
 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.transformer;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.ColorInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

/** Information about the result of an export. */
public final class ExportResult {
  /** A builder for {@link ExportResult} instances. */
  public static final class Builder {
    private ImmutableList<ProcessedInput> processedInputs;
    private long durationMs;
    private long fileSizeBytes;
    private int averageAudioBitrate;
    private int channelCount;
    private int sampleRate;
    @Nullable private String audioEncoderName;
    private int averageVideoBitrate;
    @Nullable ColorInfo colorInfo;
    private int height;
    private int width;
    private int videoFrameCount;
    @Nullable private String videoEncoderName;
    @Nullable private ExportException exportException;

    /** Creates a builder. */
    public Builder() {
      processedInputs = ImmutableList.of();
      durationMs = C.TIME_UNSET;
      fileSizeBytes = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      averageAudioBitrate = C.RATE_UNSET_INT;
      channelCount = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      sampleRate = C.RATE_UNSET_INT;
      averageVideoBitrate = C.RATE_UNSET_INT;
      height = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      width = C.LENGTH_UNSET;

    /** Sets the {@linkplain ProcessedInput processed inputs}. */
    public Builder setProcessedInputs(ImmutableList<ProcessedInput> processedInputs) {
      this.processedInputs = processedInputs;
      return this;

     * Sets the duration of the output in milliseconds.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#TIME_UNSET}.
    public Builder setDurationMs(long durationMs) {
      checkArgument(durationMs >= 0 || durationMs == C.TIME_UNSET);
      this.durationMs = durationMs;
      return this;

     * Sets the file size in bytes.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET}.
    public Builder setFileSizeBytes(long fileSizeBytes) {
      checkArgument(fileSizeBytes > 0 || fileSizeBytes == C.LENGTH_UNSET);
      this.fileSizeBytes = fileSizeBytes;
      return this;

     * Sets the average audio bitrate.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT}.
    public Builder setAverageAudioBitrate(int averageAudioBitrate) {
      checkArgument(averageAudioBitrate > 0 || averageAudioBitrate == C.RATE_UNSET_INT);
      this.averageAudioBitrate = averageAudioBitrate;
      return this;

     * Sets the channel count.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET}.
    public Builder setChannelCount(int channelCount) {
      checkArgument(channelCount > 0 || channelCount == C.LENGTH_UNSET);
      this.channelCount = channelCount;
      return this;

     * Sets the sample rate.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT}.
    public Builder setSampleRate(int sampleRate) {
      checkArgument(sampleRate > 0 || sampleRate == C.RATE_UNSET_INT);
      this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
      return this;

    /** Sets the name of the audio encoder used. */
    public Builder setAudioEncoderName(@Nullable String audioEncoderName) {
      this.audioEncoderName = audioEncoderName;
      return this;

     * Sets the average video bitrate.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT}.
    public Builder setAverageVideoBitrate(int averageVideoBitrate) {
      checkArgument(averageVideoBitrate > 0 || averageVideoBitrate == C.RATE_UNSET_INT);
      this.averageVideoBitrate = averageVideoBitrate;
      return this;

    /** Sets the {@link ColorInfo}. */
    public Builder setColorInfo(@Nullable ColorInfo colorInfo) {
      this.colorInfo = colorInfo;
      return this;

     * Sets the height.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET}.
    public Builder setHeight(int height) {
      checkArgument(height > 0 || height == C.LENGTH_UNSET);
      this.height = height;
      return this;

     * Sets the width.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET}.
    public Builder setWidth(int width) {
      checkArgument(width > 0 || width == C.LENGTH_UNSET);
      this.width = width;
      return this;

     * Sets the number of video frames.
     * <p>Must be positive or {@code 0}.
    public Builder setVideoFrameCount(int videoFrameCount) {
      checkArgument(videoFrameCount >= 0);
      this.videoFrameCount = videoFrameCount;
      return this;

    /** Sets the name of the video encoder used. */
    public Builder setVideoEncoderName(@Nullable String videoEncoderName) {
      this.videoEncoderName = videoEncoderName;
      return this;

    /** Sets the {@link ExportException} that caused the export to fail. */
    public Builder setExportException(@Nullable ExportException exportException) {
      this.exportException = exportException;
      return this;

    /** Builds an {@link ExportResult} instance. */
    public ExportResult build() {
      return new ExportResult(

  /** An input entirely or partially processed. */
  public static final class ProcessedInput {
    /** The processed {@link MediaItem}. */
    public final MediaItem mediaItem;
     * The name of the audio decoder used to process {@code mediaItem}. This field is {@code null}
     * if no audio decoder was used.
    public final @MonotonicNonNull String audioDecoderName;
     * The name of the video decoder used to process {@code mediaItem}. This field is {@code null}
     * if no video decoder was used.
    public final @MonotonicNonNull String videoDecoderName;

    /** Creates an instance. */
    public ProcessedInput(
        MediaItem mediaItem, @Nullable String audioDecoderName, @Nullable String videoDecoderName) {
      this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
      this.audioDecoderName = audioDecoderName;
      this.videoDecoderName = videoDecoderName;

  /** The list of {@linkplain ProcessedInput processed inputs}. */
  public final ImmutableList<ProcessedInput> processedInputs;

  /** The duration of the file in milliseconds, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if unset or unknown. */
  public final long durationMs;
  /** The size of the file in bytes, or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET} if unset or unknown. */
  public final long fileSizeBytes;

   * The average bitrate of the audio track data, or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT} if unset or unknown.
  public final int averageAudioBitrate;
  /** The channel count of the audio, or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET} if unset or unknown. */
  public final int channelCount;
  /** The sample rate of the audio, or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT} if unset or unknown. */
  public final int sampleRate;
  /** The name of the audio encoder used, or {@code null} if none were used. */
  @Nullable public final String audioEncoderName;

   * The average bitrate of the video track data, or {@link C#RATE_UNSET_INT} if unset or unknown.
  public final int averageVideoBitrate;
  /** The {@link ColorInfo} of the video, or {@code null} if unset or unknown. */
  @Nullable public final ColorInfo colorInfo;
  /** The height of the video, or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET} if unset or unknown. */
  public final int height;
  /** The width of the video, or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET} if unset or unknown. */
  public final int width;
  /** The number of video frames. */
  public final int videoFrameCount;
  /** The name of the video encoder used, or {@code null} if none were used. */
  @Nullable public final String videoEncoderName;

   * The {@link ExportException} that caused the export to fail, or {@code null} if the export was a
   * success.
  @Nullable public final ExportException exportException;

  private ExportResult(
      ImmutableList<ProcessedInput> processedInputs,
      long durationMs,
      long fileSizeBytes,
      int averageAudioBitrate,
      int channelCount,
      int sampleRate,
      @Nullable String audioEncoderName,
      int averageVideoBitrate,
      @Nullable ColorInfo colorInfo,
      int height,
      int width,
      int videoFrameCount,
      @Nullable String videoEncoderName,
      @Nullable ExportException exportException) {
    this.processedInputs = processedInputs;
    this.durationMs = durationMs;
    this.fileSizeBytes = fileSizeBytes;
    this.averageAudioBitrate = averageAudioBitrate;
    this.channelCount = channelCount;
    this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
    this.audioEncoderName = audioEncoderName;
    this.averageVideoBitrate = averageVideoBitrate;
    this.colorInfo = colorInfo;
    this.height = height;
    this.width = width;
    this.videoFrameCount = videoFrameCount;
    this.videoEncoderName = videoEncoderName;
    this.exportException = exportException;

  public Builder buildUpon() {
    return new Builder()

  public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;
    if (!(o instanceof ExportResult)) {
      return false;
    ExportResult result = (ExportResult) o;
    return Objects.equals(processedInputs, result.processedInputs)
        && durationMs == result.durationMs
        && fileSizeBytes == result.fileSizeBytes
        && averageAudioBitrate == result.averageAudioBitrate
        && channelCount == result.channelCount
        && sampleRate == result.sampleRate
        && Objects.equals(audioEncoderName, result.audioEncoderName)
        && averageVideoBitrate == result.averageVideoBitrate
        && Objects.equals(colorInfo, result.colorInfo)
        && height == result.height
        && width == result.width
        && videoFrameCount == result.videoFrameCount
        && Objects.equals(videoEncoderName, result.videoEncoderName)
        && Objects.equals(exportException, result.exportException);

  public int hashCode() {
    int result = Objects.hashCode(processedInputs);
    result = 31 * result + (int) durationMs;
    result = 31 * result + (int) fileSizeBytes;
    result = 31 * result + averageAudioBitrate;
    result = 31 * result + channelCount;
    result = 31 * result + sampleRate;
    result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(audioEncoderName);
    result = 31 * result + averageVideoBitrate;
    result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(colorInfo);
    result = 31 * result + height;
    result = 31 * result + width;
    result = 31 * result + videoFrameCount;
    result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(videoEncoderName);
    result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(exportException);
    return result;