
 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.ComponentName
import android.os.Build
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders
import androidx.wear.tiles.ResourceBuilders
import java.time.Instant

/** The wire format for [ComplicationData]. */
internal typealias WireComplicationData =

/** The builder for [WireComplicationData]. */
internal typealias WireComplicationDataBuilder =

 * Base type for all different types of [ComplicationData] types.
 * Please note to aid unit testing of ComplicationDataSourceServices, [equals], [hashCode] and
 * [toString] have been overridden for all the types of ComplicationData, however due to the
 * embedded [Icon] class we have to fall back to reference equality and hashing below API 28 and
 * also for the [Icon]s that don't use either a resource or a uri (these should be rare but they
 * can exist).
 * @property type The [ComplicationType] of this complication data.
 * @property tapAction The [PendingIntent] to send when the complication is tapped on.
 * @property validTimeRange The [TimeRange] within which the complication should be displayed.
 * Whether the complication is active and should be displayed at the given time should be
 * checked with [TimeRange.contains].
 * @property dataSource The [ComponentName] of the
 * [androidx.wear.watchface.complications.datasource.ComplicationDataSourceService] that provided
 * the ComplicationData. This may be `null` when run on old systems.
public sealed class ComplicationData constructor(
    public val type: ComplicationType,
    public val tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    internal var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    public val validTimeRange: TimeRange = TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    public val dataSource: ComponentName?
) {
     * [tapAction] which is a [PendingIntent] unfortunately can't be serialized. This property is
     * 'true' if tapAction has been lost due to serialization (typically because it has been cached
     * locally). When 'true' the watch face should render the complication differently (e.g. as
     * semi-transparent or grayed out) to signal to the user it can't be tapped. The system will
     * subsequently deliver an updated complication, with a tapAction where applicable.
    public var tapActionLostDueToSerialization: Boolean =
        cachedWireComplicationData?.tapActionLostDueToSerialization ?: false

     * Converts this value to [WireComplicationData] object used for serialization.
     * This is only needed internally to convert to the underlying communication protocol.
     * @hide
    public abstract fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData

    internal fun createWireComplicationDataBuilder(): WireComplicationDataBuilder =
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
        } ?: WireComplicationDataBuilder(type.toWireComplicationType()).apply {

    internal open fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {

     * Returns `true` if any of the fields of this ComplicationData are placeholders. I.e. if any
     * fields are equal to: [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER], [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER],
     * [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER], [PhotoImageComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER], or
     * [RangedValueComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER].
    open fun hasPlaceholderFields(): Boolean = false

     * Returns the next [Instant] after [afterInstant] at which any field of the complication may
     * change. If there's no scheduled changes then [Instant.MAX] will be returned.
     * See [ComplicationText.getNextChangeTime]
     * @param afterInstant The reference [Instant], after which changes will be reported.
    public open fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant = Instant.MAX

 * Type that can be sent by any complication data source, regardless of the configured type, when
 * the complication data source has no data to be displayed. If no [placeholder] is included then
 * watch faces may choose whether to render this in some way or leave the slot empty.
 * If a [placeholder] is included than its expected that it will be rendered. Its suggested the
 * watch face renders the placeholder elements (text, title, smallImage, etc...) using solid grey
 * blocks. Any non-placeholder elements included in [placeholder] must be rendered normally.
 * Some watchfaces may not support placeholders and in that case the NoDataComplicationData will
 * be treated as being empty.
 * @property placeholder An optional [ComplicationData] which may contain placeholder fields (see
 * [hasPlaceholderFields]). The type of the placeholder must match the type of the ComplicationData
 * that would have otherwise been sent. The placeholder is expected to be rendered if the watch
 * face has been built with a compatible library, older libraries which don't support placeholders
 * will ignore this field.
public class NoDataComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val placeholder: ComplicationData?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
) : ComplicationData(
    dataSource = null
) {

    /** Constructs a NoDataComplicationData without a [placeholder]. */
    constructor() : this(null, null)

     * Constructs a NoDataComplicationData with a [placeholder] [ComplicationData] which is allowed
     * to contain placeholder fields (see [hasPlaceholderFields]) which must be drawn to look like
     * placeholders. E.g. with grey boxes / arcs.
    constructor(placeholder: ComplicationData) : this(

    val contentDescription: ComplicationText? =
        when (placeholder) {
            is ShortTextComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is LongTextComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is RangedValueComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is MonochromaticImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is SmallImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is PhotoImageComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is GoalProgressComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            is WeightedElementsComplicationData -> placeholder.contentDescription
            else -> null

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
            if (placeholder == null) {
            } else {
                val builder = placeholder.createWireComplicationDataBuilder()
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as NoDataComplicationData

        if (placeholder != other.placeholder) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = placeholder.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NoDataComplicationData(" +
            "placeholder=$placeholder, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange)"

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NO_DATA

 * Type sent when the user has specified that an active complication should have no complication
 * data source, i.e. when the user has chosen "Empty" in the complication data source chooser.
 * Complication data sources cannot send data of this type.
public class EmptyComplicationData : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = null,
    cachedWireComplicationData = null,
    dataSource = null
) {
    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData = asPlainWireComplicationData(type)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return javaClass.hashCode()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "EmptyComplicationData()"

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.EMPTY

 * Type sent when a complication does not have a complication data source configured. The system
 * will send data of this type to watch faces when the user has not chosen a complication data
 * source for an active complication, and the watch face has not set a default complication data
 * source. Complication data sources cannot send data of this type.
public class NotConfiguredComplicationData : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = null,
    cachedWireComplicationData = null,
    dataSource = null
) {
    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData = asPlainWireComplicationData(type)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return javaClass.hashCode()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NotConfiguredComplicationData()"

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NOT_CONFIGURED

 * Type used for complications where the primary piece of data is a short piece of text
 * (expected to be no more than seven characters in length). The text may be accompanied
 * by an icon or a title or both.
 * If only one of icon and title is provided, it is expected that it will be displayed. If both
 * are provided, it is expected that at least one of these will be displayed.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 * as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 * grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it
 * as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light
 * grey box.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class ShortTextComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [ShortTextComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [text] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param text The main localized [ComplicationText]. This must be less than 7 characters long
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val text: ComplicationText,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [ShortTextComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): ShortTextComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as ShortTextComplicationData

        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = text.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ShortTextComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = text.isPlaceholder() || title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true || smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        if (title != null) {
            val titleChangeInstant = title.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            val textChangeInstant = text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            return text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.SHORT_TEXT

        /** The maximum length of [ShortTextComplicationData.text] in characters. */
        public val MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 7

 * Type used for complications where the primary piece of data is a piece of text. The text may
 * be accompanied by an icon and/or a title.
 * The text is expected to always be displayed.
 * The title, if provided, it is expected that this field will be displayed.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. If the text is equal to
 * [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering
 * normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. If the title is equal to
 * [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering
 * normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class LongTextComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [LongTextComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [text] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param text Localized main [ComplicationText] to display within the complication. There
     * isn't an explicit character limit but text may be truncated if too long
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val text: ComplicationText,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(icon: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = icon

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [LongTextComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): LongTextComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as LongTextComplicationData

        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = text.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "LongTextComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = text.isPlaceholder() || title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true || smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        if (title != null) {
            val titleChangeInstant = title.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            val textChangeInstant = text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)
            return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            return text.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant)

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.LONG_TEXT

 * Describes an optional color ramp for the progress bar associated with
 * [RangedValueComplicationData] or [GoalProgressComplicationData]. This is a rendering hint that
 * overrides the normal watch face colors when there's a particular semantic meaning. E.g. red to
 * blue for a ranged value representing temperature.
 * @property colors The colors to render the progress bar with. For [RangedValueComplicationData]
 * the first color corresponds to [RangedValueComplicationData.min] and the last color to
 * [RangedValueComplicationData.max]. For [GoalProgressComplicationData] the first color corresponds
 * to zero and the last color to [GoalProgressComplicationData.targetValue]. A maximum of 7 colors
 * may be specified. When rendered the colors must be evenly spread along the progress bar.
 * @property interpolated If `true` then the colors should be smoothly interpolated when rendering
 * the progress bar. If `false` the colors should be rendered as equal sized regions of solid color,
 * resulting in a noticeable step between each color.
public class ColorRamp(
    @ColorInt val colors: IntArray,
    val interpolated: Boolean
) {
    init {
        require(colors.size <= 7) {
            "colors can have no more than seven entries"

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ColorRamp(colors=[${colors.joinToString()}], interpolated=$interpolated)"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as ColorRamp

        if (!colors.contentEquals(other.colors)) return false
        if (interpolated != other.interpolated) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = colors.contentHashCode()
        result = 31 * result + interpolated.hashCode()
        return result

 * Type used for complications including a numerical value within a range, such as a percentage.
 * The value may be accompanied by an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [value], [min], and [max] fields are required for this type and the value within the
 * range is expected to always be displayed.
 * The icon, title, and text fields are optional and the watch face may choose which of these
 * fields to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property value The [Float] value of this complication which is >= [min] and <= [max] or equal to
 * [PLACEHOLDER]. If it's equal to [PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather
 * than rendering normally, its suggested to be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected
 * by the renderer.
 * @property min The minimum [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property max The maximum [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 * a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a
 * placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class RangedValueComplicationData @OptIn(ComplicationExperimental::class)
internal constructor(
    public val value: Float,
    public val min: Float,
    public val max: Float,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    colorRamp: ColorRamp?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {

     * Optional metadata for [value] which explains renderers may use to influence styling of the
     * ranged value complication.
     * @hide
        value = [
    public annotation class ValueType {
        public companion object {
            /** The default [value] has no special meaning. */
            public const val NONE: Int = 0

             * The default [value] contains integral values, the renderer may chose to style the
             * complication accordingly. E.g. it may draw them with a segmented line/arc.
            public const val DISCRETE: Int = 1

             * The default [value] represents progress towards a goal. E.g. 1200 / 2000 calories
             * burned, or 7500 / 10000 steps.
            public const val PROGRESS: Int = 2

             * The default [value] represents score such as 75/100 oxygen saturation or 25/100 of a
             * task complete. The renderer may choose to style the complication accordingly, perhaps
             * rendering a marker on top of the line/arc.
            public const val SCORE: Int = 3

    /** Optional hint to render the value with the specified [ColorRamp]. */
    val colorRamp: ColorRamp? = colorRamp

     * Builder for [RangedValueComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [value], [min], [max] and [contentDescription] fields and at
     * least one of [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [text] or [title].
     * @param value The value of the ranged complication which should be in the range
     * [[min]] .. [[max]]
     * @param min The minimum value
     * @param max The maximum value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE].
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val value: Float,
        private val min: Float,
        private val max: Float,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null
        private var colorRamp: ColorRamp? = null

        init {
            require(max != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
                "Float.MAX_VALUE is reserved and can't be used for max"

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.text = text

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

         * Sets an optional hint which suggests the renderer draws the complication using a
         * [ColorRamp].
        public fun setColorRamp(colorRamp: ColorRamp?): Builder = apply {
            this.colorRamp = colorRamp

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [RangedValueComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): RangedValueComplicationData {
                monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null
            ) {
                "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
            return RangedValueComplicationData(

    /** @hide */
    public override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)
        colorRamp?.let {

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as RangedValueComplicationData

        if (value != other.value) return false
        if (min != other.min) return false
        if (max != other.max) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false
        if (colorRamp != other.colorRamp) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = value.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + min.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + max.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (text?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + colorRamp.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        val valueString = if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
        } else {
        return "RangedValueComplicationData(value=$valueString, min=$min, max=$max, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = value == PLACEHOLDER || text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        title?.isPlaceholder() == true || monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.RANGED_VALUE

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        public val PLACEHOLDER = Float.MAX_VALUE

 * Type used for complications which show progress towards a goal, E.g. you've done 2400 out of your
 * daily target of 10000 steps. Unlike [RangedValueComplicationData] [value] is allowed to be larger
 * than [targetValue] (e.g. you've done 12000 steps) and renderers may chose to acknowledge this in
 * a special way. The value may be accompanied by an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [value], and [targetValue] fields are required for this type and the progress is expected to
 * always be displayed.
 * The icon, title, and text fields are optional and the watch face may choose which of these
 * fields to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property value The [Float] value of this complication which is >= 0f, this value may be larger
 * than [targetValue]. If it's equal to [PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder
 * rather than rendering normally, its suggested to be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value
 * selected by the renderer.
 * @property targetValue The target [Float] value for this complication.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 * a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a
 * placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class GoalProgressComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val value: Float,
    public val targetValue: Float,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    colorRamp: ColorRamp?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
    /** Optional hint to render the value with the specified [ColorRamp]. */
    val colorRamp: ColorRamp? = colorRamp

     * Builder for [GoalProgressComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [value], [targetValue] and [contentDescription] fields and at
     * least one of [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [text] or [title].
     * @param value The value of the ranged complication which should be >= 0.
     * @param targetValue The target value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE].
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val value: Float,
        private val targetValue: Float,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null
        private var colorRamp: ColorRamp? = null

        init {
            require(targetValue != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
                "Float.MAX_VALUE is reserved and can't be used for target"

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.text = text

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

         * Sets an optional hint which suggests the renderer draws the complication using a
         * [ColorRamp].
        public fun setColorRamp(colorRamp: ColorRamp?): Builder = apply {
            this.colorRamp = colorRamp

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [GoalProgressComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): GoalProgressComplicationData {
                monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null
            ) {
                "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
            return GoalProgressComplicationData(

    /** @hide */
    public override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)
        colorRamp?.let {

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as GoalProgressComplicationData

        if (value != other.value) return false
        if (targetValue != other.targetValue) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false
        if (colorRamp != other.colorRamp) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = value.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + targetValue.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (text?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + colorRamp.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        val valueString = if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
        } else {
        return "GoalProgressComplicationData(value=$valueString, targetValue=$targetValue, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = value == PLACEHOLDER || text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        title?.isPlaceholder() == true || monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.GOAL_PROGRESS

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        public val PLACEHOLDER = Float.MAX_VALUE

 * Type used for complications which want to display the breakdown of something (e.g. nutrition
 * data) perhaps as a pie chart, or as a stacked bar chart etc. The breakdown may be accompanied by
 * an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [elements] field is required for this type and is expected to always be displayed.
 * The [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [title], and [text] fields are optional but at least one
 * of them must be set. The watch face may choose which of these fields to display, if any.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property elements The breakdown of the subject into various [Element]s. E.g. the proportion of
 * calories consumed which were carbohydrates, fats etc... If this is equal to [PLACEHOLDER] then
 * the renderer must display this in a visiually distinct way to suggest to the user that it's
 * placeholder data.  E.g. each rendered is rendered in light grey.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 * a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a
 * placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class WeightedElementsComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val elements: List<Element>,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Describes a single value within a [WeightedElementsComplicationData].
     * @property weight The weight of the Element which must be > zero. The size of the element when
     * rendered should be proportional to its weight. Weights are not required to sum to any
     * particular value.
     * @property color The color of the Element. In conjunction with the other fields this color
     * needs to be meaningful to the user. Tapping on the complication should launch an experience
     * where the data is presented in more detail. Care must be taken to ensure the colors used are
     * consistent.
    class Element(
        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) val weight: Float,
        @ColorInt val color: Int
    ) {
        init {
            require(weight > 0) { "The weight must be > 0" }

        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            if (this === other) return true
            if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

            other as Element

            if (color != other.color) return false
            if (weight != other.weight) return false

            return true

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            var result = color
            result = 31 * result + weight.hashCode()
            return result

        override fun toString(): String {
            return "Element(color=$color, weight=$weight)"

     * Builder for [WeightedElementsComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [elements] field and at least one of [monochromaticImage],
     * [smallImage], [text] or [title].
     * @param elements The breakdown of the subject into various [Element]s. E.g. the proportion of
     * calories consumed which were carbohydrates, fats etc... The [tapAction] must take the user to
     * an experience where the color key becomes obvious.
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val elements: List<Element>,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.text = text

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [GoalProgressComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): WeightedElementsComplicationData {
                monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null
            ) {
                "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
            return WeightedElementsComplicationData(

    /** @hide */
    public override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        builder.setElementWeights( { it.weight }.toFloatArray())
        builder.setElementColors( { it.color }.toIntArray())
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    override fun toString(): String {
        val elementsString = if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
        } else {
        return "WeightedElementsComplicationData(elements=$elementsString, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = elements == PLACEHOLDER ||
        text?.isPlaceholder() == true || title?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true || smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as WeightedElementsComplicationData

        if (elements != other.elements) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = elements.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (text?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        return result

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.WEIGHTED_ELEMENTS

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        public val PLACEHOLDER = emptyList<Element>()

 * Type used for complications including a discrete integer value within a range. E.g. 3 out of 6
 * daily cups of water drunk. The value may be accompanied by an icon and/or short text and title.
 * The [value], [min], and [max] fields are required for this type and the value within the
 * range is expected to always be displayed.
 * The icon, title, and text fields are optional and the watch face may choose which of these
 * fields to display, if any.
 * Unlike [RangedValueComplicationData], DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData doesn't specify a color
 * ramp, this is because the ranged value is expected to be rendered using solid colored segments
 * with watch face selected colors.
 * If a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage] are both specified then only one should be
 * displayed. If the complication is drawn with a single color it's recommended to choose
 * [monochromaticImage] and apply a tint. If the complication is rendered with multiple colors it's
 * recommended to choose the [smallImage]. It's best practice for a ComplicationDataSource to
 * specify both a [monochromaticImage] and a [smallImage].
 * @property value The [Int] value of this complication which is >= [min] and <= [max] or equal to
 * [PLACEHOLDER]. If it's equal to [PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather
 * than rendering normally, its suggested to be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected
 * by the renderer.
 * @property min The minimum [Int] value for this complication.
 * @property max The maximum [Int] value for this complication.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face. If the monochromaticImage is equal to [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must
 * treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as
 * a light grey box.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the title, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the title is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as
 * a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated. If the text is equal to [ComplicationText.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a
 * placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should be rendered as a light grey
 * box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility.
public class DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val value: Int,
    public val min: Int,
    public val max: Int,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [value], [min], [max] and [contentDescription] fields and at
     * least one of [monochromaticImage], [smallImage], [text] or [title].
     * @param value The value of the ranged complication which should be in the range
     * [[min]] .. [[max]]
     * @param min The minimum value
     * @param max The maximum value. This must be less than [Float.MAX_VALUE].
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val value: Int,
        private val min: Int,
        private val max: Int,
        private var contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        init {
            require(max != Int.MAX_VALUE) {
                "Int.MAX_VALUE is reserved and can't be used for max"

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.text = text

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData {
                monochromaticImage != null || smallImage != null || text != null || title != null
            ) {
                "At least one of monochromaticImage, smallImage, text or title must be set"
            return DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData(

    /** @hide */
    public override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData

        if (value != other.value) return false
        if (min != other.min) return false
        if (max != other.max) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = value.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + min.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + max.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (text?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        val valueString = if (WireComplicationData.shouldRedact()) {
        } else {
        return "DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData(value=$valueString, min=$min, max=$max, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, title=$title, " +
            "text=$text, contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = value == PLACEHOLDER || text?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        title?.isPlaceholder() == true || monochromaticImage?.isPlaceholder() == true ||
        smallImage?.isPlaceholder() == true

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.DISCRETE_RANGED_VALUE

         * Used to signal the range should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        public val PLACEHOLDER = Int.MAX_VALUE

 * Type used for complications which consist only of a [MonochromaticImage].
 * The image is expected to always be displayed.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face (typically with SRC_IN). If the monochromaticImage is equal to
 * [MonochromaticImage.PLACEHOLDER] the renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than
 * rendering normally, it's suggested it should be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
 * describe what data the icon represents. If the icon is purely stylistic, and does not convey any
 * information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no content description is
 * provided, a generic content description will be used instead.
public class MonochromaticImageComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [MonochromaticImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [monochromaticImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param monochromaticImage The [MonochromaticImage] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        /** Builds the [MonochromaticImageComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): MonochromaticImageComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as MonochromaticImageComplicationData

        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = monochromaticImage.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = monochromaticImage.isPlaceholder()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "MonochromaticImageComplicationData(monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.MONOCHROMATIC_IMAGE

 * Type used for complications which consist only of a [SmallImage].
 * The image is expected to always be displayed.
 * @property smallImage The [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication. If the smallImage is equal to [SmallImage.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
 * describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not convey
 * any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no content description
 * is provided, a generic content description will be used instead.
public class SmallImageComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val smallImage: SmallImage,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [SmallImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [smallImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param smallImage The [SmallImage] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val smallImage: SmallImage,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        /** Builds the [MonochromaticImageComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): SmallImageComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as SmallImageComplicationData

        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = smallImage.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "SmallImageComplicationData(smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = smallImage.isPlaceholder()

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.SMALL_IMAGE

 * Type used for complications which consist only of an image that is expected to fill a large part
 * of the watch face, large enough to be shown as either a background or as part of a high
 * resolution complication.
 * The image is expected to always be displayed. The image may be shown as the background, any
 * other part of the watch face or within a complication. The image is large enough to be cover
 * the entire screen. The image may be cropped to fit the watch face or complication.
 * @property photoImage The [Icon] that is expected to fill a large part of the watch face, large
 * enough to be shown as either a background or as part of a high resolution complication. This must
 * not be tinted. If the photoImage is equal to [PhotoImageComplicationData.PLACEHOLDER] the
 * renderer must treat it as a placeholder rather than rendering normally, its suggested it should
 * be rendered as a light grey box.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
 * describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not convey
 * any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no content description
 * is provided, a generic content description will be used instead.
public class PhotoImageComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val photoImage: Icon,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = tapAction,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [PhotoImageComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [photoImage] and [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param photoImage The [Icon] to be displayed
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val photoImage: Icon,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [PhotoImageComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): PhotoImageComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as PhotoImageComplicationData

        if (!if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
                IconHelperP.equals(photoImage, other.photoImage)
            } else {
                IconHelperBeforeP.equals(photoImage, other.photoImage)
        ) return false

        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
            var result = IconHelperP.hashCode(photoImage)
            result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
            result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
            result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
            result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        } else {
            var result = IconHelperBeforeP.hashCode(photoImage)
            result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
            result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
            result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
            result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
            result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "PhotoImageComplicationData(photoImage=$photoImage, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription), " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = photoImage.isPlaceholder()

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.PHOTO_IMAGE

         * Used to signal the photo image should be rendered as a placeholder. It's suggested that a
         * placeholder ranged value be drawn as a grey arc with a percentage value selected by the
         * renderer.
         * Note a placeholder may only be used in the context of
         * [NoDataComplicationData.placeholder].
        public val PLACEHOLDER: Icon = createPlaceholderIcon()

 * A complication that contains a serialized protoLayout.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
 * describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not convey
 * any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no content description
 * is provided, a generic content description will be used instead.
public class ProtoLayoutComplicationData
 * @param ambientLayoutWireFormat The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] serialized into a
 * [ByteArray] to be displayed when the device is ambient.
 * @param interactiveLayoutWireFormat The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] serialized into a
 * [ByteArray] to be displayed when the device is interactive.
 * @param layoutResourcesWireFormat The [ResourceBuilders.Resources] serialized into a [ByteArray]
 * for [interactiveLayoutWireFormat] and [ambientLayoutWireFormat].
    private val ambientLayoutWireFormat: ByteArray,
    private val interactiveLayoutWireFormat: ByteArray,
    private val layoutResourcesWireFormat: ByteArray,
    val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) :
        validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource
    ) {

    /** The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] to be displayed when the device is ambient. */
    public val ambientLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.Layout by lazy {

    /** The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] to be displayed when the device is interactive. */
    public val interactiveLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.Layout by lazy {

    /** The [ResourceBuilders.Resources] for [ambientLayout] and [interactiveLayout]. */
    public val layoutResources: ResourceBuilders.Resources by lazy {

     * Builder for [ProtoLayoutComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [ambientLayout], [interactiveLayout], [layoutResources] and
     * [contentDescription] fields.
     * @param ambientLayout The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] serialized into a [ByteArray] to be
     * displayed when the device is ambient
     * @param interactiveLayout The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] serialized into a [ByteArray] to
     * be displayed when the device is interactive
     * @param layoutResources The [ResourceBuilders.Resources] serialized into a [ByteArray] for
     * [interactiveLayout] and [ambientLayout]
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val ambientLayout: ByteArray,
        private val interactiveLayout: ByteArray,
        private val layoutResources: ByteArray,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
         * @param ambientLayout The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] to be displayed when the device
         * is ambient
         * @param interactiveLayout The [LayoutElementBuilders.Layout] to be displayed when the
         * device is interactive
         * @param resources The [ResourceBuilders.Resources] for [interactiveLayout] and
         * [ambientLayout]
         * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
            ambientLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.Layout,
            interactiveLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.Layout,
            resources: ResourceBuilders.Resources,
            contentDescription: ComplicationText
        ) : this(

        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @Suppress("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply { this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData }

        /** Builds the [ProtoLayoutComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): ProtoLayoutComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder()
            .apply { fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(this) }
            .also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as ProtoLayoutComplicationData

        if (!interactiveLayoutWireFormat.contentEquals(other.interactiveLayoutWireFormat))
            return false
        if (!ambientLayoutWireFormat.contentEquals(other.ambientLayoutWireFormat)) return false
        if (!layoutResourcesWireFormat.contentEquals(other.layoutResourcesWireFormat)) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = interactiveLayoutWireFormat.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + ambientLayoutWireFormat.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + layoutResourcesWireFormat.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ProtoLayoutComplicationData(protoLayoutWireFormat=$interactiveLayoutWireFormat, " +
            "ambientProtoLayoutWireFormat=$ambientLayoutWireFormat, " +
            "resourcesWireFormat=$layoutResourcesWireFormat, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.PROTO_LAYOUT

 * A complication that's a list of other complications, typically rendered as a table. E.g. the
 * weather forecast for the next three days could consist of three [ShortTextComplicationData]s
 * displayed in a row of columns.
 * @property complicationList The list of sub [ComplicationData]s to display. This has a maximum
 * size of [ListComplicationData.MAX_ITEMS]. Note complicationList may not include a
 * ListComplicationData.
 * @property contentDescription The content description field for accessibility and is used to
 * describe what data the image represents. If the image is purely stylistic, and does not convey
 * any information to the user, then provide an empty content description. If no content description
 * is provided, a generic content description will be used instead.
 * @property styleHint The [StyleHint] which influences layout.
public class ListComplicationData
internal constructor(
    public val complicationList: List<ComplicationData>,
    public val contentDescription: ComplicationText?,
    tapAction: PendingIntent?,
    validTimeRange: TimeRange?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?,
    public val styleHint: StyleHint
) : ComplicationData(
        tapAction = tapAction,
        cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
        validTimeRange = validTimeRange ?: TimeRange.ALWAYS,
        dataSource = dataSource
    ) {

    init {
        require(complicationList.size <= MAX_ITEMS) {
            "complicationList has a maximum of $MAX_ITEMS entries, but found " +

        for (entry in complicationList) {
            require(entry !is ListComplicationData) {
                "You may not include a ListComplicationData inside a ListComplicationData"

    /** A hint for generating a layout for [ListComplicationData]. */
    enum class StyleHint(private val wireType: Int) {
        /** Hints the list should be displayed as a single column where the entries are rows. */

        /** Hints the list should be displayed as a single row where the entries are columns. */

        override fun toString(): String {
            return "ListComplicationLayoutStyleHint(wireType=$wireType)"

        internal companion object {
            fun fromWireFormat(wireType: Int): StyleHint =
                when (wireType) {
                    ColumnOfRows.ordinal -> ColumnOfRows
                    RowOfColumns.ordinal -> RowOfColumns
                    else ->
                        throw java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Unrecognized ListComplicationLayoutStyleHint wireType $wireType"

     * Builder for [ListComplicationData].
     * You must at a minimum set the [complicationList], [styleHint] and [contentDescription]
     * fields.
     * @param complicationList The list [ComplicationData] to be displayed, typically as a table.
     * Note complicationList may not include a ListComplicationData.
     * @param styleHint The [StyleHint] which influences layout.
     * @param contentDescription Localized description for use by screen readers
    public class Builder(
        private val complicationList: List<ComplicationData>,
        private val styleHint: StyleHint,
        private val contentDescription: ComplicationText
    ) {
        private var tapAction: PendingIntent? = null
        private var validTimeRange: TimeRange? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional pending intent to be invoked when the complication is tapped. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setTapAction(tapAction: PendingIntent?): Builder = apply {
            this.tapAction = tapAction

        /** Sets optional time range during which the complication has to be shown. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // See http://b/174052810
        public fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?): Builder = apply {
            this.validTimeRange = validTimeRange

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply { this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData }

        /** Builds the [ListComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): ListComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder()
            .apply { fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(this) }
            .also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun fillWireComplicationDataBuilder(builder: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
        builder.setListEntryCollection( {
            when (contentDescription) {
                ComplicationText.EMPTY -> null
                else -> contentDescription?.toWireComplicationText()
        setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange, builder)

    override fun hasPlaceholderFields() = false

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as ListComplicationData

        if (complicationList != other.complicationList) return false
        if (contentDescription != other.contentDescription) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false
        if (styleHint != other.styleHint) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = complicationList.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (contentDescription?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + styleHint.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ListComplicationData(complicationList=$complicationList, " +
            "contentDescription=$contentDescription, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource, " +

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.LIST

        /** The maximum number of items in [ListComplicationData.complicationList]. */
        public const val MAX_ITEMS = 5

 * Type sent by the system when the watch face does not have permission to receive complication
 * data.
 * The text, title, and icon may be displayed by watch faces, but this is not required.
 * It is recommended that, where possible, tapping on the complication when in this state
 * should trigger a permission request. Note this is done by
 * [androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlotsManager] for androidx watch faces.
 * @property text The body [ComplicationText] of the complication. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated.
 * @property title The optional title [ComplicationText]. The length of the text, including
 * any time-dependent values at any valid time, is expected to not exceed seven characters. When
 * using this text, the watch face should be able to display any string of up to seven characters
 * (reducing the text size appropriately if the string is very wide). Although not expected, it is
 * possible that strings of more than seven characters might be seen, in which case they may be
 * truncated.
 * @property monochromaticImage A simple [MonochromaticImage] image that can be tinted by the watch
 * face.
 * @property smallImage A [SmallImage] that is expected to cover a small fraction of a watch face
 * occupied by a single complication
public class NoPermissionComplicationData internal constructor(
    public val text: ComplicationText?,
    public val title: ComplicationText?,
    public val monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?,
    public val smallImage: SmallImage?,
    cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?,
    dataSource: ComponentName?
) : ComplicationData(
    tapAction = null,
    cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData,
    dataSource = dataSource
) {
     * Builder for [NoPermissionComplicationData].
    public class Builder {
        private var text: ComplicationText? = null
        private var title: ComplicationText? = null
        private var monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage? = null
        private var smallImage: SmallImage? = null
        private var cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData? = null
        private var dataSource: ComponentName? = null

        /** Sets optional text associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setText(text: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.text = text

        /** Sets optional title associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setTitle(title: ComplicationText?): Builder = apply {
            this.title = title

        /** Sets optional icon associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setMonochromaticImage(monochromaticImage: MonochromaticImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.monochromaticImage = monochromaticImage

        /** Sets optional image associated with the complication data. */
        public fun setSmallImage(smallImage: SmallImage?): Builder = apply {
            this.smallImage = smallImage

         * Sets the [ComponentName] of the ComplicationDataSourceService that provided this
         * ComplicationData, if any.
         * Note a ComplicationDataSourceService does not need to call this because the system will
         * set this value on its behalf.
        public fun setDataSource(dataSource: ComponentName?): Builder = apply {
            this.dataSource = dataSource

        internal fun setCachedWireComplicationData(
            cachedWireComplicationData: WireComplicationData?
        ): Builder = apply {
            this.cachedWireComplicationData = cachedWireComplicationData

        /** Builds the [NoPermissionComplicationData]. */
        public fun build(): NoPermissionComplicationData =

    /** @hide */
    override fun asWireComplicationData(): WireComplicationData {
        cachedWireComplicationData?.let {
            return it
        return createWireComplicationDataBuilder().apply {
        }.build().also { cachedWireComplicationData = it }

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as NoPermissionComplicationData

        if (text != other.text) return false
        if (title != other.title) return false
        if (monochromaticImage != other.monochromaticImage) return false
        if (smallImage != other.smallImage) return false
        if (tapActionLostDueToSerialization != other.tapActionLostDueToSerialization) return false
        if (tapAction != other.tapAction) return false
        if (validTimeRange != other.validTimeRange) return false
        if (dataSource != other.dataSource) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = text?.hashCode() ?: 0
        result = 31 * result + (title?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (monochromaticImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + (smallImage?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + tapActionLostDueToSerialization.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + (tapAction?.hashCode() ?: 0)
        result = 31 * result + validTimeRange.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + dataSource.hashCode()
        return result

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "NoPermissionComplicationData(text=$text, title=$title, " +
            "monochromaticImage=$monochromaticImage, smallImage=$smallImage, " +
            "tapActionLostDueToSerialization=$tapActionLostDueToSerialization, " +
            "tapAction=$tapAction, validTimeRange=$validTimeRange, dataSource=$dataSource)"

    override fun getNextChangeInstant(afterInstant: Instant): Instant {
        val titleChangeInstant = title?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        val textChangeInstant = text?.getNextChangeTime(afterInstant) ?: Instant.MAX
        return if (textChangeInstant.isBefore(titleChangeInstant)) {
        } else {

    /** @hide */
    public companion object {
        /** The [ComplicationType] corresponding to objects of this type. */
        public val TYPE: ComplicationType = ComplicationType.NO_PERMISSION

internal fun WireComplicationData.toPlaceholderComplicationData(): ComplicationData? = when (type) {
    NoDataComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> null

    ShortTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> {
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {

    LongTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> {
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {

    RangedValueComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            value = rangedValue,
            min = rangedMinValue,
            max = rangedMaxValue,
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {
            colorRamp?.let {
                setColorRamp(ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!))

    MonochromaticImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY,

    SmallImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY,

    PhotoImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY,

    // TODO(b/230102159): We need to build support for placeholder ProtoLayoutComplicationData.
    ProtoLayoutComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            .apply {

    ListComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            listEntries!!.map { it.toApiComplicationData() },
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            .apply {

    GoalProgressComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            value = rangedValue,
            targetValue = targetValue,
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {
            colorRamp?.let {
                setColorRamp(ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!))

    DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            value = discreteRangedValue,
            min = discreteRangedMinValue,
            max = discreteRangedMaxValue,
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {

    WeightedElementsComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            elements = if (elementWeights!!.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                val elementWeights = this.elementWeights!!
                val elementColors = this.elementColors!!
                require(elementWeights.size == elementColors.size) {
                    "elementWeights and elementColors must have the same size"
                elementWeights.mapIndexed { index, weight ->
                    WeightedElementsComplicationData.Element(weight, elementColors[index])
            contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
        ).apply {

    else -> null

 * @hide
public fun WireComplicationData.toApiComplicationData(): ComplicationData {
    val wireComplicationData = this
    return when (type) {
        NoDataComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> {
            placeholder?.toPlaceholderComplicationData() ?.let {
            } ?: NoDataComplicationData()

        EmptyComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> EmptyComplicationData()

        NotConfiguredComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->

        ShortTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        LongTextComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        RangedValueComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                value = rangedValue, min = rangedMinValue,
                max = rangedMaxValue,
                contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText()
                    ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {
                colorRamp?.let {
                    setColorRamp(ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!))

        MonochromaticImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        SmallImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        PhotoImageComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        ProtoLayoutComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
                .apply {

        ListComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                listEntries!!.map { it.toApiComplicationData() },
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
                .apply {

        NoPermissionComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
            NoPermissionComplicationData.Builder().apply {

        GoalProgressComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                value = rangedValue,
                targetValue = targetValue,
                contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText()
                    ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {
                colorRamp?.let {
                    setColorRamp(ColorRamp(it, isColorRampInterpolated!!))

        DiscreteRangedValueComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() ->
                value = discreteRangedValue,
                min = discreteRangedMinValue,
                max = discreteRangedMaxValue,
                contentDescription = contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText()
                    ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        WeightedElementsComplicationData.TYPE.toWireComplicationType() -> {
            val elementWeights = this.elementWeights!!
            val elementColors = this.elementColors!!
            require(elementWeights.size == elementColors.size) {
                "elementWeights and elementColors must have the same size"
                elements = elementWeights.mapIndexed { index, weight ->
                    WeightedElementsComplicationData.Element(weight, elementColors[index])
                contentDescription?.toApiComplicationText() ?: ComplicationText.EMPTY
            ).apply {

        else -> NoDataComplicationData()

private fun WireComplicationData.parseTimeRange() =
    if ((startDateTimeMillis == 0L) and (endDateTimeMillis == Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
    } else {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseIcon() =
    icon?.let {
        MonochromaticImage.Builder(it).apply {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseIconPlaceholderAware() =
    icon?.let {
        if (it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {
            MonochromaticImage.Builder(it).apply {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseSmallImage() =
    smallImage?.let {
        val imageStyle = when (smallImageStyle) {
            WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_ICON -> SmallImageType.ICON
            WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_PHOTO -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
            else -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
        SmallImage.Builder(it, imageStyle).apply {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseSmallImagePlaceholderAware() =
    smallImage?.let {
        if (it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {
            val imageStyle = when (smallImageStyle) {
                WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_ICON -> SmallImageType.ICON
                WireComplicationData.IMAGE_STYLE_PHOTO -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
                else -> SmallImageType.PHOTO
            SmallImage.Builder(it, imageStyle).apply {

private fun WireComplicationData.parseLargeImagePlaceholderAware() =
    largeImage?.let {
        if (it.isPlaceholder()) {
        } else {

/** Some of the types, do not have any fields. This method provides a shorthard for that case. */
internal fun asPlainWireComplicationData(type: ComplicationType) =

internal fun setValidTimeRange(validTimeRange: TimeRange?, data: WireComplicationDataBuilder) {
    validTimeRange?.let {
        if (it.startDateTimeMillis > Instant.MIN) {
        if (it.endDateTimeMillis != Instant.MAX) {