
 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


package androidx.room.ext

import asTypeElement
import com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue
import javax.lang.model.element.Element
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror
import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor7
import javax.lang.model.util.Types
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

fun Element.hasAnyOf(vararg modifiers: Modifier): Boolean {
    return this.modifiers.any { modifiers.contains(it) }

fun Element.hasAnnotation(klass: KClass<out Annotation>): Boolean {
    return MoreElements.isAnnotationPresent(this, klass.java)

fun Element.hasAnnotation(clazz: Class<out Annotation>): Boolean {
    return MoreElements.isAnnotationPresent(this, clazz)

fun Element.hasAnyOf(vararg klass: KClass<out Annotation>): Boolean {
    return klass.any { MoreElements.isAnnotationPresent(this, it.java) }

fun Element.isNonNull() =
        asType().kind.isPrimitive ||
                hasAnnotation(androidx.annotation.NonNull::class) ||

fun Element.isEntityElement() = this.hasAnnotation(androidx.room.Entity::class)

 * gets all members including super privates. does not handle duplicate field names!!!
// TODO handle conflicts with super: b/35568142
fun TypeElement.getAllFieldsIncludingPrivateSupers(processingEnvironment: ProcessingEnvironment):
        Set<VariableElement> {
    val myMembers = processingEnvironment.elementUtils.getAllMembers(this)
            .filter { it.kind == ElementKind.FIELD }
            .filter { it is VariableElement }
            .map { it as VariableElement }
    if (superclass.kind != TypeKind.NONE) {
        return myMembers + superclass.asTypeElement()
    } else {
        return myMembers

fun TypeElement.getAllMethodsIncludingSupers(): Set<ExecutableElement> {
    val myMethods = ElementFilter.methodsIn(this.enclosedElements).toSet()
    val interfaceMethods = interfaces.flatMap {
    return if (superclass.kind != TypeKind.NONE) {
        myMethods + interfaceMethods + superclass.asTypeElement().getAllMethodsIncludingSupers()
    } else {
        myMethods + interfaceMethods

interface ClassGetter {
    fun getAsTypeMirror(methodName: String): TypeMirror?
    fun getAsTypeMirrorList(methodName: String): List<TypeMirror>
    fun <T : Annotation> getAsAnnotationBox(methodName: String): AnnotationBox<T>
    fun <T : Annotation> getAsAnnotationBoxArray(methodName: String): Array<AnnotationBox<T>>

 * Class that helps to read values from annotations. Simple types as string, int, lists can
 * be read from [value]. If you need to read classes or another annotations from annotation use
 * [getAsTypeMirror], [getAsAnnotationBox] and [getAsAnnotationBoxArray] correspondingly.
class AnnotationBox<T : Annotation>(private val obj: Any) : ClassGetter by (obj as ClassGetter) {
    val value: T = obj as T

private fun <T : Annotation> AnnotationMirror.box(cl: Class<T>): AnnotationBox<T> {
    if (!cl.isAnnotation) {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("$cl is not annotation")
    val map = cl.declaredMethods.associate { method ->
        val value = AnnotationMirrors.getAnnotationValue(this, method.name)
        val returnType = method.returnType
        val defaultValue = method.defaultValue
        val result: Any? = when {
            returnType == Boolean::class.java -> value.getAsBoolean(defaultValue as Boolean)
            returnType == String::class.java -> value.getAsString(defaultValue as String?)
            returnType == Array<String>::class.java -> value.getAsStringList().toTypedArray()
            returnType == emptyArray<Class<*>>()::class.java -> value.toListOfClassTypes()
            returnType == IntArray::class.java -> value.getAsIntList().toIntArray()
            returnType == Class::class.java -> {
                try {
                } catch (notPresent: TypeNotPresentException) {
            returnType == Int::class.java -> value.getAsInt(defaultValue as Int?)
            returnType.isAnnotation -> {
                AnnotationClassVisitor(returnType as Class<out Annotation>).visit(value)
            returnType.isArray && returnType.componentType.isAnnotation -> {
                ListVisitor(returnType.componentType as Class<out Annotation>).visit(value)
            returnType.isEnum -> {
                value.getAsEnum(returnType as Class<out Enum<*>>)
            else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("$returnType isn't supported")
        method.name to result
    return AnnotationBox(Proxy.newProxyInstance(ClassGetter::class.java.classLoader,
            arrayOf(cl, ClassGetter::class.java)) { _, method, args ->
        when (method.name) {
            ClassGetter::getAsTypeMirror.name -> map[args[0]]
            ClassGetter::getAsTypeMirrorList.name -> map[args[0]]
            "getAsAnnotationBox" -> map[args[0]]
            "getAsAnnotationBoxArray" -> map[args[0]]
            else -> map[method.name]

fun <T : Annotation> Element.toAnnotationBox(cl: KClass<T>) =
        MoreElements.getAnnotationMirror(this, cl.java).orNull()?.box(cl.java)

private class ListVisitor<T : Annotation>(private val annotationClass: Class<T>) :
    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<Array<AnnotationBox<T>>, Void?>() {
    override fun visitArray(
        values: MutableList<out AnnotationValue>?,
        void: Void?
    ): Array<AnnotationBox<T>> {
        val visitor = AnnotationClassVisitor(annotationClass)
        return values?.mapNotNull { visitor.visit(it) }?.toTypedArray() ?: emptyArray()

private class AnnotationClassVisitor<T : Annotation>(private val annotationClass: Class<T>) :
    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<AnnotationBox<T>?, Void?>() {
    override fun visitAnnotation(a: AnnotationMirror?, v: Void?) = a?.box(annotationClass)

// code below taken from dagger2
// compiler/src/main/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ConfigurationAnnotations.java
private val TO_LIST_OF_TYPES = object :
    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<List<TypeMirror>, Void?>() {
    override fun visitArray(values: MutableList<out AnnotationValue>?, p: Void?): List<TypeMirror> {
        return values?.mapNotNull {
            val tmp = TO_TYPE.visit(it)
        } ?: emptyList()

    override fun defaultAction(o: Any?, p: Void?): List<TypeMirror>? {
        return emptyList()

private val TO_TYPE = object : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<TypeMirror, Void>() {

    override fun visitType(t: TypeMirror, p: Void?): TypeMirror {
        return t

    override fun defaultAction(o: Any?, p: Void?): TypeMirror {
        throw TypeNotPresentException(o!!.toString(), null)

private fun AnnotationValue.toListOfClassTypes(): List<TypeMirror> {
    return TO_LIST_OF_TYPES.visit(this)

private fun AnnotationValue.toClassType(): TypeMirror? {
    return TO_TYPE.visit(this)

fun TypeMirror.isCollection(): Boolean {
    return MoreTypes.isType(this) &&
            (MoreTypes.isTypeOf(java.util.List::class.java, this) ||
                    MoreTypes.isTypeOf(java.util.Set::class.java, this))

private val ANNOTATION_VALUE_TO_INT_VISITOR = object : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<Int?, Void>() {
    override fun visitInt(i: Int, p: Void?): Int? {
        return i

    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<Boolean?, Void>() {
    override fun visitBoolean(b: Boolean, p: Void?): Boolean? {
        return b

    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<String?, Void>() {
    override fun visitString(s: String?, p: Void?): String? {
        return s

    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<List<String>, Void>() {
    override fun visitArray(vals: MutableList<out AnnotationValue>?, p: Void?): List<String> {
        return vals?.mapNotNull {
        } ?: emptyList()

    SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<List<Int>, Void>() {
    override fun visitArray(vals: MutableList<out AnnotationValue>?, p: Void?): List<Int> {
        return vals?.mapNotNull {
        } ?: emptyList()

private fun AnnotationValue.getAsInt(def: Int? = null): Int? {
    return ANNOTATION_VALUE_TO_INT_VISITOR.visit(this) ?: def

private fun AnnotationValue.getAsIntList(): List<Int> {

private fun AnnotationValue.getAsString(def: String? = null): String? {
    return ANNOTATION_VALUE_TO_STRING_VISITOR.visit(this) ?: def

private fun AnnotationValue.getAsBoolean(def: Boolean): Boolean {
    return ANNOTATION_VALUE_TO_BOOLEAN_VISITOR.visit(this) ?: def

private fun AnnotationValue.getAsStringList(): List<String> {

private fun <T : Enum<*>> AnnotationValue.getAsEnum(enumClass: Class<T>): T {
    return object : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<T, Void>() {
        override fun visitEnumConstant(value: VariableElement?, p: Void?): T {
            return enumClass.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String::class.java)
                    .invoke(null, value!!.simpleName.toString()) as T

// a variant of Types.isAssignable that ignores variance.
fun Types.isAssignableWithoutVariance(from: TypeMirror, to: TypeMirror): Boolean {
    val assignable = isAssignable(from, to)
    if (assignable) {
        return true
    if (from.kind != TypeKind.DECLARED || to.kind != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
        return false
    val declaredFrom = MoreTypes.asDeclared(from)
    val declaredTo = MoreTypes.asDeclared(to)
    val fromTypeArgs = declaredFrom.typeArguments
    val toTypeArgs = declaredTo.typeArguments
    // no type arguments, we don't need extra checks
    if (fromTypeArgs.isEmpty() || fromTypeArgs.size != toTypeArgs.size) {
        return false
    // check erasure version first, if it does not match, no reason to proceed
    if (!isAssignable(erasure(from), erasure(to))) {
        return false
    // convert from args to their upper bounds if it exists
    val fromExtendsBounds = fromTypeArgs.map {
    // if there are no upper bound conversions, return.
    if (fromExtendsBounds.all { it == null }) {
        return false
    // try to move the types of the from to their upper bounds. It does not matter for the "to"
    // because Types.isAssignable handles it as it is valid java
    return (0 until fromTypeArgs.size).all { index ->
                from = fromExtendsBounds[index] ?: fromTypeArgs[index],
                to = toTypeArgs[index])

// converts ? in Set< ? extends Foo> to Foo
fun TypeMirror.extendsBound(): TypeMirror? {
    return this.accept(object : SimpleTypeVisitor7<TypeMirror?, Void?>() {
        override fun visitWildcard(type: WildcardType, ignored: Void?): TypeMirror? {
            return type.extendsBound ?: type.superBound
    }, null)

 * If the type mirror is in form of ? extends Foo, it returns Foo; otherwise, returns the TypeMirror
 * itself.
fun TypeMirror.extendsBoundOrSelf(): TypeMirror {
    return extendsBound() ?: this

 * Suffix of the Kotlin synthetic class created interface method implementations.
const val DEFAULT_IMPLS_CLASS_NAME = "DefaultImpls"

 * Finds the default implementation method corresponding to this Kotlin interface method.
fun ExecutableElement.findKotlinDefaultImpl(typeUtils: Types): ExecutableElement? {
    fun paramsMatch(ourParams: List<VariableElement>, theirParams: List<VariableElement>): Boolean {
        if (ourParams.size != theirParams.size - 1) {
            return false
        ourParams.forEachIndexed { i, variableElement ->
            // Plus 1 to their index because their first param is a self object.
            if (!typeUtils.isSameType(theirParams[i + 1].asType(), variableElement.asType())) {
                return false
        return true

    val parent = this.enclosingElement as TypeElement
    val innerClass = parent.enclosedElements.find {
        it.kind == ElementKind.CLASS && it.simpleName.contentEquals(DEFAULT_IMPLS_CLASS_NAME)
    } ?: return null
    return ElementFilter.methodsIn(innerClass.enclosedElements).find {
        it.simpleName == this.simpleName && paramsMatch(this.parameters, it.parameters)

 * Finds the Kotlin's suspend function return type by inspecting the type param of the Continuation
 * parameter of the function. This method assumes the executable type is a suspend function.
 * @see KotlinMetadataElement.isSuspendFunction
fun ExecutableType.getSuspendFunctionReturnType(): TypeMirror {
    // the continuation parameter is always the last parameter of a suspend function and it only has
    // one type parameter, e.g Continuation<? super T>
    val typeParam = MoreTypes.asDeclared(parameterTypes.last()).typeArguments.first()
    return typeParam.extendsBoundOrSelf() // reduce the type param