
 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.room.compiler.processing

import androidx.room.compiler.codegen.XClassName
import androidx.room.compiler.codegen.XTypeName
import androidx.room.compiler.codegen.asClassName
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

 * Represents a type reference
 * @see javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror
 * @see [XArrayType]
interface XType : XAnnotated {
     * The Javapoet [TypeName] representation of the type
    // TODO(b/247248619): Deprecate when more progress is made, otherwise -werror fails the build.
    // @Deprecated(
    //     message = "Use asTypeName().toJavaPoet() to be clear the name is for JavaPoet.",
    //     replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
    //         expression = "asTypeName().toJavaPoet()",
    //         imports = ["androidx.room.compiler.codegen.toJavaPoet"]
    //     )
    // )
    val typeName: TypeName

     * Gets the [XTypeName] representing the type.
    fun asTypeName(): XTypeName

     * Returns the rawType of this type. (e.g. `List<String>` to `List`.
    val rawType: XRawType

     * Nullability declared in the code.
     * For Kotlin types, it will be inferred from type declaration.
     * For Java types, it will be inferred from annotations.
    val nullability: XNullability

     * The resolved direct super types of this type.
     * The interface types, if any, will appear last in the list.
     * See [Types#directSupertypes()](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/lang/model/util/Types.html#directSupertypes(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror))
    val superTypes: List<XType>

     * The [XTypeElement] that represents this type.
     * Note that it might be null if the type is not backed by a type element (e.g. if it is a
     * primitive, wildcard etc)
     * @see isTypeElement
    val typeElement: XTypeElement?

     * Type arguments for the element. Note that they might be either placeholders or real
     * resolvable types depending on the usage.
     * If the type is not declared (e.g. a primitive), the list is empty.
     * @see [javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType.getTypeArguments]
    val typeArguments: List<XType>

     * Returns `true` if this type can be assigned from [other]
    fun isAssignableFrom(other: XType): Boolean

     * Returns `true` if this can be assigned from an instance of [other] without checking for
     * variance.
    fun isAssignableFromWithoutVariance(other: XType): Boolean {
        return isAssignableWithoutVariance(other, this)

    // TODO these is<Type> checks may need to be moved into the implementation.
    //  It is not yet clear how we will model some types in Kotlin (e.g. primitives)
     * Returns `true` if this is an error type.
    fun isError(): Boolean

     * Returns the string representation of a possible default value for this type.
     * (e.g. `0` for `int`, `null` for `String`)
    fun defaultValue(): String

     * Returns boxed version of this type if it is a primitive or itself if it is not a primitive
     * type.
    fun boxed(): XType

     * Returns `true` if this is the None type.
    fun isNone(): Boolean

     * Returns `true` if this is the same raw type as [other]
    fun isTypeOf(other: KClass<*>): Boolean

     * Returns `true` if this represents the same type as [other].
     * TODO: decide on how we want to handle nullability here.
    fun isSameType(other: XType): Boolean

     * Returns the extends bound if this is a wildcard or self.
    fun extendsBoundOrSelf(): XType = extendsBound() ?: this

     * If this is a wildcard with an extends bound, returns that bounded typed.
    fun extendsBound(): XType?

     * Creates a type with nullability [XNullability.NULLABLE] or returns this if the nullability is
     * already [XNullability.NULLABLE].
    fun makeNullable(): XType

     * Creates a type with nullability [XNullability.NONNULL] or returns this if the nullability is
     * already [XNullability.NONNULL].
    fun makeNonNullable(): XType

 * Returns true if this type is a [XTypeVariableType].
fun XType.isTypeVariable(): Boolean {
    contract {
        returns(true) implies (this@isTypeVariable is XTypeVariableType)
    return this is XTypeVariableType

 * Returns true if this is an [XArrayType].
fun XType.isArray(): Boolean {
    contract {
        returns(true) implies (this@isArray is XArrayType)
    return this is XArrayType

private fun isAssignableWithoutVariance(from: XType, to: XType): Boolean {
    val assignable = to.isAssignableFrom(from)
    if (assignable) {
        return true
    val fromTypeArgs = from.typeArguments
    val toTypeArgs = to.typeArguments
    // no type arguments, we don't need extra checks
    if (fromTypeArgs.isEmpty() || fromTypeArgs.size != toTypeArgs.size) {
        return false
    // check erasure version first, if it does not match, no reason to proceed
    if (!to.rawType.isAssignableFrom(from)) {
        return false
    // convert from args to their upper bounds if it exists
    val fromExtendsBounds = fromTypeArgs.map {
    // if there are no upper bound conversions, return.
    if (fromExtendsBounds.all { it == null }) {
        return false
    // try to move the types of the from to their upper bounds. It does not matter for the "to"
    // because Types.isAssignable handles it as it is valid java
    return (fromTypeArgs.indices).all { index ->
            from = fromExtendsBounds[index] ?: fromTypeArgs[index],
            to = toTypeArgs[index]

 * Returns `true` if this is a primitive or boxed int
fun XType.isInt(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_INT ||

 * Returns `true` if this is a primitive or boxed long
fun XType.isLong(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_LONG ||

 * Returns `true` if this is `void`
fun XType.isVoid() = asTypeName() == XTypeName.UNIT_VOID

 * Returns `true` if this is a [Void]
fun XType.isVoidObject(): Boolean = asTypeName().equalsIgnoreNullability(KnownTypeNames.BOXED_VOID)

 * Returns `true` if this is the kotlin [Unit] type.
fun XType.isKotlinUnit(): Boolean = asTypeName().equalsIgnoreNullability(KnownTypeNames.KOTLIN_UNIT)

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `byte`.
fun XType.isByte(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_BYTE ||

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `short`.
fun XType.isShort(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_SHORT ||

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `float`.
fun XType.isFloat(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_FLOAT ||

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `double`.
fun XType.isDouble(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE ||

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `boolean`.
fun XType.isBoolean(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN ||

 * Returns `true` if this represents a `char`.
fun XType.isChar(): Boolean = asTypeName() == XTypeName.PRIMITIVE_CHAR ||

internal object KnownTypeNames {
    val BOXED_VOID = Void::class.asClassName()
    val KOTLIN_UNIT = XClassName.get("kotlin", "Unit")