Access operations related to permissions. */
    val permissionController: PermissionController

     * Inserts one or more [Record] and returns newly assigned
     * [] generated. Insertion of
     * multiple [records] is executed in a transaction - if one fails, none is inserted.
     * @param records List of records to insert
     * @return List of unique identifiers in the order of inserted records.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * For example, to insert basic data like step counts:
     * @sample
     * To insert more complex data like nutrition for a user who’s eaten a banana:
     * @sample
     * To insert some heart rate data:
     * @sample
     * [] can be used to
     * deduplicate data with a client provided unique identifier. When a subsequent [insertRecords]
     * is called with the same
     * [], whichever [Record]
     * with the higher
     * [] takes
     * precedence.
    suspend fun insertRecords(records: List<Record>): InsertRecordsResponse

     * Updates one or more [Record] of given UIDs to newly specified values. Update of multiple
     * [records] is executed in a transaction - if one fails, none is inserted.
     * @param records List of records to update
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures. Update with invalid identifiers
     *   will result in IPC failure.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
    suspend fun updateRecords(records: List<Record>)

     * Deletes one or more [Record] by their identifiers. Deletion of multiple [Record] is executed
     * in single transaction - if one fails, none is deleted.
     * @param recordType Which type of [Record] to delete, such as `Steps::class`
     * @param recordIdsList List of [] of
     *   [Record] to delete
     * @param clientRecordIdsList List of client record IDs of [Record] to delete
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures. Deleting by invalid identifiers
     *   such as a non-existing identifier or deleting the same record multiple times will result in
     *   IPC failure.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example usage to delete written steps data by its unique identifier:
     * @sample
    suspend fun deleteRecords(
        recordType: KClass<out Record>,
        recordIdsList: List<String>,
        clientRecordIdsList: List<String>,

     * Deletes any [Record] of the given [recordType] in the given [timeRangeFilter] (automatically
     * filtered to [Record] belonging to the calling application). Deletion of multiple [Record] is
     * executed in a transaction - if one fails, none is deleted.
     * @param recordType Which type of [Record] to delete, such as `Steps::class`
     * @param timeRangeFilter The [TimeRangeFilter] to delete from
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example usage to delete written steps data in a time range:
     * @sample
    suspend fun deleteRecords(recordType: KClass<out Record>, timeRangeFilter: TimeRangeFilter)

     * Reads one [Record] point with its [recordType] and [recordId].
     * @param recordType Which type of [Record] to read, such as `Steps::class`
     * @param recordId [] of [Record] to
     *   read
     * @return The [Record] data point.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures. Update with invalid identifiers
     *   will result in IPC failure.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
    suspend fun <T : Record> readRecord(
        recordType: KClass<T>,
        recordId: String
    ): ReadRecordResponse<T>

     * Retrieves a collection of [Record]s.
     * @param T the type of [Record]
     * @param request [ReadRecordsRequest] object specifying time range and other filters
     * @return a response containing a collection of [Record]s.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example code to read basic data like step counts:
     * @sample
    suspend fun <T : Record> readRecords(request: ReadRecordsRequest<T>): ReadRecordsResponse<T>

     * Reads [AggregateMetric]s according to requested read criteria: [Record]s from
     * [AggregateRequest.dataOriginFilter] and within [AggregateRequest.timeRangeFilter].
     * @param request [AggregateRequest] object specifying [AggregateMetric]s to aggregate and other
     *   filters.
     * @return the [AggregationResult] that contains aggregated values.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example code to aggregate cumulative data like distance:
     * @sample
     * Example code to retrieve statistical aggregates like maximum or minimum heart rate:
     * @sample
    suspend fun aggregate(request: AggregateRequest): AggregationResult

     * Reads [AggregateMetric]s according to requested read criteria specified in
     * [AggregateGroupByDurationRequest].
     * This method is similar to [aggregate] but instead of returning one [AggregationResult] for
     * the entire query's time interval, it returns a list of [AggregationResultGroupedByDuration],
     * with each row keyed by start and end time. For example: steps for today bucketed by hours.
     * An [AggregationResultGroupedByDuration] is returned only if there are [Record] to aggregate
     * within start and end time of the row.
     * @param request [AggregateGroupByDurationRequest] object specifying [AggregateMetric]s to
     *   aggregate and other filters.
     * @return a list of [AggregationResultGroupedByDuration]s, each contains aggregated values and
     *   start/end time of the row. The list is sorted by time in ascending order.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example code to retrieve cumulative step count for each minute within provided time range:
     * @sample
    suspend fun aggregateGroupByDuration(
        request: AggregateGroupByDurationRequest,
    ): List<AggregationResultGroupedByDuration>

     * Reads [AggregateMetric]s according to requested read criteria specified in
     * [AggregateGroupByPeriodRequest].
     * This method is similar to [aggregate] but instead of returning one [AggregationResult] for
     * the entire query's time interval, it returns a list of [AggregationResultGroupedByPeriod],
     * with each row keyed by start and end time. For example: steps for this month bucketed by day.
     * An [AggregationResultGroupedByPeriod] is returned only if there are [Record] to aggregate
     * within start and end time of the row.
     * @param request [AggregateGroupByPeriodRequest] object specifying [AggregateMetric]s to
     *   aggregate and other filters.
     * @return a list of [AggregationResultGroupedByPeriod]s, each contains aggregated values and
     *   start/end time of the row. The list is sorted by time in ascending order.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * Example code to retrieve cumulative step count for each month within provided time range:
     * @sample
    suspend fun aggregateGroupByPeriod(
        request: AggregateGroupByPeriodRequest,
    ): List<AggregationResultGroupedByPeriod>

     * Retrieves a changes-token, representing a point in time in the underlying Android Health
     * Platform for a given [ChangesTokenRequest]. Changes-tokens are used in [getChanges] to
     * retrieve changes since that point in time.
     * Changes-tokens represent a point in time after which the client is interested in knowing the
     * changes for a set of interested types of [Record] and optional [DataOrigin] filters.
     * Changes-tokens are only valid for 30 days after they're generated. Calls to [getChanges] with
     * an expired changes-token will lead to [ChangesResponse.changesTokenExpired]
     * @param request Includes interested types of record to observe changes and optional filters.
     * @return a changes-token
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * @see getChanges
    suspend fun getChangesToken(request: ChangesTokenRequest): String

     * Registers the provided [notificationIntentAction] and [recordTypes] for data notifications.
     * Health Connect will automatically broadcast notification messages to the client application
     * with the action specified by [notificationIntentAction] argument. Messages are sent when the
     * data specified by [recordTypes] is updated. Messages may not be sent immediately, but in
     * batches.
     * The client application must have a read permission granted for a [Record] in order to receive
     * notifications for it.
     * The client application must have a [BroadcastReceiver][android.content.BroadcastReceiver]
     * registered, either in the `AndroidManifest.xml` file or at runtime. The registered
     * `BroadcastReceiver` must have an [IntentFilter][android.content.IntentFilter] specified with
     * the same action as in [notificationIntentAction] argument. [DataNotification]
     * [] can be used to extract
     * data from the received [Intent].
     * @param notificationIntentAction an action to be used for broadcast messages.
     * @param recordTypes specifies [Record] types of interest.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * @see unregisterFromDataNotifications
     * @see
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY) // Not yet ready for public
    suspend fun registerForDataNotifications(
        notificationIntentAction: String,
        recordTypes: Iterable<KClass<out Record>>,

     * Unregisters the provided [notificationIntentAction] from data notifications.
     * @param notificationIntentAction an action previously registered using
     *   [registerForDataNotifications] method.
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IOException For any disk I/O issues.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * @see registerForDataNotifications
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY) // Not yet ready for public
    suspend fun unregisterFromDataNotifications(notificationIntentAction: String)

     * Retrieves changes in Android Health Platform, from a specific point in time represented by
     * provided [changesToken].
     * The response returned may not provide all the changes due to IPC or memory limits, see
     * [ChangesResponse.hasMore]. Clients can make more api calls to fetch more changes from the
     * Android Health Platform with updated [ChangesResponse.nextChangesToken].
     * Provided [changesToken] may have expired if clients have not synced for extended period of
     * time (such as a month). In this case [ChangesResponse.changesTokenExpired] will be set, and
     * clients should generate a new changes-token via [getChangesToken].
     * ```
     * val response = client.getChanges(changesToken)
     * if (response.changesTokenExpired) {
     *   // Consider re-sync and fetch new changes token.
     * } else {
     *   // Process new insertion/deletions, either update local storage or upload to backends.
     * }
     * ```
     * @param changesToken A Changes-Token that represents a specific point in time in Android
     *   Health Platform.
     * @return a [ChangesResponse] with changes since provided [changesToken].
     * @throws RemoteException For any IPC transportation failures.
     * @throws SecurityException For requests with unpermitted access.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If service is not available.
     * @see getChangesToken
    suspend fun getChanges(changesToken: String): ChangesResponse

    companion object {
        internal const val DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME = ""

        internal const val DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MIN_VERSION_CODE = 35000

         * Intent action to open Health Connect settings on this phone. Developers should use this
         * if they want to re-direct the user to Health Connect.

         * The Health Connect SDK is not unavailable on this device at the time. This can be due to
         * the device running a lower than required Android Version.
         * Apps should hide any integration points to Health Connect in this case.
        const val SDK_UNAVAILABLE = 1
         * The Health Connect SDK APIs are currently unavailable, the provider is either not
         * installed or needs to be updated.
         * Apps may choose to redirect to package installers to find a suitable APK.
         * The Health Connect SDK APIs are available.
         * Apps can subsequently call [getOrCreate] to get an instance of [HealthConnectClient].
        const val SDK_AVAILABLE = 3

        /** Availability Status. */
            value =
        annotation class AvailabilityStatus

         * Determines whether the Health Connect SDK is available on this device at the moment.
         * @param context the context
         * @param providerPackageName optional package provider to choose for backend implementation
         *   [SDK_AVAILABLE]
         * @sample
        fun sdkStatus(
            context: Context,
            providerPackageName: String = DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME,
        ): Int {
            if (!isApiSupported()) {
                return SDK_UNAVAILABLE
            if (!isProviderAvailable(context, providerPackageName)) {
            return SDK_AVAILABLE

         * Determines whether the current Health Connect SDK is supported on this device. If it is
         * not supported, then installing any provider will not help - instead disable the
         * integration.
         * @return whether the api is supported on the device.
        @Deprecated("use sdkStatus()", ReplaceWith("sdkStatus(context)"))
        public fun isApiSupported(): Boolean {
            return isSdkVersionSufficient()

         * Determines whether an implementation of [HealthConnectClient] is available on this device
         * at the moment. If none is available, apps may choose to redirect to package installers to
         * find suitable providers.
         * @param context the context
         * @param providerPackageName optional package provider to choose for backend implementation
         * @return whether the api is available
        @Deprecated("use sdkStatus()", ReplaceWith("sdkStatus(context)"))
        public fun isProviderAvailable(
            context: Context,
            providerPackageName: String = DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME,
        ): Boolean {
            if (!isApiSupported()) {
                return false
            return isPackageInstalled(context.packageManager, providerPackageName)

         * Retrieves an IPC-backed [HealthConnectClient] instance binding to an available
         * implementation.
         * @param context the context
         * @param providerPackageName optional alternative package provider to choose for backend
         *   implementation
         * @return instance of [HealthConnectClient] ready for issuing requests
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if service not available due to SDK version too low
         * @throws IllegalStateException if service not available due to not installed
         * @see isProviderAvailable
        public fun getOrCreate(
            context: Context,
            providerPackageName: String = DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME,
        ): HealthConnectClient {
            if (!isApiSupported()) {
                throw UnsupportedOperationException("SDK version too low")
            if (!isProviderAvailable(context, providerPackageName)) {
                throw IllegalStateException("Service not available")
            return HealthConnectClientImpl(
                HealthDataService.getClient(context, providerPackageName)

        @ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.P)
        internal fun isSdkVersionSufficient() = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P

        internal fun isPackageInstalled(
            packageManager: PackageManager,
            packageName: String,
        ): Boolean {
            val packageInfo: PackageInfo =
                try {
                    @Suppress("Deprecation") // getPackageInfo deprecated in T
                    packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, /* flags= */ 0)
                } catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) {
                    return false
            return packageInfo.applicationInfo.enabled &&
                (packageName != DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME ||
                    PackageInfoCompat.getLongVersionCode(packageInfo) >=
                        DEFAULT_PROVIDER_MIN_VERSION_CODE) &&
                hasBindableService(packageManager, packageName)

        internal fun hasBindableService(
            packageManager: PackageManager,
            packageName: String
        ): Boolean {
            val bindIntent = Intent()
            @Suppress("Deprecation") // deprecated in T
            return packageManager.queryIntentServices(bindIntent, 0).isNotEmpty()

         * Tag used in SDK debug logs.
         * @suppress
        internal const val HEALTH_CONNECT_CLIENT_TAG = "HealthConnectClient"