
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import androidx.arch.core.internal.SafeIterableMap
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.sqlite.db.SimpleSQLiteQuery
import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteDatabase
import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteStatement
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean

 * InvalidationTracker keeps a list of tables modified by queries and notifies its callbacks about
 * these tables.
// Some details on how the InvalidationTracker works:
// * An in memory table is created with (table_id, invalidated) table_id is a hardcoded int from
// initialization, while invalidated is a boolean bit to indicate if the table has been invalidated.
// * ObservedTableTracker tracks list of tables we should be watching (e.g. adding triggers for).
// * Before each beginTransaction, RoomDatabase invokes InvalidationTracker to sync trigger states.
// * After each endTransaction, RoomDatabase invokes InvalidationTracker to refresh invalidated
// tables.
// * Each update (write operation) on one of the observed tables triggers an update into the
// memory table table, flipping the invalidated flag ON.
// * When multi-instance invalidation is turned on, MultiInstanceInvalidationClient will be created.
// It works as an Observer, and notifies other instances of table invalidation.
open class InvalidationTracker @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX) constructor(
    internal val database: RoomDatabase,
    private val shadowTablesMap: Map<String, String>,
    private val viewTables: Map<String, @JvmSuppressWildcards Set<String>>,
    vararg tableNames: String
) {
    internal val tableIdLookup: Map<String, Int>
    internal val tablesNames: Array<out String>

    private var autoCloser: AutoCloser? = null

    val pendingRefresh = AtomicBoolean(false)

    private var initialized = false

    internal var cleanupStatement: SupportSQLiteStatement? = null

    private val observedTableTracker: ObservedTableTracker = ObservedTableTracker(tableNames.size)

    private val invalidationLiveDataContainer: InvalidationLiveDataContainer =

    internal val observerMap = SafeIterableMap<Observer, ObserverWrapper>()

    private var multiInstanceInvalidationClient: MultiInstanceInvalidationClient? = null

    private val syncTriggersLock = Any()

    private val trackerLock = Any()

    init {
        tableIdLookup = mutableMapOf()
        tablesNames = Array(tableNames.size) { id ->
            val tableName = tableNames[id].lowercase(Locale.US)
            tableIdLookup[tableName] = id
            val shadowTableName = shadowTablesMap[tableNames[id]]?.lowercase(Locale.US)
            shadowTableName ?: tableName

        // Adjust table id lookup for those tables whose shadow table is another already mapped
        // table (e.g. external content fts tables).
        shadowTablesMap.forEach { entry ->
            val shadowTableName = entry.value.lowercase(Locale.US)
            if (tableIdLookup.containsKey(shadowTableName)) {
                val tableName = entry.key.lowercase(Locale.US)
                tableIdLookup[tableName] = tableIdLookup.getValue(shadowTableName)

     * Used by the generated code.
     * @hide
    constructor(database: RoomDatabase, vararg tableNames: String) :
            database = database,
            shadowTablesMap = emptyMap(),
            viewTables = emptyMap(),
            tableNames = tableNames

     * Sets the auto closer for this invalidation tracker so that the invalidation tracker can
     * ensure that the database is not closed if there are pending invalidations that haven't yet
     * been flushed.
     * This also adds a callback to the autocloser to ensure that the InvalidationTracker is in
     * an ok state once the table is invalidated.
     * This must be called before the database is used.
     * @param autoCloser the autocloser associated with the db
    internal fun setAutoCloser(autoCloser: AutoCloser) {
        this.autoCloser = autoCloser

     * Internal method to initialize table tracking.
     * You should never call this method, it is called by the generated code.
    internal fun internalInit(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
        synchronized(trackerLock) {
            if (initialized) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Invalidation tracker is initialized twice :/.")

            // These actions are not in a transaction because temp_store is not allowed to be
            // performed on a transaction, and recursive_triggers is not affected by transactions.
            database.execSQL("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;")
            database.execSQL("PRAGMA recursive_triggers='ON';")
            cleanupStatement = database.compileStatement(RESET_UPDATED_TABLES_SQL)
            initialized = true

    // TODO: Close CleanupStatement
    internal fun onAutoCloseCallback() {
        synchronized(trackerLock) {
            initialized = false

    internal fun startMultiInstanceInvalidation(
        context: Context,
        name: String,
        serviceIntent: Intent
    ) {
        multiInstanceInvalidationClient = MultiInstanceInvalidationClient(
            context = context,
            name = name,
            serviceIntent = serviceIntent,
            invalidationTracker = this,
            executor = database.queryExecutor

    internal fun stopMultiInstanceInvalidation() {
        multiInstanceInvalidationClient = null

    private fun stopTrackingTable(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase, tableId: Int) {
        val tableName = tablesNames[tableId]
        for (trigger in TRIGGERS) {
            val sql = buildString {
                append("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ")
                append(getTriggerName(tableName, trigger))

    private fun startTrackingTable(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase, tableId: Int) {
        val tableName = tablesNames[tableId]
        for (trigger in TRIGGERS) {
            val sql = buildString {
                append("CREATE TEMP TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS ")
                append(getTriggerName(tableName, trigger))
                append(" AFTER ")
                append(" ON `")
                append("` BEGIN UPDATE ")
                append(" SET ").append(INVALIDATED_COLUMN_NAME)
                append(" = 1")
                append(" WHERE ").append(TABLE_ID_COLUMN_NAME)
                append(" = ").append(tableId)
                append(" AND ").append(INVALIDATED_COLUMN_NAME)
                append(" = 0")
                append("; END")

     * Adds the given observer to the observers list and it will be notified if any table it
     * observes changes.
     * Database changes are pulled on another thread so in some race conditions, the observer might
     * be invoked for changes that were done before it is added.
     * If the observer already exists, this is a no-op call.
     * If one of the tables in the Observer does not exist in the database, this method throws an
     * [IllegalArgumentException].
     * This method should be called on a background/worker thread as it performs database
     * operations.
     * @param observer The observer which listens the database for changes.
    open fun addObserver(observer: Observer) {
        val tableNames = resolveViews(observer.tables)
        val tableIds = { tableName ->
                ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("There is no table with name $tableName")

        val wrapper = ObserverWrapper(
            observer = observer,
            tableIds = tableIds,
            tableNames = tableNames

        val currentObserver = synchronized(observerMap) {
            observerMap.putIfAbsent(observer, wrapper)
        if (currentObserver == null && observedTableTracker.onAdded(*tableIds)) {

    private fun validateAndResolveTableNames(tableNames: Array<out String>): Array<out String> {
        val resolved = resolveViews(tableNames)
        resolved.forEach { tableName ->
            require(tableIdLookup.containsKey(tableName.lowercase(Locale.US))) {
                "There is no table with name $tableName"
        return resolved

     * Resolves the list of tables and views into a list of unique tables that are underlying them.
     * @param names The names of tables or views.
     * @return The names of the underlying tables.
    private fun resolveViews(names: Array<out String>): Array<out String> {
        return buildSet {
            names.forEach { name ->
                if (viewTables.containsKey(name.lowercase(Locale.US))) {
                } else {

     * Adds an observer but keeps a weak reference back to it.
     * Note that you cannot remove this observer once added. It will be automatically removed
     * when the observer is GC'ed.
     * @param observer The observer to which InvalidationTracker will keep a weak reference.
     * @hide
    open fun addWeakObserver(observer: Observer) {
        addObserver(WeakObserver(this, observer))

     * Removes the observer from the observers list.
     * This method should be called on a background/worker thread as it performs database
     * operations.
     * @param observer The observer to remove.
    open fun removeObserver(observer: Observer) {
        val wrapper = synchronized(observerMap) {
        if (wrapper != null && observedTableTracker.onRemoved(tableIds = wrapper.tableIds)) {

    internal fun ensureInitialization(): Boolean {
        if (!database.isOpen) {
            return false
        if (!initialized) {
            // trigger initialization
        if (!initialized) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "database is not initialized even though it is open")
            return false
        return true

    val refreshRunnable: Runnable = object : Runnable {
        override fun run() {
            val closeLock = database.getCloseLock()
            val invalidatedTableIds: Set<Int> =
                try {
                    if (!ensureInitialization()) {
                    if (!pendingRefresh.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
                        // no pending refresh
                    if (database.inTransaction()) {
                        // current thread is in a transaction. when it ends, it will invoke
                        // refreshRunnable again. pendingRefresh is left as false on purpose
                        // so that the last transaction can flip it on again.

                    // This transaction has to be on the underlying DB rather than the RoomDatabase
                    // in order to avoid a recursive loop after endTransaction.
                    val db = database.openHelper.writableDatabase
                    val invalidatedTableIds: Set<Int>
                    try {
                        invalidatedTableIds = checkUpdatedTable()
                    } finally {
                } catch (ex: IllegalStateException) {
                    // may happen if db is closed. just log.
                        LOG_TAG, "Cannot run invalidation tracker. Is the db closed?",
                } catch (ex: SQLiteException) {
                        LOG_TAG, "Cannot run invalidation tracker. Is the db closed?",
                } finally {

            if (invalidatedTableIds.isNotEmpty()) {
                synchronized(observerMap) {
                    observerMap.forEach {

        private fun checkUpdatedTable(): Set<Int> {
            val invalidatedTableIds = buildSet {
                database.query(SimpleSQLiteQuery(SELECT_UPDATED_TABLES_SQL)).useCursor { cursor ->
                    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            if (invalidatedTableIds.isNotEmpty()) {
                val statement = cleanupStatement
            return invalidatedTableIds

     * Enqueues a task to refresh the list of updated tables.
     * This method is automatically called when [RoomDatabase.endTransaction] is called but
     * if you have another connection to the database or directly use [ ], you may need to call this
     * manually.
    open fun refreshVersionsAsync() {
        // TODO we should consider doing this sync instead of async.
        if (pendingRefresh.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            // refreshVersionsAsync is called with the ref count incremented from
            // RoomDatabase, so the db can't be closed here, but we need to be sure that our
            // db isn't closed until refresh is completed. This increment call must be
            // matched with a corresponding call in refreshRunnable.

     * Check versions for tables, and run observers synchronously if tables have been updated.
     * @hide
    open fun refreshVersionsSync() {
        // This increment call must be matched with a corresponding call in refreshRunnable.

     * Notifies all the registered [Observer]s of table changes.
     * This can be used for notifying invalidation that cannot be detected by this
     * [InvalidationTracker], for example, invalidation from another process.
     * @param tables The invalidated tables.
     * @hide
    @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
    fun notifyObserversByTableNames(vararg tables: String) {
        synchronized(observerMap) {
            observerMap.forEach { (observer, wrapper) ->
                if (!observer.isRemote) {

    internal fun syncTriggers(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
        if (database.inTransaction()) {
            // we won't run this inside another transaction.
        try {
            val closeLock = this.database.getCloseLock()
            try {
                // Serialize adding and removing table trackers, this is specifically important
                // to avoid missing invalidation before a transaction starts but there are
                // pending (possibly concurrent) observer changes.
                synchronized(syncTriggersLock) {
                    val tablesToSync = observedTableTracker.getTablesToSync() ?: return
                    try {
                        tablesToSync.forEachIndexed { tableId, syncState ->
                            when (syncState) {
                                ObservedTableTracker.ADD ->
                                    startTrackingTable(database, tableId)
                                ObservedTableTracker.REMOVE ->
                                    stopTrackingTable(database, tableId)
                    } finally {
            } finally {
        } catch (ex: IllegalStateException) {
            // may happen if db is closed. just log.
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot run invalidation tracker. Is the db closed?", ex)
        } catch (ex: SQLiteException) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot run invalidation tracker. Is the db closed?", ex)

     * Called by RoomDatabase before each beginTransaction call.
     * It is important that pending trigger changes are applied to the database before any query
     * runs. Otherwise, we may miss some changes.
     * This api should eventually be public.
    internal fun syncTriggers() {
        if (!database.isOpen) {

     * Creates a LiveData that computes the given function once and for every other invalidation
     * of the database.
     * Holds a strong reference to the created LiveData as long as it is active.
     * @param computeFunction The function that calculates the value
     * @param tableNames      The list of tables to observe
     * @param T             The return type
     * @return A new LiveData that computes the given function when the given list of tables
     * invalidates.
     * @hide
    @Deprecated("Use [createLiveData(String[], boolean, Callable)]")
    open fun <T> createLiveData(
        tableNames: Array<out String>,
        computeFunction: Callable<T>
    ): LiveData<T> {
        return createLiveData(tableNames, false, computeFunction)

     * Creates a LiveData that computes the given function once and for every other invalidation
     * of the database.
     * Holds a strong reference to the created LiveData as long as it is active.
     * @param tableNames      The list of tables to observe
     * @param inTransaction   True if the computeFunction will be done in a transaction, false
     * otherwise.
     * @param computeFunction The function that calculates the value
     * @param T             The return type
     * @return A new LiveData that computes the given function when the given list of tables
     * invalidates.
     * @hide
    open fun <T> createLiveData(
        tableNames: Array<out String>,
        inTransaction: Boolean,
        computeFunction: Callable<T>
    ): LiveData<T> {
        return invalidationLiveDataContainer.create(
            validateAndResolveTableNames(tableNames), inTransaction, computeFunction

     * Wraps an observer and keeps the table information.
     * Internally table ids are used which may change from database to database so the table
     * related information is kept here rather than in the Observer.
    internal class ObserverWrapper(
        internal val observer: Observer,
        internal val tableIds: IntArray,
        private val tableNames: Array<out String>
    ) {
        private val singleTableSet = if (tableNames.isNotEmpty()) {
        } else {

        init {
            check(tableIds.size == tableNames.size)

         * Notifies the underlying [.mObserver] if any of the observed tables are invalidated
         * based on the given invalid status set.
         * @param invalidatedTablesIds The table ids of the tables that are invalidated.
        internal fun notifyByTableInvalidStatus(invalidatedTablesIds: Set<Int?>) {
            val invalidatedTables = when (tableIds.size) {
                0 -> emptySet()
                1 -> if (invalidatedTablesIds.contains(tableIds[0])) {
                    singleTableSet // Optimization for a single-table observer
                } else {
                else -> buildSet {
                    tableIds.forEachIndexed { idx, tableId ->
                        if (invalidatedTablesIds.contains(tableId)) {

            if (invalidatedTables.isNotEmpty()) {

         * Notifies the underlying [.mObserver] if it observes any of the specified
         * `tables`.
         * @param tables The invalidated table names.
        internal fun notifyByTableNames(tables: Array<out String>) {
            val invalidatedTables = when (tableNames.size) {
                0 -> emptySet()
                1 -> if (tables.any { it.equals(tableNames[0], ignoreCase = true) }) {
                    singleTableSet // Optimization for a single-table observer
                } else {
                else -> buildSet {
                    tables.forEach { table ->
                        tableNames.forEach ourTablesLoop@{ ourTable ->
                            if (ourTable.equals(table, ignoreCase = true)) {
            if (invalidatedTables.isNotEmpty()) {

     * An observer that can listen for changes in the database.
    abstract class Observer(internal val tables: Array<out String>) {
         * Observes the given list of tables and views.
         * @param firstTable The name of the table or view.
         * @param rest       More names of tables or views.
        protected constructor(firstTable: String, vararg rest: String) : this(
            buildList {

         * Called when one of the observed tables is invalidated in the database.
         * @param tables A set of invalidated tables. This is useful when the observer targets
         * multiple tables and you want to know which table is invalidated. This will
         * be names of underlying tables when you are observing views.
        abstract fun onInvalidated(tables: Set<String>)

        internal open val isRemote: Boolean
            get() = false

     * Keeps a list of tables we should observe. Invalidation tracker lazily syncs this list w/
     * triggers in the database.
     * This class is thread safe
    internal class ObservedTableTracker(tableCount: Int) {
        // number of observers per table
        val tableObservers = LongArray(tableCount)

        // trigger state for each table at last sync
        // this field is updated when syncAndGet is called.
        private val triggerStates = BooleanArray(tableCount)

        // when sync is called, this field is returned. It includes actions as ADD, REMOVE, NO_OP
        private val triggerStateChanges = IntArray(tableCount)

        var needsSync = false

         * @return true if # of triggers is affected.
        fun onAdded(vararg tableIds: Int): Boolean {
            var needTriggerSync = false
            synchronized(this) {
                tableIds.forEach { tableId ->
                    val prevObserverCount = tableObservers[tableId]
                    tableObservers[tableId] = prevObserverCount + 1
                    if (prevObserverCount == 0L) {
                        needsSync = true
                        needTriggerSync = true
            return needTriggerSync

         * @return true if # of triggers is affected.
        fun onRemoved(vararg tableIds: Int): Boolean {
            var needTriggerSync = false
            synchronized(this) {
                tableIds.forEach { tableId ->
                    val prevObserverCount = tableObservers[tableId]
                    tableObservers[tableId] = prevObserverCount - 1
                    if (prevObserverCount == 1L) {
                        needsSync = true
                        needTriggerSync = true
            return needTriggerSync

         * If we are re-opening the db we'll need to add all the triggers that we need so change
         * the current state to false for all.
        fun resetTriggerState() {
            synchronized(this) {
                Arrays.fill(triggerStates, false)
                needsSync = true

         * If this returns non-null, you must call onSyncCompleted.
         * @return int[] An int array where the index for each tableId has the action for that
         * table.
        fun getTablesToSync(): IntArray? {
            synchronized(this) {
                if (!needsSync) {
                    return null
                tableObservers.forEachIndexed { i, observerCount ->
                    val newState = observerCount > 0
                    if (newState != triggerStates[i]) {
                        triggerStateChanges[i] = if (newState) ADD else REMOVE
                    } else {
                        triggerStateChanges[i] = NO_OP
                    triggerStates[i] = newState
                needsSync = false
                return triggerStateChanges.clone()

        internal companion object {
            const val NO_OP = 0 // don't change trigger state for this table
            const val ADD = 1 // add triggers for this table
            const val REMOVE = 2 // remove triggers for this table

     * An Observer wrapper that keeps a weak reference to the given object.
     * This class will automatically unsubscribe when the wrapped observer goes out of memory.
    internal class WeakObserver(
        val tracker: InvalidationTracker,
        delegate: Observer
    ) : Observer(delegate.tables) {
        val delegateRef: WeakReference<Observer> = WeakReference(delegate)
        override fun onInvalidated(tables: Set<String>) {
            val observer = delegateRef.get()
            if (observer == null) {
            } else {

    companion object {
        private val TRIGGERS = arrayOf("UPDATE", "DELETE", "INSERT")
        private const val UPDATE_TABLE_NAME = "room_table_modification_log"
        private const val TABLE_ID_COLUMN_NAME = "table_id"
        private const val INVALIDATED_COLUMN_NAME = "invalidated"
        private const val CREATE_TRACKING_TABLE_SQL =

        internal const val RESET_UPDATED_TABLES_SQL =
                "WHERE $INVALIDATED_COLUMN_NAME = 1"

        internal const val SELECT_UPDATED_TABLES_SQL =

        internal fun getTriggerName(
            tableName: String,
            triggerType: String
        ) = "`room_table_modification_trigger_${tableName}_$triggerType`"

        internal fun beginTransactionInternal(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN &&
            ) {
            } else {