 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.media3.transformer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkStateNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.SDK_INT;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.Math.floor;

import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Size;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.MimeTypes;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Log;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.RequiresNonNull;

/** A default implementation of {@link Codec.EncoderFactory}. */
// TODO(b/224949986) Split audio and video encoder factory.
public final class DefaultEncoderFactory implements Codec.EncoderFactory {
  private static final int DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = 30;
  private static final String TAG = "DefaultEncoderFactory";

  private final EncoderSelector videoEncoderSelector;
  private final VideoEncoderSettings requestedVideoEncoderSettings;
  private final boolean enableFallback;

   * Creates a new instance using the {@link EncoderSelector#DEFAULT default encoder selector}, a
   * default {@link VideoEncoderSettings}, and with format fallback enabled.
  public DefaultEncoderFactory() {
    this(EncoderSelector.DEFAULT, /* enableFallback= */ true);

  /** Creates a new instance using a default {@link VideoEncoderSettings}. */
  public DefaultEncoderFactory(EncoderSelector videoEncoderSelector, boolean enableFallback) {
    this(videoEncoderSelector, VideoEncoderSettings.DEFAULT, enableFallback);

   * Creates a new instance.
   * <p>With format fallback enabled, when the requested {@link Format} is not supported, {@code
   * DefaultEncoderFactory} finds a format that is supported by the device and configures the {@link
   * Codec} with it. The fallback process may change the requested {@link Format#sampleMimeType MIME
   * type}, resolution, {@link Format#bitrate bitrate}, {@link Format#codecs profile/level} etc.
   * <p>Values in {@code requestedVideoEncoderSettings} could be adjusted to improve encoding
   * quality and/or reduce failures. Specifically, {@link VideoEncoderSettings#profile} and {@link
   * VideoEncoderSettings#level} are ignored for {@link MimeTypes#VIDEO_H264}. Consider implementing
   * {@link Codec.EncoderFactory} if such adjustments are unwanted.
   * <p>{@code requestedVideoEncoderSettings} should be handled with care because there is no
   * fallback support for it. For example, using incompatible {@link VideoEncoderSettings#profile}
   * and {@link VideoEncoderSettings#level} can cause codec configuration failure. Setting an
   * unsupported {@link VideoEncoderSettings#bitrateMode} may cause encoder instantiation failure.
   * @param videoEncoderSelector The {@link EncoderSelector}.
   * @param requestedVideoEncoderSettings The {@link VideoEncoderSettings}.
   * @param enableFallback Whether to enable fallback.
  public DefaultEncoderFactory(
      EncoderSelector videoEncoderSelector,
      VideoEncoderSettings requestedVideoEncoderSettings,
      boolean enableFallback) {
    this.videoEncoderSelector = videoEncoderSelector;
    this.requestedVideoEncoderSettings = requestedVideoEncoderSettings;
    this.enableFallback = enableFallback;

  public Codec createForAudioEncoding(Format format, List<String> allowedMimeTypes)
      throws TransformationException {
    // TODO(b/210591626) Add encoder selection for audio.
    if (!allowedMimeTypes.contains(format.sampleMimeType)) {
      if (enableFallback) {
        // TODO(b/210591626): Pick fallback MIME type using same strategy as for encoder
        // capabilities limitations.
        format = format.buildUpon().setSampleMimeType(allowedMimeTypes.get(0)).build();
      } else {
        throw createTransformationException(format);
    MediaFormat mediaFormat =
            checkNotNull(format.sampleMimeType), format.sampleRate, format.channelCount);
    mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, format.bitrate);

    String mediaCodecName = EncoderUtil.findCodecForFormat(mediaFormat, /* isDecoder= */ false);
    if (mediaCodecName == null) {
      throw createTransformationException(format);
    return new DefaultCodec(
        format, mediaFormat, mediaCodecName, /* isDecoder= */ false, /* outputSurface= */ null);

  public Codec createForVideoEncoding(Format format, List<String> allowedMimeTypes)
      throws TransformationException {
    if (format.frameRate == Format.NO_VALUE) {
      format = format.buildUpon().setFrameRate(DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE).build();
    checkArgument(format.width != Format.NO_VALUE);
    checkArgument(format.height != Format.NO_VALUE);
    // According to interface Javadoc, format.rotationDegrees should be 0. The video should always
    // be encoded in landscape orientation.
    checkArgument(format.height <= format.width);
    checkArgument(format.rotationDegrees == 0);

    VideoEncoderQueryResult encoderAndClosestFormatSupport =

    if (encoderAndClosestFormatSupport == null) {
      throw createTransformationException(format);

    MediaCodecInfo encoderInfo = encoderAndClosestFormatSupport.encoder;
    format = encoderAndClosestFormatSupport.supportedFormat;
    VideoEncoderSettings supportedVideoEncoderSettings =

    String mimeType = checkNotNull(format.sampleMimeType);
    MediaFormat mediaFormat = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(mimeType, format.width, format.height);
    mediaFormat.setFloat(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, format.frameRate);
        supportedVideoEncoderSettings.bitrate != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
            ? supportedVideoEncoderSettings.bitrate
            : getSuggestedBitrate(format.width, format.height, format.frameRate));

    mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.bitrateMode);

    if (supportedVideoEncoderSettings.profile != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
        && supportedVideoEncoderSettings.level != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
        && SDK_INT >= 23) {
      // Set profile and level at the same time to maximize compatibility, or the encoder will pick
      // the values.
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.profile);
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_LEVEL, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.level);

    if (mimeType.equals(MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264)) {
      adjustMediaFormatForH264EncoderSettings(mediaFormat, encoderInfo);

        MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.colorProfile);

    if (Util.SDK_INT >= 25) {
          MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.iFrameIntervalSeconds);
    } else {
      float iFrameIntervalSeconds = supportedVideoEncoderSettings.iFrameIntervalSeconds;
      // Only integer I-frame intervals are supported before API 25.
      // Round up values in (0, 1] to avoid the special 'all keyframes' behavior when passing 0.
          (iFrameIntervalSeconds > 0f && iFrameIntervalSeconds <= 1f)
              ? 1
              : (int) floor(iFrameIntervalSeconds));

    if (Util.SDK_INT >= 23) {
      // Setting operating rate and priority is supported from API 23.
      if (supportedVideoEncoderSettings.operatingRate != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE) {
            MediaFormat.KEY_OPERATING_RATE, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.operatingRate);
      if (supportedVideoEncoderSettings.priority != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE) {
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PRIORITY, supportedVideoEncoderSettings.priority);

    return new DefaultCodec(
        /* isDecoder= */ false,
        /* outputSurface= */ null);

  public boolean videoNeedsEncoding() {
    return !requestedVideoEncoderSettings.equals(VideoEncoderSettings.DEFAULT);

   * Finds an {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoder} that supports the requested format most closely.
   * <p>Returns the {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoder} and the supported {@link Format} in a {@link
   * Pair}, or {@code null} if none is found.
  private static VideoEncoderQueryResult findEncoderWithClosestFormatSupport(
      Format requestedFormat,
      VideoEncoderSettings videoEncoderSettings,
      EncoderSelector encoderSelector,
      List<String> allowedMimeTypes,
      boolean enableFallback) {
    String requestedMimeType = requestedFormat.sampleMimeType;
    String mimeType = findFallbackMimeType(encoderSelector, requestedMimeType, allowedMimeTypes);
    if (mimeType == null || (!enableFallback && !requestedMimeType.equals(mimeType))) {
      return null;

    List<MediaCodecInfo> encodersForMimeType = encoderSelector.selectEncoderInfos(mimeType);
    if (encodersForMimeType.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    if (!enableFallback) {
      return new VideoEncoderQueryResult(
          encodersForMimeType.get(0), requestedFormat, videoEncoderSettings);

    ImmutableList<MediaCodecInfo> filteredEncoders =
            encodersForMimeType, mimeType, requestedFormat.width, requestedFormat.height);
    if (filteredEncoders.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    // The supported resolution is the same for all remaining encoders.
    Size finalResolution =
                filteredEncoders.get(0), mimeType, requestedFormat.width, requestedFormat.height));

    int requestedBitrate =
        videoEncoderSettings.bitrate != VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
            ? videoEncoderSettings.bitrate
            : getSuggestedBitrate(
                finalResolution.getWidth(), finalResolution.getHeight(), requestedFormat.frameRate);
    filteredEncoders = filterEncodersByBitrate(filteredEncoders, mimeType, requestedBitrate);
    if (filteredEncoders.isEmpty()) {
      return null;

    filteredEncoders =
        filterEncodersByBitrateMode(filteredEncoders, mimeType, videoEncoderSettings.bitrateMode);
    if (filteredEncoders.isEmpty()) {
      return null;

    MediaCodecInfo pickedEncoder = filteredEncoders.get(0);
    int closestSupportedBitrate =
        EncoderUtil.getSupportedBitrateRange(pickedEncoder, mimeType).clamp(requestedBitrate);
    VideoEncoderSettings.Builder supportedEncodingSettingBuilder =

    if (videoEncoderSettings.profile == VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
        || videoEncoderSettings.level == VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE
        || videoEncoderSettings.level
            > EncoderUtil.findHighestSupportedEncodingLevel(
                pickedEncoder, mimeType, videoEncoderSettings.profile)) {
          VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE, VideoEncoderSettings.NO_VALUE);

    Format supportedEncoderFormat =
    return new VideoEncoderQueryResult(
        pickedEncoder, supportedEncoderFormat,;

  /** Returns a list of encoders that support the requested resolution most closely. */
  private static ImmutableList<MediaCodecInfo> filterEncodersByResolution(
      List<MediaCodecInfo> encoders, String mimeType, int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight) {
    return filterEncoders(
        /* cost= */ (encoderInfo) -> {
          Size closestSupportedResolution =
                  encoderInfo, mimeType, requestedWidth, requestedHeight);
          if (closestSupportedResolution == null) {
            // Drops encoder.
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
          return abs(
              requestedWidth * requestedHeight
                  - closestSupportedResolution.getWidth() * closestSupportedResolution.getHeight());
        /* filterName= */ "resolution");

  /** Returns a list of encoders that support the requested bitrate most closely. */
  private static ImmutableList<MediaCodecInfo> filterEncodersByBitrate(
      List<MediaCodecInfo> encoders, String mimeType, int requestedBitrate) {
    return filterEncoders(
        /* cost= */ (encoderInfo) -> {
          int achievableBitrate =
              EncoderUtil.getSupportedBitrateRange(encoderInfo, mimeType).clamp(requestedBitrate);
          return abs(achievableBitrate - requestedBitrate);
        /* filterName= */ "bitrate");

  /** Returns a list of encoders that support the requested bitrate mode. */
  private static ImmutableList<MediaCodecInfo> filterEncodersByBitrateMode(
      List<MediaCodecInfo> encoders, String mimeType, int requestedBitrateMode) {
    return filterEncoders(
        /* cost= */ (encoderInfo) ->
            EncoderUtil.isBitrateModeSupported(encoderInfo, mimeType, requestedBitrateMode)
                ? 0
                : Integer.MAX_VALUE, // Drops encoder.
        /* filterName= */ "bitrate mode");

  private static final class VideoEncoderQueryResult {
    public final MediaCodecInfo encoder;
    public final Format supportedFormat;
    public final VideoEncoderSettings supportedEncoderSettings;

    public VideoEncoderQueryResult(
        MediaCodecInfo encoder,
        Format supportedFormat,
        VideoEncoderSettings supportedEncoderSettings) {
      this.encoder = encoder;
      this.supportedFormat = supportedFormat;
      this.supportedEncoderSettings = supportedEncoderSettings;

   * Applying suggested profile/level settings from
   * <p>The adjustment is applied in-place to {@code mediaFormat}.
  private static void adjustMediaFormatForH264EncoderSettings(
      MediaFormat mediaFormat, MediaCodecInfo encoderInfo) {
    // TODO(b/210593256): Remove overriding profile/level (before API 29) after switching to in-app
    // muxing.
    String mimeType = MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264;
    if (Util.SDK_INT >= 29) {
      int expectedEncodingProfile = MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh;
      int supportedEncodingLevel =
              encoderInfo, mimeType, expectedEncodingProfile);
      if (supportedEncodingLevel != EncoderUtil.LEVEL_UNSET) {
        // Use the highest supported profile and use B-frames.
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE, expectedEncodingProfile);
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_LEVEL, supportedEncodingLevel);
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_B_FRAMES, 1);
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 26) {
      int expectedEncodingProfile = MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh;
      int supportedEncodingLevel =
              encoderInfo, mimeType, expectedEncodingProfile);
      if (supportedEncodingLevel != EncoderUtil.LEVEL_UNSET) {
        // Use the highest-supported profile, but disable the generation of B-frames using
        // MediaFormat.KEY_LATENCY. This accommodates some limitations in the MediaMuxer in these
        // system versions.
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE, expectedEncodingProfile);
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_LEVEL, supportedEncodingLevel);
        // TODO(b/210593256): Set KEY_LATENCY to 2 to enable B-frame production after switching to
        // in-app muxing.
        mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_LATENCY, 1);
    } else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 24) {
      int expectedEncodingProfile = MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileBaseline;
      int supportedLevel =
              encoderInfo, mimeType, expectedEncodingProfile);
      checkState(supportedLevel != EncoderUtil.LEVEL_UNSET);
      // Use the baseline profile for safest results, as encoding in baseline is required per
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE, expectedEncodingProfile);
      mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_LEVEL, supportedLevel);
    // For API levels below 24, setting profile and level can lead to failures in MediaCodec
    // configuration. The encoder selects the profile/level when we don't set them.

  private interface EncoderFallbackCost {
     * Returns a cost that represents the gap between the requested encoding parameter(s) and the
     * {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoder}'s support for them.
     * <p>The method must return {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} when the {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo
     * encoder} does not support the encoding parameters.
    int getParameterSupportGap(MediaCodecInfo encoderInfo);

   * Filters a list of {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoders} by a {@linkplain EncoderFallbackCost
   * cost function}.
   * @param encoders A list of {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoders}.
   * @param cost A {@linkplain EncoderFallbackCost cost function}.
   * @return A list of {@linkplain MediaCodecInfo encoders} with the lowest costs, empty if the
   *     costs of all encoders are {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
  private static ImmutableList<MediaCodecInfo> filterEncoders(
      List<MediaCodecInfo> encoders, EncoderFallbackCost cost, String filterName) {
    List<MediaCodecInfo> filteredEncoders = new ArrayList<>(encoders.size());

    int minGap = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = 0; i < encoders.size(); i++) {
      MediaCodecInfo encoderInfo = encoders.get(i);
      int gap = cost.getParameterSupportGap(encoderInfo);
      if (gap == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

      if (gap < minGap) {
        minGap = gap;
      } else if (gap == minGap) {

    List<MediaCodecInfo> removedEncoders = new ArrayList<>(encoders);
    StringBuilder stringBuilder =
        new StringBuilder("Encoders removed for ").append(filterName).append(":\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < removedEncoders.size(); i++) {
      MediaCodecInfo encoderInfo = removedEncoders.get(i);
      stringBuilder.append(Util.formatInvariant("  %s\n", encoderInfo.getName()));
    Log.d(TAG, stringBuilder.toString());

    return ImmutableList.copyOf(filteredEncoders);

   * Finds a {@linkplain MimeTypes MIME type} that is supported by the encoder and in the {@code
   * allowedMimeTypes}.
  private static String findFallbackMimeType(
      EncoderSelector encoderSelector, String requestedMimeType, List<String> allowedMimeTypes) {
    if (mimeTypeIsSupported(encoderSelector, requestedMimeType, allowedMimeTypes)) {
      return requestedMimeType;
    } else if (mimeTypeIsSupported(encoderSelector, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H265, allowedMimeTypes)) {
      return MimeTypes.VIDEO_H265;
    } else if (mimeTypeIsSupported(encoderSelector, MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264, allowedMimeTypes)) {
      return MimeTypes.VIDEO_H264;
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < allowedMimeTypes.size(); i++) {
        String allowedMimeType = allowedMimeTypes.get(i);
        if (mimeTypeIsSupported(encoderSelector, allowedMimeType, allowedMimeTypes)) {
          return allowedMimeType;
    return null;

  private static boolean mimeTypeIsSupported(
      EncoderSelector encoderSelector, String mimeType, List<String> allowedMimeTypes) {
    return !encoderSelector.selectEncoderInfos(mimeType).isEmpty()
        && allowedMimeTypes.contains(mimeType);

   * Computes the video bit rate using the Kush Gauge.
   * <p>{@code kushGaugeBitrate = height * width * frameRate * 0.07 * motionFactor}.
   * <p>Motion factors:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Low motion video - 1
   *   <li>Medium motion video - 2
   *   <li>High motion video - 4
   * </ul>
  private static int getSuggestedBitrate(int width, int height, float frameRate) {
    // TODO(b/210591626) Implement bitrate estimation.
    // Assume medium motion factor.
    // 1080p60 -> 16.6Mbps, 720p30 -> 3.7Mbps.
    return (int) (width * height * frameRate * 0.07 * 2);

  private static TransformationException createTransformationException(Format format) {
    return TransformationException.createForCodec(
        new IllegalArgumentException("The requested encoding format is not supported."),
        /* isDecoder= */ false,
        /* mediaCodecName= */ null,