 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.test.runner;

import static androidx.test.internal.util.ReflectionUtil.reflectivelyInvokeRemoteMethod;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Debug;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.test.filters.LargeTest;
import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.RunnerArgs;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.TestExecutor;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.TestRequestBuilder;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.ActivityFinisherRunListener;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.CoverageListener;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.DelayInjector;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.LogRunListener;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.listener.SuiteAssignmentPrinter;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.tracker.AnalyticsBasedUsageTracker;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.tracker.UsageTrackerRegistry.AxtVersions;
import androidx.test.orchestrator.instrumentationlistener.OrchestratedInstrumentationListener;
import androidx.test.orchestrator.instrumentationlistener.OrchestratedInstrumentationListener.OnConnectListener;
import androidx.test.runner.lifecycle.ApplicationLifecycleCallback;
import androidx.test.runner.lifecycle.ApplicationLifecycleMonitorRegistry;
import androidx.test.runner.screenshot.ScreenCaptureProcessor;
import androidx.test.runner.screenshot.Screenshot;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.junit.runner.Request;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener;
import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;

 * An {@link Instrumentation} that runs JUnit3 and JUnit4 tests against an Android package
 * (application).
 * <p>Based on and replacement for {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}. Supports a
 * superset of {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} features, while maintaining
 * command/output format compatibility with that class.
 * <h3>Typical Usage</h3>
 * <p>Write JUnit3 style {@link junit.framework.TestCase}s and/or JUnit4 style <a
 * href=""><code>Test</code></a>s that perform
 * tests against the classes in your package. Make use of the {@link
 * androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry} if needed.
 * <p>In an appropriate AndroidManifest.xml, define an instrumentation with android:name set to
 * {@link androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner} and the appropriate android:targetPackage set.
 * <p>
 * <h4>Execution options:</h4>
 * <p><b>Running all tests:</b> adb shell am instrument -w
 * <p><b>Running all tests in a class:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e class
 * <p><b>Running a single test:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e class
 * <p><b>Running all tests in multiple classes:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e class
 * <p><b>Running all tests except those in a particular class:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e
 * notClass
 * <p><b>Running all but a single test:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e notClass
 * <p><b>Running all tests listed in a file:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e testFile
 * /sdcard/tmp/testFile.txt The file
 * should contain a list of line separated package names or test classes and optionally methods.
 * Valid package names consist of one or more java identifiers delimited by the '.' character, in
 * which the first character of the last identifier is not a capitalized letter. Valid class names
 * consist of one or more java identifiers delimited by the '.' character, in which the first
 * character of the last identifier is a capitalized letter. Valid method names are valid class
 * names with a '#' character and an additional java identifier appended to the end. (expected class
 * format: (expected package format:
 * <p><b>Running all tests not listed in a file:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e notTestFile
 * /sdcard/tmp/notTestFile.txt The file
 * should contain a list of line separated package names or test classes and optionally methods.
 * Valid package names consist of one or more java identifiers delimited by the '.' character, in
 * which the first character of the last identifier is not a capitalized letter. Valid class names
 * consist of one or more java identifiers delimited by the '.' character, in which the first
 * character of the last identifier is a capitalized letter. Valid method names are valid class
 * names with a '#' character and an additional java identifier appended to the end. (expected class
 * format: (expected package format:
 * <p><b>Running all tests in a java package:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e package
 * <p><b>Running all tests except a particular package:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e notPackage
 * <p><b>To debug your tests, set a break point in your code and pass:</b> -e debug true
 * <p><b>Running a specific test size i.e. annotated with {@link SmallTest} or {@link MediumTest} or
 * {@link LargeTest}:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e size [small|medium|large]
 * <p><b>Filter test run to tests with given annotation:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e
 * annotation
 * <p>If used with other options, the resulting test run will contain the intersection of the two
 * options. e.g. "-e size large -e annotation" will run only tests with
 * both the {@link LargeTest} and "" annotations.
 * <p><b>Filter test run to tests <i>with all</i> annotations in a list:</b> adb shell am instrument
 * -w -e annotation,
 * <p><b>Filter test run to tests <i>without</i> given annotation:</b> adb shell am instrument -w -e
 * notAnnotation
 * <p>As above, if used with other options, the resulting test run will contain the intersection of
 * the two options. e.g. "-e size large -e notAnnotation" will run
 * tests with the {@link LargeTest} annotation that do NOT have the ""
 * annotations.
 * <p><b>Filter test run to tests <i>without any</i> of a list of annotations:</b> adb shell am
 * instrument -w -e notAnnotation,
 * <p><b>Filter test run to tests that pass all of a list of custom {@link Filter filter(s)}:</b>
 * adb shell am instrument -w -e filter
 * <p>A {@link Filter} class provided to the {@code filter} option must be public and must provide a
 * public constructor of one of the following patterns. They are searched in order and the first one
 * found is the one that is used.
 * <ol>
 *   <li>{@code <init>()} - a no arguments constructor. This is for filters whose behavior is hard
 *       coded.
 *   <li>{@code <init>(Bundle bundle} - accepts a {@link Bundle} that contains the options passed to
 *       this instance. This is for filters whose behavior needs to be configured through additional
 *       options to {@code am instrument}.
 * </ol>
 * <p><b>Filter test run to a shard of all tests, where numShards is an integer greater than 0 and
 * shardIndex is an integer between 0 (inclusive) and numShards (exclusive):</b> adb shell am
 * instrument -w -e numShards 4 -e shardIndex 1
 * <p><b>Use custom {@link RunnerBuilder builders} to run test classes:</b> adb shell am instrument
 * -w -e runnerBuilder,
 * <p>A {@link RunnerBuilder} class provided to the {@code runnerBuilder} option must be public and
 * must provide a public no-argument constructor.
 * <p><b>To run in 'log only' mode</b> -e log true This option will load and iterate through all
 * test classes and methods, but will bypass actual test execution. Useful for quickly obtaining
 * info on the tests to be executed by an instrumentation command.
 * <p><b>To generate code coverage files (*.ec) that can be used by EMMA or JaCoCo:</b> -e coverage
 * true Note: For this to work, your classes have to be instrumented offline (i.e. at build time) by
 * EMMA/JaCoCo. By default, the code coverage results file will be saved in a
 * /data/data/<app>/files/ file, unless overridden by coverageFile flag (see below)
 * <p><b> To specify EMMA or JaCoCo code coverage results file path:</b> -e coverage true -e
 * coverageFile /sdcard/
 * <p><b> To specify one or more <a
 * href=""><code>
 * RunListener</code></a>s to observe the test run:</b> -e listener
 * <p><b> To use the new order of <a
 * href=""><code>
 * RunListener</code></a>s during a test run: </b> -e newRunListenerMode true
 * <p>New order of listeners guarantee that user defined <a
 * href=""><code>
 * RunListener</code></a>s will be running before any of the default listeners defined in this
 * runner. Legacy order had those user defined listeners running after the default ones.
 * <p></b>Note:</b>The new order will become the default in the future.
 * <p><b> To specify a custom {@link java.lang.ClassLoader} to load the test class: </b> -e
 * classLoader
 * <p><b>Set timeout (in milliseconds) that will be applied to each test:</b> -e timeout_msec 5000
 * <p>Supported for both JUnit3 and JUnit4 style tests. For JUnit3 tests, this flag is the only way
 * to specify timeouts. For JUnit4 tests, this flag overrides timeouts specified via <a
 * href=""><code>org.junit.rules.Timeout
 * </code></a>. Please note that in JUnit4 <a
 * href=""><code>
 * org.junit.Test#timeout()</code></a> annotation will take precedence over both, this flag and <a
 * href=""><code>org.junit.rules.Timeout
 * </code></a> rule.
 * <p><b>To disable Google Analytics:</b> -e disableAnalytics true
 * <p>In order to make sure we are on the right track with each new release, the test runner
 * collects analytics. More specifically, it uploads a hash of the package name of the application
 * under test for each invocation. This allows us to measure both the count of unique packages using
 * this library as well as the volume of usage.
 * <p><b>(Beta)To specify a custom {@link androidx.test.runner.screenshot.ScreenCaptureProcessor} to
 * use when processing a {@link androidx.test.runner.screenshot.ScreenCapture} produced by {@link
 * androidx.test.runner.screenshot.Screenshot#capture}</b>: -e screenCaptureProcessors
 * <p>If no {@link androidx.test.runner.screenshot.ScreenCaptureProcessor} is provided then the
 * {@link androidx.test.runner.screenshot.BasicScreenCaptureProcessor} is used. If one or more are
 * provided the {@link androidx.test.runner.screenshot.BasicScreenCaptureProcessor} is not used
 * unless it is one of the ones provided.
 * <p><b>(Beta) To specify a remote static method for the runner to attempt to call reflectively:
 * </b> adb shell am instrument -w -e remoteMethod
 * <p><b>Note:</b> The method must be static. Usually used to initiate a remote testing client that
 * depends on the runner (e.g. Espresso).
 * <p><b>All arguments can also be specified in the in the AndroidManifest via a meta-data tag:</b>
 * <p>eg. using listeners:
 * <pre>{@code
 * <instrumentation
 *    android:name="androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
 *    android:targetPackage="">
 *    <meta-data
 *        android:name="listener"
 *        android:value="," />
 * </instrumentation>
 * }</pre>
 * Arguments specified via shell will override manifest specified arguments.
public class AndroidJUnitRunner extends MonitoringInstrumentation implements OnConnectListener {

  private static final String LOG_TAG = "AndroidJUnitRunner";

  private Bundle arguments;
  private InstrumentationResultPrinter instrumentationResultPrinter =
      new InstrumentationResultPrinter();
  private RunnerArgs runnerArgs;
  private UsageTrackerFacilitator usageTrackerFacilitator;
  private OrchestratedInstrumentationListener orchestratorListener;

  public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) {
    this.arguments = arguments;

    if (waitForDebugger(runnerArgs)) {
      Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Waiting for debugger to connect...");
      Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Debugger connected.");

    // We are only interested in tracking usage of the primary process.
    if (isPrimaryInstrProcess(runnerArgs.targetProcess)) {
      usageTrackerFacilitator = new UsageTrackerFacilitator(runnerArgs);
    } else {
      usageTrackerFacilitator = new UsageTrackerFacilitator(false);


    for (ApplicationLifecycleCallback listener : runnerArgs.appListeners) {


    if (runnerArgs.orchestratorService != null && isPrimaryInstrProcess(runnerArgs.targetProcess)) {
      // If orchestratorService is provided, and we are the primary process
      // we await onOrchestratorConnect() before we start().
      orchestratorListener = new OrchestratedInstrumentationListener(this);
    } else {
      // If no orchestration service is given, or we are not the primary process we can
      // start() immediately.

  /** Checks if need to wait for debugger. */
  private boolean waitForDebugger(RunnerArgs arguments) {
    return arguments.debug && !arguments.listTestsForOrchestrator;

   * Called when AndroidJUnitRunner connects to a test orchestrator, if the {@code
   * orchestratorService} parameter is set.
   * @hide
  public void onOrchestratorConnect() {

   * Build the arguments.
   * <p>Read from manifest first so manifest-provided args can be overridden with command line
   * arguments
   * @param arguments
  private void parseRunnerArgs(Bundle arguments) {
    runnerArgs = new RunnerArgs.Builder().fromManifest(this).fromBundle(this, arguments).build();

   * Get the Bundle object that contains the arguments passed to the instrumentation
   * @return the Bundle object
  private Bundle getArguments() {
    return arguments;

  InstrumentationResultPrinter getInstrumentationResultPrinter() {
    return instrumentationResultPrinter;

  public void onStart() {

     * The orchestrator cannot collect the list of tests as it is running in a different process
     * than the test app.  On first run, the Orchestrator will ask AJUR to list the tests
     * out that would be run for a given class parameter.  AJUR will then be successively
     * called with whatever it passes back to the orchestratorListener.
    if (runnerArgs.listTestsForOrchestrator && isPrimaryInstrProcess(runnerArgs.targetProcess)) {
      Request testRequest = buildRequest(runnerArgs, getArguments());
      finish(Activity.RESULT_OK, new Bundle());

    if (runnerArgs.remoteMethod != null) {
          runnerArgs.remoteMethod.testClassName, runnerArgs.remoteMethod.methodName);

    if (!isPrimaryInstrProcess(runnerArgs.targetProcess)) {
      Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Runner is idle...");

    Bundle results = new Bundle();
    try {
      TestExecutor.Builder executorBuilder = new TestExecutor.Builder(this);

      addListeners(runnerArgs, executorBuilder);

      Request testRequest = buildRequest(runnerArgs, getArguments());

      results =;

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      final String msg = "Fatal exception when running tests";
      Log.e(LOG_TAG, msg, e);
      // report the exception to instrumentation out
          Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT, msg + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(e));
    finish(Activity.RESULT_OK, results);

  public void finish(int resultCode, Bundle results) {
    try {
      usageTrackerFacilitator.trackUsage("AndroidJUnitRunner", AxtVersions.RUNNER_VERSION);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
      Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Failed to send analytics.", re);
    super.finish(resultCode, results);

  final void addListeners(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    if (args.newRunListenerMode) {
      addListenersNewOrder(args, builder);
    } else {
      addListenersLegacyOrder(args, builder);

  private void addListenersLegacyOrder(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    if (args.logOnly) {
      // Only add the listener that will report the list of tests when running in logOnly
      // mode.
    } else if (args.suiteAssignment) {
      builder.addRunListener(new SuiteAssignmentPrinter());
    } else {
      builder.addRunListener(new LogRunListener());
      if (orchestratorListener != null) {
      } else {
          new ActivityFinisherRunListener(
              new MonitoringInstrumentation.ActivityFinisher(),
              new Runnable() {
                // Yes, this is terrible and weird but avoids adding a new public API
                // outside the internal package.
                public void run() {
      addDelayListener(args, builder);
      addCoverageListener(args, builder);
    addListenersFromArg(args, builder);

  private void addListenersNewOrder(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    // User defined listeners go first, to guarantee running before InstrumentationResultPrinter
    // and ActivityFinisherRunListener. Delay and Coverage Listener are also moved before for the
    // same reason.
    addListenersFromArg(args, builder);
    if (args.logOnly) {
      // Only add the listener that will report the list of tests when running in logOnly
      // mode.
    } else if (args.suiteAssignment) {
      builder.addRunListener(new SuiteAssignmentPrinter());
    } else {
      builder.addRunListener(new LogRunListener());
      addDelayListener(args, builder);
      addCoverageListener(args, builder);
      if (orchestratorListener != null) {
      } else {
          new ActivityFinisherRunListener(
              new MonitoringInstrumentation.ActivityFinisher(),
              new Runnable() {
                // Yes, this is terrible and weird but avoids adding a new public API
                // outside the internal package.
                public void run() {

  private void addScreenCaptureProcessors(RunnerArgs args) {
        new HashSet<ScreenCaptureProcessor>(args.screenCaptureProcessors));

  private void addCoverageListener(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    if (args.codeCoverage) {
      builder.addRunListener(new CoverageListener(args.codeCoveragePath));

  /** Sets up listener to inject a delay between each test, if specified. */
  private void addDelayListener(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    if (args.delayInMillis > 0) {
      builder.addRunListener(new DelayInjector(args.delayInMillis));
    } else if (args.logOnly && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) {
      // On older platforms, collecting tests can fail for large volume of tests.
      // Insert a small delay between each test to prevent this
      builder.addRunListener(new DelayInjector(15 /* msec */));

  private void addListenersFromArg(RunnerArgs args, TestExecutor.Builder builder) {
    for (RunListener listener : args.listeners) {

  public boolean onException(Object obj, Throwable e) {
    InstrumentationResultPrinter instResultPrinter = getInstrumentationResultPrinter();
    if (instResultPrinter != null) {
      // report better error message back to Instrumentation results.
    return super.onException(obj, e);

  /** Builds a {@link Request} based on given input arguments. */
  Request buildRequest(RunnerArgs runnerArgs, Bundle bundleArgs) {

    TestRequestBuilder builder = createTestRequestBuilder(this, bundleArgs);
    if (runnerArgs.classpathToScan.isEmpty()) {
      // Only scan for tests for current apk aka testContext
      // Note that this represents a change from InstrumentationTestRunner where
      // getTargetContext().getPackageCodePath() aka app under test was also scanned
      // Only add the package classpath when no custom classpath is provided in order to
      // avoid duplicate class issues.



  private void registerUserTracker() {
    Context targetContext = getTargetContext();
    if (targetContext != null) {
          new AnalyticsBasedUsageTracker.Builder(targetContext).buildIfPossible());

  /** Factory method for {@link TestRequestBuilder}. */
  TestRequestBuilder createTestRequestBuilder(Instrumentation instr, Bundle arguments) {
    return new TestRequestBuilder(instr, arguments);